After thinking for a moment, Azhu couldn't help but ask: "Gongzi, the people you just mentioned are all my father's love... Mistress? "

Rowe nodded, "Yes, it's all your daddy's mistress." "

"Then between the few of them, can they have children with my father?" Aju asked curiously, wanting to know if she had any siblings.

For this point, Luo Wei naturally did not hide it, "Born, Gan Baobao gave birth to a daughter named Zhong Ling. "

"Qin Hongmian gave birth to a daughter named Mu Wanqing."

"Mrs. Wang gave birth to a daughter named Wang Yuyan."

When Azhu heard this, he couldn't help but ask, "Why are they all girls?" "

"There are boys." Luo Wei said: "Kang Min gave birth to a boy, but Duan Zhengchun only did not marry at the beginning, and left after Kang Min gave birth, so Kang Min killed the boy. "

"What?" Azhu was shocked, surprised by Kang Min's ruthlessness, "She actually killed her own child. "

Luo Wei shrugged and said: "You have to know one thing, in this era, having a child out of wedlock is a very outrageous thing, and Kang Minruo raised this child." "

"Then how can she marry a good family, and who will want a woman who is pregnant out of wedlock and even has children."

Aju knew that Luo Wei was right, but he still couldn't understand, "That's her own flesh and blood." "

"That's why I said that Kang Min is a woman who is perverted, twisted, and crazy."

"In other words, a normal woman, such as your mother, will only send her children away instead of killing them."

Luo Wei sighed, Kang Min's daughter was indeed a little perverted since she was abandoned by Duan Zhengchun.

Azhu heard Luo Wei's meaning from Luo Wei's words, and his pretty face became lonely, "It turns out that I was sent away by my own mother." "

Luo Wei nodded and said: "Yes, your mother Ruan Xingzhu should be a woman with a good tutor, if you let the family know that she has a daughter out of wedlock, it is very likely that they will not recognize this daughter." "

"In addition, your mother has no means to make money, if she loses the protection of her family, let alone you, even she herself cannot support herself, so she can only give you away."

When Azhu heard this, his crooked willow eyebrows couldn't help but stand up, "My father is also a king, didn't he even leave some money to my mother?" "

Luo Wei shook his head and said: "I don't know about this, but I think there is none, if there is, your mother will not give you away because she is unable to raise you." "

"To be honest, I look down on Duan Zhengchun as a person."

"When I saw a beautiful woman, I wanted to provoke, and after getting someone's body, I immediately lost interest, patted my ass and left."

"Qin Hongmian, Gan Baobao, including your mother, without exception."

"You may not know that he didn't even know you existed all these years."

"In addition to his precious son Duan Yu, he didn't even know that Qin Hongmian and the others gave him several daughters."

Azhu really froze this time and fell into autism.

When she was young, she fantasized about what kind of person her father and mother were countless times.

Maybe big heroes, but more likely ordinary people.

But he didn't expect that his father and mother turned out to be such a person.

Accident, what an accident.

Luo Wei knew that Azhu was not in a good mood now, so he patted Azhu's shoulder and whispered a few words of comfort, signaling her to calm down and not care too much about her father.

Fortunately, Azhu has grown up independently over the years, and her parents have only appeared in her fantasies, and even if she knows what kind of person her parents are today, she has not been greatly affected.

However, in the blink of an eye, he regained his composure and thanked Luo Wei, "Thank you Gongzi for telling Azhu's life, Azhu is grateful." "

"You're welcome." Rowe waved his hand and said, "It's just a show of hands." "

Azhu shook his head and said, "Maybe it's a show of hands for Gongzi, but it's not for me, but it solves a doubt that I have had for many years." "

"Gongzi is great kindness, Azhu is willing to be a cow and a horse, tie grass rings, and repay Gongzi."

Luo Wei smiled slightly, "I don't need to make a cow and a horse, I don't have the luxury to use a beauty as a cow and horse, that's too wasteful, you just follow me, a personal maid at that time." "

When Ah Zhu heard this, he said with a playful smile: "Where is Gongzi, the slave has already been given to Gongzi by the eldest lady, and naturally she is Gongzi's personal maid." "

Luo Wei laughed and said, "Exactly. "

Azhu is also a rare beauty, and being his maid is naturally more than enough.

After this conversation, the two suddenly felt that the distance was much closer, and they chatted along the way.

And the most talked about is still the things on the rivers and lakes.

Who made Rowe very interested in the rivers and lakes.

As a member of the Tianzun Organization, the maid beside Murong Qiudi was naturally very precious to the movements in the rivers and lakes.

Through Azhu, Luo Wei knew a lot of secrets in the rivers and lakes.

For example, Shen Bijun is not married yet.

Lian Chengbi did ask the Golden Needle Shen family for a kiss and wanted to marry Shen Bijun, but this matter was rejected by one person.

That is Shen Bijun's uncle, Shen Lang's father.

King Shen Tianjun of Kyushu.

Yes, in this comprehensive martial arts world, Shen Tianjun has become a member of the Golden Needle Shen family.

Not only is Old Lady Shen's son, but also Shen Bijun's own uncle.

is also the head of the Shen family.

Shen Bijunsheng's flower and moon appearance, there are many people who want to ask for relatives like Jiang Zhiqing, Lian Chengbi is just one of them, not the first nor the last.

In the plot of "Xiao Shiyilang", Lian Chengbi is the owner of the Scaleless Mountain Villa, the sword technique is like a warm moon and spring breeze, the soft power of the sword is at its peak, the sword is faster than lightning, and the sword technique is the first in the world.

Because of this, he was able to marry Shen Bijun.

However, in this comprehensive martial arts world, although Lian Chengbi is excellent, he is not the best.

There are many people who are better than the young warriors of Lianchengbi.

Therefore, Lian Chengbi is not the most outstanding one among the crowd of suitors.

And Jianghu recognized that King Shen Tianjun of Kyushu was the top grandmaster, only one step away from the peerless powerhouse.

Therefore, Lian Chengbi was not qualified to marry his niece.

Luo Wei asked curiously, "Then in Shen Tianjun's heart, what kind of person can marry his niece." "

Azhu shook his head and said: "I don't know about this, and Shen Tianjun didn't explain it, but everyone is speculating that maybe only someone Shen Bijun really likes can marry Shen Bijun." "

"If Shen Bijun is unwilling, even if the Heavenly King Laozi comes, Shen Tianjun will not agree."

This answer is a bit unexpected.

But if you think about it, Shen Tianjun seems to really have such confidence.

After all, with Shen Tianjun's strength, there are only a handful of people in the rivers and lakes who can make Shen Tianjun bow his head.

Not to mention that Shen Tianjun has traveled extensively and has a group of friends.

When Luo Wei thought of this, he couldn't help but sigh, "Could it be that this Shen Bijun really wants to mix with Xiao Shiyilang?" "

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