When the women saw this scene, they couldn't help but secretly say: "The Heavenly Sword really has a secret. "

Everyone couldn't help but cheer up, looking at the copy of the diary with their eyes intently for fear of missing key information.

[After I got the Yitian Sword yesterday, I followed Feng Siniang to find a forest, intending to use Shennong Ruler to split the Yitian Sword].

[Although the Heavenly Sword is a little sharper, it is not a level compared to the Heavenly God Soldier Shennong Ruler].

[With the power of Shennong, it is not a problem to smash the Heavenly Sword].

[The first collision was indeed so, the Yitian Sword was directly punched out of a gap by Shennong Ruler, and a green light was released from within the gap].

[I didn't care at the time, I just wanted to smash the Sky Sword as soon as possible, so I continued to collide].

[But the problem appeared on the second collision, Feng Siniang picked up the Shennong ruler and hit the gap of the Yitian Sword].

[The two weapons collided, making an earth-shattering loud noise].

[Then, an extremely powerful force burst out when the two weapons collided, this force is too strong, incredibly powerful].

[The entire forest was destroyed by a third, hundreds of huge trees were uprooted and then crushed by this force].

[As for me and Feng Siniang, they were shattered in flesh and blood at the first time].

[In the end, even the bones were shattered].

[The one who died is called a miserable one].

With Luo Wei's complaint, the women watching the diary couldn't help but think of the death of Luo Wei and Feng Siniang in their minds.

The flesh and blood were shattered in the face of the powerful force, leaving only a bare bone.

Then even the bones were shattered, and there were no bones left.

It's miserable, it's really miserable.

The women just thought about it, they felt that it was not possible, and even couldn't help but shiver.

Huang Rong, who was rushing to Daming, couldn't help but complain, "Wow, what's the difference between this and Ling Chi." "

Golden needle Shen family, Shen Bijun's face turned pale.

In the desert, Shi Guanyin's expression was solemn, "Even the bones are shattered, but they can actually be resurrected, and it is really miraculous to come back to life." "

Murong family.

Murong Jiu looked at his sister curiously, "What's inside this Heavenly Sword?" It can actually burst out with such great power. "

Murong Qiudi shook his head, "I don't know, but this person will soon reveal the truth." "

Murong Jiu nodded and continued to read.

[After I died, I was resurrected, and then I saw that there was only a large pit hundreds of meters long and more than ten meters deep left at the scene

[In addition to the Heavenly God Soldier Shennong Ruler in the big pit, the Heavenly Sword has disappeared].

[Probably when it collided just now, it completely shattered the Heavenly Sword].

[However, in addition to the broken sword of the sky, a green weapon was revealed].

[When I saw this blade, I reacted to why such an earth-shattering explosion occurred when Shennong Ruler and Yitian Sword collided].

[Because the Heavenly Sword is just a shell].

[Inside the Heavenly Sword, there is a divine weapon hidden].

[A Heavenly God Soldier that is not inferior to Shennong's ruler, and also the first of the ten great divine weapons... Tianjing !! 】

[In the plot of 'Divine Weapon Xuanqi', there is such a sentence... The tiger is heavy on the light, the heaven and the earth are the emperor, who can match, only the heavenly crystal].

[And in this world, it is the sword and dragon slayer, the supreme martial arts, relying on the sky, who fights with the front].

[You taste, you taste].

[These two sentences are so similar].

[It turns out that inside the Heavenly Sword is actually hidden the Heavenly Crystal at the head of the Ten Divine Weapons].

[Good guy, I call good guy].

[No wonder these two sentences are so similar, it turns out that in this comprehensive martial arts world, the Heavenly Crystal is hidden in the Sky-Leaning Sword, and the old stitching is strange].

[No wonder the collision between the Heavenly Sword and Shennong Ruler would emit such a huge roar].

[No way, who makes Tianjing's thing too powerful].

[Without learning the martial arts of Tianjing, there is no way to control the power of Tianjing].

[It's okay to collide with other weapons, once you collide with other Celestial God Soldiers, it will run away violently and inspire great power].

[Death is the only destination].

[Wait, if the Heavenly Crystal is hidden inside the Heavenly Sword, then isn't it the Tiger Dragon Sword that is one of the ten divine weapons].

[Interesting, really interesting].

Seeing this, Feng Siniang finally couldn't help it, and looked up at Luo Wei, "There is really a Heavenly God Soldier Heavenly Crystal hidden inside the Heavenly Sword. "

"Good." Luo Wei bowed his head slightly and took the Tianjing out of the cloth pocket space.

By the way, this pocket space was reopened by Rowe.

The previous cloth pocket space was accompanied by the collision between the Heavenly God Soldiers, and it had already been completely destroyed.

Along with it, there are also silver, silver tickets, and the flesh and blood of the centipede essence in the space.

It can be said that the current Luo Wei has once again become a poor egg.

This is very infuriating.

Feng Siniang looked at the Heavenly Crystal in Luo Wei's hand with her eyes shining, the green light shone under the Yangguan, the sword body was tough, and the blade was even sharper.

Just by looking at it, Feng Siniang felt that her eyes were a little stinging, as if she was about to be injured by the sharp qi of Tianjing.

This is the first of the legendary ten heavenly divine soldiers, and it is indeed extraordinary.

Just by looking at that gesture, you can tell that this is a unique peerless divine weapon.

Thinking that this divine weapon was forged by the cultivation of Nuwa Great God for eight million years, Feng Siniang's heart felt hot.

The deer cutting knife she wanted to take was nothing compared to this Tianjing.

"Play tricks on me." Feng Siniang was happy to see the hunter and wanted to try the feel of this Tianjing.

Luo Wei did not refuse, and casually threw the Heavenly Crystal to Feng Siniang, as if it was not the Heavenly Crystal at the head of the ten Heavenly God Soldiers, but some broken copper and iron.

Feng Siniang took the Tianjing and glanced at Luo Wei in surprise, but she didn't expect Luo Wei to be so cheerful.

She also thought that she would have to take a lot of words to say to move Rowe.

Luo Wei did not care about the surprised eyes of Feng Siniang, threw the Tianjing to Feng Siniang, let her go to the side to play, and continued to complain in the diary.

[I already know the secret of the Heavenly Sword, and the Dragon Slaying Sword is estimated to be similar].

[Nine out of ten out of ten hidden tiger swords, one of the ten heavenly divine weapons].

[Of course, there are accidents, but they are unlikely].

[In addition, I don't recommend that you go to the Dragon Slaying Knife and let the Tiger Blade appear].

[The origin of this tiger knife is not simple, it is the weapon of Chi You, when Chi You and the Yellow Emperor fought for a hundred years, they were forced to retreat step by step, and they were deeply resentful].

[One night, I saw a foreign object falling from the sky, and I quickly tracked it down and found that it was an alien demon outside the sky].

[The alien demon is extremely cruel, loves human flesh, and can swallow skin and bone, Qian You is secretly happy in his heart, knowing that refining this thing will become a divine weapon, so he constantly feeds it with people, and finally even his own flesh and bone become fodder].

[After the alien demon devoured ten thousand people, it accumulated endless resentment, and finally turned into a strange stone, and Chi You wanted to refine it into a weapon].

[Who knew that the alien demon actually rebelled, and the savior of the war tiger was eager to devour the alien demon in one bite].

[However, Chi You was only afraid that the divine soldier would be damaged, so he ignored the loyalty of the war tiger and single-handedly pulled out the war tiger and the foreign demon, and by that time, the foreign demon and the war tiger had become one and turned into the fierce tiger


[After Chi You got the tiger spirit, he attacked the Yellow Emperor, and the Yellow Emperor met the battle with the Heavenly God Army].

[One right and one evil launched the battle of heaven and earth cracking, the more evil the tiger fights, the more fierce it is, and Chi You thinks that the victory is in hand].

[Who knew that the evil of the tiger not only hurt the enemy, but also hurt the lord, and Chi You was finally penetrated by the evil qi, the meridians were shattered, and he was shot down by the Yellow Emperor into the abyss and drowned the world, and the tiger was called the most evil weapon from then on].

[So, I don't recommend you guys to go to Tiger Spirits].

[It is not recommended that the people of the Dragon Slaying Knife take out the tiger spirit inside].

[After all, this thing is really fierce, and few people can submit it].

[Even the original Qianyou was eaten back by the tiger, not to mention you].

[Of course, I guess most of you won't go to the tiger either, because as far as I know, there are many women who use swords under the sky, but there are only a few women who use swords.]

[After all, the knife is the hegemon of a hundred soldiers, and few women will use this weapon].

[Even if some of you really like to use knives, there is no need to find a murder weapon like Tiger Spirit].

[After all, there are many swords on the rivers and lakes].

[In addition, trouble the person who sent me to rely on the Heavenly Sword to come to me, and I will give you the Heavenly Crystal Sword].

[My Heavenly Sword just wants to know what secrets the Heavenly Sword has, since the secret is already known, then I am satisfied, as for the Heavenly Crystal Sword, it is too valuable, I can't ask for it].

[You come here, I'll return the Heavenly Crystal Sword to you].

[Of course, if you don't want to come, you can also let someone else come and take the Heavenly Crystal Sword from me].

Feng Siniang, who was originally playing with the Heavenly Crystal Sword, was shocked when she saw this sentence and said, "You really want to return the Heavenly Crystal Sword to that person?" "

Luo Wei nodded and said, "The Heavenly Crystal Sword was not mine in the first place, and I naturally want to return the Heavenly Crystal Sword." "

Feng Siniang was stunned, and it took a long time before she gave a thumbs up and said, "Atmosphere, really atmospheric." "

If it were her, she probably wouldn't have handed over the Heavenly Crystal Sword so easily.

After all, this thing is the first of the ten heavenly divine weapons, and it is a peerless divine weapon that Nuwa has spent eight million years of cultivation to create.

Under the whole world, there is probably no weapon more powerful than Tianjing.

But Luo Wei actually wants to return this divine weapon, this kind of heart is really amazing.

"I served, this time I really did." Feng Siniang said with admiration.

Not only Feng Siniang, but other women who read the diary saw that Luo Wei wanted to return the Heavenly Crystal Sword, and they were also shocked, stunned and stunned.

On Mount Hua.

Yue Lingshan couldn't help but say: "Mother, that's a Heavenly God Soldier, Luo Wei is actually willing to return it, this is too generous." "

Ning Zhong admired and said, "This person's heart is indeed extremely broad, unimaginable. "

Inside the Bright Moon cottage.

Lian Nixiang pouted and snorted coldly, "There is a cheap and do not take advantage, it turns out to be a big fool." "

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