Dawang, who is that?

After Luo Wei waited for the centipede essence to die, he jumped down from the roof of the Lin family's old mansion and glanced at it carefully.

After a while, he finally remembered why he always felt that the centipede essence was a little familiar.

Among this guy and the gourd brothers, the scorpion essence is very similar to the centipede essence under the green snake essence.

Among the gourd brothers, the centipede spirit is dressed in armor and holding two axes.

The dress cannot be said to be exactly the same as the centipede spirit in front of him, it can only be said to be very similar.

More importantly, the centipede spirit will indeed call its boss a king.

What is this?

Hulu brothers invading the world of comprehensive martial arts?

The so-called extraterrestrial heavenly demon is actually a monster from other worlds?

Ah this....

At this moment, a mechanical voice sounded in Rowe's mind.

[Detected that the host kills the extraterrestrial heavenly demon, the diary system opens a new function, you can upload pictures and take photos].

[The host can get a reward from this world, whether to receive it].

Luo Wei couldn't help but be stunned for a moment, yo he, actually turned on the new function, take photos, this seems to be quite good.

Luo Wei took out the diary, took a picture of the centipede essence's body, and uploaded the centipede essence's body to the diary.

[Heroines, female devils, extraterrestrial heavenly demons have been solved, there is no need for you to make a move].

[What I didn't expect was that this time it was a centipede essence that invaded the world of comprehensive martial arts].

[Good guys, what is this].

[Xian Xia VS Wuxia].

At this moment, whether it is waiting for the situation, or the holder of the diary copy who has fallen asleep and has been woken up again.

Seeing the photo uploaded by Luo Wei, he couldn't help but gasp.

It's really a centipede spirit.

It's incredible.

It turned out that the so-called extraterrestrial heavenly demon turned out to be a legendary monster, which was strange and unbelievable.

But what surprised them even more was that Luo Wei actually solved a monster.

[To be honest, when I first saw the centipede spirit, I was really shocked, who knew that the extraterrestrial heavenly demon turned out to be a real monster].

[It's not me blowing with you, this monster is very ferocious, when I first looked at me, my two eyes showed murderous intent].

[I was almost scared to pee at that time].

[If it weren't for my immortal method of scattering beans into a soldier, I might have run away].

[But then again, the ability to scatter beans into a soldier is really strong].

[Dozens of iron-armored warriors, stunned and stunned to hack this monster to death, greatly surprised me].

[At first, I thought that these dozens of ironclad warriors were not the opponents of the centipede essence].

[Who would have thought that the ironclad Lux would be so strong].

[It stands to reason that a centipede spirit, although it has not completely turned into a human form, is still a monster from the fairy world, and its strength will not be too bad].

[No matter how you look at it, it should not be solved so easily].

[But it was indeed hacked to death by Ironclad Lux, which the diary can also testify].

[Not only can you level up, you can upload pictures, and you can also get a reward from this world].

[So, I have a little guess].

[In the past, I always thought that the ironclad warriors I summoned could be comparable to the first-class masters in the rivers and lakes.]

[But from the point of view that the other party can hack the centipede essence to death, am I underestimating the strength of the ironclad Lux].

[Think about it carefully, whether it is dealing with the second-rate master Sun Zhongjun or the first-class master Changbai Three Murderers, they are all solved in a posture of destroying and decaying].

[The whole process is effortless].

[So here, I have a bold guess].

[The iron-armored warriors that I summoned can compete with the innate level masters].

[If so, it can explain why dozens of ironclad warriors can hack a centipede essence to death].

[Although the centipede essence is powerful, it can't beat dozens of innate masters, isn't it a normal thing? ] 】

Seeing this, Murong Qiudi, Shi Guanyin, Yunmeng Fairy, Zhaoyue and the others involuntarily widened their eyes.

Dozens of innate masters?

This guy really dares to say ah, do you know what the concept of dozens of innate masters is.

Even a big sect like Huashan Wudang did not dare to say that there were dozens of innate grandmasters in his sect.

Murong Qiudi thought that the Tianzun organization she had established was a master, but there were only a few innate grandmasters under her control.

You know, innate masters are also known as innate grandmasters, and they are figures who can open sects.

Looking at the entire rivers and lakes, it can also be said that it is a high-rise.

No organization or sect dares to underestimate an innate master.

But the photo uploaded by Luo Wei is indeed the corpse of a centipede essence.

Could it be that the immortal method mastered by Luo Wei was really so terrifying, he could summon dozens of innate masters in one go.

If this is really the case, then with Luo Wei's current strength, as long as he does not provoke a peerless powerhouse, he can definitely walk sideways on the rivers and lakes.

After all, even the Great Grandmaster couldn't stop the siege of dozens of Innate Grandmasters.

Only peerless powerhouses can ignore all this.

If they didn't have such strength, how could they stand at the apex of the rivers and lakes, laughing at Gongqing and proud princes.

[Of course, all of this is just my guess].

[Whether my Ironclad Lux can match the Innate Grandmaster, I only know if I have fought].

[Maybe, the centipede essence is really weak].

[After all, in the original plot, this guy is just a little monster that Huluwa can solve at will].

Inside the Flower Palace.

Mercy Xing asked with a surprised look, "Sister, what is this gourd baby?" "

Zhaoyue guessed: "Since it is the life of the fairy world, maybe this gourd doll is the same as the centipede essence, it is a doll after the gourd becomes fine?" "

If Luo Wei knew about Yueyue's guess, he would definitely give a thumbs up.

Because in a sense, the gourd baby is really the product of the gourd after it is refined.

However, at this time, he did not know this, and he was still writing hard.

[After solving the centipede essence, this time the extraterritorial heavenly demon invasion incident is over].

[Let me see, what is the reward of the system for giving me this world?] 】

[I'll share it with you later].

Writing this, Luo Wei closed the diary and said, "Collect the reward." "

In the next second, the sound of machinery sounded.

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining the Heavenly God Weapon, Shennong Ruler].

Then, Luo Wei's right hand sank, and a long ruler appeared out of thin air in his hand.

This long ruler is somewhat similar to a long knife, and the whole body is dark green with mysterious patterns on it.

Luo Wei felt refreshed just by holding it in his hand, and even his breathing was a little lighter.

But this was not what surprised Rowe the most, and the most surprising thing was that this reward was something that belonged to this world.

For a while, the Rowe people were stupid.

[Lying groove, lying groove, lying groove].

When the women saw this scene, they couldn't help but be surprised, what kind of prize Luo Wei had won, and he was so gaffe.

Luo Wei picked up the diary, took a photo of Shennong Ruler, and uploaded it to the diary.

[Look what reward I have received, Heavenly God Soldier Shennongruler, you dare to believe].

[This is actually a reward from this world].

[Good guy, I'll call it a good guy].

[The appearance of Shennong ruler immediately refreshed my understanding of this world].

[I just thought this was a mixed martial arts world where various martial arts novels converged, but now I'm all wrong].

[This world not only stitches up all kinds of martial arts novels, but even Hong Kong comics are stitched in].

[It's scary].

[Because the force value of Hong Kong comics is more than one cut higher than that of martial arts novels].

[Tianshen Bing Shennong Ruler comes from the Hong Kong comic 'Divine Weapon Xuanqi', although it tells a martial arts story, but the force value of this martial arts is much higher than that of ordinary martial arts novels].

【Proper Gaowu World】

[Don't say anything else, because in the Divine Weapon Xuanqi World, myths really exist].

[For example, Shennong ruler, that is, the great Shennong clan in the mythical era tasted thousands of herbs and thousands of stones, tested its medicinal properties or toxicity, and was poisoned more than a hundred times. ] Later, he obtained a Nine Earth Xuan Jade, which was instilled with thousands of poisons and thousands of medicines, and became a peerless divine weapon that could not only cure serious diseases, but also poison and kill people-Shennong Ruler

[In addition to Shennong Ruler, the other nine divine weapons Tianjing, Tiger Spirit, Tai Void, Soul Eater, Divine Dance, Phoenix Emperor, Evil, Ten Directions Annihilation, and Heavenly Curse all have earth-shattering origins].

[For example, the Heavenly Crystal at the head of the Ten Heavenly God Soldiers was cast by the Great God of Nuwa].

[In order to cast the Heavenly Crystal, the Great God of Nuwa devoted eight million years of cultivation to 490 years, using immortal qi to drive the Five Ambiguous True Fire to liquefy the five-colored spar].

[But in order to forge a sword, you must complete the final step with your own immortal body].

[So Nuwa cut off her left arm and turned it into a sub-sword, sacrificing her legs to form a mother sword, which created the Heavenly Crystal].

[Helpless son and mother sword merged into one, the sword power opened the heavens and the earth, extraordinary people can withstand the manipulation, thinking of the impending catastrophe, isolated, Nuwa fused its true yuan into the sword, protecting the destined people who obtained the sword in future generations].

[You say, this day crystal is not powerful].

[Eight million years of cultivation, what is this concept?] 】

[Sacrificing the Heavenly Crystal created in eight million years, how powerful can it be].

[To put it bluntly, if someone can obtain Tianjing, after learning Tianjing's supporting martial arts Tianjing Sword Technique, what peerless powerhouse, supreme powerhouse, all stand aside].

[Do you understand the gold content of eight million years of cultivation].

[When I talked to Li Xunhuan, I thought that the supreme strong was the peak of the rivers and lakes, but now it seems that I am superficial].

[The appearance of Shennong Ruler instantly raised the force value of this comprehensive martial arts world to a terrifying point].

[It's too deep, this river and lake, the water of this world is too deep].

[I just thought that after hacking the centipede essence, I could be a little presumptuous in this rivers and lakes].

[Now it seems that I am too swollen to understand how deep the water of this world really is].

[To be a person, you still have to keep a low profile].

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