When Shangguan Haitang saw this paragraph, he couldn't help but be surprised.

"It turned out that Prince Zhu Youzhen turned out to be the last emperor of the Ming Dynasty in history, and in this world, he became the son of the emperor. No wonder Rowe is so complaining, wait..."

At this moment, Shangguan Haitang's eyes flickered and he thought of a possibility.

"If Zhu Youzhen was the last emperor of the Ming Dynasty in the world before Luo Wei crossed, then what about the other sons of the emperor, are there other emperors of the Ming Dynasty in it?"

This was not only thought of by Shangguan Haitang.

Lin Shiyin, Murong Qiudi, Murong Jiu, Zhaoyue, Mercy Xing, Huang Rong, Lin Chaoying and others also thought of it.

The women continued to watch.

[Well, I believe that everyone is a smart person, when I saw Zhu Youzhen, I must have thought of other princes, could it also be a Daming emperor in history].

[Actually, I also thought about this when I first knew that Zhu Youzhen had become Zhu Yuanzhang's son].

[So I asked Li Xunhuan, the names of the other princes].

[Not to mention, I really let me find a few].

[Zhu Youxiao, the fifteenth prince of Zhu Yuanzhang, is the fifteenth emperor in the history of the Ming Dynasty, the Emperor of the Apocalypse].

[Zhu Youxiao has an absurd and strange personality, is procrastinating in Yile, has no intention of dynasty, and he reuses the castration party throughout his life, resulting in the dictatorship of the nursing mother Hakka and Wei Zhongxian, and calamity to the country and the people].

[Later, he fell into the water during the game, and then he was frightened, I remember this guy was in his twenties and had no children].

[So his younger brother Zhu Youzhen the Prince of Xin ascended the throne, later the Chongzhen Emperor].

[However, history proves that these two are not good emperors].

[I estimate that the reason why there are these two people in the comprehensive martial arts world is because these two people are likely to come from the martial arts movie Embroidered Spring Dao].

[Zhu Yuanzhang's thirteenth prince, Zhu Yijun, is the thirteenth emperor in the history of the Ming Dynasty, Wanli Emperor].

[This is the longest reigning emperor of the Ming Dynasty, and the emperor who has been absent for the longest time].

[Since the thirteenth year of Wanli, he has refused to go to the dynasty for decades].

[But I have to admit that Emperor Wanli still has a skill, although he has not been in the dynasty for many years and eats fasting in the harem, the highest power of Daming has always been firmly in his hands].

[The reason why this guy was sewn into this world is probably because he came from the legend of the white-haired witch written by Liang Yusheng].

[And here to focus on reminding that the heroine of the white-haired witch is nicknamed Jade Rakshasa, whose real name is Lian Neon Clothes].

[If nothing else, there is also a copy of the diary].

[This woman looks peerless, jealous as hatred, and once robbed Zhuo Zhonglian, a high-ranking official of the imperial court who returned to his hometown, and did not fight with his Sun Zhuo Yihang, and later fell in love].

[Zhuo Yihang is a disciple of Wudang, and his uncle Baishi Daoist thinks that he should not fall in love with the woman of the green forest, so he intervenes].

[Lian Nei Xiang made a big fuss about Wudang because of this, and finally ended in tragedy because Zhuo Yihang was cowardly and his will was not strong. ] Lian Nei was white-headed for this night and was known as the white-haired witch

[From the perspective of outsiders, Zhuo Yihang is undoubtedly a scumbag who has failed to practice neon clothes].

[But in my opinion, Lian Nei and Zhuo Yihang should not have been together in the first place].

[One is a Wudang disciple, after the official eunuch, the other is the leader of the green forest, and the education received by both sides is completely different, okay].

[Lian Neon clothes, this woman is certainly a heroine who flaunts her personality and dares to love and hate].

[But she is also a female robber who kills without blinking, and human life is not worth mentioning in her eyes].

[And Zhuo Yihang, who received a well-known and decent education, knew how to read, excelled in martial arts, and the three views and living habits of the two people are completely different].

[So it's not destined to go together].

[Even without the intervention of the uncle Shiraishi Daoist, unless the two people change for each other, even if they come together, they will eventually fail due to many reasons].

[Practice neon clothes, you are watching].

[If you don't believe it, you can try it and see if you and Zhuo Yihang can go to the end].

[Anyway, it's not me who will be white-headed overnight].

[If you believe me, it's better to chase Xiao Shiyilang, this guy is not bad].

[You are a robber, he is a big thief, but he is very suitable].

Inside the Bright Moon Village.

Lian Nei was suddenly furious, and pulled out his sword to smash the diary in front of him, "Good Luo Wei, what kind of thing are you, you dare to point fingers at your aunt." "

"Don't let me find you, or I'll crush your corpse into ten thousand pieces."

But the next second, an intact diary appeared in front of her.

This time, Lian Neon didn't look at it, but he kicked the diary and flew out, and walked away without looking back.


On the other hand, there is a certain inn thousands of miles away from Mingyue Village.

There was also a man who hated Rowe to the bone.

Feng Siniang's face became darker than ever, she had already worked very hard to chase Xiao Shiyilang, and she didn't expect that Luo Wei, this guy, would mess with the Mandarin Duck Spectrum.

I even want to make it more difficult for myself.

For a while, Feng Siniang's teeth itched.

"Rovi, Rowe, you'd better not let me find you."

At this time, Luo Wei did not know that his words angered the two women, and he was still writing hard in his notebook.

[That's the end of the matter of practicing neon clothes, let's continue to talk about the prince's affairs next].

[In addition to the Chongzhen Emperor, the Heavenly Enlightenment Emperor, and the Wanli Emperor].

[Zhu Yuanzhang's eleventh prince, Zhu Houxi, was the eleventh emperor in the history of the Ming Dynasty, Jiajing Emperor].

[This is a famous Taoist emperor in history, superstitious in religion, praying for immortality, ignoring the dynasty for a long time, and the traitor Yan Song holds power].

[It can also be regarded as one of the strange emperors of the Ming Dynasty].

[The reason why he was stitched in is probably because he is the emperor of the strange man Yizhimei].

[Zhu Houzhao, the tenth prince of Zhu Yuanzhang, was the tenth emperor in the history of the Ming Dynasty, the Zhengde Emperor].

[There are many martial arts novels that appear in this one, such as the emperor in the 'first place in the world' mentioned earlier, which is this emperor].

[And in 'The First Under the World', the Iron Courage God Hou Zhu ignored but Zhu Houzhao's imperial uncle].

[Zhu Qizhen, the eighth prince of Zhu Yuanzhang, Tianshun Emperor, the famous Daming war god in the history of Daming].

[In history, when Vara attacked Daming, he was bewitched by the eunuch Wang Zhen to drive his own conquest, did not understand the blind command of war, and destroyed hundreds of thousands of troops in Daming in World War I, resulting in the decline of the Ming Dynasty, and even he was captured by Walla's army].

[Even under the pressure of the Vara , let the capital open the door and let the Vara army enter the city].

[If it weren't for Yu Qian's resistance to death and turning the tide at a critical moment, the entire Ming Dynasty might have broken its spine].

[And this Zhu Qizhen also left a great name in later generations, among which the three nicknames of Daming God of War, Vara International Student, and Emperor Gate are the most famous].

[Interestingly, after this guy was captured, his younger brother Zhu Qiyu, Zhu Yuanzhang's seventh son, ascended the throne and became Emperor Jingtai].

[But a few years later, after this guy returned from Wala, he actually drove Zhu Qiyu down again and regained the throne].

[But the first thing this guy did when he came back was to kill Yu Qian Yu Shaobao, who had turned the tide and saved Daming].

[Also a ruthless person].

[By the way, this Zhu Qizhen and Zhu Qiyu were sewn into this world, most likely because of the Pingxia video].

[After all, this novel was originally about what happened after the change of the Tumu Fort].

[In addition, Zhu Yuanzhang's other sons, Zhu Zhanji and Zhu Gaoji, were all emperors in the history of the Ming Dynasty, one was the Xuande Emperor and the other was the Hongxi Emperor].

[But these two people are from that novel, I don't know.]

[However, it is worth uniting that in history, Zhu Gaoji was Zhu Di's son, and Zhu Zhanji was Zhu Di's grandson, but in this comprehensive martial arts world, both of them became Zhu Di's brother and Zhu Yuanzhang's son].

[That's amazing].

[But you're not me, you probably don't understand this wonderful feeling].

[I can make a metaphor, for example, in this world, the two palace masters of the Shifting Flower Palace, the lord of the Great Palace Yueyue and the lord of the second palace, Mercy Xing, are a pair of little sisters].

[But after changing worlds, the lord of the Great Palace suddenly became the daughter of Mercy Xing].

[Li Xunhuan and Lin Shiyin are fiancées, but after changing worlds, Lin Shiyin became Li Xunhuan's grandmother].

[Ning Zhongze and Yue Lingshan are mother and daughter, change the world, Yue Lingshan has become Ning Zhongze's mother].

[This wonderful feeling, you know].

Inside the Flower Palace.

When Mercy Xing saw this, she couldn't help but laugh.

She now somewhat understood how Rowe felt when she said this, and imagined that she had become her sister's mother, which was indeed a wonderful feeling.

"Is it funny?"

But in the next second, a voice that almost froze to death came to mind in Mercy Xing's ears.

Mercy Xing's heart was shocked, and when she looked up, she saw her sister Yueyue's face that was about to be gloomy and about to drip water.

She hurriedly said: "Sister, don't blame, this is just that guy's joke, don't take it seriously." "


As soon as Mercy Xing's words fell, Yueyue slapped the table in front of her to smithereens.

Yueyue said sharply: "Since it is a joke, what is so funny." "

Mercy Xing quickly lowered his head, but in his heart he began to complain about Luo Wei, why did he say such a cold joke.

Unsuspecting Rowe: ...

Inside the Lee Garden.

Lin Shiyin looked at the diary in her hand and imagined that one day she suddenly became Li Xunhuan's grandmother.

In an instant, she couldn't help but shiver.

The feeling was so oozing, and she now kind of experienced Rowe's feelings.

Inside Huashan.

Yue Lingshan raised her head and glanced at her mother-in-law, hesitated for a long time, and did not speak.

Ning Zhong saw his expression of wanting to say something, and couldn't help but say: "If you want to say anything, just say it." "

Yue Lingshan's eyes lit up after receiving the encouragement, and she couldn't help but ask, "Niang, you said that in another world, will I really be your mother-in-law." "

Ning Zhongze's face suddenly darkened, put down the diary in his hand, and picked up the sword hanging on the wall.

Yue Ling Shenton felt bad, "Mom, what do you want to do?" "

Ning Zhong said: "Shan'er, pick up your sword, my mother is free today, just to point out your martial arts." "

Yue Lingshan: ......

Don't come here!

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