Fuzhou City, on the outskirts, in an uninhabited forest.

Luo Wei and Feng Siniang stood opposite each other.

Luo Wei held the Heavenly Sword, while Feng Siniang held the Shennong Ruler.

"You're sure you really want to do it." Feng Siniang said loudly: "Shennong ruler is a heavenly god soldier, what if it is broken?" "

Luo Wei sneered, full of confidence in Shennong Ruler, "Don't worry, Shennong Ruler is also a Heavenly God Soldier no matter what, how can it be damaged by the Heavenly Sword." "

"Next, I count one, two, three, and when the time comes, the two of us will use the strongest force to collide the two weapons together."

Feng Siniang nodded and readily agreed, "Shennong ruler is your weapon, you are not distressed, I don't need to feel sorry for you." "

She couldn't help but be eager to try, this was the collision of the Heavenly Sword and the Shennong Ruler.

There are a few people in the world who can witness this scene.

For a while, Feng Siniang was excited.

Luo Wei began to clench the Heavenly Sword in his hand and began to count, "One, two, three!! "

As soon as the three characters came out, he brandished the Heavenly Sword and slashed at Feng Siniang fiercely.

And Feng Siniang was not to be outdone, and instilled internal force into Shennong's body, and Shennong's dark green surface suddenly burst out with thousands of magnificent lights, slashing towards the Heavenly Sword.


A huge roar came, resounding at the four poles, shaking in all directions, and reverberating throughout the forest.

The Heavenly Sword was indeed inferior to Shennong, and in this impact, a gap was cracked, revealing a touch of emerald green light.

Luo Wei raised his eyebrows and said to Feng Siniang: "It's coming." "

He wanted to see what was inside the Heavenly Sword.

Then, Luo Wei picked up the Heavenly Sword again and smashed it towards Feng Siniang's Shennong ruler.

Feng Siniang was naturally not to be outdone, wielding the Shennong ruler, aiming at the gap of the Heavenly Sword, and slammed it fiercely.


In the next second, the two weapons collided together, and a roar ten times and a hundred times stronger than just now sounded, and the eardrums of Luo Wei and Feng Siniang shattered at the same time, bursting out a stream of blood.

Both became deaf almost simultaneously.

But that's not the end of it.

After Shennong Ruler and Yitian Sword collided together, a force that destroyed the heavens and the earth erupted.

This force was terrifying to the extreme, radiating in all directions.

In the forest, the earth shook, and one after another terrible and shocking cracks radiated outward at supersonic speed like spider webs, and the earth shattered every inch in its path.

Then there are the trees in the forest, uprooted by the impact of this force, and then crushed to pieces.

It felt like a small nuclear bomb exploding in the forest.

With the breath of destruction, the unparalleled power destroys everything and everything without leaving a piece of armor.

As for Luo Wei and Feng Siniang.

As early as the moment of impact, it was shattered by this force.

Feng Siniang held Shennong's hands in her hands, and her flesh and blood shattered inch by inch, as if they were being Ling Chi, revealing their white bones.

But then, the white bones were also shaken to pieces by this force.

Fortunately, Feng Siniang died without pain.

Because this destructive force burst out too quickly and too strongly, Feng Siniang just felt a pain all over her body, and her body was destroyed by this force.

As for Luo Wei, he died worse than Feng Siniang.

You can't find a complete place on your body.

When everything was over, the uninhabited forest had been destroyed by a third, leaving only Shennong Ruler and a green blade in place.

And, the sky of broken bones.

But at this moment, the mutation protruded.

I saw that among the broken bones all over the ground, some of the broken bones were lifted up out of thin air, and then flew back upside down at a speed visible to the naked eye, piecing together a complete bone.

After a few seconds, the bones grew flesh and blood, meridians, skin, hair.

Rowe was resurrected in this way.

The thirty-six changes of Tiangang came back to life.

It is precisely because of this skill that Rowe has the opportunity to come back to life.

However, when he was resurrected, he did not have a single strand on his body, not even a piece of clothing.

But at this time, Luo Wei could not care about all this, because just now when they were bombarding, the movement was too big, if nothing else, it had already alarmed Fuzhou City.

It won't be long before a large number of people come to investigate.

If this group of people can't see a trace of themselves, it is simply social death.

So Luo Wei did not dare to slack, picked up the Shennong ruler and the green blade, as well as a finger bone, turned his head and ran.

Half an hour later.

When the people who heard the noise rushed to the forest, all they saw was a messy forest and a huge crater.

When some people in the rivers and lakes saw this scene, they couldn't help but roar.

"Peerless powerhouse, there must have been a peerless battle here just now."

"Yes, only peerless battles can cause such consequences."

"Hey, if you can witness a peerless battle in this life, you will have no regrets in death."

"Think too much, how can people like us be qualified to watch the peerless battle."

"Yes, look at the surrounding environment, the destruction is a mess, to put it bluntly, people like us who want to watch the peerless battle up close are simply looking for death."

At this time, Luo Wei did not know that the aftermath of the collision of the two blades would be considered a peerless battle by a group of quacks.

At this time, he had already put on a dress and swaggered back to Fuzhou City.

As for where this dress came from, it is necessary to ask a kind person passing by.

After returning to Fuzhou City, Luo Wei stayed at the inn and did not go anywhere.

It was not until noon the next day that she left Fuzhou City with a long female dress.

After entering the deep mountains and making sure that there was no one around, Luo Wei took out a finger bone and performed a resurrection technique.

I saw the finger bones suspended in midair, and with the help of resurrection, the hand bones that had always been intact quickly grew.

The hand bones continued to develop, and in an instant a complete arm grew.

Then there is the upper body, the lower body, and the skull bones.

Then, flesh and blood began to derivate, meridians began to appear, blood vessels resurfaced, the brain became complete, the skin was smooth and delicate, and hair began to grow....

However, in just a few seconds, Feng Siniang reappeared in front of Luo Wei.

She was resurrected by Rovy.

As soon as Feng Siniang opened her eyes, she saw Luo Wei throwing a dress towards her, "Hurry up and put it on." "

Feng Siniang raised her hand to take the clothes, only to find that she was not wearing a wisp, her face turned red, and she quickly put on the clothes, and looked at Luo Wei viciously with a red face.

"Did you see it just now?"

Luo Wei shook his head repeatedly, "I didn't see it, I didn't see anything." "

Feng Siniang didn't believe it, and looked at Luo Wei with a murderous gaze, "You really didn't see anything." "

Rowe: "... Well, I saw a little. But I didn't mean it, I did it all to resurrect you. "

"Die!" Feng Siniang kicked over.

Luo Wei did not dodge, was kicked in the chest by Feng Siniang, and the whole person flew out upside down, plopping down on the ground.

Feng Siniang couldn't help but be stunned, and stomped her foot: "Why don't you hide." "

Luo Wei got up from the ground with a wry smile and patted the dust on his body, "This matter is wrong with me, it caused you to die once, so I let you fight and get angry." "

Feng Siniang then remembered, "Yes, the old lady seems to have died yesterday." "

Recalling what happened yesterday, Feng Siniang couldn't help but shiver.

That surging force is too terrible, too terrifying.

"What happened yesterday, why did the Heavenly Sword collide with Shennongji, what kind of thing happened?" Feng Siniang couldn't help but ask.

"Look at my diary, I'm about to complain."

Rowe pulled out his diary and began to update.

Feng Siniang couldn't help but roll her eyes, took out her diary and looked at it.

Sure enough, Rowe had already complained in his diary.

[I'm really beeping the dog].

Seeing this sentence, Feng Siniang froze a little, raised her head and glared at Luo Wei, "Vulgar." "

In fact, not only Feng Siniang, some women who read the diary saw this sentence, they also did not hold back, and couldn't help but take a sip and scold a vulgar sentence.

[After getting the Heavenly Sword yesterday, I planned to use the Heavenly God Soldier Shennong Ruler to break the Heavenly Sword to see what was hidden inside the Heavenly Sword].

[I believe that the unknown woman who gave me the Heavenly Sword had similar ideas].

[But who would have thought that I would actually die because of this].

[Not only did I die, but even Feng Siniang was also affected by me and died together].

He's dead?

When many women saw this sentence, they couldn't help but widen their eyes.

Inside the Flower Palace.

Mercy Xing was shocked, "Dead, he actually died, could it be that a dead person can still update his diary?" "

Zhaoyue said indifferently: "Don't forget, he has the art of bringing back the dead, and he can come back to life when he dies." "

Mercy Star is not abrupt, yes, this guy Luo Wei has the art of bringing the dead back to life, then it's okay.

She continued to read.

[If it weren't for my ability to bring the dead back to life, this time it would really be finished].

[However, the technique of resurrecting the dead can only be used once a day, so I can't resurrect Feng Siniang after being resurrected yesterday, but don't worry, I just resurrected Feng Siniang today].

[After all, Feng Siniang was affected by me, and if it weren't for my idea, Feng Siniang wouldn't have died].

When Feng Siniang saw this, she couldn't help but say to Luo Wei, "Even if you still have a little conscience." "

Rowe just didn't hear it and continued to complain in the diary.

[I know that everyone doesn't care much about my death, but more about why I and Feng Siniang died].

[This starts with the Heavenly Sword].

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