Luo Wei was helpless and complained again: "It's all said, I'm not the kind of person who treats beautiful women as cows and horses, you should listen to me well." "

Qi Fang's body trembled slightly, and he whispered, "I'm sorry." "

Luo Wei sighed, "You wait here, I'll go and save your senior brother." "

As soon as the words fell, Luo Wei cast the teleportation method and returned to the cell.

This time, he appeared in front of Di Yun inside the cell.

Di Yun had fallen into a coma because he had just been chained through the pipa bone and did not notice Luo Wei's appearance.

On the contrary, the man who was suspected of being Ding Dian noticed Luo Wei's appearance and looked at Luo Wei with a pair of eyes.

Luo Wei noticed the other party's gaze and did not care.

I didn't plan to say hello to Ding Dian.

Luo Wei admitted that the Divine Illumination Sutra is indeed a healing holy scripture, and even those who have just died can be saved, but for Luo Wei, it is nothing, after all, Luo Wei's resurrection can even be resurrected by people who have been dead for hundreds of years.

The two are not the same rank at all.

So Luo Wei had no interest in Ding Dian.

He took out the Shennong ruler from his arms, easily cut off the chains on Di Yun's body, and then pulled the chains out of Di Yun's pipa bone.

This action can be called rude, even Di Yun, who was in a coma, still let out a scream.

However, before the cry could come out, he was covered by Luo Wei and blocked back.

Rowe didn't want to alarm the guards in the prison.

Then, he put the Shennong ruler on Di Yun's body, and the Shennong ruler exerted his miraculous healing ability.

The injuries on Di Yun's body recovered at a speed visible to the naked eye.

All this was seen by Ding Dian's eyes.

Seeing Di Yun's injury recovering quickly, he muttered in a low voice, "Shennong ruler." "

Although Ding Dian's voice was low, it clearly echoed in the cell, and was clearly heard by Luo Wei.

Luo Wei raised his eyebrows, and only then did he look at the other party a few times, "Do you know that this is Shennong Ruler?" "

Ding Dian said: "A weapon that can have such a healing effect has nothing else but the legendary Heavenly God Soldier Shennong Ruler. "

Luo Wei couldn't help but nodded, "A little eyesight, I thought you, like everyone else, thought that the Celestial God Weapon was just a legendary weapon." "

Ding Dian said: "I have practiced a martial art and have a great relationship with Shennong, so I know that the Heavenly God Soldier is not a legend, but a real existence. "

When Luo Wei heard him say this, he couldn't help but ask, "The martial arts you are talking about, shouldn't it be the Divine Scripture." "

Ding Dian couldn't help but be stunned and said: "You actually know the Shenzhao Sutra, yes, since you have Shennong Ruler, you naturally know the Shenzhao Sutra." "

Luo Wei was a little confused, "Does my possession of Shennong Ruler have anything to do with my knowledge of the Shenzhao Sutra?" "

Ding Dian was stunned again, "You don't know? "

"What should I know?"

"The person who created the martial art of the Shenzhao Sutra once possessed the Shennong ruler, and after studying the characteristics of the Shennong ruler day and night, he created the Shenzhao Sutra."

Rowe was really stupid this time.

Good fellow, the Shenzhao Sutra was actually created by someone based on the characteristics of Shennong.

It is worthy of being a comprehensive martial arts world, a chaotic batch.

Even the origin of the Divine Illumination Sutra has changed.

At least Luo Wei can be sure that although the Shenzhao Sutra and Shennong Ruler in the original work have a god word beginning, they do not have a relationship of half a dime, because the two are not a world at all.

But in the comprehensive martial arts world, the Shenzhao Sutra and Shennong Ruler have such a relationship.

Not only bizarre, but outrageous.

Luo Wei digested this knowledge after a while, looked the other party up and down a few times, and asked, "You are Ding Dian, right?" "

Ding Dian nodded and said proudly: "Yes, I am Ding Dian." "

Then he frowned and asked, "You know me." "

Luo Wei said vaguely: "I've heard your name, do you need me to get you out?" "

Ding Dian shook his head, "Thank you for your kindness, but no need, if I want to leave, I can leave here at any time." "

Luo Wei did not doubt Ding Dian's words, ordinary people were penetrated through the pipa bone, and it could be said that it was difficult to leave the cell.

Dante Dante's body is a healing holy scripture of the Divine Illumination Sutra, and even if it is penetrated through the lute bone, it can exert great strength.

If he wants to leave, he can leave here at any time.

It's just that Ding Dian doesn't want to leave.

The person who trapped him here was not the official mansion, but himself, or Ling Shuanghua.

"Okay, since you don't want to go, then I won't force it, we will have a period later."

Luo Wei arched his hand towards Ding Dian, ready to leave with Di Yun.


At this moment, Ding Dian suddenly stopped Luo Wei.

Luo Wei stopped the movement in his hand, glanced back at Ding Dian, and asked, "Do you have anything else?" "

Ding Dian said: "Since you have the Shennong ruler in hand, you should be the people of Shennongmen, I learned this Shennongmen by chance, and promised the people who passed on the merits, if there is a chance, I will return the Shennongmen to the people of Shennongmen." "

"Come here, and I will teach you the Divine Scriptures."

Luo Wei shook his head and said: "You are wrong, I have never heard of Shennongmen, nor am I a person from Shennongmen. "

When Ding Dian heard this, his face turned gloomy.

He let out a long sigh and said, "Well, if you promise me one thing, I will teach you the Divine Scriptures." "

Rowe originally wanted to refuse, but he really had no interest in the Shinjo Sutra.

But at this moment, Luo Wei suddenly thought of something.

He had no interest in the Shinsho Sutra, perhaps Aju was interested in the Shinsho Sutra, so he asked, "What's the matter?" If it's too much trouble, I won't do it. "

Ding Dian kept staring at Luo Wei, seeing that Luo Wei originally wanted to refuse, but changed his mind in the blink of an eye, although he was a little puzzled in his heart, but said in his mouth: "It's not a troublesome thing." "

"You just need to promise me that if you meet someone from Shennongmen in the future, you will pass on this divine scripture to the people of Shennongmen."

Luo Wei thought for a while and asked, "Does this Shennongmen person have any characteristics, or what clothes he wears, and what are his claims?" "

Ding Dian was originally worried that Luo Wei would perfunctory himself, but now when he heard Luo Wei's words, he knew that Luo Wei did not intend to perfunctory himself, and he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

He hurriedly said: "People from Shennongmen have practiced medicine for generations, and if you meet any doctor with excellent medical skills in the rivers and lakes in the future, you can ask the other party if they are from Shennongmen." "

Rowe said, "What if the other person says yes? "

Ding Dian said: "Then you ask him what treasures Shennongmen has, and if he answers the Shennongmen, Shennongjiu, and Shennongmen, he is a person from Shennongmen." "

"Less is not a person from Shennongmen."

"If the answer is correct, then it is the people of Shennongmen, and you can return the Shennongmen to them."

Luo Wei thought for a while and said, "Okay, it's not a troublesome thing, I agreed." "

Ding Dian was overjoyed, pointed to the ground in front of him and said, "Come here, sit down, and I will teach you the scriptures." "

Rowe came over and sat cross-kneeled in front of Rowe.

Ding Dian pressed his hands on Luo Wei's chest, "Next, I will send my internal power into your body, and you remember the luck route of the Divine Illumination Sutra, and you must not forget it." "

Rowe nodded.

Ding Dian drank lowly, and the internal power cultivated by the Divine Illumination Sutra was continuously transmitted to Luo Wei's body, wandering around Luo Wei's limbs and hundreds of remains, walking for several big weeks.

Luo Wei's internal strength, driven by Ding Dian, abandoned the walking route of the basic internal strength of the Huashan Sect, followed the luck route of the Divine Illumination Sutra, and began to carry the Great Zhoutian.

It wasn't until Luo Wei became familiar with this big Zhou Tian that Ding Dian slowly withdrew his internal strength.

Luo Wei opened his eyes and looked at Ding Dian, and found that Ding Dian had not changed anything except for a slightly pale face.

Ding Dian said: "Remember this Great Zhou Tian, this is the true luck route of the Divine Illumination Sutra. "

Immediately afterwards, he told Luo Wei the cultivation mantra of the Divine Illumination Sutra.

Luo Wei had a good head, wrote it down one by one, and learned this divine scripture.

Ding Dian asked a few questions, and after making sure that Luo Wei did not miss anything, he nodded gratifyingly and said, "Let's go, remember what you promised me." "

Rowe got up and nodded, "Don't worry." "

Ding Dian said again: "In addition, if you really find the people of Shennongmen in the future, let them go to a place and find the bones of the ancestors of Shennongmen." "

After that, he told Rowe another location.

As soon as Luo Wei heard that this place was by a certain river, he realized that the person Ding Dian was talking about was most likely Mei Niansheng.

At this moment, an interesting idea suddenly appeared in his mind.

"Yes." He readily agreed, walked to Di Yun's side, and grabbed Di Yun.

Di Yun had been healed by Shennong Ruler at this time, but his mental initiative was serious, and he had fallen into a deep sleep, and he would not be able to wake up for a while.

Rovisch exhibited the Teleportation Dafa and disappeared into the cell out of thin air.

In the next second, Luo Wei took Di Yun and appeared in front of Qi Fang.

Qi Fang was surprised and delighted when he saw the senior brother in Luo Wei's hand.

"Go, go back first." Luo Wei gave Qi Fang a look and galloped all the way towards the inn.

Qi Fang quickly followed.

After a while, the two returned to the inn.

Azhu, who had been waiting for a long time, opened the window and welcomed Luo Wei, Qi Fang, and the unconscious Di Yun in.

Luo Wei casually put Di Yun on the bed.

Qi Fang stepped forward a few steps and called out in a low voice, "Senior brother, senior brother." "

Di Yun was unconscious.

Luo Wei said: "Don't worry, I have healed Di Yun's injury with the Shennong ruler, and he will wake up as soon as he sleeps." "

Qi Fang breathed a sigh of relief and knelt down in front of Luo Wei with a plop.

"Luo Gongzi, your great kindness, the little woman has nothing to reward, she is willing..."

"Stop, stop."

Luo Wei hurriedly stopped Qi Fang, "There is no need to talk about making cows and horses, I don't like to hear it." "

Qi Fang said: "The little woman is willing to be a slave and serve her son all her life. "

Rowe: ...

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