The woman in white couldn't help but laugh when she saw Luo Wei guess her identity, "Yes, I am Feng Siniang." "

Luo Wei looked Feng Siniang up and down a few times, "It turns out that you are Feng Siniang, and you are really a beauty." "

"It's a pity, I can't compare to Shen Bijun, I can't compare to Mei Yinxue, I can't compare to Shui Lingguang, I can't compare to Zhang Sanniang, and I can't compare to..."

"Okay, okay."

Luo Wei's black line stopped Feng Siniang's self-pity, "I just made a joke casually, you still take it seriously, you must know that in my heart, you are much stronger than Shen Bijun." "

"Are you sure?" Feng Siniang didn't believe it, "That's the first beauty in the rivers and lakes." "

Luo Wei said: "So what, in addition to having a beautiful face, Shen Bijun is a standard lady, there is nothing special." "

"But you're different."

Feng Siniang snorted, a touching smile appeared on her face, and asked with a smile: "Where am I different?" "

"To use our phrase, that is..."

"What is that?"

Luo Wei's deliberately prolonged tone, Feng Siniang couldn't wait to ask.

"The good-looking skin bag is the same, and the interesting soul is one in a million, how is this answer?"

Feng Siniang smiled happily and threw Luo Wei a wink, "Count you passed, this answer is very satisfactory, but I have a question?" "

"You say?" Rowe made a gesture of invitation.

Feng Siniang asked, "If you had to choose between me and Shen Bijun, who would you choose?" "

Luo Wei sighed and said: "You have to understand, men are single-minded, I liked eighteen when I was twenty, eighteen when I was thirty, and eighteen when I was fifty. "

Feng Siniang cried and laughed, and glared at Luo Wei viciously, "What I asked is between me and Shen Bijun, who will you choose, and who will let you choose eighteen." "

"Then I'll pick you." Rowe gave a prepared answer.

Compared to Shen Bijun, Luo Wei really liked Feng Siniang more.

"What about Xiao Shiyilang?" Feng Siniang asked again.

Luo Wei rolled his eyes and said, "I knew you would ask like this, if you change to Xiao Shiyilang, of course you will choose Shen Bijun." "

"Why?" Feng Siniang was very upset.

Rowe explains: "You have to understand one thing, the more people lack something, the more they want. "

"What kind of person is Xiao Shiyilang, a thief who travels south and north, and the women of the rivers and lakes he has seen are all kinds of cattle."

"A type like yours, he has seen a lot, and naturally he is not moved."

"But Shen Bijun is different, not only a rare beauty, but also a standard lady, for a rough man like Xiao Shiyilang, this kind of woman is too rare."

"It's like an oasis in the desert, a flower on a cliff."

"Not only beautiful, but also weak and delicate, and such a woman is often the most able to stimulate men's desire to protect."

"It's the same thing about being a woman."

"When a woman meets a man who cannot protect herself, a poor little child, she will stimulate the maternal instinct to want to protect him."

"Xiao Shiyi Lang and Shen Bijun are undoubtedly the former."

"Therefore, it is best for these two people not to meet, once they meet, it will be like Wang Ba looking at green beans."

Feng Siniang couldn't laugh or cry when she heard it, "What is this?" "

Luo Wei spread his hands, "Although you don't want to listen, this is the truth. "

Feng Siniang laughed at herself and said, "So, in that 'Xiao Shiyilang' plot, I didn't end up with him in the end." "

Luo Wei shook his head, "No, even if Xiao Shiyilang has finally got your body, the two of you have not come together. "

Feng Siniang was shocked, and looked at Luo Wei with wide eyes in disbelief, "What, that Wang Baegg got the old lady's body and was not responsible for the old lady?" "

Luo Wei asked, "Do you suddenly feel that Xiao Shiyilang has become a scumbag." "

Feng Siniang just wanted to nod, but suddenly reacted, "No, with my understanding of that little bastard, he is definitely not such a person." "

In the next second, Feng Siniang suddenly realized: "I understand, the reason why the two of us have a relationship must be because of some kind of misunderstanding, not a natural solution." "

"So after death, even if Xiao Shiyilang's little king bastard wants to be responsible, the old lady will not be willing."

Bang bang!

Luo Wei couldn't help but applaud Feng Siniang, "Feng Siniang is worthy of being Feng Siniang, guessed accurately, yes, the truth is similar to what you guessed." "

Feng Siniang couldn't help but sigh, "So the old lady is still single in the end." "

Luo Wei thought for a while and said: "Originally, you could marry Yang Kaitai, but when you met Xiao Shiyilang and Shen Bijun in Yingqin, you came out of the palanquin to say hello. "

"Yang Kaitai sent it immediately, and couldn't help but say a few words."

"Then you directly threw the phoenix crown and said that the old lady will not marry."

"And then the marriage was yellow."

Feng Siniang was stunned at first, and then patted her chest with a palpitation, and a pair of quite clever bears kept shaking, attracting Luo Wei's attention.

"Fortunately, Huang, what kind of blow did the old lady suffer, so she thought of marrying Yang Kaitai that fool."

After waiting for a long time, Feng Siniang did not wait for Luo Wei to take the stubble, looked up, and found that Luo Wei was staring directly at his chest.

A smile couldn't help but appear on her face, and she asked delicately, "Does it look good?" "

Luo Wei couldn't help but nodded, "Good-looking." "

"Give me death." Feng Siniang's face changed, and she kicked Luo Wei's chin.

This bastard actually dared to take advantage of the old lady and beat him half to death first.

Seeing that the foot was getting closer and closer to his chin, Luo Wei pinched a hand trick to cast a talisman charm.

In an instant, an invisible force field unfolded close to Luo Wei's skin, and in an instant, it extended to Luo Wei's whole body.

Then, Feng Siniang kicked Luo Wei's chin fiercely.

Only to hear the sound of bones shattering sounded.

Not Luo Wei's chin, but Feng Siniang's feet.

Feng Siniang felt as if she had kicked on an iron pillar made of steel, grinned in pain, and plopped down on the ground and wailed.

"Oh, you bastard who killed a thousand knives, you actually broke the old lady's foot."

Luo Wei cried and laughed, "Is this complaining about me, is it good that you kicked me." "

Feng Siniang scolded: "Who let you take advantage of the old lady, is the old lady's cheap so easy to take advantage of?" "

"When did I take advantage of you."

"Hehe, you dare to say that you didn't peek at the old lady's moon just now."

"Nonsense." Luo Weiyi said righteously: "When did I peek, I was optimistic about it." "

Feng Siniang didn't catch her breath, and almost fainted, "Listen, listen, are you talking about human words?" "

"How is it not a human word, even if the Heavenly King Laozi comes, I dare to say that I didn't peek."

Luo Wei said as he put his hand into the cloth pocket, pulled the Shennong ruler out of the cloth pocket, and then half-squatted on the ground and stuck the Shennong ruler on Feng Siniang's injured foot.

In an instant, a wonderful force was transmitted to Feng Siniang's feet.

The bones that were originally broken began to recover with a force visible to the naked eye.

In addition to this, Feng Siniang even felt that the dark injuries caused by her martial arts practice were all smoothed out one by one and disappeared under this force.

Feng Siniang suddenly grew her eyes and looked at the dark green long knife in Luo Wei's hand.

"This is Shennong ruler?"

"Yes, this is the Heavenly God Soldier Shennongruler, with this thing, as long as you don't die, no matter how badly injured, I can take you back."

Luo Wei said confidently.

Feng Siniang pouted and said, "It's as if I'm dead and you can't save it." "

After a pause, Feng Siniang asked curiously, "Where did you hide the Shennong ruler just now?" "

Rowe said, "Of course in the pocket. "

Feng Siniang took a sip and said, "I'm asking you how to put the Shennong ruler in the cloth pocket, whose cloth pocket can put a Shennong ruler." "

Luo Wei said: "This is the art of pot heaven, which can open up space or cave mansion, and Nasuya is a mustard seed." Even the sleeve is big, and the heaven and earth are stored in the palm. "

"I use the art of pot heaven to turn the space inside the cloth pocket into a Shennong ruler, not to mention a Shennong ruler, even if it is put down a house."

Feng Siniang couldn't help but sigh a few times, and was seen by Luo Wei, "Why, envy." "

Feng Siniang rolled her eyes and said, "Change you, don't you envy?" "

Rowe said: "If this were to change to me, it would be more than envy, jealousy and hatred." "

Feng Siniang said unpleasantly: "Knowing it, I also asked, did you do it on purpose or carelessly." "

Luo Wei thought for a moment and said, "I was deliberately careless. "

Feng Siniang couldn't wait to kick Luo Wei's face, but considering the action she had just taken, she accidentally broke her foot, and forcibly endured it.

At this moment, Luo Wei used the Shennong ruler to cure Feng Siniang, stood up and stuffed the Shennong ruler into the cloth pocket space.

Feng Siniang got up from the ground, stomped a few feet, took a few more steps, and showed a smile after making sure that her right foot was intact.

"Thanks, little satyr."

Luo Wei was not happy, "Who is the little satyr." "

Feng Siniang smiled, "Whoever peeked at me just now is a little satyr." "

Luo Wei was unhappy, "Am I peeping, am I peeping, I am obviously looking at it fairly." "

Feng Siniang was also not used to him, and sneered a few times, "Do you know that a guy like you, put on the rivers and lakes, is easy to be killed." "

Luo Wei replied with a smile, "Don't worry, I don't think ordinary people can beat me, such as a certain woman called Feng Siniang." "

Feng Siniang was suddenly speechless.

Because Rowe was telling the truth, he was so angry.

"What happened to you just now, could it be that King Kong is not bad?"

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