The jade lamp stood quietly, and the Lingbo fairy fell into the dust.

The women who were watching the diary couldn't help but fall silent when they saw this sentence.

At this moment, they had to agree with Rowe's last sentence, Gulong is indeed very good at writing beauty.

The beauties he writes are more beautiful than the other, no wonder this traverser will not forget.

Golden needle Shen family, Shen Bijun sat in front of a mirror, looking at the face in the mirror, and there was a diary on the dresser in front of him.

"It turns out that besides me, there are so many beauties in the rivers and lakes."


On a wide official road, Zhang Sanniang rode wildly, holding a diary in her hand.

"Heh, in my peerless double pride world, I even incarnated Wen Wanqing and became the number one talented woman in the world, which is interesting."

"From now on, I will be Wen Wanqing."


In a certain inn, Qiu Lingsu touched a face full of scars, and tears the size of beans slipped from her eyes.

There was also a diary in front of him.

She decided to go to Rowe and let the general help her regain her appearance.


In the desert, Shi Guanyin jumped like thunder, "Bastard, you dare to slander me, when did I ruin Qiu Lingsu's appearance." "

"This bastard guy, don't let me find you, otherwise I will definitely teach you a hard lesson."


Murong Shijia, Murong Qiudi looked at the diary in front of him with a smile.

"It turns out that in a certain novel, I am also the first beauty in the world, Xie Xiaofeng, Xie Xiaofeng, I am so beautiful, why don't you care about me at all."

Thinking of this, Murong Qiudi's gaze became more and more gloomy.


In a canyon, I saw a long-haired girl, looking up at the blue sky on the ravine, singing in a mandarin voice, as if she had sung a god.

If you look closely, you will find that there is also a faint blush on her face.

"Gu Long's first beauty, is it really me."


With all kinds of complicated thoughts, the women continued to look at the diary.

[Forget it, Gu Long can write beauty, it has nothing to do with me, this group of beauties has nothing to do with me, my main focus is to like the new and not tired of the old, men, who doesn't like three wives and four concubines].

[Unfortunately, this group of women is more proud than the other, and will never share their men with other women].

[Just like Yueyue, he is very proud, and his possessiveness of men is not even allowed to be touched by his own sister].

[If you want her to accept her man and other women, it's better to kill her].

[What's more, this group of proud women may already have a man they like].

[For example, Murong Qiudi, who likes Xie Xiaofeng, even gave birth to a son for the other party].

[Of course, that's what happened in the original world, and I don't know if it happened in this chaotic world].

[The person Zhang Sanniang likes is Yan Nantian, the first divine sword in the world in the original work].

[Shi Guanyin likes himself, this person is really narcissistic enough].

[And Shui Lingguang likes Tie Zhongtang, one of the three princes of Gu Long's three sons, Tie Zhongtang].

[Unparalleled wit, tenacity, chivalrous iron tang].

[Therefore, it is more difficult to win the hearts of this group of women than to ascend to the sky, let alone kill them all, impossible, impossible, absolutely impossible].

When the women saw this, they couldn't help but take a sip in unison, counting you kid a little self-aware.

They are so beautiful, they naturally want to find someone who is single-minded about themselves, how can they find a playboy.

Even if the other party likes the new and is not tired of the old.

[Okay, let's write here today, I can't wait to get the reward].

[Ladies, witches, we will tomorrow... Well, forget it, I won't say this sentence, and when the province will complain, I will be slapped in the face again].

[In this way, if there is anything beautiful and fun, I will share it with you].

[Unfortunately, you can only watch, you can't say, otherwise it's quite interesting for us to communicate].

On the ox cart, after writing the last sentence, Rowe closed the diary and urged the diary to reward himself quickly.

A mechanical voice rang in Rowe's mind.

[Detected that the host has finished writing the third day diary and starts to distribute rewards].

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining the Thirty-Six Transformations of Tiangang to become a soldier].

[Can only be used once a day, expired is void, cannot be accumulated].

In the next second, the diary released a ray of light again, hitting Rowe's eyebrows.

Luo Wei couldn't help but be stunned for a moment, scattering beans into soldiers, wasn't it already rewarded yesterday, why is it still scattering beans into soldiers today.

[It has been detected that the host has obtained the bean scattering soldier, and from now on, the host can use the bean scattering twice a day to become a soldier].

Luo Wei suddenly realized, it turned out to be like this.

As long as you get repeated rewards, you can increase the number of times you can use the fairy method.

That's a good thing.

Although he did not obtain new immortal arts, he could use scattering beans twice a day to become soldiers, which undoubtedly greatly increased Luo Wei's combat effectiveness and ability to save his life.

In the past, Luo Wei could only use one bean scattering to become a soldier, and if in one day, he encountered two battles.

Rowe could only dry stare and grab it.

But now, Luo Wei can use two scattered beans to become a soldier, as long as he is not the enemy of the world, he should not encounter too much danger.

No loss, no loss.

Rowe suddenly smiled.

But at this moment, the sound of machinery echoed in Rowe's mind again.

[Ding, detected that the host has been rewarded three times, and now it is the release task].


Luo Wei's smile couldn't help but freeze, revealing an expression of disbelief.

Tasks, what tasks? How is the diary system of your own home different from other people's, and you actually have to publish tasks?

What the hell is this task? I saw the diary stream novel before I crossed over, it seems that there is no such section.

What a task is posted by a journal stream.

However, no matter how Rowe complained, the mechanical version of the voice still echoed in Rowe's mind.

[Please rush to Fuzhou as soon as possible to solve the extraterrestrial heavenly demon that will invade the world in three days].

Fuzhou, extraterritorial heavenly devil?

The Rowe people are stupid.

In the next second, Luo Wei couldn't help but gasp and couldn't help but complain in the diary.

[Good guy, good guy, I call good guy].

At the same time, the group of women who had just put down their diaries and were ready to do things saw that the diary vibrated and updated again, one by one, they didn't know why.

How can this update be so fast, should it be another great reward, to show off with them.

So the women picked up the diary, opened it, and couldn't help but be speechless.

This guy is getting nervous again.

The women were surprised and continued to watch.

[I'm traveling through the world of comprehensive martial arts, it's the world of martial arts, why even such a thing as extraterrestrial heavenly demons has emerged].

[This is not scientific, let alone martial arts].

[Where does the extraterritorial heavenly demon come from in the martial arts world, shouldn't the real extraterritorial heavenly demon appear in the fairy world? ] 】

[Why does the martial arts world also have extraterrestrial heavenly demons]

[And the diary named me to solve the extraterritorial heavenly devil].

[No wonder the reward that the diary gave me was not martial arts, or elixirs such as the Great Return Pill and the Wuji Immortal Pill, but the immortal law, and feelings were waiting for me here].

[Give me the Immortal Law, just to give me the ability to solve the extraterrestrial heavenly devil? 】

[So it is, I seem to understand something].

[My diary is not so much my plug-in as my boss, everything I have obtained is to solve this extraterrestrial heavenly demon? ] 】

[Good guy, I'm a part-time worker].

[This is very speechless].

[Before the crossing, I was a 996 migrant worker, and I originally thought that after the crossing, I could quickly take revenge and cross the rivers and lakes].

[I didn't expect that in the end, I didn't escape the fate of part-time work].

[This taste is also too strong].

[If I refuse, will the diary break away from me and find another host?]

[Forget it, don't try this kind of thing].

[Part-time work, part-time work, anyway, the boss gives a lot, come back to life, scatter beans and become soldiers, maybe in the future you can live forever and become an immortal ancestor].

[Thinking about it like this, I suddenly became full of energy].

[All in all, this job I Luo Wei has decided, Buddha can't stop me when he comes, I said].

[But before that, the women who read the diary should be ready].

The women don't know so, ready, what is ready?

Rowe continued to write in his diary:

[If I can solve this extraterritorial heavenly demon, everything will be fine, if I can't solve this extraterritorial heavenly demon, then I will announce the location of the extraterritorial heavenly demon, and the women can come to help me].

[You don't want your world to be destroyed by extraterrestrial heavenly demons].

[That's it, I went first].

After closing the diary, Rowe drove the ox cart all the way.

Near noon, Rowe arrived in a town with a bustling population, and finally replaced the ox cart with a horse-drawn carriage, and the speed was raised with a swoop.

Galloping all the way, galloping and fast.

In the afternoon of the next day, he left the Huashan Realm smoothly, and did not find any waves along the way.

But what Luo Wei didn't know was that not long after he left the Huashan Realm, several fast horses arrived at the Huashan Realm.

And the owners of these fast horses, without exception, are young and beautiful heroes.

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immediately preemptive(Event Period: June 22 to June 24)

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