Huang Rong, who was rushing to Daming, was also amazed by Luo Wei's choice.

"It's really stupid and outrageous that he is really willing to return the Heavenly Crystal Sword, but in this way, I have some certainty about begging him to resurrect his mother."

And Shangguan Haitang, who was rushing to Fuzhou City, sighed: "With a broad heart, even the Heavenly Crystal Sword can be abandoned, this person must be a strange man, if he can join the Dragon Guarding Villa, it must be the blessing of the Dragon Guarding Villa." "

Rowe didn't know what kind of impression his words left in the minds of this group of women.

The diary is still being updated.

[In short, I will wait for you in Fuzhou City, and you will send someone over as soon as possible to take the Heavenly Crystal Sword].

[Let's write today's diary here].

[Goodbye, everyone].

After complaining the last sentence, Rowe closed the diary, and the mechanical voice sounded again.

[Check that the host has finished writing today's diary, and rewards are being distributed].

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining the Thirty-Six Transformations of Tiangang and coming back to life].

[The host has been revived before it is detected, and now it can be used twice a day].

Hearing this, Rowe was almost certain that the diary's reward had something to do with quality.

The better the quality and the more words, the better the rewards you get.

It seems that the next thing to write in the diary is to be a little more attentive.

After making a decision, Luo Wei collected his diary and followed Feng Siniang to a forest on the outskirts of Fuzhou City.

The reason why I came here is because Feng Siniang wants to see how powerful the big explosion created yesterday is.

When the explosion happened yesterday, she was the first time to gag and had no idea how powerful the explosion was.

Not long after, the two men came to the outside of the forest.

There are still a bunch of martial arts people gathered here, wandering around, wandering.

Vaguely, Luo Wei heard some peerless battle, and couldn't help but ask Feng Siniang, what does this mean?

Feng Siniang replied: "Literally, it is a battle between two peerless masters, generally known as a peerless battle, and this group of people in the rivers and lakes obviously regards this big pit as the aftermath of the battle between peerless masters. "

Luo Wei was surprised, this forest was destroyed by nearly a third, and the diameter of the big pit was hundreds of meters long, and the aftermath of the peerless master's fight could actually produce this destructive power?

"Is a peerless master so powerful?"

"Don't underestimate the peerless masters, the terrifying level of this group of people is far beyond your imagination." Feng Siniang reminded. "There was once a peerless master who flattened a mountain during a battle."

Good fellow, Rowe suddenly gasped.

Then, he took out his diary, took a picture of a signboard, and uploaded it to the diary.

[Just now, Feng Siniang wanted to see the power produced after the collision of the Heavenly God Soldiers, so I brought her over, and I saw a group of people from the rivers and lakes talking about the peerless battle around the big pit].

[After asking Feng Siniang, I learned that the destructive power of peerless masters can also do this].

[I have to admit, I underestimated this comprehensive martial arts world].

[Think about it carefully, this world has already stitched Hong Kong comics like Divine Weapon Xuanqi, and it is natural that the strength of the warrior is a little stronger].

[It seems that the gold content of a peerless master is more powerful than I thought].

[No wonder peerless masters can laugh at the prince].

[I always thought that the peerless masters laughed at the prince because they were more flexible, and they could calmly retreat if they couldn't beat the army].

[Now it seems that people can crush the army head-on, so they can laugh at the prince].

Feng Siniang glanced at the diary and said: "Your words are not correct, although the peerless powerhouse is terrible, he is still a human being, and it is basically impossible to fight against the army of a princely country on his own." "

"But if the peerless powerhouse is angry, even if the emperor sits in the palace, it is useless."

"More than ten years ago, Song King Zhao Kuangyin wanted to flatten the rivers and lakes of the Great Song Dynasty and bring the chaotic rivers and lakes into his rule."

"So he ordered the horse to step on the rivers and lakes, and the first to bear the brunt was the power gang that was in the Great Song Rivers and Lakes."

"After hearing this news, the power gang leader Yan fanatic entered the capital alone."

"After hundreds of battles along the way, he finally defeated the most elite Janissaries in the palace, fought with Zhao Kuangyin in the palace, and killed Zhao Kuangyin in the palace at the cost of serious injuries."

"After this battle, the peerless powerhouse Yan Madman disappeared from everyone's field of vision, and has not appeared so far."

"Some people speculate that in this battle, Yan Maniac had already died in the deep mountains and old forests that no one knew about because of his injuries."

"And Zhao Kuangyin's younger brother Zhao Guangyi successfully succeeded to the throne and became the second King of Song of the Great Song."

"However, after he ascended the throne, he never mentioned the matter of horses stepping on the rivers and lakes, because he was afraid of leading out the peerless powerhouse hidden in the Great Song Jianghu and stepping into his brother's footsteps."

After hearing these words, Luo Wei couldn't help but have an idea in his heart.

It is worthy of being a Yan maniac.

That's a beautiful job.

For the Great Song, Luo Wei did not have the slightest good impression, after all, in history, the Great Song or the Great Song is too shameful.

Now hearing Yan Maniac hanging like this, Luo Wei naturally felt that Yan Maniac did a beautiful job.

However, Luo Wei did not say it explicitly, but smiled and said: "The big pit has seen it, should we go back." "

Feng Siniang has nothing to do.

The two men randomly set out on their way back to the city.

However, on the way back, Luo Wei from time to time saw a group of quacks carrying swords rushing towards the direction of the big pit.

This puzzled Rowe, what is there to see in a big pit? Can it attract so many quacks?

Feng Siniang saw through Luo Wei's doubts and took the initiative to explain: "After peerless powerhouses fight, they often leave their martial will in the place of battle. "

"Such as sword intent, sword intent, fist intent and other things."

"This group of residual wills is a good thing for the jianghu people, and many jianghu people can hone themselves and comprehend their martial will through these martial arts wills."

Luo Wei suddenly realized, no wonder there would be a group of martial arts people wandering and wandering around the big pit.

I was looking for this kind of thing.

"It's a shame." Rowe couldn't help but sigh.

You must know that the big pit is not the aftermath of the peerless battle, but the explosion generated when the Heavenly God Soldiers collide, and there will be no martial will left at all.

This group of people is undoubtedly working in vain.

However, Luo Wei did not remind them of his plans, after all, even if he said it, the other party would not necessarily believe it.

Therefore, Rowe did not lose that person.

Soon after, Luo Wei followed Siniang back to the inn in Fuzhou City.

Rowe waited where he was.

Then a day passed, two days passed.

No one ever came to Luo Wei to ask for the Heavenly Crystal Sword.

Luo Wei couldn't help but complain in his diary.

[What's the situation, what's the situation, what exactly is the situation?] 】

[I've been waiting in the inn for two days, why hasn't anyone come yet, do you want the Tianjing Sword].

On the third day, Rowe continued to complain.

[On the third day, if you don't come, I'll leave if you don't come].

Day 4.

[Okay, I admit that my attitude was a little bad yesterday, but you really don't plan to return to this Tianjing Sword, this is the Heavenly Crystal Sword, the peerless Heavenly Divine Weapon that Nuwa spent eight million years of cultivation to create].

Day 5.

[Served, I really obeyed, this unknown woman is really big-hearted, I haven't seen a figure to fetch the sword for five days, good guy, really good guy].

Day 6.

[Tomorrow is the last day, if you really don't come, then I'll really leave, don't regret it then].

Day 7.

[After today, I plan to leave Fuzhou City, if you don't come to get the sword, I don't know when the next time you want to find me, maybe it's the Year of the Monkey and the Moon].

[You really don't come to get the sword].

[Big heart, really big heart].

[Okay, I'll keep the Tianjing Sword for you for the time being, and when you want to take the Tianjing Sword from me, come and notify me, okay].

In the past seven days, no matter how Luo Wei complained in the diary, no one came to Luo Wei to ask for the Heavenly Crystal Sword.

It was as if that mysterious woman had really given the Heavenly Crystal Sword to Luo Wei.

Luo Wei had to admire the other party's atmosphere, he thought that his heart was open-minded, but he did not expect that the other party's heart was more open-minded and atmospheric.

Rowe is truly impressed.

Of course, during these seven days, Rowe also had a good diary.

It's just that because nothing special happened, the quality of the diary written by Rowe is very average.

The rewards are also average.

The first five days each received one-year internal strength, and continued five-year internal strength.

Coupled with the first one year obtained, Luo Wei has a total of six years of power in his body.

This point has completely got rid of the level of not entering the stream, looking at the rivers and lakes, Luo Wei can also be regarded as a true third-rate master.

But Luo Wei is not rare at all, and third-rate experts can't stop their own beans from becoming soldiers.

On the sixth day, it was probably Rowe who complained ruthlessly, and finally got a good reward.

A spell and dust removal spell.

This thing is similar to the cleaning technique that Luo Wei mentioned with the fourth lady before, which can clean up the dust and make people feel new.

And this dust removal spell is not limited to the body, tables, chairs, benches, carriages, rooms, as long as there is dust, it can be cleaned up.

With this spell, Rowe can be spotless wherever he goes.

As for the seventh day, the reward that Rowe received was not a spell or an internal force.

It is actually a martial art.

I have to say that this reward is quite novel.

In the past, the reward of the diary was either spells or internal strength, and it was the first time that Luo Wei was rewarded with a martial art.

And it is also a very interesting martial art.

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