At this moment, Rowe really wanted to shout a good guy.

If you are not allowed to be a cow and a horse, you will be a slave and a servant?

Even if it is to repay the favor, this sacrifice is probably too great.

Luo Wei quickly waved his hand, helped Qi Fang up, and said: "No, really no, I already have a maid beside me, I really don't need a second maid." "

"Besides, you became my maid, what should your senior brother do?"

"If you want to abandon him, you shouldn't think that your senior brother can find other women besides you."

Qi Fang said: "Didn't Gongzi say that my senior brother is the male protagonist of 'Liancheng Secret', then there should also be a female protagonist." "

When Azhu heard this, he couldn't help but look at Luo Wei, he was also curious who was the heroine of Liancheng Zhi?

Luo Wei said: "Liancheng Zhi does have a heroine, called Shui Sheng, who is the daughter of Nansi Qiqi Falling Flowers and Flowing Water, but her first meeting with Di Yun is not good. "

Azhu asked curiously, "Could it be that these two people are happy and wrongdoers." "

Luo Wei shook his head and said, "That's not it, when we first met, Di Yun shaved his hair in order to escape, wore a monk's robe, and was considered by Shui Sheng to be an adulterous monk of the Blood Dao Gate, shouting and killing him. "

"If it weren't for the fact that Di Yun had already studied the Divine Illumination Sutra and had some skills, he might have died in the hands of Shui Sheng."

"Later, after Shui Sheng was captured by the Blood Dao Old Ancestor, Di Yun maintained it three and four times, which changed Shui Sheng's opinion of him."

"Later, Di Yunshen followed the scriptures and hacked the Blood Dao Old Ancestor to death, and Shui Sheng went through all kinds of tribulations before coming together."

"Now that I have rescued Di Yun, without those tribulations behind, Di Yun would not have been able to come together with Shui Sheng."

Speaking of this, Luo Wei paused and looked down at Qi Fang, "If you really become my maid, then Di Yunke will be lonely for life." "

To be honest, Qi Fang is indeed a beauty.

Otherwise, when Wanguinawang Baegg, when he saw Qi Fang, he would not have the intention of framing Di Yun.

But Di Yun in Liancheng was too bitter.

Luo Wei really couldn't bear to snatch Di Yun's Qi Fang and let Di Yun be alone for life.

What's more, in this comprehensive martial arts world, there are many beauties in the world, and there is no shortage of Qi Fang.

So Luo Wei didn't mean to accept Qi Fang.

After some persuasion, Qi Fang finally calmed down, and after kowtowing to Luo Wei a few times, he no longer mentioned the matter of being a cow and a horse and being a slave and a servant.

Luo Wei asked Qi Fang to take good care of Di Yun, took Azhu's soft and pink little hand and left, returning to his room.

Azhu said with a smile: "Gongzi, I see that although Qi Fang is not a beautiful woman with a beautiful color, she is also a simple and beautiful woman with a kind heart, why not stay." "

Luo Wei knew that she was teasing herself, so he smiled and said, "Do you want to listen to the truth or falsehood." "

Aju smiled and asked, "What is a lie?" "

"The lie is naturally Azhu, your country is fragrant, and after having you, I can't look at other beauties."

"What about the truth?"

"Di Yun and Qi Fang are free childhood sweethearts, they are in love, why should I bother to be that evil person and break up the two of them, not to mention that there are many beauties in this rivers and lakes, and there is no shortage of Qi Fang."

Saying that, Luo Wei looked directly at Azhu and stretched out a finger to hook Azhu's chin.

The two looked at each other.

"I have already told you the truth and falsehood, you tell me, whether it is the truth or the falsehood."

With a smile on the corner of his mouth, Azhu stared at Luo Wei veinly, and said in a brittle voice: "Gongzi's true words are sincere, broad-minded, and the false words are tender and sweet, touching people's hearts." "

"So in the eyes of the slave, whether it is true or false, it sounds good."

Luo Wei couldn't help laughing and tickled the other party's pink nose, "As far as you speak, Gongzi, I am happy today, teach you a set of good martial arts, do you want to." "

Ah Zhu asked in surprise, "What martial arts?" "

"God shines on the Sutra."

When Ah Zhu heard this, he couldn't help but exclaim in surprise, "The Divine Illumination Sutra, is that medical treasure book Shenzhao Sutra?" "

"Good." Rowe nodded.

"Gongzi wants to teach me the Divine Illumination Sutra?" Azhu was surprised and delighted, looking at Luo Wei in disbelief, the Divine Illumination Sutra is a treasure book that can bring back the dead, and the prince actually wants to hand it over to himself.

Aju could hardly believe his ears.

Luo Wei smiled, replaced words with practical actions, let Azhu sit cross-kneeled, first told Azhu the mantra of the Divine Illumination, and then put his hands against Azhu's back and input internal force.

"Close your eyes, concentrate, and control your internal force to follow my internal force."

When Azhu heard this, he quickly closed his eyes and stared, and suddenly felt an internal force transmitted from behind his body, running in his body.

Seeing this, Azhu quickly manipulated his inner follow.

Luo Wei manipulated the internal force to operate in Azhu's body for several weeks, and after teaching Azhu the luck route of the Sutra, he slowly withdrew the internal force.

The moment he got up, Luo Wei even felt a slight dizziness.

This is a sign of a lot of internal exhaustion.

He is different from Ding Dian.

Ding Dian has been cultivating the Divine Illumination Sutra for many years, and his internal strength is profound, and he is likely to be only one step away from the Innate Grandmaster realm.

Therefore, Ding Dian helped Luo Wei run every day, and the part of the internal power consumed was nothing at all.

But the internal strength in Luo Wei's body was less than ten years full, and after helping Azhu cultivate the Divine Illumination Sutra, he consumed seven seven eight eight, and only then did he have signs of dizziness.

However, when Luo Wei used the internal force, the situation was quickly eliminated.

Then, he looked at Azhu and found that Azhu was familiarizing himself with the Divine Illumination Sutra and did not mean to wake up. So he pushed open the window, jumped down, and left the inn.

The moment he landed, Luo Weishi displayed the art of earth walking and instantly merged into the ground.

He then galloped all the way and soon came to a river and found an earthen grave.

There is also a tombstone made of wood on the tomb that reads Mei Niansheng's tomb.

It's just that over the years, the wind and sun have blown out, and the handwriting on the tombstone has long been blurred, and Luo Wei is also guessing with Meng, so he can be sure that this is Mei Niansheng's tombstone.

After finding Mei Niansheng's grave, Luo Wei did not leave the ground, but dug up Mei Niansheng's bones and brought them back.

After returning to the inn, Azhu had already woken up, and when he saw Luo Wei returning, he couldn't help but ask: "Gongzi, where did you go just now?" "

Luo Wei put Mei Niansheng's bones on the ground and said, "I went to find someone. "

Azhu was startled when he saw the bones, and then reacted, "Gongzi plans to resurrect this person?" "

Rowe nodded, "Not bad. "

"Who is this person?" Aju was curious.

Luo Wei didn't answer immediately, but instead asked with a smile, "Guess what." "

Azhu is not a fool, but smart, thinking of what happened today, he immediately understood who this person really was, "Could it be that it is the iron-boned ink calyx Mei Niansheng?" "

Luo Wei bowed his head and said, "Yes, it's Mei Niansheng." "

Saying that, Luo Wei took out a piece of clothing, stuffed Mei Niansheng's bones into it, and then cast a display to bring the dead back to life.

I saw a green light pop out from Luo Wei's fingertips and hit Mei Niansheng's bones.

Mei Niansheng's bones were pieced together, and then out of thin air, bloody flesh, meridians, organs, brain, muscles, and finally skin and hair grew.

In just three or five minutes, Aju saw the whole process of a person's resurrection.

An old man in his fifties with gray hair stood in front of Rowe and her.

Resurrection is resurrection.

Aju was amazed that it was incredible that a person who had been dead for many years could be resurrected in front of her so easily, it was simply a miracle.

After a few minutes, Mei Niansheng slowly opened her eyes and saw a bunch of strange men and women standing in front of her, and she couldn't help but be stunned.

"Who are you?"

He asked, his eyes flashing with a hint of vigilance.

But in the next second, his memory returned, remembering what happened before he died.

"No, isn't I already dead, could it be that this is the Yin Cao Di Mansion? Who are you, black and white, or minotaur. "

Luo Wei rolled his eyes and said, "Then you see us like black and white impermanence, or a minotaur?" "

Mei Niansheng couldn't help but be stunned, subconsciously touched her chest, felt her heart pounding and beating powerfully, and was surprised.

"Me, I'm alive again? You saved me? "

Luo Wei shook his head and said: "You think too much, resurrection is something that only immortals can do, and we are not immortals, how can we do this." "

When Azhu heard this, he couldn't help but know that Luo Wei didn't want to publicize the matter of resurrection, so he cooperated and said: "Yes, only immortals can do it, and you were saved by immortals." "

Mei Niansheng was taken aback and asked, "There are really immortals in the world. "


Luo Wei said categorically, the heavenly crystals are all made by Nuwa, how can there be no immortals in this world.

Mei Niansheng saw that Luo Wei was so sure, and asked curiously: "The little brother is so sure, is it possible that he has seen a fairy." "

"Of course I have seen it, otherwise how would you be resurrected."

"What about the immortals?" Mei Niansheng looked left and right and found that there were only three of them in the room.

"Already gone." Luo Wei said calmly.

"Gone?" Mei Niansheng was a little surprised.

Luo Wei nodded and said, "Yes, after the immortal resurrected you, he threw it to us, and then left." "

Mei Niansheng looked into Luo Wei's eyes, trying to distinguish whether what Luo Wei said was true or false.

Luo Wei looked at him calmly, with a clear conscience.

Mei Niansheng looked at it for a while, and did not distinguish whether what Luo Wei said was true or false, and then withdrew his gaze and asked, "Does that little brother know who this immortal is, and why did he resurrect me." "

Rowe said, "I don't know about this, but as for why you were resurrected, it is likely to have something to do with your apprentices." "


"Your apprentice Qi Changfa received an apprentice named Di Yun, who is loyal and honest, with a simple heart, and seems to have a little relationship with the immortals, so the immortals resurrected you, intending to let you clean up your mess."

Rowe began to run trains with his mouth full.

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