The carriage staggered on the official road, and Rowe closed his diary and waited silently.

In the next second, the sound of machinery sounded again.

[Detected that the host has completed the fourth day diary, and the reward is now issued


[Congratulations to the host for obtaining the Earth Journey of the Seventy-Two Arts].

[Only used once a day, expired is void, cannot be accumulated].

What, the Seventy-Two Techniques of Hell?

Luo Wei couldn't help but be surprised, he originally thought that he would get the Thirty-Six Transformations of Tiangang this time, but as a result, the diary did not play cards according to common sense, and actually gave the Seventy-two Techniques of Hell.

The reward actually dropped by one level.

In an instant, a golden light was released from the diary and hit Luo Wei's eyebrows.

Rowe quickly mastered this earth-making technique.

And all this was done in front of Li Xunhuan, but at this time, Li Xunhuan was now pranayama, and he did not see the vision that happened in the carriage at all.

In fact, even if he didn't close his eyes to heal his wounds, he couldn't see this.

Rowe had tried it before, and only he could see the diary, and no one else could see it at all.

After a while, Rowe adjusted his mentality.

Although this time it was not the thirty-six changes of Tiangang, but the seventy-two techniques of the earth.

But the seventy-two spells are also good, and the seventy-two spells also have their own wonderful uses.

The upper can be ladder clouds, and the lower can shrink the ground.

At the finger, the mountain cracked, and when he was breathing, the stone walked and flew.

Stealth and appearance, all called confused faces, ghosts and spirits, arbitrary void servants.

Bean Man grass horse, under the battle formation added eight sides of majesty. Paper tigers lead snakes, and make a spirit monster in times of tribulation.

Wind and thunderstorms can be used at any time, and water, fire and knife guns dare not be injured. The Mountain Fairy Grandma is powerful, and the Mixed World Demon King has high spells.

And this earthy art obtained by Luo Wei can escape into the soil and travel thousands of miles every day, which can be regarded as solving his urgent needs.

Huashan is at least thousands of miles away from Fuzhou, and with his current speed, he will definitely not be able to catch up in three days.

And the appearance of the art of earth travel made Luo Wei have no worries.

As long as he was willing, he could rush to Fuzhou when the extraterritorial Heavenly Demon invaded, and he had plenty of time.

Thinking of this, Luo Wei not only relaxed his heart.

Half an hour later, Li Xunhuan finished his luck, slowly opened his eyes, and thanked Luo Wei again.

Rowe asked, "Are you healed?" "

Li Xunhuan smiled bitterly and said, "How can it be so fast, the internal injuries are almost healed, but the toxins in the body have not yet been forced out, and it may take a little time." "

Luo Wei couldn't help but be stunned for a moment, and said with some surprise: "You were poisoned? "

Li Xunhuan said: "If it weren't for the poison, what would the district chief Bai Sanji count." "

Luo Wei people are stupid, he originally thought that the young Li Xunhuan was not strong, so he couldn't beat the three murderers of Changbai, and the other party couldn't beat the three murderers of Changbai because he was poisoned.

Luo Wei couldn't help but ask, "What strength do you have now?" "

Li Xunhuan said: "Not long ago, I just broke through the innate. "

Luo Wei couldn't help but have a toothache and said with his hands: "It turns out that you are a young grandmaster." "

Although he has not been in this world for a long time, he has absorbed the memories of the original owner, and he is quite clear about some of the division of strength in martial arts.

People like the original owner, who have only practiced a Huashan sword technique and basic internal skills, are not in the flow at all in the rivers and lakes.

If a person who cultivates this basic Huashan sword technique and basic internal strength to perfection, he can become a third-rate in the rivers and lakes.

And people like Sun Zhongjun can be regarded as second-rate masters when looking at the rivers and lakes.

The three murderers of Changbai are first-class masters.

And first-class masters, no matter where they go, will be admired and treated politely. Even in a gate sect like Huashan, it can be called the backbone and mainstay of the sect.

By the way, Yue Buqun of the Huashan Sect and people like Ning Zhong are all first-class masters.

But whether it is a third-rate, second-rate, or first-class master, it is generally called the day after tomorrow.

And above the day after tomorrow, it is innate.

There is a saying in the rivers and lakes called acquired strength, innate qi training.

It is said that the third-rate, second-rate, first-class masters, all cultivated are internal strength.

This internal force has a bit of a golden oil, which can be used to heal injuries, can be used to increase strength, can also be used to increase speed, and can also be used to injure enemies.

Of course, this depends on which aspect of their cultivation of the inner strength heart method is biased.

The internal force cultivation has reached the peak, still swirling in the body, and it is difficult to release it outside.

At least a few divine skills can be accomplished.

But innate is different, once the innate is broken and the weekly cycle is achieved, the internal force will absorb the qi of heaven and earth, and a steady stream of transformation into true qi.

This is the origin of innate qi training.

And True Qi is more terrifying than internal force.

Not only does it have the attribute of internal strength, but it also has the attribute that True Qi does not have.

For example, outlet.

Outer release is one of the most basic properties of True Qi.

For example, a first-class master who practices swords can release a three-foot sword radiance, and he is already a master among the masters.

But casually a congenital master came, not to mention a three-foot sword mang, three meters of sword qi can be given to you.

Picking leaves from flying flowers and hurting people in the air is the foundation of the foundation.

Looking at the entire rivers and lakes, innate masters are existences that cannot be ignored, which is enough to open a sect.

Therefore, innate masters are also called innate grandmasters.

And above the innate, there are several levels divided, but Luo Wei is not very clear, because the original owner's memory is not there.

The elders of the Huashan Sect who taught the original owner everywhere did not tell the original owner what happened after the innate nature.

Maybe they don't want to let the disciples be so ambitious, or they don't feel necessary.

So the other party only roughly explained the acquired and innate, and did not go into detail.

This also led to Luo Wei not knowing much about the things behind the innate.

At the same time, in the face of Luo Wei's praise, Li Xunhuan said with a bitter smile: "What about the innate grandmaster, he didn't almost overturn and died in the hands of the three murderers of Changbai. "

"If it weren't for my benefactor, I would be a corpse by now."

Luo Wei waved his hand and said: "Can't say that, aren't you poisoned, it's really not easy to be able to entangle with three first-class masters for such a long time after being poisoned." "

"But I'm curious, what kind of poison is in you, even the innate grandmaster can overturn."

Li Xunhuan said: "The innate grandmaster seems to be powerful, but it is not uncommon for the poison that can hurt the innate grandmaster in the rivers and lakes, and only when it comes to the peerless strong can you ignore the poison. "

"Peerless powerhouse?" Luo Wei couldn't help but be stunned. "Could it be that this peerless powerhouse is a martial artist above the innate?"

Li Xunhuan shook his head and said slowly: "The innate one, broad and profound, there is no end in sight, so people habitually divide the innate into several levels. "

"People like me who go in and out of innate are called innate grandmasters."

"And those who have walked a distance on the innate road, those who can push the old and the new, are called great masters."

"And in general, the Great Grandmaster is the apex of martial arts people."

"But for those who want to progress, the Grand Master is just a starting point."

"After arriving at the Great Master, this group of people will tour the world and create their own peerless martial arts."

"Because this peerless martial art was created by themselves, they can use this martial art to exert one hundred and twenty percent, or even two hundred percent of their strength."

"Such a person is called a peerless powerhouse."

"Looking at the entire rivers and lakes, there are very few peerless powerhouses, and there are only a few."

"But without exception, they are definitely the top masters standing in the rivers and lakes, and each of them can call the wind and rain and laugh at the prince."

When Luo Wei heard this, he finally understood the division above the innate.

It turned out to be a grandmaster, a grandmaster, and a peerless powerhouse who created his own peerless martial arts.

So, is the peerless powerhouse the top layer?

"Of course not."

When Luo Wei asked Li Xunhuan, Li Xunhuan gave an affirmative answer.

"The peerless strong is indeed a figure standing at the apex of this world, but there is always a group of people with incredible talent and opportunities to break the shackles and cages, and take another step on the road of the peerless strong."

"And this kind of person, we generally call it the supreme strong."

"This kind of person can break the void and leave at any time if he wants to."

"As far as I know, there is only one supreme powerhouse in my Daming Kingdom, does the benefactor know who this person is?"

Luo Wei said without thinking: "Wudang, Zhang Sanfeng." "

This is a comprehensive martial arts world, a large number of martial arts novels come together, Zhang Sanfeng, as the founder of the Wudang Sect, is definitely an epic enhanced version.

If there was only one supreme powerhouse in the Daming Kingdom, Luo Wei couldn't think of anyone other than Zhang Sanfeng who could become a supreme powerhouse.

Li Xunhuan stroked his palm and laughed: "The benefactor guessed correctly, it is indeed Zhang Sanfeng Zhang Zhenren." "

Laughing and laughing, this guy coughed pittedly.

I coughed for a while before stopping.

Rowe said, "Don't call me a benefactor, call me Rowe, this is my real name." "

Li Xunhuan couldn't help but be stunned, "The benefactor didn't say your name..."

Without waiting for him to finish speaking, Luo Wei preemptively said: "There was some accident, so I can tell you my name now, but you have to keep it secret." "

Li Xunhuan's face paled and said, "Don't worry, Little Brother Luo, I will definitely hide this for you." "

Good fellow, this is from a benefactor to a little brother Luo.

Although he now looks like a sixteen or seventeen-year-old boy, several years younger than Li Xunhuan, this guy changes his mouth too quickly.

Luo Wei was too lazy to calculate, he suddenly remembered something, and said: "By the way, I just asked people to search a few medicine bottles from the body of Changbai Sanmen, you can see if there is your antidote here." "

As he spoke, he opened several bottles in front of Li Xunhuan.

However, Li Xunhuan didn't look at it, shook his head and said: "The poison in me is not under the Changbai Three Murderers, and they will not have an antidote." "

Luo Wei reacted, "You mean that the person who poisoned you is the one who hired the three murderers of Changbai?" "

Li Xunhuan nodded, "Exactly." "

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