Luo Wei was curious about who Li Xunhuan had offended, poisoned, and bought murder.

Faced with Luo Wei's doubts, Li Xunhuan hesitated again and again, and finally shook his head.

"Little brother Luo..."

"Just call me Brother Luo, I don't like the word small very much, I always feel inferior." Rowe corrected.

Li Xunhuan was stunned, smiled, and said, "Brother Luo, it's not that I don't want to tell you, but this matter is very involved, if I tell you, it will hurt you." "

Luo Wei looked at Li Xunhuan suspiciously, "Are you sure?" "

Li Xunhuan nodded solemnly.

Luo Wei knew that Li Xunhuan's personality would definitely not be untargeted, so he slapped his thigh and said, "Okay, since you don't want to say more, I won't ask." "

"I didn't ask that question just now."

Li Xunhuan breathed a sigh of relief, "Thank you Brother Luo for your understanding." "

So the two changed the topic and chatted.

Since Li Xunhuan can visit flowers in high school, his literary style is naturally excellent, and he is well-informed, and he will not be bored at all when talking to him.

He quoted scriptures and explained many things very thoroughly.

And for the rivers and lakes, Li Xunhuan also has a unique view.

In the past, Luo Wei's understanding of this river and lake came either from the memory of the original owner or from the plot in the book.

And after chatting with Li Xunhuan this time, Luo Wei's understanding of the Daming rivers and lakes is no longer limited to the memory of the original owner, or the plot in the book.

Instead, he has a thorough understanding of Daming rivers and lakes.

It is precisely because of these understandings that Luo Wei has an urge not to vomit or be unhappy.

On the second day, Li Xunhuan bid farewell to Luo Wei and went on the road alone.

Rowe pulled out his diary and began to write on it.

[Everyone, everyone, everyone, the women and female devils who are doing things, put down the matter at hand, and listen to me complain about this Daming rivers and lakes].

In an instant, all the women who obtained the diary felt the diary vibrate.

Rowe started updating.

Many people put down what they were doing and opened their diaries to read it.

When they saw the first sentence, everyone was surprised, what is there to complain about in Daming Jianghu.

It's hard to see what this family has discovered.

[After saving Li Xunhuan yesterday, I talked to Li Xunhuan about this Daming rivers and lakes].

[In the past, my understanding of you and this Daming River and Lake was limited to the memory of the original owner and the plot in the book].

[But now it's different].

[Li Xunhuan can be regarded as opening the door to a new world for me].

[When I stepped into the door of this new world, I suddenly felt very grooved.]

[You haven't read the original novel, so you don't quite understand how I feel now, do you know?] 】

[Take the Murong family in Qixingtang in Jiangnan].

[This Murong family appears in the 'Sword of the Third Young Master' written by Gu Long, the male protagonist is Xie Xiaofeng, the female protagonist is Murong Qiudi, and the old owner of Murong Villa only has Murong Qiudi's daughter].

[Whoever can take Murong Qiudi is equivalent to obtaining Murong Villa].

[So the young warrior who wants to marry Murong Qiudi on the rivers and lakes is like the Qing of the River].

[However, Murong Qiudi liked Xie Xiaofeng, so he rejected all this group of young warriors, making countless people regret it].

[And in Gu Long's other novel 'Peerless Double Pride', there is also a Murong family].

[Because Gu Long's novel world background is also in the same vein, it is very likely that these two Murong families are the same Murong family].

[But the time is far apart].

[And in the 'peerless double pride', this Murong family has a total of nine daughters, which are called the nine shows in the world].

[Among them, the most eye-catching is the ninth young lady of the Murong family, with a prominent background and a wealthy family, known as Murong Jiu Mei].

[This Murong Jiu looks beautiful and elegant, but he is lonely and self-appreciating, indifferent, indifferent and lonely, a woman with both talents, and at the same time the most favored and intelligent sister in the Murong family].

[is also a more outstanding supporting actress in 'Peerless Double Pride'].

[I estimate that this Murong Jiu should also have a copy of his diary].

Murong family.

Murong Qiudi raised her eyebrows when she saw this, "It turns out that Jiu Mei also has a copy of her diary, interesting." "

However, she did not go to Murong Jiu to confirm it, but continued to read

[In addition to Murong Jiu, the 'peerless double arrogance' did not portray Murong Jiu's other sisters too much, but only mentioned it].

[It is said that the other eight sisters of this human jiuxiu are all married to famous heroes in the rivers and lakes].

[And the only one who did not marry is this Murong Jiu].

[However, in this comprehensive martial arts world, the two Murong families are integrated, and the nine shows in the world still exist, but the eldest of these nine shows has become Murong Qiudi].

[Family, who understands this change].

[And this change is not the most groove, do you know what the most groove is?] 】

[The thing that makes me lie down the most is that the Murong family is on the side of the Great Song Kingdom, and there is actually a branch].

[The place where you live is called Swallow Dock].

[Maybe it seems like nothing to you, but in my opinion, this change is simply groove].

[Because you don't understand, the Murong family of Yanziwu is not from a novel written by Gu Long].

[It's the Dragon Babu written by Jin Yong].

[Among the eight parts of the Heavenly Dragon, the Gusu Murong family of Yanziwu is a descendant of the Xianbei clan, and the ancestors are the Xianbei Murong clan who entered the Central Plains during the Sixteen Kingdoms period and established the "Yan Kingdom"].

[After the subsequent decline, Gusu Murong took the restoration of the country as his mission for generations].

[Murong Fu, the descendant of this generation of Gusu Murong, has a single name and a compound character, that is, I am always reminded to restore the country and become an emperor].

[However, these two diametrically special worlds, completely different novels, after being integrated, turned into a Murong family].

[Gusu Murong turned out to be a branch of Daming Murong, and Murong Fu turned out to be a relative of Murong Qiudi].

[This change is simply amazing].

[I really answered that fixed sentence... Five hundred years ago it was a family

When the women saw this, they couldn't help but be surprised.

It turns out that there is such a wonderful change in the world of comprehensive martial arts.

Especially Murong Qiudi was even more surprised, feeling that he and Gusu Murong on the side of the Great Song were not from the same novel, but two completely different novels.

On the other hand, Murong Jiu, who was reading the diary in the room, flickered his eyes.

"It turns out that my sister Murong Qiudi is not my sister in another world, it is very likely to be my ancestor?"

"This kind of change will be very interesting at that time."

[Of course, the changes in the Murong family are not the most extreme].

[The most absolute change has to be the Daming royal family, this is the most absolute].

Shangguan Haitang, who had already come to the realm of the Huashan Sect and was having breakfast in an inn, couldn't help but chuckle in his heart when he saw this sentence.

The changes in the Daming royal family are the most absolute?

Whether this change is good or bad.

[Yesterday, when I and Li Xunhuan expected the Dragon Guarding Villa, Li Xunhuan accidentally said that the owner of the Dragon Guarding Villa was the Iron Guts God Hou Zhu, which was not surprising].

[After all, in the original TV series 'The World's First', the Iron Gall God Hou Zhu ignored the owner of the Dragon Guarding Villa].

[But later, when Li Xunhuan said that Zhu Zheng and his brother Zhu Youzhen were obviously brothers of the same father and mother, but they had a discordant relationship, I was dumbfounded].

[Zhu Youjian? 】

[Good guy, I didn't hear or miss, Zhu ignored the brother turned out to be Zhu Youzhen].

[Chongzhen Emperor Zhu Youjian? 】

When Shangguan Haitang saw this, he couldn't help but be confused.

Chongzhen Emperor Zhu Youzhen? How did Zhu Youzhen become the Chongzhen Emperor again? Where is this Chongzhen Emperor?

[Later, I asked Li Xunhuan about the prince of Daming].

[Only then did I understand what had changed in this world

[First of all, the current emperor of Daming is Zhu Yuanzhang, which is fine].

[Hongwu Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang was originally the founding emperor of Daming, the most righteous emperor in history, with a bowl at the beginning and a country at the end].

[Before I crossed over, in the 5,000-year history of China, no emperor had a lower starting point than Zhu Yuanzhang].

[From a beggar to a great emperor, it is a legend in itself].

[But strange, it's strange in Zhu Yuanzhang's sons].

[In the orthodox history I have traversed, Zhu Yuanzhang had more than twenty sons].

[The most famous of them is the eldest son Yiwen Prince Zhu Biao, and the fourth son Zhu Di].

[First of all, Zhu Biao is definitely the most stable prince in history, when the other princes are trembling, even if they don't do a good job, they will be abolished].

[Zhu Yuanzhang really poured all his love into the prince, and absolutely did not allow anyone to threaten Zhu Biao's status].

[He really cultivated Zhu Biao as the next emperor].

[Unfortunately, the historical Zhu Biao fell ill and died without waiting for Zhu Yuanzhang to abdicate].

[In desperation, Zhu Yuanzhang had to kill the generals led by Lan Yu and support Zhu Biao's son Zhu Yunjiang to ascend the throne].

[As a result, after Zhu Yunjiang ascended the throne, the first thing he did was to cut the clan and do something to several of his uncles].

[In less than a year, the King of Zhou, King Min, King Xiang, King Qi, and King Dai were deposed one after another, and King Xiang even died by self-immolation].

[Zhu Di was forced to raise troops, and in the name of Fengtian Jingjian, he launched the Battle of Jingyan and raised troops to attack Emperor Jianwen. Jianwen conquered Nanjing in four years, that is, the emperor's throne, and created a prosperous era of Yongle, known in history as the Yongle Emperor].

[Then, the sixteenth emperor, a total of 276 years, finally collapsed].

[It is worth mentioning that the last emperor of the Ming Dynasty, Zhu Youzhen, reigned for seventeen years, when the king Li Zicheng attacked Beijing, the Chongzhen Emperor Zhu Youzhen hanged himself on a coal mountain with a eunuch loyal to him and hanged himself on a crooked neck tree].

[The Ming Dynasty perished].

[Now, Zhu Youzhen, the last emperor of the Ming Dynasty, has become the son of the Ming Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang, and Zhu ignores the brother of a mother, can you understand my feelings now].

[This world is simply a crazy stitching monster].

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