[Qi Fang, Qi Fang, don't blame me].

[It's not that I don't want to save your dad, it's mainly that what your dad did is really unpleasant].

[I believe that with Mei Niansheng's strength, it should not be difficult to save your father from the hands of the Biserpent Divine Monarch in the twelve stars].

[Leave this matter to him].

[You just need to be careful].

[In addition, don't trust your father too much, Qi Changfa, this person in the original plot, watched his apprentice being wronged, saw you fall into the fire pit, and still saw death and could not be saved].

[For the treasure of the city].

[So this person can be called ruthless, and the six relatives do not recognize it].

[It's just a good disguise in front of you].

[The above is not a false statement].

[You believe it or not, I've tried my best anyway].

[If you suffer a loss in the future, don't blame me for not reminding you].

[Okay, today's diary is written here, we'll see you later].

[I'll talk next time I have a chance].

Then Rowe closed his diary and began collecting his rewards.

Although Luo Wei wrote a lot this time, the overall quality is average, and there is no breaking point, so the reward received this time is still a year's strength.

Luo Wei did not dislike it, and soon transformed this year's pure internal force into the internal force of the Divine Illumination Sutra.

For the next few days, Luo Wei and Aju were still on their way.

During the period the road was smooth and nothing was encountered.

Therefore, in the next few days, the diary written by Luo Wei was still dull, there were no breaking points, and all he received was a guaranteed reward.

One year of pure internal strength.

In this way, Luo Wei's internal strength quickly accumulated to twelve years, looking at the rivers and lakes, those who have these internal forces are definitely the best among the third-rate masters.

It's just that Luo Wei is not practicing ordinary martial arts, but a top-notch mastery like the Divine Illumination Sutra.

Therefore, even some second-rate masters may not be able to defeat Luo Wei in terms of internal strength.

This is the benefit of top-notch peerless learning, and the internal strength trained is far higher than the internal strength practiced by ordinary martial arts in terms of quality.

Let's use an analogy.

If the internal force cultivated by the Divine Illumination Sutra is concrete, then the internal force cultivated by ordinary martial arts is the tofu dregs project, and the two sides are not on the same level at all.

However, Rowe is not complacent.

After all, the Divine Illumination Sutra is powerful, and it is not comparable to his spells.

Spells are Rowe's true hole card.


That night, Aju drove his carriage into a woods and found a cemetery.

"Gongzi, we have arrived."

Rowe snorted and got out of the carriage.

Shu tied the horses to a tree, walked into the cemetery, found an open-air coffin, lifted the lid, and left it empty.

Azhu beckoned to Luo Wei, "Gongzi, let's go in." "

Luo Wei had heard Azhu say before he came that if he wanted to enter the Bliss Tower, lying in the coffin was the only way.

This method immediately reminded Azhu of a story from Lu Xiaofeng's legend.

It seems that this Bliss Building is the one he saw in Lu Xiaofeng's legend before.

He nodded and got into the coffin with Aju, who lit a firework outside, then closed the lid and lay down beside Rowe.

In an instant, a faint fragrance came to the nose.

Although Aju has become Luo Wei's handmaiden, it is the first time that Rowe is so close to Aju.

The space inside the coffin is small, and only one person can lie down.

Now that there were two people lying down, Luo Wei inevitably came into contact with Azhu, and immediately felt Azhu's petite and delicate, nephrite warm and fragrant figure.

Aju also felt Luo Wei's broad chest, and the masculine breath came like a tide.


Ah Zhu couldn't help but snort, his cheeks crimson.

Luo Wei heard this thousand-round snort, and couldn't help but kiss Azhu anymore.

Fortunately, Aju did not dodge, but let Rowe ask for it.

However, at this moment, there was a sudden banging sound on the coffin.

One nail after another was hammered into the coffin, nailing the lid of the coffin to death.

Luo Wei was disturbed by the good things, and his face was immediately full of displeasure.

However, he also knew that the reason why the people of Elysium Tower did this was to prevent someone from opening the lid of the coffin halfway and peeping into the way to Elysium.

So without saying a word, he kissed Aju again.

Anyway, idle is idle, it is better to tease Aju.

About half an hour later, Rowe heard a crunch, and the coffin was placed on the ground.

Immediately afterwards, someone pulled out the nail and opened the lid of the coffin.

A soft glow fell into the coffin.

Luo Wei then got up with Azhu and found a wide side hall deep in them, and in the center of the hall was the coffin at his feet.

In front of him was also a man wearing a white mask and a brocade robe.

Behind him stood a man dressed in black and wearing a mask.

"Welcome two distinguished guests to the Elysium Building."

The man in brocade took his subordinates and bent down in unison to salute, giving enough face.

Then a man came over with a plate with two masks inside.

The man in brocade pointed to the mask and said: "Distinguished guest, this is the rule of our Elysium Building, and some people don't want to show their true faces in the Elysium Building anymore, so they chose the mask." "

"Of course, you can also choose without masks."

Luo Wei walked out of the coffin, stretched out his hand to help Azhu out, and asked, "Do you want to wear a mask." "

Aju said, "The slaves all listen to the prince." "

"Then put it on, if you feel uncomfortable, take it off."

Luo Wei reached out and took out the two masks on the plate, first for Aju, and then for himself.

This mask is exquisitely made, fits the face line perfectly, and does not give a hard feeling.

More importantly, the material used in this mask is very special, very breathable, and the texture is light, and there is no discomfort on the face.

It can be seen that the people here have put in some effort.

The man in brocade saw Luo Wei and the two wearing masks, smiled slightly, pointed to a subordinate and said: "You take the distinguished guests to the hall." "

The next person nodded, bowed to Luo Wei and said, "Two distinguished guests, please follow me." "

Luo Wei nodded, followed the next person, left the side hall, passed through a curved corridor, and came to the main hall of the Elysium Building.

As soon as he entered the door, Rowe saw the extravagant scene.

I saw that the entire hall was surprisingly wide and magnificently decorated, and there were about hundreds of people wearing masks shuttling through the hall.

There are one gambling tables in the hall, each of which is full of guests.

There is a high platform in the center of the hall.

There are several beautiful women on the high platform who are accompanied by the music played, singing and dancing softly, which is extremely enchanting.

Although these women are not as good as Azhu, each of them is not under Qi Fang, and they can be called the best beauties.

Now these big beauties gather together and dance, which is really eye-catching.

Luo Wei glanced over and found that there were many people looking at the dancing beauties on the stage with greedy eyes.

Seeing this, the subordinate who took Luo Wei into the hall said: "Distinguished guests, there is nothing in the Elysium Building that cannot be bought with money, including the beauty on the stage. "

"If you fancy any of them, you can bring the beauty back with a thousand taels of silver."

Luo Wei sighed and asked, "Is it true that everything in the Elysium Building can be bought with money?" "

The next person said: "Nature is true. "

Luo Wei said: "The location of the owner of the Elysium Building can be bought by how much money can be purchased. "

The next person smiled and said decisively: "Fifty million taels." "

"Are you sure?" Luo Wei didn't expect the next person to answer so cheerfully.

The next person smiled and said: "Because you are not the first person to ask this question, our landlord said that if someone is willing to take out 50 million taels of silver, he will give up the position of the owner of the Elysium Building." "

Luo Wei couldn't help but sigh, shook his head and said: "Then forget it, I don't have fifty million taels of silver." "

The next person continued: "The Elysium Building is divided into three floors, and the first floor where the guest officer is currently located. "

"This is the situation on the first floor, some people like to watch and dance, some people like to drink, some people like to gamble, if guests want to bet, every time the first floor bets, at least 100 taels."

"What about the second floor?"

"One thousand taels each bet."

"So, the bet on the third floor is 10,000 taels."

"Exactly." The next person smiled and said: "The higher the Elysium Building, the more thoughtful the service, and the guests want to go up to the next few floors to play." "

Luo Wei said: "The family base is relatively thin, let's go around on the first floor." "

The next person said: "Howler, distinguished guests, you can look at it casually, if there is anything, just call it a small one, small C-three." "

Rowe nodded, waved his hand, and drove away the subordinate.

The man did not go far, but found a pillar to stand still, as if he was one with the surrounding scenery.

Luo Wei looked closely and found that on each pillar of the building, there were more or less several people dressed in black and wearing masks.

These people stood there motionless, like pillars and pillars, with a low sense of presence.

If you don't pay attention, you will ignore them.

Luo Wei estimated that it was very likely to be some kind of special martial art that could lower his breath.

This kind of martial arts is not uncommon in the rivers and lakes.

Even many masters can completely converge their breath, even if they stand behind you and stare at you, you can't feel the presence of the other party.

It is impossible for each of these subordinates to be a master, so there is only one answer.

The martial arts they practiced that could be breathed.

After glancing at it a few times, Luo Wei did not pay attention to the group of subordinates, but took Azhu's soft and tender little hand and spun around the hall.

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