What the? His treacherous and cunning apprentice, Qi Changfa, actually accepted a loyal and honest apprentice.

And this apprentice is still related to the immortals?

What kind of joke is this?

Mei Niansheng was fooled by Luo Wei's words and couldn't find the north, and kept muttering in her heart, whether she had made a mistake.

He knew everything about the disposition of his three apprentices, otherwise he would not have defended them back then, and he had not passed on the top martial arts such as the Divine Illumination Sutra to them.

However, he still underestimated the ruthlessness of the three apprentices, and never expected that they would actually attack him.

So he was secretly calculated by three apprentices to succeed.

Now someone told him that among your three rebel disciples, someone accepted an apprentice who was related to the immortals, and this apprentice was loyal and honest... Why didn't he believe it.

Mei Niansheng looked at Luo Wei suspiciously, "You really didn't lie to me." "

Luo Wei said calmly: "What I lied to you about, Di Yun has a simple and straightforward personality, is loyal and honest, if you don't believe it, you can take a look." "

Mei Niansheng thought about it and agreed.

"Where are they?"

"Right next door." Rowe pointed to the next room and said.

Mei Niansheng stared deeply at Luo Wei, turned his head and left.

When Mei Niansheng left, Azhu brought his mouth to Luo Wei's ear, exhaled a hot breath, and said in a low voice: "Gongzi, do you want me to tell Qi Fang a few words, lest she leak her mouth?" "

Luo Wei smiled slightly, immediately took out his diary, and updated the sentence.

[Qi Fang, I resurrected Mei Niansheng, and concealed the fact that I resurrected Mei Niansheng, and shirked it to an immortal].

[He went to find you and Di Yun, you should not know what to do].

When Azhu saw this sentence, he couldn't help but admire Luo Wei a lot.

This is much more effective than her instructions.

The diary was played by Rowe.



Luo Wei got up early in the morning, joined Aju, and had breakfast downstairs.

This breakfast is a lot of a list compared to last night's dinner.

Two bowls of white porridge, a few side dishes, a few fritters, and two drawers of buns.

When the two of them were halfway through eating, Qi Fang, Di Yun, and Mei Niansheng went downstairs.

Luo Wei saw Qi Fang pointing towards him, Di Yun took three steps and made two steps, ran over, plopped down and knelt down for Luo Wei, and kowtowed a few times without saying a word.

If you don't say that Di Yun is honest, he is serious about kowtowing.

The head knocked on the head, and when he raised his head, his forehead even bleed.

"Thank you Luo for saving your life, Di Yun has nothing to reward, if there is any order in the future, Di Yun is willing to go to the soup and die."

"Get up." Luo Wei helped, pointed to the chair opposite him and said: "I didn't eat, do you want to sit down and eat a little." "

Mei Niansheng came over and pulled Di Yun to sit down, "Your body is just right, you just need nutrition, let's eat it together." "

Di Yun then sat down, "Thank you Lord Luo." "

"Just call me Rowe." Luo Wei said indifferently.

Di Yun blushed, unwilling to call the benefactor's name, feeling rude.

Qi Fang came over and sat next to Azhu, "Senior brother, you can just call Luo Gongzi." "

Di Yun breathed a sigh of relief and called Luo Gongzi.

Luo Wei called the shop Xiao Er and ordered: "Here are three bowls of white porridge, ten fried sticks, and five drawers of buns." "

The shopkeeper smiled happily, said a good word, and went down.

But in half a fragrant time, I sent white porridge, fritters, and buns.

While eating, Luo Wei said to Mei Niansheng: "I promised Qi Fang before that I would save his senior brother and father. Now Di Yun has already come out, and there is still a father left. "

"But now that you are alive, then the matter of Qi Changfa will be handed over to you, after all, he is your apprentice."

Mei Niansheng snorted coldly and said, "The old man can't afford to deceive the apprentice of the ancestor like this." "

Qi Fang's face darkened.

Di Yun got up and wanted to kowtow and begged Mei Niansheng to go to his master.

But as soon as he got up halfway, he was calmed back by Mei Niansheng, "But for Di Yun's sake, I can go to the Biserpent Divine Monarch." "

Di Yun couldn't help but be overjoyed.

Mei Niansheng said: "But ugly things I want to say ahead, your master, my apprentice is not a good thing, even if I find him, I will destroy their martial arts." "

Qi Fang turned sadness into joy and hurriedly said: "I know that my father is sorry for you, but as long as we can rescue my father, no matter what Master Zu does, we have no complaints." "

Di Yun nodded and echoed again.

Mei Niansheng nodded and said, "Eat, after eating, we will immediately set off to find the Bi Snake God Monarch." "

Qi Fang and Di Yun then moved their chopsticks.

Everyone ate happily, but after a while, they finished breakfast.

Ah Zhu carefully took out a silk scarf and wiped it for Luo Wei, who smiled at her fondly, "You serve so thoughtfully, don't you raise me into a waste person who wears clothes to reach for food and open his mouth?" "

Ah Zhu smiled and said, "Gongzi Jingtianwei, how can he be considered a waste, even if he is a waste, I am willing to raise Gongzi." "

Rowe couldn't help but laugh.

Mei Niansheng only felt that at her age, she had to eat a handful of dog food unexpectedly, and the young people now should be really hateful.

After breakfast, Aju drove the carriage to the gate of the inn.

Luo Wei said goodbye to Mei Niansheng, Qi Fang, and Di Yun at the door.

"Green mountains do not change, green water flows for a long time, Mei Daxia, Qi Fang, silly boy, we will have the opportunity to see you again in the future."

After that, Rowe got into the carriage.

After getting into the carriage, Luo Wei suddenly thought of something again, lifted the curtain and said to Mei Niansheng.

"There is another thing that I almost forgot, Mei Daxia, Ding Dian is in the cell, you can see for yourself."

Mei Niansheng couldn't help but be stunned.

Without waiting for him to come to his senses, Aju had already driven the carriage and left the inn.

Out of the city, Aju drove the carriage all the way, and his speed gradually increased.

Rowe pulled out his diary and began to update.

[As the saying goes, the plan of the year lies in the spring, and the plan of the day lies in the morning].

[Good morning, ladies, I'm here again].

[I believe that the information I updated yesterday, you have all seen it].

[Yes, I resurrected Mei Niansheng].

[Just last night, after I got the location of Mei Niansheng's grave from Ding Dian's mouth, I had this idea].

[Promised Qi Fang before to help him rescue his father and senior brother].

[Her senior brother Di Yun has already come out, but her father has fallen into the hands of the Twelve Star Snake God Monarch].

[And where is the Biserpent God Monarch, I don't know].

[Even with the help of Tianzun's power, it is not easy to find the Biserpent Divine Monarch].

[What's more, Qi Changfa, this person deceived and destroyed the ancestors, he is not a good person].

[To be honest, I really don't want to save him].

[But I promised Qi Fang things before, and I can't do it, after all, people are alive, and the most important thing is the word reputation].

[If you can even return what you personally promised, is it still human?] 】

[So last night, when Ding Dian told me the location of Mei Niansheng's burial, I had a wit and thought of the idea of resurrecting Mei Niansheng].

[I resurrected Mei Niansheng, let Mei Niansheng go and have long hair]

[This is not a broken word for Qi Fang].

[In order for Mei Niansheng to save Qi Changfa, I also deliberately lied to Mei Niansheng, saying that it was an immortal who had a relationship with Di Yun and resurrected him].

[Di Yun, that silly boy has a kind heart, even if he knows that his master is a villain who cheats the master and destroys the ancestor, he will not easily believe it].

[Even if you really believe it, you won't easily abandon your master].

[He will definitely go to save his master].

[After all, although Qi Changfa is a little despicable, he has not been sorry for Di Yun so far].

[Not only raised Di Yun, but also taught Di Yun a body of martial arts].

[Although the martial arts he taught to Di Yun were basically wrong, Di Yun's silly boy didn't know it].

[In his heart, the master is very good to him, and he naturally can't let it go.]

[And Mei Niansheng, he was resurrected because of Di Yun, since Di Yun wants to save his master, with his nature, it is naturally impossible to leave it alone].

[After all, Mei Niansheng is also a benevolent and righteous hero].

[In this way, I can logically hand this matter into Mei Niansheng's hands].

[Then, get back and continue your leisurely life].

[There are many in one fell swoop].

[Haha, it seems that I am still quite smart].

When the women saw this, they couldn't help but smile.

On Mount Hua.

Yue Lingshan couldn't help but say: "Niang, this guy is even more tired than the senior brother, in order to get rid of the trouble, he actually resurrected Mei Niansheng, Niang, do you know this Mei Niansheng?" "

Ning Zhong nodded, "Iron Bone Ink Mei Niansheng, my mother heard of this person's name when she was a child, and I heard that it was a famous innate grandmaster. "

"However, then this innate grandmaster suddenly disappeared, and he never thought that he was killed by three rebel disciples."

"But fortunately, Rowe resurrected it."

"But in this way, the rivers and lakes are not very peaceful."

Yue Lingshan said disapprovingly: "What is there, when is it peaceful in the rivers and lakes." "

Ning Zhong couldn't help but be stunned, and then let out a long sigh, "This is also, when did the rivers and lakes be peaceful." "

After the two sighed, they continued to read the diary.

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