At night, the lights come on.

Aju drove the carriage slowly into a town and stopped in front of one of the most luxurious inns in the city.

Luo Wei, Azhu, and Qi Fang got off the carriage, entered the inn, and asked for three upper rooms.

The shopkeeper kindly led Luo Wei's group of people into the room.

Ah Zhu casually threw a silver ingot, and said, "Prepare a table of fine wine and food and send it to the room." "

The shopkeeper took the silver, closed his mouth with a smile, nodded and said with a smile: "The guest officer waits, the wine and food will come immediately." "

After about a blaze of incense, a table of good wine and food was delivered.

Eight dishes and one soup.

Shrimp with pepper and vinegar, roasted goose, burnt sheep's head hooves, goose meat dumplings, salted mustard tripe plate, five-flavored steamed chicken, yuan sauce lamb bones, paste and spicy vinegar loin, and finally sour vinegar white blood soup.

That's called a hearty ah, and Luo Wei and his group were satisfied with the food.

It stands to reason that walking in rivers and lakes should be cautious and try whether these dishes are poisonous before eating, but in fact most people will not do this.

After all, they have no grievances with people now, and not so many people will poison them and plot against them.

And even if it is poisonous, he is not afraid, Luo Wei has the Shennong ruler in his hand, which can solve all the poisons in the world, and the powerful poison is still not worth mentioning in front of the Shennong ruler.

After dinner, Azhu called Xiao Er to clean up the leftovers.

The three sat together, discussing their actions for tonight.

At midnight, Luo Wei planned to leave the inn and go to the prison, and if he had the opportunity, he would rescue Di Yun in the prison.

Qi Fang was naturally grateful to Luo Wei for his righteousness.

Time flowed like water, and soon it was evening.

Rowe got to work.

Qi Fang and Ah Zhu stayed in the inn waiting for news.

At first, Qi Fang also wanted to go, but was persuaded by Luo Wei with "your strength is not enough, it is likely to delay when you go".

But at this moment, Azhu suddenly asked: "Gongzi, do you know the way to the prison?" "

Luo Wei slammed the door of his head, and then remembered that he didn't know where the cell in this city was.

Seeing this, Qi Fang volunteered to take Luo Wei over.

When Di Yun was sent to prison, she went there once and knew the way to the prison.

Luo Wei had to take Qi Fang with him.

Under the cover of night, the two men soon arrived near the prison.

"You wait here for a moment, I'll go in and take a look."

Luo Wei calmed Qi Fang a few words, placed her in a secret place, then cast the teleportation method and disappeared in front of Qi Fang out of thin air.

This martial art is the same as teleportation, and it is convenient to use it to sneak in.

Basically few people can detect Rowe's infiltration.

In an instant, Luo Wei evaded the guards of the prison, entered the prison, and appeared in a cell

There was also a prisoner lying in the cell, who was sleeping soundly and did not notice Rowe's arrival.

Rowe stepped forward a few steps, crouched in front of the prisoner, reached out and patted the prisoner's face, waking him up.

The unknown prisoner was sleeping in a daze, and suddenly felt that someone had gently slapped him a few times, and he couldn't help but open his eyes and found that he was in front of him


As soon as he wanted to scream, Rowe covered the guy's mouth to prevent him from making a sound, and scolded coldly.

"If you dare to shout, I will kill you."

When the prisoner heard this, he couldn't help but shiver in his heart, understanding that there were outlaws in this prison.

He couldn't help but snort and quickly nodded.

Only then did Luo Wei let go of the prisoner's mouth, and rubbed on the other party's body a few times by the way, wiping away the saliva that came out of the other party.

"I have a question, you answer me honestly."

As he spoke, Luo Wei took out a silver ingots from his arms and weighed them a few times in front of the prisoner, "If you answer me honestly, this silver ingots are yours." "

And this kind of good thing?

When the prisoner heard this, his eyes lit up, and he couldn't care about being afraid, and said in a low voice: "What does the uncle want to ask, the little one knows everything." "

Rowe said: "In recent days, a prisoner has been held in this prison, where is he held? "

The prisoner was embarrassed and said, "If you go back to your uncle, several prisoners are detained in this cell every day, and you are talking about that prisoner." "

Luo Wei said: "That prisoner is called Di Yun, and I heard that the person who offended the Wan family was sent in. "

When the prisoner heard this, he pondered for a moment and said, "Sir, when you say this, I have the impression that I did hear that a person offended the Wan family and was imprisoned, but not here, but in a heavy prison. "

"People here are all guilty of petty theft, they were caught in and released within a few days."

"But the prison side is different, those are people who have committed major crimes, and they are death row prisoners who will be executed."

Luo Wei couldn't help but sigh, these ten thousand families are ruthless enough, they really want to kill Di Yun.

"Heavy prison like this?"

The prisoner pointed to the corridor outside and said: "Go along this corridor, until you reach the end, then turn left, go inside, there is an iron gate, after this iron gate is a heavy prison." "

Luo Wei realized, after throwing the silver in his hand to the prisoner, he cast the teleportation technique.

The next second, he disappeared in front of the prisoner's eyes.

This frightened the prisoners and almost cried out.

If it weren't for the fact that the silver in his hand was real, he almost thought he had seen a ghost.

At this time, Luo Wei had already passed through the iron gate and arrived at the prison.

In the plot of [Tenryu Babu no Tianshan Tong Mu], after learning the teleportation method, Wuzhu can directly transfer from underground to aboveground after learning the teleportation Dafa.

Ah Zi learned the Great Method of Teleportation, and could even transfer from the ground to the underground with the virtual bamboo.

Naturally, Rowe could also be transferred from inside the cell to the heavy prison.

Compared to the cells outside, there are fewer prisoners in the heavy prison.

Luo Wei soon found Di Yun.

After all, in this heavy prison, there are few people who are passed through the lute bone by two chains.

This is the method of the official government to deal with the most vicious Jiangyang thief, no matter how strong your martial arts are, the pipa bone is pierced by iron chains, and you can't make the slightest effort.

Now, Di Yun also enjoys such treatment.

These two chains passed through the lute bone of Di Yun's shoulder blade, and were locked together with the iron shackles of his hands and the iron chains on his ankles.

A gesture towards the Jiang Yang thief.

In addition, Qi Fang told Luo Wei about the clothes that Di Yun wore when he entered the cell, so Luo Wei quickly found Di Yun.

At this time, Di Yun had fallen into a coma because of the pain, but he was still shouting the word wish in a daze.

Luo Wei observed Di Yun's cell, which was a large stone house about two feet square, the walls were made of rough stones, the ground was also paved with large stones, there was a dung bucket in the corner of the wall, and the smell in his nose was full of stench and must.

And in the corner of the west head, there is also a prisoner.

I saw that this man had a dirty face, long hair that fell to his neck, and his clothes were tattered, just like a wild man in a barren mountain.

He was handcuffed and shackled on his feet, exactly the same as Di Yun, and even wore two iron chains in his pipa bone.

If Luo Wei guessed correctly, this person was none other than the Ding Dian who had learned the Divine Illumination Sutra.

Luo Wei did not expect that this was all a comprehensive martial arts world, and Ding Dian was actually detained.

Is this why certain destinies are unchangeable?

Thinking of this, Luo Wei suddenly cast the teleportation method and disappeared into the cell out of thin air.

In the next second, he left the cell and appeared in front of Qi Fang.

When Qi Fang saw Luo Wei return, a look of surprise appeared in his eyes.

But when she found that Luo Wei had returned alone and had not rescued her senior brother, her eyes became puzzled.

Rowe said: "I entered the cell and found your senior brother, but I didn't bring him out. "

Qi Fang didn't know why.

Luo Wei said: "Because I released it, it is very likely that your senior brother was detained with Ding Dian earlier. "

Ding Dian?

Qi Fang couldn't help but be stunned, and said, "Is that the Ding Dian who can take care of the scriptures?" "

Luo Wei nodded and said: "Yes, it's the Ding Dian who can take care of the scriptures, I didn't expect that this is all in the comprehensive martial arts world, and your senior brother is actually detained with Ding Dian." "

"Sometimes, fate is really magical."

"According to the next plot, your senior brother will commit suicide and then be rescued by Ding Dian."

"In the end, Ding Dian determined that your senior brother was not a spy sent over, so he became friends with your senior brother, and in the end, he even passed on the peerless martial art of the Divine Illumination Sutra to your senior brother."

Qi Fang was taken aback, she had seen Luo Wei in her diary before, telling the Divine Illumination Sutra, a medical treasure that could bring people back to life.

And his honest senior brother would actually obtain this peerless martial art in the future.

Is this the opportunity for the male lead?

Luo Wei said, "But now, if I rescue your senior brother, then your senior brother is likely to say goodbye to this peerless martial art." "

"So before acting, I want to ask you what you think."

"Is your senior brother saving or remedying."

After hearing this, Qi Fang couldn't help but hesitate.

If he didn't save it, then his senior brother was likely to obtain peerless martial arts like the Divine Illumination Sutra.

If saved, nine times out of ten, this martial art will have to say goodbye to his senior brother.

Whether it is to save or remedy itself.

For a while, Qi Fang fell into confusion and didn't know what to do.

Rowe did not rush, standing in place and waiting silently.

This choice is related to Di Yun's future body, and naturally needs to be cautious.

After a while, Qi Fang said, "Gongzi, save my senior brother." "

"Are you sure?" Rowe asked rhetorically.

Qi Fang nodded, his eyes were bright, "I thought about it just now, my senior brother is honest and simple, and he is suffering now, and what he longs for most is definitely not some martial arts secrets, but a free life." "

"Luo Gongzi, please rescue my senior brother, as long as you rescue my senior brother, I, I am willing to be a cow and a horse to repay you."

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