When Shangguan Haitang saw this, he rolled his eyes angrily.

"You just knocked on the door, your whole family knocked on the door."

She never expected that Luo Wei would write this matter into his diary, and this shame was lost to the entire Daming, and everyone knew about it.

This also makes her see people.

For a while, Shangguan Haitang was really angry.

[Although I know that Shangguan Haitang is doing this to save money, I still can't help but want to say something].

[Small, small pattern].

[If this is changed to me, don't say a hundred taels, five hundred taels are agreed, anyway, the money does not need to be paid by me].

[There are many dignitaries and dignitaries in the capital, and rich merchants are everywhere].

[This year, who does not have a headache and fever].

[At that time, I will casually arrange a few rich people to join the treatment team, and ask for 18,000, not too much].

[After all, in the eyes of the real rich, is 18,000 still called money?] 】

[People can spend thousands of dollars on the last green building, not to mention that for their own health, how much money is not up to me, so I said that the pattern of Shangguan Begonia is small].

Shangguan Haitang couldn't help but be stunned, and suddenly felt that what Luo Wei said made sense, it turned out that treatment could still be played like this?

If you think about it, those rich people in the capital are indeed rich and do not treat money as money.

The children of wealthy families are jealous in the Qinglou, and the expenses are larger than the other.

If it is for good health, you must be willing to spend as much as you want.

And he only stared at the little money in the Dragon Guarding Villa, wanting to save money for the Dragon Guarding Villa, but now it seems that the pattern is really small.

No wonder Rowe said that about himself.

But then again, this guy has too many eyes.

If you don't go to the rivers and lakes, but to be a businessman, you are definitely a top profiteer.

After she secretly complained for a while, she continued to read the diary.

[In the end, I reached an agreement with Guan Haitang to save a person for fifty taels of silver, and so will you, if anyone other than yourself wants to use my Shennong ruler to save their lives].

[Fifty per person, no counteroffer].

[In addition, if you encounter any rich people who want to pit a fortune, you can contact me].

[This year, it's hard to have no money].

[With money, it is uncle].

[By the way, recently I heard that Elysium Building is more fun, as long as you have money, you can buy anything in it, so I plan to experience the supreme service of Elysium Building].

[If anyone wants to find me, come to the Elysium Tower].

[I'm waiting for you here].

[Today's diary is written here, ladies, female devils, bye].

After writing the last sentence, Rowe couldn't help sighing, mainly because nothing had happened recently, so there was really nothing better.

The quality of writing a diary today is mediocre, and you should not be able to get a good reward.

Closing the diary, Roviso asked for a reward.

Sure enough, a mechanical voice came.

[Check that the host has finished writing today's diary, and now the reward will be issued].

[Congratulations to the host for gaining strength within one year].

Luo Wei couldn't help but sigh, he knew that today's reward was not good, but the strength in one year was not bad.

The Teleportation Dafa he obtained not long ago was a top-notch light skill, and it required internal strength to perform.

Each time it is cast, it will consume about half a year's strength.

These days, Luo Wei has intermittently gained internal strength for several years, which is enough for him to cast more than a dozen teleportation techniques, and when he encounters danger, he can calmly dodge.

In combination with the resurrection of the dead, scattering beans into soldiers, palm thunder, talisman and other spells.

Luo Wei estimated that as long as it was not a grandmaster, or a peerless powerhouse.

There are only a handful of people in this world who can kill him.

This is also the reason why Rowe is not hiding in the east and dares to let the holder of the diary copy come to him.

If you have strength, you can wave.

Now Luo Wei belongs to this kind of powerful person.

The carriage rolled on the pipes and went all the way.

Luo Wei, who was idle and bored, simply lifted the curtain of the car, sat next to the maid who was rushing the car, and asked curiously: "Speaking of which, I still don't know your name?" What's your name? "

The maid hurried the car and said respectfully: "If you return to Gongzi, the slave is called Azhu." "

Luo Wei couldn't help but be stunned, and couldn't help but ask again, "What do you say your name is?" "

The maid said, "Slave Aju." "

When Luo Wei heard this, he couldn't help but carefully look at the maid named Azhu in front of him, she was indeed delicate and beautiful, vivid and moving, and she was a beauty.

Luo Wei said tentatively: "The stars in the sky, bright and crystalline, eternal brilliance, eternal peace." "

Ah Zhu exclaimed and said, "How did Gongzi know this?" "

Luo Wei couldn't help but complain: "It's really you, you should also have a copy of your diary." "

Aju nodded, she did have a copy of the diary, originally she didn't intend to tell anyone, but she didn't expect to be seen through by Luo Wei at a glance.

Luo Wei asked, "Then does Murong Qiudi know that you have a copy of your diary?" "

Azhu hesitated, shook his head and said, "I didn't tell the eldest lady about this. "

Luo Wei asked curiously, "Why?" "

Azhu said: "At first, I felt that this copy came too suddenly, and I didn't know what danger was hidden, so I didn't dare to tell the eldest miss about it, and then I couldn't see the eldest miss, so I kept dragging it out and didn't tell the eldest miss." "

Rowe said, "It's okay, I'll tell her." "

He took out his diary, and was just about to complain, when he suddenly heard Azhu say: "Gongzi and slow." "

Luo Wei stopped the movement at hand and asked, "What's wrong?" "

Azhu hesitated again and again and said, "Can Gongzi hide this matter for me?" "

Luo Wei took a serious look at Azhu, then nodded, and put the diary away again, "Okay, since you don't want to tell others about this, I'll hide it for you, it's not a big deal anyway." "

"Plus, you have to answer me a question."

Azhu nodded seriously, "Gongzi, please say." "

Luo Wei said: "If I'm not mistaken, you should be the maid of the Murong family, the aunt of the Great Song, how did you become Murong Qiudi's maid again." "

Ah Zhu breathed a sigh of relief and said, "It turns out that this matter ah, Gongzi doesn't know something, the slave was indeed the maid of the Gusu Murong family at the beginning. "

"However, when the slave was a child, Old Master Murong Bo died unexpectedly, and Gusu Murong was left with only Young Master Fu and a few family generals."

"At that time, the Great Song Dynasty was not very peaceful, and it was at a time when the power gang was expanding rapidly."

"In order to protect Young Master Fu's safety, several family generals took us to Daming and joined the main house."

"For the next few years, we lived in the Lord's house."

"It was also at this time that the slave was favored by the eldest miss, begged for it from Young Master Fu, and became the eldest miss's maid."

"Three years ago, Young Master Fu had achieved some achievements in martial arts, so he left the main family and returned to Gusu Murong with four generals to restore the prestige of the Gusu Murong family."

"And I stayed, and it was at this time that I was favored by the eldest lady and joined Tianzun and became one of them."

When Luo Wei heard this, he couldn't help but sigh: "This comprehensive martial arts world, really wonderful, I didn't expect you to actually join Tianzun, this kind of thing that can't be beaten happened in front of me." "

"Interesting, really interesting."

Azhu hesitated for a moment and said, "Gongzi, can I ask you something?" "

Rowe snorted, "You said. "

Azhu asked: "Gongzi naturally knows that the stars in the sky are shining, eternal brilliance, and eternal peace, so do you know what this sentence means, was it left to me by my parents?" "

Luo Wei nodded and said: "That's right, this sentence was really left to you by your parents, by the way, is there still a paragraph on your body." "

Aju nodded, "Yes, there is indeed a paragraph. "

Luo Wei stroked his palm and laughed: "That's right, among the Eight Heavenly Dragons, it is true that you are the maid of the Murong family, but you are also the daughter of Duan Zhengchun, the king of Dali." "

"What, I'm the daughter of King Dali?" Aju could hardly believe his ears.

She originally thought that her parents were ordinary people, but she never expected that they were the daughter of the Zhennan King of Dali Country.

Doesn't this mean that she should have been a real princess.

Luo Wei nodded and said: "Yes, you are indeed Duan Zhengchun's daughter, but you were not born in the main room, because there is only one person in Duan Zhengchun's main room, that is, Dao Baifeng, the daughter of the chief of the Yi clan. "

"The Dali Kingdom is weak and needs the support of the Pengyi clan, and the Pengyi tribe is monogamous, so Duan Zhengchun, the king of Zhennan, did not dare to marry any concubines after marrying Dao Baifeng."

"This person is also amorous, and when he sees a beautiful girl, he wants to hook up."

"He has a noble status, and he can talk in addition to it, and he sees that the beautiful girl can pull down his body, so many women have been won by Duan Zhengchun."

"Your mother is one of them."

Azhu never expected that his father was not only a king, but also a scumbag.

For a while, with mixed feelings, he couldn't say a word.

Luo Wei did not speak, quietly accompanying Azhu, waiting for Azhu to slowly return to his senses

After a long time, Ah Zhu finally recovered and asked in a low voice, "Does that Gongzi know who my mother is?" "

Luo Wei nodded and said: "Naturally, if nothing else, your mother should be called Ruan Xingzhu, a woman who lacks assertiveness and is very easy to handle." "

"I know you might be angry when I say that."

"But it is."

"Between Duan Zhengchun's kind of mistresses, she does not have the wisdom of Gan Baobao, nor the sharpness of Qin Hongmian's resentment in her heart, nor the pride, domineering and Kang Min's perverted, crazy, twisted love of Mrs. Wang."

"Overall, she is a beautiful and ordinary woman."


Ah this, she never thought that her mother would be like this... No features.

No, it's not right, if there is no special, he can't charm his merry father.

Maybe beauty is her mother's biggest feature.

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immediately preemptive(Event Period: August 10th to August 20th)

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