Faced with Feng Siniang's question, Luo Wei shook his head and replied: "It's not that King Kong is not bad, but a simple talisman charm, I also used it for the first time, I didn't expect it to be so powerful." "

Feng Siniang: ......

Good guy, I'm a test piece of feelings.

This is even more infuriating, okay.

"You guy is really not likable at all, if a girl marries you in the future, it will really be bad luck for eight lifetimes."

Luo Wei retorted: "I don't like to hear your words, how can you say that marrying me is bad luck for eight lifetimes, this should be Hong Fuqi genius." "

"You look at me, plug-in in hand, every day to write a diary will be rewarded."

"Scattering beans into soldiers, rising from the dead, maybe there will be youth forever in the future, immortality."

"At that time, I will cast these spells on my women, so that they can live forever with me, laughing and watching the clouds rise and fall, and the vicissitudes of the world."

"Decades later, when you are getting old, your skin is tarnished, your face is wrinkled, your body is shrunken, and you become a little old lady, my woman and I are still young and beautiful, forever eighteen."

"Even when you turn into a pile of loess and bury rot in the ground."

"My woman and I are still beautiful and immortal."

"I'll just ask you, is this eight lifetimes of mold?"

"Then I estimate that women all over the world are willing to pour eight lifetimes of mold."

Feng Siniang: ......

At this moment, Feng Siniang was speechless, because she didn't know how to oppose Luo Wei.

Women love beauty, especially beautiful women.

No beautiful woman can accept that she is slowly getting old, from a gorgeous beauty to an old woman with a wrinkled face and a handsome figure.

Just thinking about this future, Feng Siniang felt a complete chill.

She knew that she was not young, although now her skin all over her body was not wrinkled at all.

Not even a single scar.

But what about a few more years, a dozen years or more?

She will eventually grow old, and eventually become the old woman who is dying.

At that time, what should she do?

And now there is a person who can help himself, make himself young and immortal, make himself young and beautiful forever, as long as he wants to... None of this is a problem.

However, when Feng Siniang was about to speak, Xiao Shiyilang's face suddenly appeared in front of her.

Feng Siniang immediately hesitated.

Does she really want to give up Xiao Shiyilang for the sake of youth and beauty and marry a man she doesn't like?

Is such a person still her Feng Siniang?

But the next second, another thought came to her mind.

It's good that she likes Xiao Shiyilang, but does Xiao Shiyilang like him?


Feng Siniang clearly knew that Xiao Shiyilang only regarded herself as a sister, and never regarded herself as a lover.

Even if she insists, can she impress Xiao Shiyilang?

For a while, Feng Siniang fell into a tangle.

After a while, Feng Siniang suddenly reacted and pointed at Luo Wei and said: "You you you, you are actually cheating!" "


Luo Wei looked confused and asked rhetorically: "When did I play tricks." "How did he not know that he was cheating.

Feng Siniang squinted her eyes at this Luo Wei, and slowly said: "You just said that you liked me more than Shen Bijun, and then praised me in person. "

"Then he told me that Xiao Shiyilang didn't like me, and he liked a woman like Shen Bijun."

"In the end, he threw out immortality, and youth stayed forever to tempt me."

"You said, are you playing tricks, wanting me to give up Xiao Shiyilang, choose you, and become your woman."

Ah this....

Am I thinking so?

Luo Wei looked confused, he really didn't think it was so complicated, all this was completely Feng Siniang's brain supplement.

Luo Wei immediately wanted to open his mouth to refute, but after the words came to his lips, Luo Wei's mind flashed, and the words he said completely changed.

"Yes, you are right, I am indeed playing tricks, I am tempting you, how about it, do you want to become my woman."

"At that time, I will find you a few sisters to live with."

"Huh? With me, you actually want to provoke other women? Feng Siniang's eyes suddenly changed when she looked at Luo Wei, as if looking at a scumbag.

Luo Wei said calmly: "How fresh, think about it, we will all live forever in the future, if only the two of us are tired of being together all day, it is inevitable that we will be disgusted with each other for a long time." "

"So I think we'd better find a few more people and put together a few tables of mahjong."

"At that time, everyone will have a sense of freshness, are you right?"

The four ladies of the wind were all stupid, "Make up a few tables of mahjong, good guy, how many women do you want to find." "

Luo Wei thought for a while and said: "Wei Xiaobao has seven wives, and I have more than him, which is reasonable." "

Feng Siniang asked in surprise, "Who is Wei Xiaobao?" "

She had never heard of the name at all.

Luo Wei said: "It is the male protagonist of 'Luding Ji', a punk born in the land of fireworks, whose martial arts skills are inferior to me, but by chance he entered the palace and became good friends with the emperor. "

"Later, luck was even more skyrocketing, not only became Lord Wei, but also took seven wives like flowers."

"Jin Yong's flying snow shoots white deer in the sky, and among the laughing book gods leaning on the blue bird, Wei Xiaobao is probably the male protagonist with the best luck."

Feng Siniang asked curiously, "Listening to what you say, this person named Wei Xiaobao is indeed very lucky. "

"Of course." Luo Wei nodded, and then added: "Of course, good luck is only one aspect, Wei Xiaobao's means are still good, because he was born in the land of fireworks, and his small mouth is like smearing honey. "

"Seeing people talking about people, seeing hell and talking about ghosts, plus a lot of means, you can climb to a high position."

Feng Siniang said: "So, you see that people have married seven wives, and they also want to marry more." "

"Man, isn't it natural to want three wives and four concubines?" Rowe asked rhetorically.

Feng Siniang snorted, turned her head and left.

Even if she really didn't want anyone, she couldn't be cheeky and rob men with other women.

Can't afford to lose that person.

Luo Wei saw Feng Siniang leaving, and did not go to chase Feng Siniang, but watched Feng Siniang disappear into his field of vision.

Soon after, Luo Wei returned to Fuzhou City and returned to the inn to sleep.

It wasn't until the next morning that Rowe got up to wash up.

Go downstairs to eat.

After eating, Rowe took out his diary and began to write today's diary.

[Good morning, ladies and devils].

【Start a new day, I hope everyone has a happy life】

[And the Wind Four Niang, good morning].

Many women who saw this scene couldn't help but be stunned for a moment, what does this guy mean by greeting the fourth lady coldly?

Could it be....

[The reason why I said hello to Feng Siniang was because I met Feng Siniang last night when I sneaked into Yizhuang to revive Lin Zhennan].

[In a sense, it can also be regarded as an offline meeting].

[Feng Siniang is really an interesting woman].

[Unfortunately, it's not my woman].

[Although I have the intention to marry Feng Siniang, people are not willing to rob a man with other women, which can be regarded as a common disease of those proud women in the rivers and lakes].

[After all, people's parents have to be so beautiful, martial arts are high, lick the dog and grab a handful, as long as you want, you can find a good man to marry, why should you share a man with other women].

[Isn't this sick?]

[So, I can understand Feng Siniang's thoughts and support Feng Siniang's ideas].

[However, as a man who has mastered the immortal law, I can not only live forever in the future, but even let my own women follow me to immortality, youth will remain forever, it is reasonable to find a few more lovers].

[After all, you are excellent, and I am not bad].

[Although Feng Siniang is unwilling, I believe that there must be other women in the rivers and lakes who are willing].

[At that time, everyone will live forever together, and it will not be pleasant to laugh and watch the clouds roll and clouds].

Seeing these words, I don't know how many unmarried women acted for a while.

Of course, there are also some married women who are also moved.

That's immortality, youth forever.

There are a few more women in the world who can resist this temptation.

Many women ask themselves, can they stop it? The answer is obvious... Can't stop it, really can't stop it.

That's the dream of many princes and generals.

Now as long as you become Rowe's woman, you can have the opportunity to live forever, who can stop this.

[Okay, after talking about Feng Siniang, let's talk about what happened last night].

[After resurrecting Lin Zhennan yesterday, I knew from Lin Zhennan's mouth that it was not Yu Canghai of the Qingcheng faction who killed Lin Zhennan's family, but a mysterious person who could kill seven seven forty-nine with a sword].

[This mysterious person entrusted Lin Zhennan to send the Yitian Sword to Emei, but Lin Zhennan accidentally lost the Yitian Sword halfway].

[So in order to vent his anger, this mysterious person wiped out Lin Zhennan's family].

[Who is this mysterious person, will it be one of you]

[Of course, even if it is, it doesn't matter, anyway, I am not related to Lin Zhennan, if it is not for curiosity, how can I resurrect Lin Zhennan].

[However, it is not Lin Zhennan that is worth mentioning here, but the Heavenly Sword].

[I never thought that ah, this thing actually appeared in the world of comprehensive martial arts].

[This is more or less outrageous].

"Outrageous, why is that?"

Suddenly, a voice sounded in Rowe's ears.

Luo Wei looked up and found that when he was writing his diary, Feng Siniang was sitting opposite him, holding a diary in his hand, looking at himself with a surprised expression.

Luo Wei looked confused and asked, "Aren't you leaving?" How is it back again. "

Feng Siniang rolled her eyes, "It was so late yesterday, of course I went into the city to find an inn to stay in, who would have thought that I would actually stay in an inn with you." "

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