Luo Wei's words immediately caused an uproar.

There is one to count, but everyone who sees this diary is frightened by Luo Wei's words.

Divine Soldier Xuanqi, Hong Kong Man, Nuwa, eight million years of cultivation....

It turned out that their world turned out to be so terrifying, terrifying.

In their eyes, the supreme powerhouse is already the top monster standing in the rivers and lakes, a monster with low manpower.

However, compared to the Heavenly Crystal Sword, what did he get.

Inside the Flower Palace.

Mercy Xing lay on the bed and said faintly: "I originally thought that the Heavenly God Soldier was just a legend, and without this legend it turned out to be true, sister, what do you think." "

Lying beside her, Yueyue did not speak, and looked at every word in the diary.

After a long time, Yueyue slowly said: "From tomorrow, let Wuquan leave the Shifting Flower Palace and inquire about the whereabouts of the Heavenly God Soldier." "

Mercy Xing did not object, and said with a bow: "Yes, sister." "

And this night, the person who made a similar decision was not just inviting the moon alone.

Murong Shijia, Murong Qiudi did not hesitate to order that Tianzun organize action and inquire about the whereabouts of the Heavenly God Soldiers.

Shangguan Haitang at the foot of Mount Hua also passed the news back to the Dragon Guarding Villa.

Soon after, the Dragon Guard Villa took action, looking for the whereabouts of the Heavenly God Soldier.

Yunmeng Fairy, Shi Guanyin, Shen Bijun, Ning Zhongze, Feng Siniang, Lian Nei, Qiu Lingsu, Shui Lingguang, Huang Rong, Li Mochou, Lin Chaoying, and one woman after another with different styles were shocked by Luo Wei's words.

Except for a few who are not interested in the Celestial God Soldiers.

Most people act in their own way.

Heavenly God Soldiers, they are bound to win.

At this time, Luo Wei still did not know what impact his words would have on this river, and he was still chattering in the diary.

[Although this divine weapon of Shennong Ruler is not as good as the Heavenly Crystal, it is still a rare divine weapon, especially in terms of healing, it is even more miraculous].

[To put it bluntly, as long as your people are not dead, you can rely on the power of Shennong Ruler to save them].

[Disfigurement is a trivial matter, and it's nothing].

[Even if I really die, I can still come back from the dead and be resurrected].

[In this way, with the Shennong ruler and the resurrection of the dead, am I not the most powerful divine doctor in the rivers and lakes].

[What murderous famous doctor Ping Yizhi, Butterfly Valley Medical Immortal Hu Qingniu, Yan Wang enemy Xue Muhua, poisonous hand medicine Wang Wu Qi, Sai Hua Tuo, sick Langzhong, compared with me, what is it].

[I am the real divine doctor, people can be saved when they die, can others do it (forced real face)].

[All in all, all the women or female devils, if you are injured, you can come to me].

[For the sake of everyone being my pen pals, I will treat everyone once for free].

[After all, I got the Shennong ruler today, and I am very happy].

[But you have to remember that everyone only has one chance for free treatment, and the next time you will have to charge].

[Of course, it may be difficult for you to find me, after all, I am a person whose whereabouts are uncertain].

[In this way, if you really need treatment, just release a message on the rivers and lakes, and then tell me your current location, I will naturally go to you].

[It's better not to give fake news, if you are not injured, but put a false news to lure me over].

[At that time, I will pull you into the blacklist].

[In the future, even if you are really injured and die, I will not treat you and resurrect you].

The hearts of all the women who read this sentence were cold.

Some women thought for a long time and finally gave up in this way to lure Rowe into showing up.

After all, the ability to come back to life is still very hungry for them.

[Okay, let's write today's diary here, I have the opportunity to talk to you, goodbye].

After writing the last word, Luo Wei closed the diary happily.

In the next second, the sound of machinery sounded again.

[Check that the host has finished writing today's diary, and now the reward will be issued].

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining the Seventy-two Techniques of the Hell's Kettle Heaven].

[This spell can only be used once a day, expires and is void, and cannot be accumulated].

Then, the diary shot out a golden light and hit Luo Wei's body, and Luo Wei mastered this pot heaven art in an instant.

Rowe is not at all surprised by this.

When the centipede essence arrived just now, it was after midnight, and after midnight, a new day had arrived, and Luo Wei could naturally get a reward for writing a diary.

However, to Luo Wei's surprise, this time the reward turned out to be the Kettle Heaven Technique in the Seventy-Two Techniques of Earth.

Could it be that the diary I just wrote is of good quality, so the reward is a little higher.

Try it tomorrow.

But now, Rowe decided to try the Kettle Heavenly Technique.

This is a rare space-type spell.

The pot is big, and the sun and the moon are long in the cup, this sentence fully explains the magic of the pot heavenly art.

However, Rowe touched his body, but there was no beautiful container, and finally found only a cloth pocket on the inside of his shirt.

In desperation, Luo Wei had to exhibit the Pot-Heavenly Technique on this cloth pocket.

He raised his right hand and reached into the cloth pocket, pinched a hand, and the space inside the cloth pocket grew at a speed visible to the naked eye.

In the blink of an eye, it went from a shallow cloth pocket that could only hold a few taels of broken silver to a huge space that could fit a house with a length, width and height of at least a hundred cubic meters.

Good fellow, it is worthy of the art of pot heaven, it is really magical.

Then, as soon as Luo Wei's mind moved, the space in the cloth pocket was divided into nine nine eighty-one completely different spaces.

It's a bit like the storage compartment in the game.

Seeing this, Luo Wei threw the corpse of the centipede spirit, the Shennong ruler, and some miscellaneous things on his body into the cloth pocket space that had just been opened.

The whole person was immediately clear.

With this pot of heavenly art, you don't have to wait for luggage when you travel next.

More importantly, the Kettle Heavenly Art is very different from the space ring in the game.

Space rings in most games can only be stored, not live.

But the space opened up by the art of potting heaven can completely hold living things, from flies and mosquitoes to cranes, cows and horses.

If Rowe came to the cloth pocket every day, he would have a pot of heavenly magic.

Perhaps it won't be long before a military camp can be opened up to accommodate 100,000 troops to train and rest.

This is where the art of pot heaven is really awesome.

Soon after, Luo Wei left the Lin family's old mansion, returned to the inn, and slept deeply.

As for the sword method in the Lin family's old mansion.

Luo Wei didn't move, so he didn't see it, who still practices martial arts with immortal arts, can those who practice martial arts beat those who cultivate immortals?

Ten thousand steps back, even if it is martial arts, can this kind of thing be practiced casually?

Moreover, in the world of comprehensive martial arts, martial arts that are several grades higher than the evil sword method abound.

Who the will be idle and go to practice the evil sword technique.

Isn't this picking up sesame seeds and losing watermelons, this kind of stupid thing Rowe is not willing to do.

Luo Wei slept very comfortably, and slept until after three days in the morning, and woke up almost noon.

After calling the shop Xiao Er, asking for a cup of hot water, and washing his face, Luo Wei got dressed, walked out of the inn room slowly, and came to the first floor.

I ordered a few dishes, asked for a jug of wine, and ate it happily.

Just as Luo Wei was eating a mouth full of oil, he suddenly heard someone next to him talking loudly about something.

"It's miserable, it's really miserable."

"Who says it isn't."

"Speaking of which, Mr. Lin can also be regarded as a figure with a head and a face in Fuzhou City, and he can be regarded as a kind and charitable person on weekdays, how can he encounter this kind of thing."

"Good people don't live long."

"These quacks are really lawless."

Luo Wei looked around, and saw several gorgeously dressed men gathered together, sighing, as if they were fighting for a man named Old Master Lin.

Mr. Lin?

If Luo Wei remembered correctly, there was indeed a person surnamed Lin in Fuzhou.

The chief dart of the Fuwei Dart Bureau, Lin Zhennan.

Could it be that this Old Master Lin in everyone's mouth is this Lin Zhennan?

Luo Wei narrowed his eyes and suddenly called the shop Xiaoer over.

"Officer, what are your orders, just say." Shop Xiaoer nodded and bowed

Rowe pointed to the stool beside him, "Here, sit down and say." "

The shop Xiao Er was originally reluctant, how can there be a reason that the Xiao Er in the store is on an equal footing with the customer, after all, in this year, the customer is the uncle, and he is just an errand-runner.

But Luo Wei doesn't care about this, he comes from a world where everyone is equal, and he will never look down on a shop junior.

After he asked the shop Xiaoer to sit down with a smile, he asked, "I just heard from a few guests that there is a Mr. Lin born in Fuzhou City, I don't know who this Mr. Lin is?" "

Shop Xiaoer said without thinking: "Naturally, it is the largest dart bureau in our Fuzhou City, and Master Lin Zhennan of the Fuwei Dart Bureau." "

Luo Wei thought that this was indeed the case, and he asked again: "This Old Master Lin has an accident?" "

Shop Xiaoer sighed and said, "It's not just that Old Master Lin has an accident, but the entire Lin family has an accident." "

Speaking of this, he glanced left and right, and said in a low voice: "You don't know something, sir, just last night, Old Master Lin's family was wiped out, from top to bottom, not a single mouth was alive. "

"Even Mr. Lin's horses and family dogs have been wiped out."

"That's a miserable one."

"I've never seen such a frenzied murderer."

Luo Wei frowned, the plot of this martial arts world has collapsed into this, and the Lin family is still destroyed.

This Lin family should not be some kind of extinction BUFF.

Suddenly, Luo Wei thought of something and asked, "I heard that there is a young master in the Lin family named Lin Pingzhi, is he also dead?" "

Shop Xiaoer nodded and said, "Dead, there is no living mouth in the Lin family." "

"Are you sure?" Luo Wei has some differences, Lin Pingzhi is actually dead?

Shop Xiaoer said: "The people in the Yamen have already determined that the Lin family has indeed been wiped out, and there is not a single living mouth. "

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