
Luo Wei couldn't help but gasp.

Lin Pingzhi is actually dead, it is worthy of the comprehensive martial arts world, and there is really nothing to say about the collapse of this plot.

Luo Wei sighed and asked, "Then Xiao Er, do you know who the murderer who destroyed the Lin family's door is?" "

Shop Xiaoer shook his head and said, "I don't know about this, and the people in Yamen didn't say it." "

Rowe thought thoughtfully.

At this moment, a voice came from the table near the window, "Xiao Er, come and jug wine." "

The shop Xiao Er, who was sitting in front of Luo Wei, immediately answered, "Howler, guest officer, wait a minute." "

Then, he said to Luo Wei again, "Come to live the guest officer, I'll go to get busy first, you eat and drink well, just call me for something." "

Without waiting for Rowe to answer, he rubbed and left.

After Rowe had eaten, he settled the bill, left the inn, and walked towards the Fuwei Dart Bureau.

Along the way, Rowe questioned several passers-by and soon found the Fuwei Dart Bureau.

At this time, the Fuwei Dart Bureau had been blocked.

The officials of the two Yamen were closed at the door, and idle people were not allowed to enter.

Luo Wei stepped forward a few steps, and one of the officials immediately stopped Luo Wei, "What are you, what are you doing here." "

Luo Wei quietly took out a few taels of broken silver and stuffed it into the hand of the official errand, "This lord, I am a distant relative of the Lin family, and I came to join the Lin family today. "

"I don't know what happened to this Lin family, why don't you let it in."

The official took the silver, stuffed it into his arms, and looked Luo Wei up and down a few times.

"You really are a distant relative of the Lin family."

"Good." Rowe nodded.

For the sake of silver, the official did not embarrass Luo Wei, but said: "You are lucky, if you come a day early, it will be bad." "

Luo Wei showed a surprised expression, "How do you say this?" "

The official said: "Just last night, the Lin family was destroyed, and the Dart Bureau said that Lin Zhennan's family, and even the horses and dogs raised by the family were killed. "

"If you had come early, you might have turned into a corpse."

Luo Wei was taken aback and asked, "Then my distant cousin Lin Pingzhi is also dead?" "

"Dead." The official nodded without hesitation.

Luo Wei asked indignantly, "Does that adult know who the person who killed the Lin family is?" "

The official shook his head and said: "I don't know much about this, it's still investigating, you better hurry up, the Lin family is in this big trouble, be careful to implicate you." "

If it weren't for the fact that this guy was interesting, he wouldn't have reminded the other party.

Rowe snorted and turned to leave.

Walking to a place where there was no one, Rowe pulled out his diary and began to complain.

He is now used to complaining about things when he encounters them.

[Ladies and devils].

[Guess what I heard during dinner].

[Lin Zhennan is dead, that is, Lin Zhennan, the chief dart of the Fuwei Dart Bureau, is dead].

[Not only Lin Zhennan died, Lin Zhennan's family died].

[Maybe for you, it doesn't matter if a Lin Zhennan dies, and the Lin family doesn't matter].

[But for me, it's kind of interesting].

[Because in the plot of 'Smiling Rivers and Lakes', this Lin family was also destroyed, and the murderer was Yu Canghai of the Qingcheng faction].

[But in this world, I just asked the official about it, and the official said he didn't know].

[This shows that the murderer is most likely not Yu Canghai, but someone else].

[In the plot of 'Smiling Rivers and Lakes', the reason why Yu Canghai wants to destroy the Lin family is because he covets the Lin family's sword method to ward off evil].

[After all, Lin Yuantu, the founder of the Fuwei Dart Bureau, relied on it, seventy-two ways to ward off evil swords, one hundred single and eight-style heaven-turning palms, and eighteen silver feather arrows to hit both black and white, so it was not awe-inspiring].

[Even the head of the Qingcheng faction at that time, Yu Canghai's master, Changqingzi, who was known as the number one swordsmanship west of the Three Gorges, defeated his subordinates miserably].

[In the end, Lin Yuantu founded the world-famous Fuwei Dart Bureau with his strength, and its prestige was far and wide].

[Among the six coastal provinces, only the four-character dart flag of the Fuwei Dart Bureau needs to be planted on the dart cart, and the executioner only needs to shout the four-character dart number of Fuwei Ping'an, no matter how powerful the underworld heroes are in front of the eyes, they dare not take a look at the dart car].

[However, in this comprehensive martial arts world, Lin Yuantu naturally cannot be so majestic].

[After all, the Huashan faction has been strengthened in epic, and the Qingcheng faction is naturally no exception].

[In the 'famous sword and wind', the Qingcheng faction is known as the first in the world of qigong].

[In the 'Cloud Sea Jade Bow Edge', Han Yinqiao and Xin Yinnong are one of the five elders of the Central Plains].

[Therefore, Lin Yuantu naturally cannot be so majestic, and a sword method to ward off evil spirits cannot do this].

[But now, the Lin family is still destroyed, and even Lin Pingzhi is dead].

[This change is really unexpected].

[You must know that Lin Pingzhi is a key figure in the world of smiling rivers and lakes, not only Yue Lingshan's husband, but also killed Yue Lingshan with a sword, and as a result, he died in this comprehensive martial arts world].

[The world is impermanent].

Huashan fancy.

When Yue Lingshan saw this, she couldn't help but exclaim in surprise.

Good fellow, Lin Pingzhi turned out to be my husband.

Good fellow, I was killed by my own husband.

Ah this....

Ning Zhong glanced at his daughter with a palpitation, it turned out that his daughter died in the hands of her husband in another world.

This is really... Human tragedy.

Thankfully, Lin Ping's death in this world saved my daughter.

She lowered her head and continued to look.

[But then again, in the original plot, the Lin family was destroyed because of his guilt, after all, in the world of Xiaoao rivers and lakes, the sword method born out of the Sunflower Treasure Book is definitely a first-class sword technique].

[But in this world, the sword method to ward off evil is not enough].

[Sword techniques that are stronger than the sword technique to ward off evil are everywhere].

[Let's not mention those god and demon level martial arts, just among Huashan, Kunlun, Qingcheng, Shaolin, Wudang and these sects, there are many sword techniques that are stronger than the evil sword technique].

[Compared with these, the Evil Warding Sword Method is really nothing].

[In that case, why was the Lin family exterminated].

[Could it be because you offended your enemies?] 】

[Otherwise, I will sneak into the Fuwei Dart Bureau at night, resurrect Lin Zhennan, and ask a truth?] 】

[Hmm... It seems worth trying.]

[After all, I'm still quite curious about this matter].

[Good, that's it tonight].

[When I ask the reason, I'm sharing it with you, bye].

After writing the last sentence, Rowe closed the diary, put it away, and waited for dark to come.

Time flows like water, and it flies quickly.

It soon got dark.

Luo Wei came to Yizhuang outside Fuzhou City.

He has been paying attention to the Fuwei Dart Bureau all day today, and after the people of Yamen blocked the Fuwei Dart Bureau, after calling for an autopsy, they sent all the bodies of the Fuwei Dart Bureau to Yizhuang.

That's why Luo Wei came to Yizhuang.

There are few people in Yizhuang, only an elderly old man guarding it.

At night, the old man blows the lamp and sleeps.

Rowe sneaked into the courtyard, pushed open the door to the room where the corpse was prevented, and strode inside.

Inside the room were more than a dozen corpses, each covered with a white cloth.

Rowe stepped forward, lifted the white cloth, and carefully observed the corpse.

He didn't know Lin Zhennan, but he could observe it through the age of the body and the clothes on it.

Lin Zhennan actually already has Lin Pingzhi, and now he should be in his thirties to forties, as the chief dart of the Fuwei Dart Bureau, a real rich man.

The clothes on Lin Zhennan's body are definitely the best, and they are likely to be clothes made of splendid embroidery.

After making a circle, Rowe found a target without much effort.

A man who was almost forty years old, dressed in a gorgeous robe, looked like a rich man.

Luo Wei stepped forward, flicked his fingers, and brought the dead back to life.

There are no earth-shattering visions.

Rovi's fingertips ejected a green light full of life, hitting the corpse.

Immediately afterwards, the green light quickly spread to the whole body of the corpse.

The stagnant blood began to flow, and the heart, which had lost its vitality, began to beat again.

After a few seconds, the corpse's fingers twitched slightly.

After a few more seconds, the corpse's eyelids began to beat.

Finally, the corpse opened its eyes and was completely resurrected.

Luo Wei asked, "Lin Zhennan? "

The other responded: "Who are you? "

Luo Wei asked, "You answer me first, are you Lin Zhennan?" "

The other party was silent for a moment and said, "Not bad, it's really Lin Zhennan." "

Luo Wei asked curiously, "Then do you remember what happened before you died?" "

When Lin Zhennan heard this, he couldn't help but be shocked, "What, I'm dead?" "

But the next second, he remembered what had happened before, "Yes, I died, I remember my throat being crushed, I... Obviously dead, why is it alive again? "

"Could it be that I'm in hell now?"

Luo Wei asked, "I'm curious, who killed you and destroyed your Lin family?" "

Lin Zhennan did not answer Luo Wei's question this time, and asked the sentence just now, "Who are you?" "

Without waiting for Luo Wei to speak, he saw a female voice coming from the roof.

"He is black impermanence, I am white impermanence."

Luo Wei and Lin Zhennan were startled at the same time, and a woman dressed in white jumped down from the roof and landed beside Luo Wei.

Luo Wei looked at the woman in white who appeared beside him with a confused expression, and there was only one thought in his heart.

Lying groove, who is this woman?

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