Luo Wei admitted that Lu Xiaofeng's words were true.

Five million taels is not a small amount, but an astronomical amount that anyone can look up to, and even the imperial court cannot ignore this wealth.

There are definitely not a few people who take risks for this windfall.

Even the Happy King's subordinates may turn against the water for this money.

Under this reward, the Happy King definitely did not dare to sleep too peacefully, and even paid attention to eating and drinking, whether it would be poisoned by his subordinates.

After all, wealth is touching.

Luo Wei laughed unhappily when he thought of how the Happy King would sleep uncomfortably in the future.

However, at this moment, the mutation protruded.

When Luo Wei, Lu Xiaofeng, and Xue Bing came to a corner, a sword light emerged from the corner.

The speed of the sword light is beyond anyone's imagination.

This sword light pierced Luo Wei's throat between the electric flint, and the sharp sword qi seemed to crush Luo Wei's throat.

"Be careful."

At this moment, Lu Xiaofeng finally reacted and stretched out two fingers to clamp the sword light that flew towards Luo Wei's throat.

This move is his famous stunt Lingxi finger.

But unfortunately, the sword light came too abruptly and too quickly, and when Lu Xiaofeng reacted, it was too late to come to "eight one three".

The sharp sword light had pierced Rowe's throat.

For a while, Lu Xiaofeng's eyes turned gray, and just when he thought that Luo Wei was going to die with this sword, the accident happened again.

I saw that the sword that stabbed Luo Wei's throat was actually bounced back, and when the sneaker was caught off guard, it stabbed the sneak attacker's throat.

The sneak attacker looked at Rowe with a shocked expression, his mouth squirmed a few times, as if he wanted to say something.

But as a result, nothing was said, and the person fell limply.

Lu Xiaofeng looked at Luo Wei with a shocked expression, and blurted out, "What kind of martial art is this?" "

As a hero, Lu Xiaofeng has not seen this kind of martial arts that rebound enemy attacks, such as the transfer of flowers and jade in the Shifting Flower Palace, which is one of the most magical palm techniques in the world.

This is a kind of "overcoming rigidity with softness" and "rear-attacking" exercises, pulling and shifting and rebounding the enemy's martial arts. Megatron, martial arts are full of legends to transfer flowers and jade, and the gods and ghosts are invincible.

But the problem is that no matter how powerful the martial arts, you have to make a move.

Transferring flowers and jade is also a palm technique in magic.

But Rowe didn't seem to have made a move just now.

He could see clearly that Rowe didn't even move a finger, and then after the enemy hit Rowe, his attack was bounced back, killing himself.

This kind of martial arts that you don't even need to do is too amazing to be able to rebound the opponent.

But he didn't know that what Luo Wei had just performed was not a martial art at all, but a spell.


With the Counter-Strike Talisman, any attack that hits Rovi will bounce off as soon as it hits it, and Rowe doesn't need to do it at all.

Because this spell is very convenient, Rowe blesses himself twenty-four hours a day.

Once attacked, the counter-spell is triggered.

Maximum guarantee that Rowe will not be harmed.

In fact, in addition to the counter-spell, Luo Wei also has the protection of the talisman on his body, and Luo Wei will not suffer any damage until he tears these two layers of spells in a row.

More importantly, these two spells can be used alternately.

When the Counter-Strike Charm is broken, the Talisman Charm will take effect.

When the Talisman was broken, Rowe had already added a counter-spell to his body.

In this way, as long as Luo Wei's mana does not dry up, basically no one can hurt himself.

Facing Lu Xiaofeng's question, Luo Wei said lightly: "The one I just used is called the Counter-Strike Divine Skill, and the internal power cultivated is very miraculous, which can rebound the enemy's attacks. "

This sentence is, of course,.

But compared to the spell of the counter-fighting spell, Luo Wei felt that Lu Xiaofeng was more likely to accept the statement of the anti-fight divine skill.

Sure enough, after hearing Luo Wei's explanation, Lu Xiaofeng suddenly said: "It turns out that there is still this kind of martial art in the world, and the rivers and lakes are really unfathomable." "

Luo Wei said: "If I don't have this kind of divine skill, why would I dare to sit against the happy king." "

Lu Xiaofeng was more and more impressed.

On the contrary, Xue Bing on the side made a blank eye, she didn't believe a word about Luo Wei's words, after all, she was someone who knew Luo Wei's details.

The one just now was not a martial art at all, but a spell.

It's just that Lu Xiaofeng was too shocked, so he didn't notice Xue Bing's white eyes.

Xue Bing was too lazy to listen to Luo Wei's nonsense here, and asked, "Go and see, who is the guy who died?" "

Lu Xiaofeng was also curious, walked over to take a look, and couldn't help but gasp.

Xue Bing saw Lu Xiaofeng's face and asked, "Why, this person has a lot of origins." "

Lu Xiaofeng snorted and said, "I know him, he is a little red in the Central Plains." "

A little red in the Central Plains?

Xue Bing was also taken aback, and walked over to take a look at the dead assassin, "Are you sure this person is really a little red in the Central Plains?" "

Lu Xiaofeng nodded, "I had a relationship with him, I didn't expect him to die here because of assassinating the Luo brothers, no wonder the assassin's swordsmanship was so sharp that even I didn't catch it." "

"It seems that he should have come for the 300,000 taels of silver."

"It's a pity that he underestimated Brother Luo's counter-fighting divine skill."

Luo Wei was also a little surprised, and it was a little red in the Central Plains who assassinated him.

That's a surprise.

A group of people stood in place and sighed, Lu Xiaofeng turned his head and said: "Brother Luo, if you don't mind, I want to buy a coffin for this Zhongyuan little red." "

Luo Wei said calmly: "Yes." (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!) )

He and Zhongyuan Little Red have no hatred, since the other party is dead, he naturally will not whip the corpse to vent his anger.

Lu Xiaofeng nodded and left with the body of the Central Plains a little red.

Luo Wei and Xue Bing continued to walk back.

But on the way back, Rowe took out his diary and began to complain.

[An interesting thing happened today, I was assassinated]

[The person who assassinated is not a small character, but the famous Central Plains a little red]

As soon as he updated his diary, all the women holding copies of Japan were aware of it and opened it one after another.

Seeing a little red line in the Central Plains stabbing Luo Wei, many people were surprised.

Everyone didn't understand why a little red in the Central Plains assassinated Luo Wei.

But there are also some well-informed people who guess the answer.

[The reason why a little red in the Central Plains wants to assassinate me is probably related to the reward of the happy king]

[Not long ago, the Happy King knew that I had burned down the Bliss Tower with a fire and cut off his wealth, so he used a bounty of 300,000 taels of silver to reward me]

[To be honest, I only learned about this matter today, and I still knew it from Lu Xiaofeng's mouth]

[I'm angry enough in the world]

[300,000 taels of silver, sent to be called Hanako, the happy king is also too stingy]

[So I went to Xiushui Pavilion today and posted a bounty, asking for five million taels of silver to reward the happy king]

[Lao Tzu just wants to let the happy king see, what is called atmosphere, what is called rich]

[300,000 taels of silver, hehe, who to look down on]

Seeing Luo Wei release a bounty of five million taels of silver, many women holding copies of their diaries were moved...

That's five million taels of silver.

Even they can't ignore it, if they get these five million taels of silver, let alone this life, even if it is the next life, they don't have to worry about it.

For a time, countless women were moved and decided to inquire about the location of the happy king.

This bounty is better to cheapen yourself than to cheapen others.

[After releasing the bounty, I left Xiushui Pavilion with Lu Xiaofeng and Xue Bing, but on the way back, I was attacked by a little red in the Central Plains]

[This guy is worthy of being a famous killer in the rivers and lakes, and his sword is fast and ruthless]

[Unfortunately, this guy doesn't know that I have a counter-attack spell that can return the enemy's attack]

[So the faster and more ruthless this guy throws out his sword, the more damage he will hit himself]

[Therefore, this guy was killed by the sword he stabbed out the moment he triggered the counter-spell]

[At first, I didn't know that this guy was a little red in the Central Plains, and I thought that the little furry thief came out of nowhere]

[Until Lu Xiaofeng testified, I didn't know that it was Zhongyuan Dian Hong who assassinated me]

[This really scared me]

[After all, this guy's image in my mind is still good]

[Anyone who has seen "The Legend of Chu Liuxiang" knows that the Central Plains is a little red]

[Legend has it that a little red is the killer with the highest price, the most ruthless shot, and the most trustworthy in the world]

[Li Guanyu, the first swordsman in the world in the previous generation, once commented that his swordsmanship was unique, and he could have competed with Xue Daxia, the man in Xue, for a short time, but unfortunately he was extreme, and his actions were too vicious, and he unconsciously entered the evil road with his sword technique, and evil is difficult to defeat righteousness]

[So the martial arts of a little 0.4 red in the Central Plains is not high, his martial arts skills are only between him and people like Ji Bingyan and Nangong Ling; Wuhua is already above him, even if Chu Liuxiang doesn't fight back, a little red can't move a finger of him]

[As for Xue Yiren, a character like Jellyfish Yin Ji is not in the same order of magnitude as him at all]

[But a little red in the Central Plains is an extremely eye-catching character, and its luminosity is definitely not under the protagonist Chu Liuxiang, this is because he has his unique personality charm]

[Especially his love with Qu Wurong is not romantic, but it is firm enough and pure enough]

[A little red in the Central Plains will not be disgusted because Qu Wurong's appearance is ruined, and Qu Wurong will not leave him because a little red lost his arm, because they are souls who truly love each other]

[The two met and fell in love in danger, spent the rest of their lives on the run, without a word of complaint and never regretting it, because they have found true love, and for this love, they can give up everything]

[Because of this love, many people have a good impression of the person who is a little red in the Central Plains]

[Even me, I like this character]

[However, a little red in the Central Plains died, dying in my hands]

[The death was extremely hasty, and not even a last word was left].

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