Luo Wei didn't know that because of his departure, he missed out perfectly with several young and beautiful heroes.

Even if he knew, he wouldn't care.

After all, his priority now was to rush to Fuzhou and snipe at the upcoming extraterritorial heavenly devil.

Everything else can be slightly behind.

After changing the carriage, Luo Wei's speed increased a lot, but it was still not an easy task to rush to Fuzhou within three days.

Because Fuzhou is at least more than a thousand kilometers away from Mount Hua.

In ancient times, the transportation was not convenient, how could it be possible to rush to Fuzhou within three days.

Unless, Rowe has a sweaty BMW that can travel thousands of miles every day.

But this kind of BMW is worth ten thousand dollars, and even if there is, Rowe can't afford it.

So now, Luo Wei can only rely on the reward of the diary, whether it is the golden light of the earth, or the flying body, or the wandering spirit, but Fan Luo Wei can get one of them.

Arrived in Fuzhou in minutes.

So Rowe pulled out his diary and prepared to write something, after all, a new day had arrived.

And yet, right now.

The carriage that Rowe was riding in suddenly swayed, and then stopped.

When Rowe was about to open the curtain and ask


Suddenly, a crisp sound of weapons colliding reached Rowe's ears.

Then, the coachman's voice came, "Guest, it's not good, we have encountered a vendetta in the rivers and lakes." "

Luo Wei opened the curtain and saw that not far in front of the carriage, there were three murderers with hair scattered in hair, besieging a handsome man in white.

The man was pale and seemed to be seriously injured, and under the attack of the three murderers, he was defeated.

At this moment, the three murderers discovered Rowe's carriage.

One of them scolded: "Second brother, you go to solve the people in the carriage, today's news must not be spread." "

"Yes, big brother."

A burly man immediately broke away from the group besieging the man in white and walked towards Rowe and the coachman with a sly smile.

The driver abandoned the car in fright and fled.

Luo Wei couldn't help but curse secretly, a few days ago, he accidentally saw Sun Zhongjun killing people, and he wanted to be killed by the other party.

Now another murder case has been solved, and it is still necessary to be killed and silenced.

Is this his own luck is too weak, or there are too many vendettas in the rivers and lakes.

Rowe was puzzled, but that didn't stop him from fighting back.

Seeing the murderer who was quickly approaching him, Luo Wei took out a handful of iron beans from his body and scattered them.

Tiangang changed thirty-six, scattering beans into soldiers.

In an instant, the iron beans that were thrown out by Rovis emitted a bright light, and in an instant, they turned into one after another iron-armored warriors holding swords and two meters tall.

As soon as the ironclad Luxpu appeared, it immediately shocked everyone present.

The murderer who originally wanted to kill Luo Wei was dumbfounded, looking at the more than thirty enemies that appeared out of thin air in disbelief.

A heart pounded violently, almost jumping out of my throat.

Okay guys, this is a reference to the iron plate.

"Kill them." Rowe pointed to the three murderers and gave orders to the ironclad Lux.

More than thirty ironclad warriors rushed forward without hesitation.

Seeing this, the three murderers with their capes turned their heads and ran, this thing is not simple at first glance and is invincible.

However, they underestimate the ironclad Lux.

Several iron-armored warriors clenched their swords in their hands, aimed at the three murderers, and threw them hard.


The long sword cut through the sky, whistled out like an off-string arrow, and flew towards the three murderers.

This move is exactly the same as when he defeated Sun Zhongjun.

However, the three murderers were not Sun Zhongjun, each of them was above Sun Zhongjun's strength, and in the face of the speeding sword, one of the murderers roared, brandished the meteor hammer in his hand, and fought hard.

Just listen to a few crisp sounds.

The swords thrown by the ironclad Lux were immediately beaten by this murderer with a meteor hammer and flew away.

But in the next second, another sharp blade galloped forward, easily penetrating his chest while the murderer's old strength had not yet been born.

Kill it on the spot.

"Second brother."

"Second brother."

The remaining two murderers saw this scene and let out a heart-rending wail, and then... Ran faster.

But the ironclad Lux did not run slowly, and his footsteps suddenly kicked on the ground.

In the midst of an explosive roar, the ground collapsed three feet with a bang, but the ironclad Lux was like a cannonball that broke out of the chest, and flew out tens of meters away in an instant.

The moment he landed, the ironclad Lux kicked the ground hard again, and once again flew tens of meters away in the roar.

This scene fully shows what is called the power of brick flying.

However, in an instant, seven or eight ironclad warriors caught up with the two murderers who fled.

Then, crashed into it.

Only listening to the two muffled sounds of popping, the bones of the remaining two murderers were smashed to pieces by the Ironclad Lux when they were hit by the Ironclad Lux.

When the two fell to the ground, they had turned into a puddle of mud.

When the man in white saw this scene just now, he couldn't help but gasp.

This power, this speed, and then hit the human body... It's not just cruelty, it's cruelty.

After solving the three murderers, Luo Wei did not put away the iron-armored Lux, but looked at the pale man in white.

The man in white looked seriously injured, coughing constantly, and the whole person looked very weak.

But these still can't hide the other party's handsome face, lazy temperament.

In particular, the other party's eyes seem to be turquoise, like willow branches blown by the spring breeze, gentle and flexible, and like the sea under the summer sun, full of pleasant vitality.

"What are you?" Rowe asked curiously.

The man in white coughed a few times and said with his hands: "Under Li Xunhuan, thank you for saving your life." "

Luo Wei couldn't help but be stunned.

He never thought that he had saved someone casually, and it turned out to be Li Xunhuan.

"You are Li Xunhuan, a seven-jin scholar, father and son three scouts?"

Li Xunhuan smiled slightly and said, "I never thought that my benefactor had heard my name. "

Luo Wei calmed down and said: "After all, you are still quite famous, get in the car and rest." "

After knowing that the other party was Li Xunhuan, Luo Wei let down his guard a little and beckoned the other party to get into the car.

As for the Ironclad Lux, Rowe ordered them to find a place to bury the bodies of the three murderers, mainly to look disgusting.

However, before burying it, Luo Wei had an ironclad warrior search his body, finding some broken silver, a few silver tickets, and a few bottles of elixir.

The denomination of silver tickets is very large, one thousand taels, a total of more than a dozen, a total of more than 10,000 taels of silver.

Good guys, that's definitely a lot of money.

"Are all the people in the rivers and lakes so rich now?" Rowe couldn't help but marvel.

When Li Xunhuan heard this, he said, "This should be my life purchase money." "

Luo Wei couldn't help but be stunned, and then reacted, "You mean, someone spent this money and hired these three guys to kill you?" "

Li Xunhuan nodded and said, "Not bad." "

Luo Wei couldn't help but complain: "Tangtang Li Xunhuan is only worth 10,000 taels, and this price is too low." "

Li Xunhuan couldn't help coughing a few times, and said with a bitter smile: "I think it's already a lot, I've seen too many people kill people angrily for a few taels of silver, 10,000 taels is really a lot." "

Luo Wei said: "No, in my opinion, you Li Xunhuan is worth 100,000 taels. "

Li Xunhuan smiled bitterly, "The benefactor really looks up to me." "

Luo Wei patted him on the shoulder and said, "Don't underestimate yourself, you're worth the price." "

Li Xunhuan was suddenly speechless.

Luo Wei asked curiously, "By the way, who is the person who hunted you down?" "

Li Xunhuan said: "Changbai three murderers, these three people have the same father and mother, they have grown up together since childhood, they have a tacit understanding, everyone is a first-class master, the three have joined hands to break into the rivers and lakes, defeated many good hands, and made people smell and change." "

"More importantly, they once escaped under the hands of the Innate Grandmaster, which made their reputation even higher."

"I never thought that today I died at the hands of my benefactor."

"If this matter is spread, the benefactor will surely become famous and resound in the rivers and lakes."

Luo Wei waved his hand and said, "Forget it, I'm not interested in fame." "

Li Xunhuan suddenly realized: "It turns out that the benefactor is a hidden man. "

The so-called hidden hero refers to the kind of person who does good deeds without leaving a name.

Kill one person in ten steps, do not leave a line for thousands of miles, go to the clothes after the matter, hide deep and famous.

This sentence is talking about this kind of person.

Luo Wei continued to wave his hand, "You're wrong, I'm not a hidden man, it's just that I'm not very willing to be famous because of some factors." "

Li Xunhuan was puzzled, but did not ask much, everyone had their own secrets.

Since the other party was not willing to say more, he was not willing to ask more.

So Li Xunhuan simply changed the topic, "Speaking of which, I still don't know the name of the benefactor, I don't know if the benefactor can tell me the name, but I know who saved me." "

Luo Wei thought for a moment and said, "You can call me Wei Wu, but I can tell you that this is a fake name. "

Li Xunhuan couldn't help but be stunned.

Luo Wei said: "I'm not afraid to tell you that I have a lot of trouble, so I can't use my real name when I walk in the rivers and lakes, I can only use a fake name, and Wei Wu is one of the fake names I prepared." "

"This name is taken from the fact that the bones of Jian'an Feng are still here, and the Wei Wu legacy will live on forever."

Li Xunhuan finally stopped in Bengbu, and at this moment he vaguely realized that the head of the lifesaver in front of him was probably not normal.

Luo Wei didn't care what Li Xunhuan thought, and raised his hand to take back most of the iron-armored warriors.

Leave a driver who dragged the coachman who had just escaped back and let him continue driving.

Then the last Ironclad Lux was recovered.

After doing all this, the carriage staggered and set off again, and Li Xunhuan began to heal his injuries.

Idle and bored, Rowe took out his diary and began to write today's diary.

[Ladies and devils, guess who I met when I was on my way today].

[Liuru Gongzi, one of the three sons written by Gu Long].

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