Azhu is also very curious, in her opinion, Qi Changfa is unremarkable, he is a second-rate master who can be seen everywhere in the rivers and lakes, and there is nothing unusual.

Such a person actually holds a big treasure?

If there is really a treasure, why is Qi Changfa's life still so poor.

Qi Fang also looked at Luo Wei with surprised and curious eyes and asked, "Does my father really have a treasure?" "

Rowe said: "Say yes and yes, say no, say no "

Qi Fang looked confused, so, what does this mean?

Luo Wei explained: "In the story of Liancheng Shu, your father's master Iron Bone Mocalyx Mei Niansheng did know a treasure, but he did not tell his three apprentices about this treasure. "

"Because he knew the conduct of the three apprentices, he hid the matter of the treasure."

"Even his own martial arts skills were not handed over to his three apprentices, but taught them a lot of fancy and impractical tricks."

When Ah Zhu heard this, he couldn't help but suddenly realize, "So that's the case, no wonder Mei Niansheng is a congenital grandmaster, but the three apprentices are just second-rate masters, it turns out that the three of them have not obtained the true biography of Mei Niansheng." "

Luo Wei nodded and continued: "Because Mei Niansheng's peerless "Liancheng Sword Spectrum" involved a treasure secret, the three of them actually joined forces to plot against their mentor and seize the sword spectrum. "

"Mei Niansheng, however, was soft-hearted, and finally failed miserably in the hands of her apprentice, and was even secretly calculated by Qi Changfa."

"Mei Niansheng was seriously injured and threw herself into the Yangtze River to hide from her apprentices, and was later rescued by Ding Dian."

"Mei Niansheng saw that Ding Dian had a pure character, and before he died, he taught him the sword technique and the Divine Illumination Sutra."

"And his three apprentices, after getting the Liancheng Sword Spectrum, went their separate ways, wanting to understand the mysteries of this sword spectrum and find the treasure in it."

When Qi Fang heard this, he couldn't help but snort, his face was defeated, and his body was shaky.

She couldn't believe that her father was a villain who bullied the ancestors.

Qi Changfa's image in her mind was suddenly reversed.

"My daddy... Is my dad really such a person? She asked Rowe tremblingly.

Luo Wei sighed, "I know what you're thinking, you really want me to say that what I just said is nonsense, but in fact, everything I just said is not half false." "

Qi Fang finally couldn't withstand such a blow, rolled his eyes, and fell backwards.

Fortunately, Azhu's eyes were quick, but before finding her to fall, he hugged her to prevent Qi Fang from falling to the ground.

Ah Zhu saw that she was unconscious, and she was tuining and pinching again, and after a while, she finally woke up Qi Fang.

After Qi Fang woke up, two lines of tears couldn't help but roll down.

Ah Zhu hurriedly asked, "Miss Qi, your father, you and your senior brother are now uncertain about their lives and deaths, if you pass out like this, what can they do?" "

Hearing Azhu mention his senior brother, Qi Fang finally cheered up, "Yes, senior brother is still in the hands of villains, Luo Gongzi, please save my senior brother." "

Luo Wei asked: "What about your father, your father will not be saved." "

Qi Fang bit her lip and said with difficulty: "Although my father is not a good person, he is my father after all, if Luo Gongzi is willing to rescue my father, the little woman is willing to be a cow and a horse to repay Gongzi's great kindness." "

Luo Wei couldn't help but hold his forehead, "Why do you always like to be cows and horses, am I the kind of person who uses beautiful women as cows and horses?" "

When Azhu heard this, thinking of his previous conversation with Luo Wei, he couldn't help but laugh.

Qi Fang looked dazed, not understanding what was funny about this sentence.

Ah Zhu waved his hand, signaling that Qi Fang didn't care.

Luo Wei then asked Qi Fang and the others what happened after they met the Biserpent God Monarch.

Qi Fang's spirit lifted and continued: "That day, my father and I met the Bi Snake God Monarch, and the Bi Snake God Monarch asked my father for the treasure. "

"But my father refused, saying that he didn't have any treasure."

"But the Biserpent God Monarch didn't believe it at all, and the two sides started to move when they didn't agree with each other."

"After my father fought with the Biserpent God Monarch for a few moves, he suddenly screamed."

"Seeing this, Senior Brother rushed up, and I rushed up."

"Then we are not the opponents of the Bi Snake God Monarch at all, and we were beaten to the ground by the Bi Snake God Monarch in three or two strokes."

"But at this moment, my father turned around and ran, and when the Biserpent God Monarch saw this, he chased after him, and the two disappeared into the field of vision of me and my senior brother in the blink of an eye."

"After my senior brother and I came back to our senses, we went all over the world looking for my father and the Biserpent God Monarch."

"But we searched around and never found these two people."

"Later, we really had no choice, and we planned to ask for help from my father's senior brother, hoping that my father's senior brother could help us find my father."

Luo Wei sneered, according to the plot of Liancheng Jiao, Qi Changfa visited this time as a senior brother.

Wuyun Hand Wan Zhenshan is also a person with an extremely deep heart and false benevolence. Let him offend the Biserpent God Monarch to save people, that is a decisive and impossible thing.

However, he did not say this, but continued to listen to Qi Fang's story.

Qi Fang continued: "After we walked for a day and a night, we finally arrived at my father's mansion, but what we never expected was that my father's senior brother was also arrested. "

A Zhu said: "Since the Bi Snake God Monarch has found Qi Changfa, it is very likely that he already knows that the treasure is hidden in the Liancheng Sword Tree, and perhaps Mei Niansheng's three apprentices have been caught by him. "

Qi Fang nodded and said, "Senior brother also thinks so, we originally wanted to unite with each other and find the whereabouts of Dad and his senior brother together." "

"But instead of agreeing, the group of people in Wanfu were afraid of getting into trouble and drove us out."

"My senior brother couldn't be angry, so he scolded them for being spineless."

"So the group of people united, grabbed my senior brother, beat my senior brother severely, and reported to the officials, and arrested my senior brother in prison."

Luo Wei couldn't help but be a little speechless when he heard this, how the plot jumped like this, Di Yun was still in prison.

Could it be that this is the corrective power of the plot of the comprehensive martial arts world.

Something that should happen, something that must happen?

Isn't this what the Marvel universe calls ... Absolute timing.

Qi Fang said: "After my senior brother was arrested and imprisoned, they still wanted to catch me, but I saw that the situation was not good, so I escaped from the city. Later, I met this Tian Boguang. "

"If he hadn't wanted to capture me alive, I'm afraid I would have died in his hands by now."

Luo Wei said calmly: "You won't die, this person is a famous lustful thief in the rivers and lakes, and when I meet a beauty like you, I will definitely not kill you before I have a kiss Fangze." "

Qi Fang couldn't help but shiver, which was perhaps even more uncomfortable for her than death.

This made her even more grateful to Rowe.

The other party not only saved his own life, but also saved his innocence.

Aju asked, "Gongzi? "

Luo Wei knew that she was asking whether to intervene in this matter, and simply gave an affirmative answer, "Liancheng is a very dark story. "

"In this story, the characters who appear are darker than the other."

"It's not just Qi Changfa, Wan Zhenshan, Yan Daping, or the Blood Dao Old Ancestor, or Ling Siqi, one is more ruthless than the other, and one is lower than the lower limit."

"And in this story, there are only a few points of light that shine on people's hearts."

"Di Yun, the male protagonist, is one of them."

"When I read the book, I was angry for Di Yun's energy, because his personality was simple and straightforward, even after experiencing various tribulations, he still did not blacken and maintained a kind heart."

"Such a person is worth my rescue."

"Qi Fang, go, follow me up, go and save your senior brother."

Qi Fang's heart was sour, two lines of tears rolled down, and he thanked Luo Wei for his victory, "Thank you Luo Gongzi, thank you Luo Gongzi." "

After the group of three returned to the car, Aju drove the carriage and galloped towards the city.

Rowe also pulled out his diary and began to update today's diary.

[Today's diary update is a little late, mainly because I don't know what to write].

[So I've been thinking about it during the day].

[Later, I felt that there was really nothing to write about, so I planned to perfunctory and receive a guaranteed reward].

[Who knows, things suddenly turn around].

[I actually met Qi Fang and Tian Boguang].

[Tian Boguang, this person, I think everyone should know, even if you haven't seen it, you have heard of it, a well-known lustful thief in the rivers and lakes, a bastard who kills a thousand cuts].

[But from now on, there will never be such a person in the rivers and lakes again].

[Although I am not a hero like Guo Jing who serves the country and the people, I can still do it by eradicating an obscene thief at will].

[For the other character I just mentioned, Qi Fang, I don't think everyone knows him.]

[People are the supporting actress of 'Liancheng Secret', the junior sister of the male protagonist Di Yun, who is regarded as the most bitter protagonist among the flying snow shooting white deer in the sky, and the laughing book god leaning on Biyue].

[No, throughout the entire martial arts novel, there are really few people who are more bitter than Di Yun

[In the plot of 'Liancheng Secret', Di Yun and his master Qi Changfa go to visit Qi Changfa's senior brother Wan Zhenshan].

[As a result, Wan Zhenshan's son took a fancy to Qi Fang, so he designed to frame Di Yun, accused Di Yun of rape and put him in prison, and was cut off the five fingers of his right hand and pierced the pipa bone].

[This is called a bitter ah].

[But that's not more bitter].

[What's even more bitter, Qi Fang, this little white, actually believed Wan Gui's rhetoric, thinking that marrying the other party could help his senior brother Di Yun get rid of his sin].

[When I first saw this scene, I called a good guy, this is too silly, it's completely silly and sweet].

[After hearing the news, Di Yun, who was in prison, immediately despaired of life and committed suicide directly].

Ah Qi Fang couldn't help but shout when she saw this.

Luo Wei glanced up at him and said, "This is the original plot, don't be surprised." "

Qi Fang reacted to this, nodded timidly, and continued to read it with the diary.

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