This woman in white who suddenly appeared scared not only Luo Wei, but also Lin Zhennan.

"You are really white impermanence, how can white impermanence be a woman?"

The woman in white asked rhetorically: "Why can't white impermanence be a woman, you shouldn't think that there is only a pair of black and white impermanence in the prefecture." "

The woman in white laughed while saying, "There are so many mortals in the world, if there is only a pair of black and white impermanence in the prefecture, wouldn't it be exhausting to death." "

Lin Zhennan suddenly felt that Bai Impermanence's words made sense.

"Tell me how you died." The woman in white saw that Lin Zhennan seemed to believe her words, and asked seriously.

Lin Zhennan's eyes flickered, "No, since you are black and white impermanent, why don't you know how I died?" "

Luo Wei opened his mouth and said: "There are many mortal people, and there are many strange ways to die, how can we all know. "

"But you are black and white." Lin Zhennan felt a little incredible.

Luo Wei said indifferently: "What's wrong with black and white impermanence, we are black and white impermanent and not King Yan Luo, quickly talk about how I died, I still have to record it, go back to pray to King Yan Luo." "

Lin Zhennan believed a little, and said with a long sigh: "This matter should start half a month ago. "

Rowe asked, "What happened half a month ago?" "

Lin Zhennan said: "Half a month ago, our Fuwei Dart Bureau received a trip to the Dart, and someone entrusted us to send a cargo to the Emei faction. "

The woman in white asked curiously, "What goods?" "

Lin Zhennan said: "It's a divine weapon. "

The woman in white asked, "Could it be a deer cutting knife?" "

Lin Zhennan shook his head and said, "No, this divine weapon is... Heavenly Sword. "

The woman in white said: "If you don't come out of the sky, who will fight with the heavenly sword?" "

Lin Zhennan nodded and said, "Not bad, it's the Heavenly Sword." "

Luo Wei raised his eyebrows, and suddenly became interested, but he did not expect that there was a heaven-leaning sword in the comprehensive martial arts world.

Lin Zhennan said: "When I received this dart, I felt very tricky and wanted to refuse, but that person gave me a reason why I couldn't refuse. "

The woman in white asked, "Who is that person?" "

Lin Zhennan said: "I don't know him because I have never met him. "

The woman in white asked: "You are the chief dart of the Fuwei Dart Bureau, there must be no shortage of money, so that person must not be able to impress you with money, he gave you a reason that you can't refuse, could it be related to martial arts." "

Lin Zhennan said: "Almost, he promised that if I send this dart to Emei, I will let the head of the Emei faction, Dugu Yihe, take the dog as an apprentice." "

The woman in white was surprised, "This person is so loud, Dugu Yihe created his own sword double killing seven seven forty-nine style, he is a rare grandmaster in the rivers and lakes." "

"What qualifications does this person have to let a great master take your son as an apprentice."

Lin Zhennan smiled bitterly and said, "At that time, I also had similar thoughts, so I showed myself questioning on the spot, but that person cast the sword double killing seven seven forty-nine style, which broke my doubts." "

"He promised me that if it was Dugu Yihe, he would definitely take the dog as an apprentice."

"If he breaks his word, he will teach the sword and double killing seven seven forty-nine style to the dog."

"I saw that he was able to perform the supremacy of the Dugu Sect, and I knew that this person had a good relationship with the Dugu Sect, so I agreed to come down and personally escort this dart."

When the woman in white heard this, she said: "The world knows that the sword double killing seven seven forty-nine style is a unique mastery of Dugu Yihe, even in the entire Emei, few people have learned this martial art. "

"The mysterious person you are talking about, could it be one of Dugu Yihe's apprentices Emei Sanying?"

Lin Zhennan shook his head and denied the speculation of the woman in white, "No, although my Lin Zhennan has average martial arts, I am also a jianghu person who travels south and north, and then Emei sent three heroes and four shows to have a relationship." "

"This mysterious man is definitely not any of the three Ying."

Luo Wei snorted, "Interesting, it's not Sanying, but he will be alone, it seems that someone seems to have passed on the sword double killing seven seven forty-nine style." "

The woman in white asked, "What happened next?" "

Lin Zhennan said: "After I received the dart, I traveled lightly, set out all the way to the Emei faction, stayed in an inn one night, and when I woke up the next day, I found that the Yitian sword was missing. "

The woman in white asked, "Someone stole the Heavenly Sword?" "

Lin Zhennan sighed and said, "Exactly? "

"Who is it?"

"I don't know." Lin Zhennan shook his head and said, "This person is too strong, and he stole the Yitian Sword without making the slightest movement, causing me to be unaware until the next day, when I found out that the Yitian Sword disappeared. "

When Luo Wei heard this, he couldn't recognize the spit sentence, "Is there a possibility, it's not that this person is too powerful, but that you are too dish." "

Lin Zhennan's face instantly turned red.

"I see." The woman in white narrowed her eyes and said what she had guessed, "After losing the Heavenly Sword, you knew that you planted it this time, so you immediately ran back, wanting to take the whole family and run for your life." "

"As a result, the mysterious man just happened to kill you and killed all of your family, right?"

Lin Zhennan shook his head and said, "You are right, but it is not right. "

The woman in white asked with interest, "What is the explanation for this?" "

Lin Zhennan said: "After losing the Heavenly Sword, I did return to the Fuwei Dart Bureau, but I did not escape, but planned to compensate the other party for the loss. "

The woman in white said: "What a treasure is the Heavenly Sword, can you afford to compensate?" "

Lin Zhennan said: "So I plan to scatter my family wealth to compensate the other party, if the other party is still not relieved, I will also compensate the other party for my old life, but who wants to..."

Speaking of this, Lin Zhennan burst into tears.

"Who would have thought that after this person knew that I had lost the Heavenly Sword, he was furious, not only did not accept my compensation, but also killed my Fuwei Dart Bureau from top to bottom in front of me."

"In the end, I also died at the hands of this man."

The woman in white sighed and said: "Such an important thing as the Yitian Sword has been hidden and lost, not only does not run, but also wants to compensate the other party, you also think too well of people." "

Luo Wei is not strange, in the plot of 'Smiling Rivers and Lakes', Lin Zhennan is indeed a little naïve.

After knowing that Lin Pingzhi killed Yu Canghai's people, not only did he not run, but he also comforted himself.

It wasn't until overnight that the Lin family laid out twenty or thirty corpses, which recognized the seriousness of the situation and abandoned the family and fled.

When Lin Zhennan heard this, he cried even more sadly.

Luo Wei thought for a while and said: "Lin Zhennan, you are indeed miserable, but for your sake, I will give you a chance to return the yang." "

Lin Zhennan couldn't help but be stunned, his crying stopped abruptly, and he looked at Luo Wei in disbelief.

Luo Wei said: "After dawn, you can return the sun, and there is a chance for you to take revenge in the old mansion of Xiangyang Lane of the Lin family, don't let this opportunity down." "

After saying this, Luo Wei made a look at the woman in white.

The woman in white was aware, her figure was like electricity, and in an instant, she went around Lin Zhennan's back, and pointed like a knife, slashing at Lin Zhennan's neck.

Lin Zhennan rolled his eyes and suddenly fainted.

Then, Luo Wei put Lin Zhennan on the bed and beckoned to the woman in white.

The two of them left Yizhuang one after the other.

In a wooded area outside Fuzhou City.

Luo Wei glanced back at the woman in white who followed him, his eyes flickering, "Which one are you?" "

The woman in white smiled slightly and said, "Guess what." "

Luo Wei said: "How can I guess this, after all, there are more women who have obtained copies of diaries, not a hundred or eighty, who knows who you are." "

"But I guess, you are definitely not Shen Bijun, not Shui Lingguang, not Lin Xian'er, not Mei Yinxue, no..."

"Stop stop, stop, you just say I'm not a beauty."

The woman in white glared at Luo Wei fiercely.

Luo Wei said in surprise: "Why are you not a beauty, you look at your Yue Hun is still very tall, you are looking at your waist is still very thin, your lower abdomen is still very flat, and a pair of slender legs are still very strong... No matter how you look at it, she is a big beauty. "

"It's just a little bit worse than what I just said."

The woman in white sneered: "Are you sure that what you said is a little bit, not a hundred million points." "

Rowe didn't answer the question, because he felt that if he continued to dwell on this issue, the woman in front of him was likely to run away.

So he asked, "Who the hell are you?" "

The woman in white did not answer, and asked rhetorically: "How are you sure that I have a copy of the diary?" "

Luo Wei laughed loudly, "Look what you said, when I entered Yizhuang to revive Lin Zhennan just now, you were already staying on the beam. "

"After you spoke up, you weren't interested in how I resurrected Lin Zhennan, but you were very interested in how Lin Zhennan died."

"So my guess is that you are one of the owners of the copy of the diary."

"And you were in Fuzhou City during the day, so after reading my diary, you went to Yizhuang to wait for me."

"I don't know if I'm right."

The woman in white said: "Good guess, but a little wrong. "

"Oh, which point?"

"I was not in Fuzhou City during the day, but near Fuzhou City. After reading the diary you wrote, I hurried over, and it was not until this afternoon that I arrived in Fuzhou City. "

The woman in white said with a smile.

Luo Wei sighed and said, "Then you can tell me your name now, you know who I am, but I don't know who you are, it's very unfair." "

The woman in white said: "Of course you know who I am, after all, you like to live my life." "

"Live a life that likes you?"

Luo Wei was stunned for a moment, and then a paragraph popped out of his mind.

Ride the fastest horse, climb the highest mountain, eat the spiciest dishes, drink the strongest wine, play with the sharpest knife, and kill the most ruthless people.

"It turned out to be you, Feng Siniang!"

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immediately preemptive(Event Period: August 10th to August 20th)

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