Luo Wei couldn't help but roll his eyes, and couldn't help but complain: "Although talking about business is to pay back the money on the spot at a sky-high asking price, but you are also paying back too outrageously." "

"I offered a hundred taels, and you directly cut it into a tenth, do you think it is appropriate, Miss Shangguan."

Shangguan Haitang smiled charmingly, and with her appearance of a woman pretending to be a man, it seemed to have a special charm.

"Luo Gongzi also said that it is a sky-high asking price, treating a person of one hundred taels, it is inevitably too expensive, I think ten taels of silver is a very suitable price."

"You must know that ordinary people who are sick to see a doctor, the general division is only tens of dollars."

"You said that it is an ordinary person, can my Shennong ruler be compared with ordinary people, if you can cure the group of spies in your Dragon Guardian Villa by seeing a doctor, you will not come to me."

"You say, isn't that right, Miss Shangguan."

Luo Wei looked at the other party seriously.

Shangguan Haitang admitted that Luo Wei was right, "Luo Gongzi is right, but the problem is that Luo Gongzi, the doctor, can cure my subordinates as long as he takes out the Shennong ruler." "

"You don't need to prescribe or grab medicine, but you can cure a person in a moment..."

Luo Wei interrupted, "Doesn't this show that I am a good doctor." "

Shangguan Haitang resisted the urge to roll his eyes and teased, "Are you sure this is a masterful medical skill?" "

Luo Wei said: "Shennong ruler is in my hands, I say that I am the first divine doctor in the world, who dares to object." "

Shangguan Begonia: "..."

You guy can't talk too much.

She had never seen such a brazen person.

Shangguan Haitang glanced at Luo Wei speechlessly, and said squarely: "One hundred taels of silver is absolutely impossible, how about Luo Gongzi take a step back?" "

Luo Wei said: "Okay, I don't embarrass you, how about seventy taels?" "

Shangguan Haitang continued to shake his head, "It's still too expensive. "

Luo Wei said: "You are not sincere, Miss Shangguan, should you really think that I will agree to the price of ten taels, Shennong Ruler is also a Heavenly God Soldier?" "

Shangguan Haitang thought for a while and said, "Twenty taels of silver, how?" "

Luo Wei rolled his eyes, "I took a step back and counted you seventy taels, but you only rose ten taels of silver, it seems that you are not sincere at all, Miss Shangguan." "

With that, Luo Wei threw off Shangguan Haitang and boarded the carriage.

Shangguan Haitang said badly, knowing that he bargained like this, which made Luo Wei bored, and this transaction was likely to be yellow.

In her opinion, it doesn't matter if the transaction is yellow, what really makes her unacceptable, losing the opportunity to establish a friendship with Rowe.

This loss is the greatest.

If she really established a friendship with Luo Wei through trading, when she needed Luo Wei in the future, she could ask Luo Wei to help her.

That's all that matters.

So Shangguan Haitang hurriedly said: "Luo Gongzi, Luo Gongzi, just now I was abrupt, one person fifty taels, how?" "

After Luo Wei boarded the carriage, when he heard this, he couldn't help but bow his head slightly, opened the curtains and said to Shangguan Haitang: "This price is still a little sincere, so it was decided, fifty taels of silver per person." "

Shangguan Haitang agreed, and took out a few silver tickets from his clothes and handed them to Luo Wei.

"Luo Gongzi, here are five thousand taels of silver tickets, please put it away."

"Later, I will send a few people to find Luo Gongzi, and then ask Luo Gongzi to cure them."

Luo Wei was also not pretentious, and took the five thousand taels of silver tickets cheerfully, he just had no money, and the five thousand taels of silver tickets was considered to solve the urgent need.

"I accepted the money, when the time comes, you let your people come to me, rest assured, as long as it is not a dead person, I can save him."

"Shennong Ruler will definitely not disappoint in terms of treating diseases and saving people."

Shangguan Haitang breathed a sigh of relief and said with his hands: "Then I am here to thank Luo Gongzi." "

"You're welcome."

Luo Wei smiled and lowered the curtains, and said to the maid who was driving: "Drive, beauty." "

The maid answered and asked, "I wonder where Luo Gongzi wants to go?" "

Rowe said: "Where it is fun, we will go. "

The maid said: "Hearing Gongzi say this, the slave has thought of a good place. "

Luo Wei asked curiously, "What place?" "

The maid said: "Bliss Tower, it is rumored in the rivers and lakes that Bliss Tower is the largest gold cave under the sky, as long as you have money, you can enjoy the emperor-like service in Bliss Tower." "

"In the Elysium Building, there is nothing that money cannot buy."

"If you can't buy it, it means that your money is not in place."

When Luo Wei heard this, he couldn't help laughing, "Okay, then listen to you, and we'll go to the Elysium Tower." "

The maid replied softly, "Okay." "

Then a crackling sound came, and the carriage slowly moved forward.

Rowe pulled out his diary and began today's update.

[Yesterday was my last day in Fuzhou City, and I planned to leave today, but what I didn't expect was that as soon as I walked out of the restaurant, someone had already prepared a carriage for me].

[You don't have to walk by yourself when you travel, you can pick up and drop off directly by carriage, and wherever I go, the carriage will be in place].

[Food, clothing, housing and transportation on the road, I don't have to worry about it, there will be someone to be responsible].

[This service is really intimate].

[Tianzun is worthy of being Tianzun].

[I accept this favor].

[If you want to die in the future, I will definitely resurrect you, after all, you are a delicate beauty, and it is a pity to die].

After Shangguan Haitang saw the carriage leave, he found that Luo Wei began to update his diary.

However, what she didn't expect was that this carriage was actually prepared for Luo Wei by the people of the Tianzun Organization.

What she didn't expect was that the leader of Tianzun turned out to be a woman.

And also the holder of a copy of the diary.

No wonder it is easy to lock Luo Wei's position and arrange a road service for Luo Wei.

This woman's wrist is really smart.

At the same time, when others saw this scene, they couldn't help but frown.

Gao Yanan was a little surprised, "Tianzun turned out to be a woman, and in this way he got a chance to be resurrected, and the rivers and lakes are eventful." "

Inside the Flower Palace.

Yueyue raised her eyebrows, "A good Tianzun, he really can exploit loopholes." "

Mercy Xing's eyes flickered, and said: "Sister, I want to leave the Shifting Flower Palace to take a trip to the rivers and lakes, find this Luo Wei, and pull him into the Shifting Flower Palace." "

Yueyue said calmly: "With Luo Wei's current strength, he may not be able to see the Shifting Flower Palace. "

Although the Shifting Flower Palace is strong, it is nothing in this comprehensive martial arts world.

Therefore, the invitation moon of this world did not cultivate the style of solipsism, after all, although the Ming Yu Gong is powerful, it is nothing compared to the endless divine skills.

Mercy Star said: "Even so, it is best to find Luo Wei, it is best to be friends, whether it is for you, for me, or the entire Shifting Flower Palace, it is a good thing." "

Yueyue was silent for a moment, and said with a slight bow: "Okay, then we will go find this Luo Wei." "

Murong family.

Murong Jiu looked at the diary and couldn't help but say: "I originally thought that this Tianzun was such a person, but I didn't expect that he would be faceless and use this method to please Luo Wei. "

"Now it seems that this Tianzun is just that."

Murong Jiu, who was complaining about Tianzun, did not realize that when he said these words to belittle Tianzun, Murong Qiudi, who was sitting opposite her, gradually became dangerous.

At the same time, Huang Rong, who arrived in Daming with great difficulty, had a headache after seeing the diary.

"This guy has actually left Fuzhou City, so where am I going to find him."

In desperation, Huang Rong had to look at the diary, hoping that Luo Wei could reveal his whereabouts.

[In addition to the people sent by Tianzun, I also met Shangguan Haitang, the first secret agent of Xuanzi of Dragon Guarding Villa].

[I probably stayed in Fuzhou City for seven days, and people came to me and wanted to pull me to join the Dragon Guarding Villa].

[However, I refused, I am not interested in joining Dragon Guarding Villa].

[Later, Shangguan Haitang wanted to cooperate with me again, wanting me to use Shennong ruler to save people].

[This can have].

[After all, when Shennong Ruler and Tianjing collided, the explosion not only killed my follower Siniang, but also destroyed all the money on my body].

[In the inn these days, I have survived by relying on Feng Siniang to eat and live, so when I talk to Feng Siniang these days, I dare not speak louder].

[After all, it is short to take people's hands and eat people's mouths softly].

When Feng Siniang saw this scene, she couldn't help but laugh.

A few days ago, Luo Wei had been talking to her with a gentle wind and rain, and her attitude was very good, and she thought that Luo Wei had killed herself once, and she was a little overwhelmed.

That's why your attitude toward yourself changes.

Feelings are for this reason.

This guy is interesting.

[As the saying goes, money is heroic boldness, and heroes without money only dare to eat Yangchun noodles even when eating, and dare not eat big fish and meat].

[When I used to watch TV series, there was often such a plot].

[Heroes with strong martial arts skills often sit in front of roadside stalls and shout "Xiao Er, come 10,000 Yang Spring Noodles"


[At that time, I was still wondering, Yangchun noodles are so delicious, why do heroes like to eat Yangchun noodles].

[Only later did he know that the hero ate Yangchun noodles not because he liked it, but because Yangchun noodles were cheap].

[This shows how important money is].

[If an organization has no money, it cannot operate, and if a country has no money, the army will mutinied].

[Therefore, when Shangguan Haitang is willing to send me money, I will naturally not refuse].

[To treat a person, the consultation fee is 100 taels of silver].

[I think this is a very reasonable price, after all, what needs to be treated by Shennong Ruler is definitely not a small injury].

[Small injuries do not need a Shennong ruler].

[What kind of incurable disease is definitely what needs Shennong ruler, such a disease to find a doctor, a hundred taels of silver is far from enough].

[So I think a hundred taels and one person, which is reasonable].

[But what I never expected was that Shangguan Haitang was only willing to pay the price of ten taels of silver per person].

[Ah, this is also too critical].

Feilu's 18th anniversary brand upgrade to give back to readers! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive(Event Period: August 10th to August 20th)

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