Aju is also the holder of a copy of the diary, and certainly knows why Rowe said that.

I saw that she shook her head and said: "Although Xiao Shiyilang's strength is good, he is a big thief after all, and with Shen Tianjun's identity, it is impossible to let Shen Bijun be with a big thief." "

Rowe admits that Aju is right, but he has his own opinion.

"I admit that Shen Bijun in this world has Shen Tianjun as a backing, and his status has greatly increased, and Xiao Shiyi Lang is indeed very unworthy of this Shen Bijun."

"But no one can say for sure about this kind of thing, maybe two people who have experienced a tribulation and really see it right."

Ah Zhu felt that it was unlikely, "With Shen Tianjun's current status and strength, there should be no one who does not open his eyes and dares to offend this king of Kyushu." "

Luo Wei said with a smile: "That's not necessarily, Shen Tianjun is terrible, but the strength of some people is not inferior to Shen Tianjun, such as Xiaoyaohou." "

"Xiaoyaohou? Who is this again? "

"A very terrifying man, I suspect that he is most likely not inferior to Shen Tianjun's top grandmaster."

You must know that in the plot of "Xiao Shiyilang", Xiaoyaohou is definitely an incredible master.

The entire rivers and lakes were played by him and applauded, and one after another top experts who moved the rivers and lakes had no power to fight back under Xiaoyaohou's hands and were imprisoned in Doll Mountain Villa for him to play with.

If it weren't for the plot killing, with Xiao Shiyilang's strength, it would be impossible to solve Xiaoyaohou.

Azhu had never heard of this Xiaoyao Marquis, but judging by Luo Wei's expression, she knew that Luo Wei was not lying.

This Xiaoyaohou is definitely a master among the masters.

Perhaps, he should tell the eldest lady about this.

Aju thought so.


That night, Aju drove his carriage into a town.

The two found an inn in the town to check into.

I plan to rest for one night, and the next day I am departing for the Elysium Tower.

Nothing happened overnight.

The next day, the two got up early in the morning, ate breakfast and continued to set off.

At dusk, as Aju was driving the carriage through a wood, he suddenly heard a faint call.

The sound is intermittent, if there is none.


Luo Wei shouted, and Ah Zhu skillfully pulled the rope and stopped the carriage, "Gongzi, is there something wrong?" "

"Have you ever heard someone shouting for help." Rowe asked.

Aju pricked up his ears and listened, and there was indeed a wistful call in the wind.

“...... Save...... Help me...... Yes! "

"Gongzi, the slave did hear the cry for help."

"Go, go and see."

Luo Wei got off the carriage, cast the teleportation Dafa, and the whole person disappeared into Azhu's field of vision out of thin air.

Aju was startled at first, then performed a light skill, and galloped away in the direction where the cry for help came from.

Over the years by Murong Qiudi's side, Azhu not only learned martial arts, but also became a second-rate master.

At the same time, Luo Wei, who had cast the Teleportation Dafa, only felt that a flower appeared in front of him, and he appeared in the depths of the woods.

I saw that in this dense jungle, two people were fighting.

No, it's not so much a fight as a cat playing mouse.

The one who was teased was a seventeen or eighteen-year-old girl, with a round face and a pair of big eyes that were dark, and at this time she was so tired that her forehead was juiced, and a sweat ran down her left cheek and flowed directly into her neck.

She wielded a long sword and shouted for help while fending off enemy attacks.

And the person who teased her was a burly man with a lewd smile on his face.

This man was holding a long knife, wielding a tiger and tiger, obviously three or two strokes can knock the girl down, but he did not do this, but did not hurry to attack the girl's secret parts.

The technique is extremely obscene.

And the maiden was defeated under his attack, and her face was as red as strings of red peppers hanging under the eaves.

At this moment, Luo Wei appeared out of thin air, startling the two.

The man with the knife hurriedly took a few steps back, looked at Luo Wei with a cautious expression, and scolded: "What are you?" "

Luo Wei smiled and asked, "Who are you?" "

The girl who was teased took the opportunity to take a few steps back and said loudly: "This young man, this person calls himself Tian Boguang. "

Luo Wei couldn't help but suddenly realize, "No wonder the technique is so bad, it turns out to be Tian Boguang who travels alone." "

Tian Boguang's wrist shook, played with a knife flower, sneered and threatened: "Since you know that it is someone from my Tian, don't hurry up and get out, be careful that I cut off your head in anger." "

Luo Wei couldn't help but be amused, "Just because of you Tian Boguang, you still want to cut off my head?" "

He also didn't talk nonsense with this guy, and stretched out his right hand to aim at Tian Boguang.

Palm thunder!

In the next second, a ray of thunder burst out from Luo Wei's palm and shot towards Tian Boguang.

Tian Boguang raised his vigilance when Luo Wei stretched out the palm of his right hand to himself, wanting to see what the hell Luo Wei was doing.

When he saw the thunder splashing, it was too late to hide.

Because this thunder light is too fast and too fast.

With Tian Boguang's strength, wanting to dodge thunder light is simply a pipe dream.

However, in an instant, Lei Guang hit Tian Boguang's heart, directly piercing Tian Boguang's body, and an extra fist-sized hole appeared.

Luo Wei couldn't help but be startled by this scene, although he knew that the power of palm thunder was not weak.

But I didn't expect it to be so powerful.

Tian Boguang looked at this comprehensive martial arts world and should be regarded as a first-class master.

However, it was killed by a palm thunder.

It can be seen that the power of this spell is amazing.

"You..." Tian Boguang did not expect that he would die so densely, he looked down at the hole that appeared in his chest, and only had time to spit out a word of you, and then plopped down on the ground.

Those who die cannot die again.

"Gongzi... Are you okay. At this moment, Azhu also rushed over and happened to see the fallen Tian Boguang.

"I'm okay."

"Who is this person?"

"Tian Boguang."

"Thousands of miles alone Tian Boguang, that lustful thief." Azhu was a little surprised, but in the blink of an eye, Luo Wei actually solved a well-known lustful thief.

Luo Wei snorted and turned his head to look at the seventeen or eighteen-year-old girl, "Are you okay?" "

The girl witnessed Tian Boguang's death the whole time, and looked at Luo Wei's eyes with a trace of shock and fear.

Hearing Luo Wei ask herself, the girl's body couldn't help but shiver, and quickly said: "I'm okay, I'm fine, thank you Gongzi for saving your life, Qi Fang is grateful." "

"Qi Fang?" When Luo Wei heard this name, he couldn't help but be stunned for a moment and asked, "Your name is Qi Fang, your father's name is Qi Changfa, and there is a senior brother named Di Yun?" "

Qi Fang couldn't help but be stunned, and asked in surprise: "Gongzi knows me?" "

Rowe pointed to himself, "My name is Rowe, you should have a copy of my diary." "

Qi Fang is the childhood sweetheart of the male protagonist Di Yun in Liancheng, although she is not a heroine, but she is also a supporting actress with a head and a face.

If nothing else, there should be a copy of the diary.

Qi Fang couldn't help but be surprised, "It turns out that Gongzi is Luo Wei. "

Immediately afterwards, she seemed to have thought of something, and plopped down on the ground, "Luo Gongzi, I beg you, save my father, save my senior brother, as long as Luo Gongzi is willing to save the two of them, no matter what I want me to do, I will agree." "

When Luo Wei saw this scene, he still didn't understand that in this comprehensive martial arts world, even the plot of the city secret should have collapsed, and the fate of Di Yun and Qi Changfa had also undergone earth-shaking changes.

Otherwise, Qi Fang would not have been almost captured by Tian Boguang.

He stepped forward, helped Qi Fang up, and asked, "What happened, tell me, if you can help, I will definitely help you." "

Qi Fang's eyes were red, and she almost cried, these days she ran around and hid in Tibet was too tired.

Now seeing someone willing to help him, he has already been touched by the mess.

Luo Wei quickly comforted the other party a few words, and Qi Fang calmed down and slowly explained his experience.

"Luo Gongzi, here's the thing."

"Not long ago, I went into the city with my father and senior brother, saying that I wanted to visit my father's senior brother."

"However, halfway through, we met a man who stood in the way."

"This man was dressed in a turquoise tights, his thin and long body seemed to have no bones, and his eyes were thin and small."

When Azhu heard this, he couldn't help but say: "It's the Blue Snake God Monarch in the twelve stars. "

Qi Fang's eyes lit up and said, "Yes, it's this person, I heard my father call this person's name." "

Ah Zhu asked curiously, "Why is the Biserpent God Monarch looking for you?" "

Qi Fang shook his head and said: "I don't know very well, I only know that this Bi Snake God Monarch seems to be looking for my father for some treasure, but my father is an ordinary countryman, where is there any treasure." "

When Luo Wei heard this, he couldn't help but say: "Your father really knows a treasure. "

Qi Fang was stunned and looked at Luo Wei in disbelief.

Azhu knew that Luo Wei would not lie, and asked curiously: "Gongzi, although this Qi Changfa is nicknamed Iron Lock Hengjiang, looking at the rivers and lakes, he is just a second-rate master, he really has treasures?" "

Luo Wei was a little surprised, "You actually know this person Qi Changfa? "

There are countless masters in the rivers and lakes, and there are many second-rate masters, and their fame is limited to a certain place.

Qi Changfa is not a celebrity.

Many people have never heard of it.

Azhu even knew his nickname, which really surprised Luo Wei.

Azhu explained with a smile: "Although Qi Changfa is a second-rate master, his master Mei Niansheng is a famous martial arts master in Xiangzhong, and he is also a famous innate grandmaster. "

"Such a person naturally has a record within the Tianzun Organization."

"After all, if the eldest lady's organization wants to develop, it is indispensable to deal with these innate grandmasters."

"Because of this, this Qi Changfa, as Mei Niansheng's apprentice, has also filed with our organization, and I have seen his information, and it is hard to imagine that such a person actually has treasures."

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