Teleportation Dafa.

This is the reward that Rowe received on the seventh day.

At first glance, this name may not sound like a martial art, but a spell, but in fact, this teleportation method is a real martial art.

After Luo Wei obtained this martial art, he knew where this martial art came from.

That's the movie... Tenryu Hachibu no Tianshan Tong Grandma World.

In this world, Tianshan Tong Wu Xingyun masters several incredible martial arts, such as teleportation Dafa, thousands of miles of god transmission Dafa, and so on.

It looks like a spell, but it's actually martial arts.

And the Tianshan Sect here, that is, the Xiaoyao Sect, also has a more awesome martial art.

That is... The Northern Rebirth Method.

After Luo Wei obtained the Teleportation Dafa, he seriously suspected that this comprehensive martial arts world also sewed up the world of "Tianshan Tong Grandma of Dragon Babu".

After all, this comprehensive martial arts world has even been stitched into Hong Kong comics, and what is it to stitch a movie.

As soon as the seven days passed, Luo Wei planned to leave Fuzhou City.

If it weren't for waiting for the mysterious man to come and get the sword, Luo Wei would have left Fuzhou City long ago.

Now he had waited in Fuzhou City for seven days in vain, and no one had come to get the sword, indicating that the mysterious man did not seem to intend to take the Tianjing away.

Therefore, Luo Wei temporarily kept the Tianjing, and when the mysterious man needed the Tianjing and asked for it, it was not too late for him to return the Tianjing Sword.

On the eighth day, after eating breakfast, Rowe walked out of the inn.

A carriage had been waiting at the gate for a long time.

The driver who rushed the car was a young and beautiful woman, who saw Luo Wei come out, stepped forward with a smile, and saluted Luo Wei.

"The slave has seen Luo Gongzi."

Luo Wei asked in surprise, "Who are you?" "

The woman said with a serious face: "Heaven and earth are ruthless, ghosts and gods have no eyes, all things are incompetent, strong people are ignorant, life and death are impermanent, misfortune and fortune have no way, heaven and earth are ghostly, and I am the only one." "

Feng Siniang, who was following Luo Wei, suddenly realized: "It turns out that you are a person from Tianzun. "

This organization is very mysterious in the Daming Rivers and Lakes, and like the Blue Dragon Society, it is a behemoth.

Of course Feng Siniang had heard of it.

The woman bowed her head and said, "Yes, the slave is really a Tianzun person." "

Immediately afterwards, she said: "Tianzun ordered, from now on, Luo Gongzi will be my Tianzun's distinguished guest, and Gongzi's daily travel will be responsible for slaves." "

When Feng Siniang heard this, she immediately knew what Tianzun was thinking, "It seems that there are people in the Tianzun organization who have copies of the diary and want to curry favor with you through the Tianzun organization." "

Rowe said, "I know. "

Feng Siniang said: "This woman's status in Tianzun must not be low. "

Rowe said, "Why can't it be the leader? "

Feng Siniang was shocked, "You mean, Tianzun is a woman. "

Luo Wei snorted, "Yes, Tianzun is indeed a woman. "

Feng Siniang asked with interest, "Who is this woman?" She really wanted to know who actually had such courage and established Tianzun.

Luo Wei pointed to the woman standing in front of him and said: "People are so flattering to me, am I sorry to tell you her identity without the consent of the other party?" "

When Feng Siniang thought about it, she simply skipped the topic and asked, "Where are you going next?" "

Luo Wei said: "Walking around, looking around, I haven't carefully appreciated this river and lake, and I finally came to this world, how can I appreciate it." "

While speaking, he took out a delicate money bag from his arms and threw it to Feng Siniang.

"Here's for you."

"What is it?"

"Qiankun bag." This is Luo Wei using the art of pot heaven to find out, don't look at the appearance is exquisite, but the space inside is amazing, and it is not a problem to install a house.

As mentioned earlier, Luo Wei's silver two and silver tickets were completely destroyed when the two Celestial God Soldiers collided.

So these days, eating and staying in the inn is all spent on Feng Siniang's money.

Therefore, Luo Wei deliberately used the Heavenly Kettle Art to create this Qiankun bag and gave it to Feng Siniang.

It can be regarded as repaying Feng Siniang's maintenance in the past few days.

Feng Siniang took the Qiankun bag, opened it, and immediately saw it at a glance, and was surprised: "Such a valuable thing, you really plan to give it to me." "

Rowe said: "This stuff is nothing to me. "

When Feng Siniang heard Luo Wei say this, she was no longer pretentious, "Okay, I accepted this thing, and I will see you again when I have the opportunity in the future." "

As soon as Luo Wei heard this, he knew that Feng Siniang did not intend to act with him, and nodded cheerfully.

"Okay, I'll see you later when I have a chance."

The two chatted a few more times, and then Feng Siniang got up to take her leave and strode away.

After Feng Siniang left, Luo Wei was just about to get into the carriage, when he was suddenly called out.

"Luo Gongzi, please stay."

Luo Wei stopped, followed the place where the voice came from, and saw a white-clothed boy walking towards him.

This person has a lupine towel, a dusty temperament, and a handsome appearance, and is a true son of Zhuo Shijia.

Luo Wei asked curiously, "Brother Tai just called me?" "


"I don't know if my brother Tai Gao's surname is Daimyo, is there something wrong with me?" Rowe asked.

The white-clothed boy came over and said, "In Xiaguan Haitang, I have seen Luo Gongzi." "

Luo Wei was stunned for a moment, and then suddenly realized, "It turns out that you are Shangguan Haitang, I can't see it, you are so good at disguise, much better than the TV series." "

Shangguan Haitang is the holder of a copy of the diary, of course, she has heard Luo Wei complain about TV series and knows that TV series are like dramas now, but she didn't expect that she actually had TV series.

She asked curiously: "Is the TV series not acting well?" "

Luo Wei complained: "It's good, it's that you know it's a woman when you see it in the TV series, and you tell others that this is a woman pretending to be a man." "

"What's even more outrageous is that the people acting seem to be unable to see it one by one."

"It's just fooling the audience like fools."

"Or now you are a little more delicate, if you don't say that you are Shangguan Haitang, I really thought that you came from where the Zhuo Shijia prince, I never thought that you were actually a woman."

"Especially this Adam's apple, it's so realistic."

Shangguan Haitang: ......

She didn't even know how to pick up these words.

Fortunately, she traveled south and north, was well-informed, and soon calmed down, and continued to follow Luo Wei's words, "Under the tutelage of the Traceless Gongzi, the art of transfiguration is quite studied, coupled with my special status, walking in the rivers and lakes as a woman, it is inevitable that there is some inconvenience, so I will pretend to be a man, and ask Luo Gongzi for forgiveness." "

"It's okay." Luo Wei waved his hand and said, "It's not a big deal. "

He really didn't care about this little thing.

"By the way, are you looking for me for something?" Rowe asked curiously.

Shangguan Haitang's face was stunned, and said: "I know Luo Gongzi's ability in Xia, so I specially came to invite Luo Gongzi to join my Dragon Guarding Villa, if Gongzi is willing, I can say that I can move the gods and wait for him in the position of the deputy owner of Dragon Guarding Villa." "

Luo Wei refused without thinking, "I refuse, with my ability, if you want to join the imperial court, let alone be the deputy owner of the Dragon Guarding Villa, even if you are a prince, it is still within reach." "

Shangguan Haitang was speechless because she knew that Luo Wei was right.

If Luo Wei is really willing to join Daming, Zhu Yuanzhang will definitely give Luo Wei a marquis.

And he is not an ordinary Hou Ye, but the kind of real power Hou Ye.

It was as if the ghost king of the Ghost King Mansion was nothing.

The deputy owner of the Dragon Guarding Villa was a high-ranking position in the eyes of others, but in Luo Wei's opinion, it was just that.

In fact, before she spoke, Shangguan Haitang knew that Luo Wei had little chance of joining the Dragon Guarding Villa, but she still asked.

After all, some things don't necessarily succeed, but if you don't do them, you will never succeed.

As the No. 1 agent of Xuanzi of Dragon Guarding Villa, Shangguan Haitang knew this well.

That's why I just had the invitation.

And Luo Wei's refusal was also expected by her, after being rejected by Luo Wei, Shangguan Haitang was not angry at all, and said with a smile: "Luo Gongzi does not want to be restrained, I understand this." "

"There are indeed some people in the rivers and lakes who do not want to be bound by the imperial court."

"But I hope that Dragon Guard Villa can reach a deal with Luo Gongzi."

Luo Wei asked curiously, "What deal?" "

Shangguan Haitang said: "The Dragon Guarding Villa is an organization set up by His Majesty King Ming to maintain the stability of the rivers and lakes, and we will inevitably have conflicts with the people in the rivers and lakes. "

"Some members of the Dragon Guard Villa had to retire after being injured and suffered from illness."

"So, I want to borrow Luo Gongzi's Shennong Ruler to heal the injuries of this group of people."

This time, Luo Wei did not refuse, and readily agreed, "Yes, but Shennong's ruler is very important, if I take it out, it is inevitable that someone will covet it and make trouble with me." "

"At that time, everyone's faces will not look good, and good things will become bad things."

Shangguan Haitang did not refute, she knew that people's hearts were sinister, and what Luo Wei was worried about might not happen.

After all, there is no one who does not want to take such a peerless divine weapon as Shennongruler for himself.

Including her.

If it weren't for Luo Wei's strength being too strong and the means were too amazing, she would have already had the heart to rob

So Shangguan Haitang asked, "What does that Luo Gongzi mean?" "

Luo Wei said: "You let your people come to me, I took out the Shennong ruler to treat them, and one person charged one hundred taels of silver, what do you mean?" "

Shangguan Haitang frowned, one hundred taels, ten people is one thousand taels, and one hundred people is ten thousand taels.

Although the Dragon Guard Villa has a big business, money is not spent this way.

Such a big hand, the gold mountain and silver sea can not bear it.

Shangguan Haitang thought a little and said, "It's too expensive, can it be cheaper." "

Rowe asked, "How much do you think is appropriate?" "

Shangguan Haitang said without hesitation: "A person with ten taels of silver, what does Luo Gongzi mean?" "

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