Rowe continued to spit in his diary.

[When I say suicide, I am not suspended animation, but real suicide].

[But who let Di Yun be the male protagonist, he met a man named Ding Dian in prison].

[And Ding Dian, a martial arts peerless study of the Divine Illumination Sutra, actually saved Di Yun back].

[This is a real resurrection].

[Although it is a simple version].

[If the Shenzhao Sutra wants to come back to life, several prerequisites are needed, the first is that it cannot be too long after the person dies, it is best if the body has not cooled down, and the second is that the body is intact and the head has not been cut off


[As long as these two conditions are met, the Divine Scriptures can basically save people

[Although it is not as good as my resurrection, it is undeniable that the Shenzhao Sutra is indeed a rare medical Bible in the rivers and lakes, and there are many martial arts that can be comparable to it in the rivers and lakes].

[What is the Nine Yin True Scripture, Nine Yang Shengong, Yi Jian Jing, Tai Xuan Jing, Ming Yu Gong, Sizhao Shengong, Wedding Clothes Shengong, etc.] and so on

[In terms of power, they are inferior to the Divine Illumination Sutra].

[But in terms of healing, the Divine Scripture hangs a number of martial arts].

A kind of woman watching the diary saw this sentence and nodded one after another, recognizing Rowe's judgment.

Don't say anything else, but say that it is the special effect of resurrecting the dead, and the Divine Illumination Sutra is better than ten million martial arts.

In the ancient tomb school.

Lin Chaoying was very curious, "Where did this Divine Illumination Sutra come from, and why have I never heard of it?" "

Murong family.

Murong Jiu asked his eldest sister, "Have you heard of this Divine Illumination Sutra?" "

Murong Qiudi shook her head, she had never heard of the Divine Illumination Sutra.

Bright Moon Cottage.

Lian Nei muttered, "It is really strange that the Divine Illumination Sutra can be brought back to life, this martial art, I want to decide." "

Huang Rong, who entered the daimyo, sighed and said with regret: "If my father could take this divine scripture, when my mother died of illness, my father could have saved her." "

After leaving Fuzhou City and returning to the capital, Shangguan Haitang couldn't help but gasp for air, "The Divine Illumination Sutra is so strange, why have I never heard of this martial art." "

"Besides, who is this Ding Dian?"

"Looks like it's time for people to investigate."

Leaving the Shifting Flower Palace and looking for Luo Wei's traces outside, Mercy Xing glanced at each other, and they all saw a trace of surprise in each other's eyes.

A martial art that can bring back the dead is indeed powerful.

At least Ming Yugong definitely can't do this.

[After talking about this Divine Illumination Sutra, let's talk about Di Yun, the unlucky child].

[In the original plot of 'Liancheng Secret', Di Yun was framed and imprisoned].

[However, in this comprehensive martial arts world, after I met Qi Fang, I knew from Qi Fang's mouth that Di Yun, the unfortunate child, was actually imprisoned again].

[Ahhhhh It's incredible

[I originally thought that in this pot of mixed martial arts world, many characters are intertwined, and the plot has already collapsed into chaos].

[But I didn't expect that something still happened.]

[For example, in the plot of 'Smiling Rivers and Lakes', the Lin family of the Fuwei Dart Bureau was wiped out, leaving only Lin Ping alone, and finally practiced the sword method of 'if you want to practice this skill, you must first go from the palace'].

[In a sense, the Lin family is indeed wiped out].

[But in this comprehensive martial arts world, the Lin family was still destroyed, and this time even Lin Pingzhi did not escape a disaster].

[Although the person who destroyed him was not Yu Canghai, but someone else].

[But the Lin family died in the end].

[If this is just a coincidence, then what about Di Yun this time].

[In the original plot, he was framed and imprisoned by the people of the Wan family].

[But this time, he was beaten by the people of the Wan family and thrown into prison

[Could it be that this is the so-called absolute point in time].

[Although it is a comprehensive martial arts world, some plots that should happen will still happen, although the process may have twists and turns, but the result is the same? ] 】

[Or rather, it's called... Destiny? 】

[If this is the case, then this river and lake can be lively].

[After all, a lot of interesting things happened in the original plot].

When a kind of woman saw this scene, she couldn't help frowning.

Inside the Lee Garden.

Lin Shiyin touched her chest, and suddenly felt a pang of restlessness, if something really happened, then what about herself, would she really be given away by her cousin.

"Cousin, I'm back."

Just when Lin Shiyin was full of anxiety, Li Xunhuan's voice suddenly came from outside.

When Lin Shiyin heard this, she quickly put down the diary in her hand, got up and walked out to greet Li Xunhuan.

However, what surprised Lin Shiyin was that this time Li Xunhuan did not come back alone.

There was also a burly man who walked back with Li Xunhuan with a smile.

When Lin Shiyin saw this man, her heart actually beat violently, and she didn't know why an ominous premonition swept through her heart.

"Cousin, this is..."

Li Xunhuan smiled slightly, pointed to the burly man and said, "Cousin, let me introduce you, this is my sworn eldest brother and my lifesaver, Long Xiaoyun." "

In an instant, Lin Shiyin's face became extremely pale, without the slightest trace of blood.

Li Xunhuan also discovered this scene, and quickly stepped forward and hugged Lin Shiyin, "Cousin, what's wrong with you, cousin?" "

Lin Shiyin suddenly exerted her strength, pushed Li Xunhuan away, and stammered: "I, I... I still have some things, go back first. "

After that, Lin Shiyin ran back to her room without looking back and closed the door.

Long Xiaoyun, Long Xiaoyun, she never thought that Long Xiaoyun actually appeared.

Is it possible that something should happen, and how can there be no escape?

Lin Shiyin quickly picked up the diary and read it.

[Of course, the above is just my personal opinion, after all, I have only encountered this kind of thing twice, and there is no way to prove whether my guess is true or not].

[Maybe these two times are just coincidences].

[After all, this river and lake is too big, and some coincidences are not surprising].

[Of course, even if it does happen, I won't be too surprised.]

[Anyway, I have come back to life, even if something bad happens, I can redeem it].

[Take Tian Boguang, for example, in the plot of 'Smiling Rivers and Lakes', this guy was castrated by Yilin's father and became a eunuch because he teased the little master Yilin of the Hengshan faction

[But now it falls into my hands, and it is directly sent to the west sky by my palm thunder].

[It can be seen that something that should happen can be changed, and fate is not unchangeable].

[So you don't have to worry].

When Lin Shiyin saw this scene, she was immediately relieved.

Rowe is right, as long as he finds him, he can change the matter of being given away by his cousin.

This time, she definitely couldn't marry Long Xiaoyun.

As for how to find Luo Wei, Lin Shiyin already had an idea... Elysium.

If she remembers correctly, Rowe will go to the Elysium Building to play, and as long as she goes to her own Elysium Building, she can find Rowe.

Thinking of this, Lin Shiyin suddenly plucked up her courage.

She wants to go to the Elysium Building to find Luo Wei and ask Rowe to help her change the fate of the person she was given.

[Regarding fate, we will discuss it here today, and we will discuss it next time we have the opportunity].

[After all, sometimes, it's really a bit boring for me alone.]

[Hey, the diary system, the diary system, how can you let me interact with the women a little].

[Bye bye, everyone, I'll go save Di Yun's silly boy first].

[After all, after experiencing hardships and seeing the darkness of the world and people's hearts, this male protagonist can still maintain the purest and kindest heart, which is indeed precious, and it is a pity to die].

[Hey, it looks like I'm going to come back to life, that's fine].

[We'll talk next time, guys].

After writing the last sentence, Rowe closed the diary with a smile, ready to accept today's reward.

It stands to reason that today's update has a good word count and quality, and you should get a good reward.

[Detected that the host completed today's diary, reward is now issued


[Congratulations to the host for obtaining the Seventy-Two Techniques of Hellfire].

[This spell can only be used once a day, expires and is void, and cannot be accumulated].

In the next second, a golden light burst out from the diary and hit Luo Wei's eyebrows.

Luo Wei sighed and mastered this Seventy-two Technique of Hell.

This technique of fingering is the spell of pointing at something with a finger.

In the legend of the new white lady, Bai Suzhen plucked a few leaves, threw them out, and turned the leaves into throwing knives, most likely using this finger technique.

This is a very magical spell, somewhat similar to the Transfiguration Charm in the Harry Potter world.

If used well, it is indeed a killer tool.

Dragon Boat reading discount! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive(Event Period: June 22 to June 24)

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