When Luo Wei heard Feng Siniang's words, he immediately came back to his senses.

Two people staying in an inn, in fact, there is nothing surprising.

Looking at the attitude of Feng Siniang's life, you can know that she is a person who will enjoy, and the guest house naturally wants to find the best inn to stay in.

And after Luo Wei had money, he was unwilling to wronged himself.

Because two people live in an inn, it can only be said that it is a matter of course.

Their habits determine all this.

Feng Siniang asked curiously: "You still haven't answered my question just now, why are you so surprised and even feel outrageous when you see the Yitian Sword appear in this rivers and lakes." "

Instead of answering positively, Rowe pointed to the copy of the diary in his hand, "I want to know, look at the diary." "

Then, Rowe continued to complain in the diary.

[Don't mean, let everyone wait for a long time, just now accidentally ran into Feng Siniang].

[After the two of us separated yesterday, I thought that Feng Siniang had left, but I found an inn in the city, which happened to be the same inn as me].

[This is quite a cause].

[But you don't need to care about this, let's talk back to the Heavenly Sword].

[This Heaven-Relying Sword and Dragon Slaying Knife come from the world of 'Relying on the Sky and Slaying the Dragon', which is the Legend of Relying on the Sky and Slaying Dragon of the Laughing Book God Relying on Biyu].

[This book of Heaven and Dragon Slayer is a sequel to the Condor Heroes].

[In this 'Legend of Heaven and Dragon Slayer' world, there are a total of two divine weapons].

[One is the Sky Sword, and the other is the Dragon Slaying Sword].

[These two weapons are rare divine weapons, and they have

set off bloody storms in the rivers and lakes].

[Martial arts supreme, sword slaying the dragon, commanding the world, do not dare not obey, rely on the sky and do not come out, who fights].

[This sentence is clear to every person in the rivers and lakes].

[It is precisely because of this sentence that countless people in the rivers and lakes want to get these two divine weapons].

[And those who get the divine weapon, no matter how hard they think about it, they can't understand the mystery of this sentence].

[But in fact, this is Guo Jing and Huang Rong's pot].

Huang Rong, who had already left Peach Blossom Island and was setting off for Daming, looked confused.

This Huang Rong you are talking about, is it me?

How did this matter have anything to do with me?

Also, who is this Guo Jing?

[Guo Jing and Huang Rong are the heroes and heroines of the legend of the Condor Heroes, the two lived in the Song Dynasty, and later after the Song Dynasty was overthrown by the Yuan Dynasty, the two split Yang Guo's Xuantie Sword in two and forged it into the Sky Sword and the Dragon Slaying Sword].

[These two divine weapons are hollow inside].

[There is a suicide note of Wu Mu in the art of war inside the dragon slaying knife, and those who get Wu Mu's suicide note can train an army to compete for the world as long as they follow the art of war in the book].

[This is the secret of martial arts supreme, sword slaying dragon, commanding the world, and dare not obey].

[The martial arts master is powerful, and he is not an opponent of the army].

[As for the Heavenly Sword, inside are the eighteen palms of the Dragon Descent and the Peerless Martial Arts Nine Yin True Scripture].

[That's why there is a sentence that depends on the sky, who fights with the front].

[But these are all stories in 'The Legend of Relying on the Sky and Slaying the Dragon'].

[And now this world is the world of comprehensive martial arts, and even Feng Siniang has never heard of Huang Rong and Guo Jing].

Luo Wei wrote this and glanced up at Feng Siniang, "You shouldn't know these two people." "

Feng Siniang shook her head and said, "I haven't heard of it. "

Rowe snorted and continued to complain.

[Well, I asked just now, Feng Siniang really hasn't heard of these two people, indicating that the two have not yet become famous, which means that the Sky Sword and the Dragon Slaying Sword were not forged by the two of them].

[In that case, I am curious who forged the Heavenly Sword and Dragon Slaying Sword in this comprehensive martial arts world].

[I'm curious if there's anything in it?]

[Everyone, in whose hands is the Heavenly Sword, do you want to touch the Dragon Slaying Knife?"

[Let's open our eyes].

[Even if I say so, probably no one will answer me].

[If, I mean if in the future, if among you really solves the secret of the Heavenly Sword and the Dragon Slaying Dao, can you tell me and secretly inform me].

[Nothing else, just just curiosity].

Feng Siniang glanced up at Luo Wei, if it were someone else, she would definitely not be able to say this.

But if it was Rowe instead, she did.

Because the biggest plugin in this world is in Luo Wei's hands, Luo Wei has no need to covet the secrets of the Sky Sword and the Dragon Slaying Saber.

It can be seen that he is pure curiosity and has no other meaning.

[Okay, today's diary is written here first, I'm going to collect the reward, I have the opportunity to talk to you again].

[Goodbye, ladies and devils].

After saying the last sentence, Rowe put the diary in front of him and received the reward.

The sound of machinery came as promised.

[Detected that the host completed today's diary, reward is now issued


[Congratulations to the host for obtaining the spell palm thunder].

[This spell can only be used once a day, expires and is void, and cannot be accumulated].

In the next second, Feng Siniang saw a ray of light shoot out from Luo Wei's diary, hitting Luo Wei.

She was immediately startled, and glanced left and right, and the travelers in the inn did not pay attention to the situation here at all, as if they could not see what was happening here at all.

It seems that Rowe's diary, like his own copy of the diary, cannot be seen by outsiders.

Only they can see it.

Feng Siniang asked curiously, "Just got the light is the reward?" "

Luo Wei did not hide it, and nodded calmly, "Not bad, it's a reward." "

"What is the reward?"

"It's just a spell." Rowe said.

"Thirty-six changes in Tiangang?"

"No, it's palm thunder." Luo Wei stretched out his right hand, palm facing up, shook five fingers in turn, and said: "This spell can release a thunder from the palm and kill the good." "

"Although I don't know if I can deal with the Innate Grandmaster, it should not be a problem to deal with a first-class master."

Feng Siniang exclaimed: "It is worthy of a spell, it is really magical." "

Rowe said: "Actually, I don't lack offensive skills at the moment, I prefer to get some life-using spells, such as cleansing, so that I can keep my body clean and tidy at all times. "

Feng Siniang couldn't help but widen her eyes and asked, "Is there still this kind of spell?" "

"Of course, the magic of the spell is beyond your imagination."

Feng Siniang couldn't help but say: "It's so good, if there is such a spell, I also want to learn it." "It would be wonderful if a quack like her, who came in the wind and went in the rain, could learn such a spell.

No longer have to worry about getting dusty because of the rush, just thinking about it, you feel happy.

Luo Wei rolled his eyes and said: "You are thinking about fart eating, even if I really know such a spell, why teach you, you are not my woman." "

Feng Siniang rolled her eyes, "... Then I won't learn. "

Good fellow, this dog man is tempting me again, fortunately the old lady is witty and resolutely not deceived.

Luo Wei was unimpressed, got up and planned to leave the inn, the matter of Fuzhou City was over.

He decided to go around other places and enjoy the great scenery of Daming.

However, at this moment, Feng Siniang quickly grabbed him and made him sit down, "Don't you leave first, I have something I want you to help with?" "

"You, ask me for help?" Rowe pointed to himself.

"That's right." Feng Siniang nodded.

"Don't help." Rowe shook his head decisively.

Feng Siniang was angry to death, didn't she reject this guy once, I didn't expect this guy to be so stingy.

"Forget it, if you don't help, don't help, I can handle this matter myself." Feng Siniang said breathlessly.

Luo Wei bowed his head and said, "Okay, goodbye." "

After saying this, Rowe planned to get up and leave the inn.

However, at this moment, a man came in from outside holding a box.

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