Liuru Gongzi?

When the women saw this sentence, they immediately felt curious.

They had seen Rowe record these three sons in his diary before.

One of them is the iron-blooded son, known as the iron-blooded Tang who is unparalleled in stoicism, wit, and chivalry.

So what's going on with this Liuru Gongzi?

The women continued to watch.

[Greedy for alcohol like life, jealous as hatred, loving friends as oneself, spending money like soil, sword like flying, and death as home].

The women couldn't help but suddenly realize that it was such a six-like son.

For a while, a wild and unruly son appeared in the minds of all the women.

Yet the next second....

[Alas, these six ru gongzi are all good, the only bad thing is the love of friends as oneself, if you remove the fact that love friends as oneself and become five like gongzi, it will be perfect].

This sentence surprised the women.

Loving friends as oneself shows that these six princes are a person with great affection.

Since he is a person with heavy feelings, why remove it.

Li Yuan.

Lin Shiyin held the diary in her hand, and when she saw this record, she vaguely felt a little familiar.

This Liuru Gongzi, I seem to have seen it somewhere.

Huashan Pie.

Yue Lingshan and Ning Zhong sat opposite each other.

Yue Lingshan asked curiously, "Mother, why did that guy want this Liuru Gongzi to remove the article of loving friends as himself, isn't it bad to emphasize feelings and righteousness?" "

Ning Zhong's eyes flickered, and he guessed: "Maybe this Liuru Gongzi suffered a big loss and was betrayed by his friends because of his love for his friends as his own, so Luo Wei will let him remove this." "

Yue Lingshan felt that this situation was very likely, and couldn't help but ask, "Mother, then do you know who this Liuru Gongzi is?" "

Ning Zhong shook his head and said: "As far as I know, there is no person with the nickname Liuru Gongzi on the rivers and lakes, maybe this Liuru Gongzi is not a nickname on the rivers and lakes. "

"It's the nickname given to this person by the crosser."

If Luo Wei was here, he would definitely be able to give a thumbs up to Ning Zhong.

Because Ning Zhong guessed eight or nine is not far from ten.

The nickname of Liuru Gongzi was not taken by Luo Wei, but by sand sculpture netizens.

[In the merciless sword of the amorous swordsman, this Liuru prince was sought for revenge by the enemy, almost killed, and was saved by someone at the moment of a thousand shots].

[So he became brothers with this man].

[But who knows, after this brother saw Liuru Gongzi's fiancée, he had a covetous heart].

[Because he did not know that Liuru Gongzi had a marriage contract with this woman, he was terminally ill for his lovesickness, so he begged Liuru Gongzi to marry the other party to himself].

[These six rugongzi deliberately spent days and days to create opportunities for the two to get along and eventually complete each other].

[Good guy, I just want to say good guys].

[It is worthy of being the Liuru Gongzi who loves friends as his own, and he is worthy of being the Liuru Gongzi with whom sand sculpture netizens want to be friends with him the most].

[This operation, I obeyed].

Inside the Flower Palace.

With a muffled sound of booming, Yueyue slapped the table in front of him to smithereens, and he was breathless.

"What a Liuru son who loves his friends as himself, what a negative man, does he regard women as something, his own accessory? Give it to whomever you want? "

"Don't let me know who this Liuru Gongzi is, otherwise I will definitely cut these Liuru Gongzi by a thousand cuts."

Mercy Xing also said with a livid face: "Count me in." "

At this moment, it was not only the two palace masters of the Shifting Flower Palace.

But all the women who saw this passage were very angry.

Huang Rong shouted, "This Liuru Gongzi really deserves to die." "

Shangguan Haitang sighed lightly, "Liuru Gongzi, who is it?" "

A killing intent appeared in Murong Qiudi's eyes, "Don't let me know who Liuru Gongzi is, otherwise..."

Gao Yanan couldn't help but sigh, "This Liuru Gongzi is really not a man." "

Luo Wei didn't know how much trouble he recorded would cause Li Xunhuan in the future.

Now he's still writing hard.

[Wait, I seem to have found a blind spot].

[In the amorous swordsman Heartless Sword, Liuru Gongzi met the enemy family when he was young, was almost killed, and then was saved by his own sworn righteous brother].

[But now looking at Liuru Gongzi, he is indeed very young, and he can't even beat three first-class masters, so he shouldn't be as powerful as later].

[The person whose feelings have replaced Long Xiaoyun now turned out to be me, and I became the lifesaver of Liuru Gongzi].

[Good guy, I'm calling out good guy].

[Dying in sickness and sitting up, the benefactor is myself].

[So, if I have eight friends with Liuru Gongzi now, and then mention it to the other party, the other party will send money to Zhuang to send his wife].

[Ahhhhh That's not good

When Huang Rong saw this, she couldn't help but roar loudly: "Of course this is not good, you are taking advantage of people's danger." "

Shangguan Haitang's eyes flickered, he really wanted to know Luo Wei's choice.

Yue Lingshan asked, "Mother, shouldn't he really want to do this?" "

Ning Zhong shook his head and said, "I don't know, but judging from his previous words, it doesn't seem like such a person." "

[Forget it, it's best for men and women to be happy with each other].

[Of course, Glance Chang does not count].

[If I really did this, I would just repeat the plot in the amorous swordsman's ruthless sword].

[Ten years later, Lin Shiyin even gave birth to Long Xiaoyun with a child, but she still couldn't let go of Liuru Gongzi in her heart].

[Torture each other, why bother].

[Lin Shiyin, Lin Shiyin, grow your brain].

[Your cousin asked you to give it to Long Xiaoyun, you really gave it to Long Xiaoyun, what to do so obediently, why torture yourself and pursue your own happiness is not good].

[If you had preferred to die in the first place, your cousin could still force you to die].

Lin Shiyin, who is reading the diary: ......


After talking about feelings for a long time, the fiancée who was sold by Liuru Gongzi turned out to be me, and I am the unlucky bastard?

So, Liuru Gongzi is my cousin Li Xunhuan?

Lin Shiyin thought about it carefully, greedy for alcohol like life, jealous as hatred, loving friends as himself, spending money like soil, flying with a knife, and seeing death like home... It's really hammered, this is definitely his cousin Li Xunhuan.

She said, just now suddenly there was a strong sense of déjà vu, it turned out that Liuru Gongzi was his cousin Li Xunhuan.

So, if the person who saved his cousin is not this traverser named Luo Wei, but a person named Long Xiaoyun.

Is it very likely that he will marry this Long Xiaoyun in the future?

For a time, Lin Shiyin was stupid, dumbfounded, stupid, and two lines of tears rolled down.

"Cousin, how can you be like this."

[Wait, what I wrote just now is too hi, and I accidentally exposed the name of the unlucky egg].

[Lying groove, there is no way to erase this diary].

[Sorry, Lin Shiyin, I accidentally exposed you].

[But expose it, expose it, maybe it can help you avoid a disaster, but in this way, the identity of Liuru Gongzi will also be exposed].

[When it comes to this, I won't hide it].

[Liuru Gongzi is Li Xunhuan, the three great princes written by Gulong].

[Of course, there are definitely more than these three people written by Gu Long].

[Bat Gongzi originally followed the clouds, the moving dude flowers are flawless, the white horse boy Ma Rulong, the red leaf boy Shen Hongye, the flower family seven boys are full of flowers].

[Each son has his own uniqueness].

[However, the most popular character that can be sought after by sand sculpture netizens is undoubtedly the three princes].

[Iron-blooded son Tie Zhongtang, Liuru Gongzi Li Xunhuan, and the last moon stepping son Chu Liuxiang].

[The generalissimo among the robbers, the good prince among the hooligans, I have to admit that Chu Liuxiang is definitely one of the most perfect jianghu characters].

[And Li Xunhuan can stand out among the sons, naturally has his unique charm].

[The only thing that has been criticized is that for Long Xiaoyun, he gave away his fiancée Lin Shiyin, but this also proves that he loves friends as himself].

[Alas, if he is a little selfish, this person is perfect, and he is definitely the envy of everyone in the rivers and lakes].

[It's a pity, it's a pity].

[However, if he is his own, then he is not Li Xunhuan, after all, no one is perfect].

[In short, if you want to live a happy life, you have to rely on yourself, Lin Shiyin].

[Next time, if you encounter this situation, don't hesitate to slap Li Xunhuan's face and directly wake him up].

[, give his wife to someone else, his head is pure and sick].

[You just hit, don't keep your hands, as long as you don't die, you will fight to death].

[Maybe when the time comes, he will be woken up by you, and the two of you will be able to tie the knot and grow old].

At the same time, Lin Shiyin, who was reading the diary, nodded silently.

"As long as you can't die, let it die, I remember."

[Alas, but in this way, I am a little sorry for Sun Xiaohong].

In a certain inn, Sun Xiaohong, who was watching her grandfather's story, couldn't help but be stunned, and then her eyes widened.

How did this matter relate to himself.

[After all, Sun Xiaohong is Li Xunhuan's official match, if Li Xunhuan is with Lin Shiyin, won't Sun Xiaohong be wanted


Sun Xiaohong: ???

At this moment, she couldn't wait to drag Rowe out of the diary and beat him fiercely.

Do you see if you're talking about people, why don't I want anyone.

[Wait, this is the world of comprehensive martial arts, where talents are abundant, masters are like clouds, and heroes are everywhere].

[Why did I forget this again].

[Even if Sun Xiaohong does not marry Li Xunhuan, she will not worry about marrying, after all, her grandfather is an old man of Tianji, and it is not a matter of minutes to find him a wishful Langjun].

[I just don't know who Sun Xiaohong will be cheaper in the end, I hope to have a good home].

[That's the end of today's diary, I'll receive the reward, see you guys].

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