If you write a perfunctory diary, even the reward will be perfunctory?

It turns out that the diary also has this function.

Meanwhile, Rowe continued to spit in the diary

[Could it be that the higher the quality of the diary you write, the richer the reward?] 】

[Hmm... This seems like it's worth trying.]

[But think about it, casually perfunctory will have a year of pure internal strength reward, if you perfunctory for a year, won't you have three hundred and sixty fifty years of internal strength].

[If you perfunctory for ten years, there will be 3,650 years of internal force reward].

[This reminds me of a terrier].

[My punch, three thousand years of skill, who can block it].

[Probably only peerless powerhouses can stop it].

"Blocked... What a ghost. "

Shi Guanyin, who was deep in the desert, couldn't help but complain, she had never seen anyone with a thousand years of internal strength.

That's an exaggeration.

Although the peerless powerhouse is no longer an internal force but a true qi in his body, the internal force of three thousand years is too exaggerated.

Who can stop this.

She was still gloating when she saw that Rowe's rewards were getting less and less rewarded just now.

As a result, after a long day, the clown turned out to be herself.

This guy is here to show off.

"Definitely showing off."

Feng Siniang, who was resting in the inn, was too lazy to complain, and this guy was too infuriating.

More than three thousand years of internal strength, just thinking about it feels exaggerated.

Even a peerless powerhouse can't stop the internal force of three thousand years.


Golden needle Shen family.

Shen Bijun found his cousin Shen Lang and asked curiously, "Cousin, can I ask you a question?" "

Shen Lang, who was preparing to practice swords, looked at his cousin who was overwhelmed by the country and asked with a smile: "What does my cousin want to ask?" "

Shen Bijun asked curiously, "If a person bears three thousand years of internal strength and punches out, can a peerless powerhouse be able to block it?" "

Ah this....

Shen Lang people are stupid, how to say this question, the angle is clear.

He had never thought about it.

However, seeing Shen Bijun's curious look, Shen Lang rubbed his temples and said, "It's really hard for me to answer you this question, but as far as I know, the quality of True Qi is much higher than internal strength. "

"The true qi of any peerless powerhouse is endless, like a great river, there is almost no possibility of exhaustion."

"And the true qi of a peerless powerhouse far exceeds that of an ordinary innate grandmaster, hard as iron."

"In front of the true qi of the peerless powerhouse, the internal force is like an egg."

"I admit that three thousand years of internal force is indeed exaggerated, a number enough to crush anyone."

"But when the egg collides with steel, it is always the egg that loses."

"Some things, not in large quantities, can be won, do you understand?"

Shen Bijun suddenly realized, and said softly: "Thank you cousin for solving the puzzle." "

Shen Lang smiled slightly, and suddenly asked, "By the way, why did you suddenly think of such a question?" "

Shen Bijun's eyes flickered slightly, and said: "It's nothing, it's just a whim at leisure." "

Who Shen Lang was, he could see at a glance that Shen Bijun was lying, but it didn't matter if this disappeared, and he didn't ask to the end, and after a few polite words with Shen Bijun, he began to practice swords.

Martial arts together, you are persistent.

Behind which famous warrior who moved the world, there was no sweat flowing into rivers.

He Shen Lang is naturally no exception.

As for Shen Bijun, after bidding farewell to Shen Lang, he returned to his room and continued to read his diary.

[Although the internal force of three thousand years sounds very similar and powerful, it is still too far from the immortal method of mediation, calling for wind and rain, mastering the five thunders, knowing the future, immortality, and youth forever

[When writing a journal in the future, let's be serious.]

[Can't be fooled like this today].

[This time it's really down, if there are no accidents, we'll see you tomorrow, beauties].

In the inn in Fuzhou City, after Luo Wei complained about today's reward, he closed his diary and asked.

"When will the Extraterrestrial Heavenly Demon arrive?"

A mechanical voice sounded in Rovy's mind.

[After midnight].

Luo Wei snorted, didn't go anywhere, sat on the bed and practiced the basic internal skills of the Huashan Sect, striving to achieve the internal strength he had just obtained as an arm.

In the blink of an eye, the day passed like this.

As midnight approaches.

Luo Wei, who was practicing, suddenly heard a mechanical sound.

[Extraterrestrial Heavenly Demon is coming, please prepare the host].

[Rush to the old residence of the Lin family in Xiangyang Lane in Fuzhou City as soon as possible].

Good fellow, hurry up and land this extraterrestrial heavenly demon in this comprehensive martial arts world, it is still a scenic spot.

Luo Wei immediately pushed open the window, jumped down from the second floor, left the inn, and ran all the way towards the Lin family's old residence in Xiangyang Lane.

As for how Rowe knew where Xiangyang Lane was.

Diary pointing, of course.

Ten minutes later, Luo Wei finally arrived at the Lin family's old residence in Xiangyang Lane.

It was already empty and uninhabited, and Luo Wei climbed over the wall, climbed up the roof, and looked down at the old residence of Lin Mansion condescendingly.

The scenery of the entire Lin family's old mansion was fully seen by him.

A few minutes later, midnight arrived.

The mechanical voice sounded in Rove's mind again.

[Extraterritorial Heavenly Demon is coming, the countdown begins, ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one! ] 】

When the last number sounded, in the quiet night, a bolt of lightning fell from the sky and fell on the courtyard of the Lin family's old mansion with a boom.

A bolt of thunder struck the ground of the courtyard and traveled in all directions.

Immediately afterwards, Rowe saw a figure landing on the ground in a superhero-like posture, half-kneeling on the ground.

After a few seconds, the figure slowly stood up.

Rowe opened his eyes wide and fixed his gaze.

I saw that after this figure stood up, it was several meters tall, far beyond humans.

More importantly, this guy is wearing armor and holding two axes in his hand, but he is not a human.

It is a centipede essence covered in millipedes.

Ah this... It turned out that the so-called extraterritorial heavenly demon turned out to be a monster that fell from the sky.

Luo Wei couldn't help frowning, because when he saw this centipede spirit, he always felt a little familiar, and it seemed that he had seen it somewhere.

At the same time, the centipede essence that had just arrived in the world of comprehensive martial arts turned his body and scanned the surroundings.

Suddenly, as if discovering something, the centipede spirit suddenly raised his head and locked his gaze on Luo Wei standing on the roof.

Luo Wei suddenly felt an astonishing murderous intent, which was transmitted from the centipede spirit's eyes.

This murderous intent made Luo Wei chill.

He was shocked in his heart, and did not hesitate to scatter the iron bean in his hand towards the centipede essence.

Dozens of iron beans fell from the sky, releasing a brilliant light, and in the blink of an eye, they turned into dozens of iron-armored warriors, enveloping the centipede essence cluster.

"Scattering beans into soldiers?"

The centipede spirit was shocked and angry, picked up the axe in his hand, aimed at Luo Wei and threw it directly.


At this moment, an iron-armored warrior suddenly jumped up, jumped five or six meters high, blocked in front of Luo Wei, brandished the big knife in his hand, and slammed into the speeding axe.

Two very different forces collided fiercely.

Only to hear a crisp sound of bang.

With all his strength, the ironclad Lux slashed the axe to the side, while he himself was blasted out by the explosive power contained in the axe, skimmed past Rowe's side, and flew into the deep night.

On the other hand, the remaining ironclad lux saw the centipede essence move and rushed forward without hesitation.

The sword in his hand unleashed infinite killing intent.

At this moment, the originally silent Lin family's old mansion was murderous.

Although the centipede spirit still flew out with one axe, the other axe was blown by the tiger it wielded.

The heavy axe was as light as an embroidery needle in the hand of the centipede spirit.

At this moment, the clanging sound is like fried beans, echoing in the night sky.

However, in an instant, the centipede spirit repelled the first wave of attacks by the ironclad Lux.

However, the ironclad Lux did not hesitate to launch a second wave of attacks towards the centipede essence.

Seeing this, the centipede essence raised his hand and made a move, and just now it was split out, and the axe that hit the wall trembled twice, and suddenly flew back upside down and fell into the hand of the centipede essence.

The centipede essence held the two axes in his hands, and his spirit was greatly lifted, and he swung the two axes up and down.

Every attack contains great power.

If it were other first-class masters, they would have been shattered and died by the power of the centipede essence.

But Ironclad is not human.

They are made of steel all over their bodies, they will not be injured, they will not get tired, they will not be afraid, and they will not die.

Unless Rowe touches the beans to become a soldier, or the time is up.

Otherwise, they are the perfect weapon.

The centipede essence flew out several times and three times, but in the next second, the ironclad warrior who was beaten away attacked without fear of death.

Because they are never afraid.

The strength of the centipede essence is very strong, and it has too many advantages over humans, but in front of a group of iron-armored warriors, the advantage of the centipede essence is nothing.

The advantage of Ironclad Lux is even greater.

Dozens of iron-armored warriors attacked in unison, swords and shadows in all directions, even if the centipede essence wielded the two axes airtightly, but it could not last for a long time.

It was just an oversight, and the ironclad saw an opportunity, slashed out with a sword, broke through the centipede spirit's defense, cut off one of his feet, and blood splashed out in an instant.

The centipede couldn't help but let out a scream, and the movement in his hand slowed down a beat.

In this way, more ironclad warriors saw the opportunity and broke through the centipede essence's defense.

The sword light and shadow left a series of deep bone sword wounds on the centipede essence's body, and blood jumped out from the centipede essence's body like a fountain.

The centipede essence suddenly screamed bitterly.

After a while, this guy was chopped into meat sauce by the ironclad warriors.

However, before dying, the centipede spirit looked at Luo Wei angrily and roared, "The king will not let you go." "

Then, it hangs.

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