Not to mention the mother and daughter filial piety of the Huashan faction, Luo Wei finally felt cool after complaining fiercely in the diary.

He took a long stretch and began to end.

[Through the above examples, you should understand how I feel by now].

[In short, this Daming is strange, whether it is the imperial court or the rivers and lakes].

[After chatting with Li Xunhuan yesterday, I had a feeling of not vomiting or being unhappy].

[So today I complained once in the diary].

[Thank you for listening].

[Let's write about today's diary here, if other interesting things happen, I will share it with you at any time].


After writing the last sentence, Luo Wei closed the note and said with a smile: "Give the reward." "

The mechanical sound arrived.

[Check that the host has completed today's diary, and the reward is now issued].

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining the Spell Talisman Charm].

[This spell can only be used once a day and cannot be used cumulatively].

In the next second, a golden light burst out of the diary and hit Luo Wei's eyebrows.

Luo Wei successfully mastered this spell.

He couldn't help but sigh, and the reward dropped again.

A few days ago, it was still the thirty-six changes of Tiangang, and then it dropped to the Seventy-two Techniques of the Earth Evil, and now it is better, and it is not even the Seventy-two Techniques of the Earth Evil.

It's just an ordinary spell.

It's not that this spell is bad, but it's obviously not a level compared to the previous Tiangang Thirty-Six Transformations and Earthly Seventy-Two Techniques.

Well, it's not all like this, you have to look at Shu, eat in the bowl and look into the pot.

Now that the reward has dropped a level, it is naturally full of unhappiness.

However, Rowe quickly adjusted his mentality, and although the reward decreased, it was still a magic spell.

And this talisman is not bad.

If you think about it, if you're fighting an enemy, casting an amulet spell is equivalent to putting on a defensive buff, and the enemy won't be able to get on you no matter how you fight.

On the contrary, if you slap it over, you can break the bones of the enemy.

The tide of battle was reversed in an instant.

This is the benefit of the Talisman Charm, which can save a person's life in a critical moment.

Thinking about it like this, Rowe suddenly did not dislike it.

After putting the diary away, Luo Wei performed the art of earth walking and rushed to Fuzhou.

At this time, there was only one day left before the extraterritorial heavenly demon invasion prompted by the diary.

Therefore, Luo Wei must rush to Fuzhou before the extraterrestrial heavenly demon appears.

The art of earth travel was indeed wonderful, and after Luo Weishi exhibited it, the whole person was integrated into the earth.

However, Rowe, who entered the ground, did not lose his way, but could see what was happening on the ground.

What's even more interesting is that when he cast the earth walking technique and entered the ground, the originally hard ground was easily separated by Luo Wei at this moment like a stream of water.

Rowe galloped all the way without much effort.

In the evening, Luo Wei arrived in Fuzhou smoothly and found one of the best inns in Fuzhou City.

It was still the best room.

Rich, that's how willful.

Since saving Li Xunhuan and killing the three murderers of Changbai, Luo Wei has obtained tens of thousands of taels of silver tickets and has become a rich man.

It is still more than enough to stay in a fooled inn.

This night, Rowe who was comfortable.

By the next day, Rowe woke up early and began to adjust to his condition.

Today is the last day.

After today, the extraterrestrial heavenly demon will come, so Luo Wei is in no mood to write a diary.

But think about it, as long as you write a diary, you will get a reward, and to deal with extraterrestrial heavenly demons, the more means, the better, so Luo Wei took out the diary again and wrote it in.

[Today is the last day, and the extraterrestrial heavenly demon mentioned in the diary will come after today].

[To be honest, I'm a little scared right now and don't know what to write].

[Think about it, let's write a little indiscriminately, make up enough five hundred words, and get a reward].

[To deal with extraterrestrial heavenly demons, the means are naturally the more the better].

[In addition, please also ask all the heroes, female devils to be ready, once I can't win the Extraterritorial Heavenly Demon, I will tell you where the Extraterritorial Heavenly Demon appears].

[At that time, please come and support quickly.]

[I'm sure you won't refuse this].

"After all, this is your world."

[Of course, now it is also my world, after all, I live in this world now, and it is impossible to pat my ass and leave].

[If someone is not willing to come, I also understand, after all, this thing of extraterrestrial heavenly demons is difficult to deal with when they hear it].

[God knows what this group of extraterrestrial heavenly demons really is].

[So I don't advocate first-class masters to come over, after all, I casually summon an ironclad warrior, which is a first-class master].

[If even I can't win, this means that the strength of the Extraterritorial Heavenly Demon is very strong, so strong that the first-class experts can't deal with it, and it's just a thousand miles to send people's heads when they come].

[So I decided that the person who came to support would preferably be the Innate Grandmaster].

[If it's a grandmaster, it's even better].

[The peerless strong are even more popular].

When the women saw this scene, they couldn't help but take a sip in unison, and said it easily, you really think that the peerless strong is a big cabbage.

There are only a handful of peerless powerhouses in Daming.

Especially women, there are not even many innate grandmasters.

Inside the Flower Palace.

Mercy Xing glanced up at Yueyue and asked with a smile: "Sister, will you go?" "

Yueyue said with a smile: "If this Luo Wei really can't deal with it, I will make a move, and I also want to see what the extraterritorial heavenly demon in his mouth is." "

At the foot of Mount Hua.

Shangguan Haitang couldn't help sighing, she was now the first class among the first-class, and she was only one step away from the innate grandmaster.

But it was this step away, but it was like a heavenly graben, locking her to the realm of the day after tomorrow.

If Luo Wei really failed, with her strength, going would only be a head.

So Shangguan Haitang decided that if Luo Wei really lost.

Perhaps, she could only tell her righteous father Iron Courage God Hou Zhu about this matter, ignoring it.

Zhu Yan was not only the owner of the Dragon Guarding Villa, but also an innate grandmaster, enough to participate in this matter.

Inside Murong Villa.

Murong Qiudi's eyes flickered, and at this moment, her boudoir was pushed away, and Murong Jiu walked in from outside.

"Is Jiu Mei looking for me for something?" Murong Qiudi got up and greeted him with a smile.

Murong Jiu asked, "Will my sister make a move?" "

Murong Qiudi said, "You really have a copy of your diary. "

Murong Jiu was unmoved and asked, "Will my sister make a move?" "

Murong Qiudi knew that Murong Jiu had always been cold, and he was unimpressed by her attitude, and said softly: "If Luo Wei really fails, I will make a move." "

"I don't want some mess in Daming Rivers and Lakes."

When Murong Jiu heard this, he bowed his head and said, "In that case, I will strike with my sister." "

Murong Qiudi couldn't help but be stunned and asked, "You are already a congenital?" "

Murong Jiu shook his head, "No, but I won't sit idly by. "

Murong Qiudi breathed a sigh of relief, in the second just now, she really thought that her ninth sister had reached the innate realm and became an innate grandmaster.

Feelings just want to shoot.

Murong Qiudi stretched out his hand and touched Murong Jiu's hair, and said softly: "Silly Ninth Sister, you also saw it, Luo Wei that guy said, if he really fails, the first-class master is just giving away people's heads." "

"It's reasonable, my sister won't let you go with me."

Murong Jiu still wanted to say something, but Murong Qiudi didn't wait for the other party to speak, so he interrupted: "Enough, this matter is up to me, so it was decided." "

Murong Jiu was slightly stunned, and then nodded.

Huashan Pie.

Ning Zhong looked at the contents of the diary and smiled bitterly, she is still a first-class master, if Luo Wei loses, she is not qualified to participate in this matter.

Perhaps, she can go to Furong Fairy Xu Shuzhen.

This uncle is a famous female grandmaster of the Huashan Sect.

[All in all, get ready].

[Today's diary is written here first, hey, five hundred words when there is nothing to say is really not easy to make up, this is probably the shortest diary I wrote in the diary].

[Wrote a lot of nonsense that is not there, completely to make up the word count and get rewards].

[What a shame].

After writing the last word, Rowe estimated that he had written more than five hundred times, closed the diary cheerfully, and asked for a reward.

The sound of machinery came as promised.

[Detected that the host has finished writing today's diary and began to distribute rewards].

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining one year of pure internal strength].

In the next second, a ray of light burst out from the diary and hit Rowe's body.

Luo Wei suddenly felt a steady stream of heat appear from the dantian and merge into his body.

However, in an instant, his basic internal strength entered the Dacheng realm.

Good fellow, this time he simply didn't even give a spell, and simply gave a year of strength?

That's too much trouble.

Luo Wei couldn't help but take out the diary and began to complain.

[After making up the word count just now, I got a reward, not the Thirty-Six Changes of Tiangang, nor the Seventy-two Techniques of Hellfire].

[It's not even a spell, it's just a year of pure internal strength].

[This is also too perfunctory].

[It shouldn't be that my diary is too brief, but it's still perfunctory, making up the word count].

[So the rewards will be less and less].

The women were surprised to see that Rowe had begun to write in her diary again, especially the contents of the diary.

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