Luo Wei rushed for several days, and finally came to the Bliss Building of his heart, and naturally had to have a few handfuls at night.

After a while, he stopped at a table.

There were a little fewer people around this table, only a dozen, men and women, and each of them wore a white mask like Rowe and Aju, showing only a pair of eyes.

The dealer was also a man with a white mask, holding the dice and shaking it constantly, shouting while shaking: "Guys, buy and leave, buy and leave." "

After shaking for almost a minute or so, the dealer finally stopped and put the cup on the table.

"Guys, place your bets."

The people around took out the silver one after another, some pressed big, others pressed small.

But overall, there is still a lot of pressure.

Luo Wei was not a master, so he looked at Azhu and asked, "Pressing big or pressing?" "

Like Luo Wei, Azhu was not proficient in listening to large and small, hesitated for a moment, pointed to the side with many people and said: "It's not as good as us to press." "

Luo Wei nodded and took out a hundred taels of silver and placed it on the table, "Then press it big"

After everyone bought and left, the dealer lifted the quilt, revealing the dice inside.

"One, two, three, small."

The big one sighed, while the small one cheered, and the atmosphere of the scene gradually became lively.

Rowe quickly became addicted and pressed several handfuls in a row.

There are big and small.

But his luck was average, it could only be described as more losses and fewer wins, and in less than half an hour, he lost more than a thousand taels of silver.

This is not a small amount, and a family of three may not be able to spend so much money in a lifetime.

After losing a thousand taels, Luo Wei did not continue to gamble, because he knew that he was unlucky, and simply ended up and let Aju replace him.

As a result, Aju's luck was even worse, but he lost more than a thousand taels after a while.

Not as good as Rowe.

"Gongzi, the slave disappointed Gongzi." Aju lost money and was a little unhappy.

Luo Wei comforted: "It's okay, we are not here to win money, but to play, as long as we have fun, money is nothing." "

"A good buck is nothing."

At this moment, a familiar voice sounded from Rowe's ears.

Luo Wei turned his head and saw a masked man dressed in white walking in front of Luo Wei.

Luo Wei looked the other party up and down a few times, and the man in white lifted his mask, revealing half of his face, "It's me." "

Luo Wei suddenly stunned, "It turned out to be Shangguan." "

The person in front of him was none other than Shangguan Haitang, who was separated from Luo Wei in Fuzhou City a few days ago.

Luo Wei asked curiously, "Why did you come here?" "

Shangguan Haitang said: "I came to find you. "

"Looking for me?"

"Yes, you should not forget our agreement." Shangguan Haitang asked.

Rowe said: "Of course I haven't forgotten, why, someone wants me to treat?" "

Shangguan Haitang said, "Follow me." "

Luo Wei nodded and went up to the second floor under the leadership of Shangguan Haitang, and when Luo Wei thought that the person to be treated was on the second floor, Shangguan Haitang took Luo Wei up to the third floor.

Luo Wei was surprised: "Good guy, you have found a big customer this time." "

The third floor bets 10,000 taels at a time.

The people who can spend here are definitely the rich of the rich, and the average family has no way to spend on the third floor.

The third floor is several laps smaller than the first floor, and the number of people is much smaller.

There is only one round table and a dozen chairs on the entire third floor.

On each chair sits a man with a mask, accompanied by a beautiful girl.

Shangguan Haitang walked up to a man dressed in purple and gold-rimmed and whispered.

The man smiled, stood up and said: "Guys, I still have some things, you guys play first, I'll go back." "

As the man said, he left the round table and followed Shangguan Haitang to Luo Wei.

"That's him." The man asked Shangguan Haitang.

Shangguan Haitang said: "Exactly. "

The man snorted, called a subordinate, and said, "Prepare a room for me." "

The next person nodded and said, "Distinguished guests, please follow me." "

The group left the hall, turned a few corners along the corridor outside, came to a room, pushed open the door and said, "Distinguished guests, please inside." "

Luo Wei and his group walked in.

Shangguan Haitang closed the door, and the man couldn't wait to ask, "Lord Shangguan, can this person really treat my hidden diseases?" "

Shangguan Haitang said: "There is no doubt that if this person has no way to cure your hidden disease, then there will be no one in the world who can treat your hidden disease." "

When the man heard this, he couldn't help laughing and said, "Good, good, as long as this person can cure my hidden disease, 100,000 taels of silver, I will give it over." "

When Luo Wei heard this, he couldn't help but raise his eyebrows, and glanced at Shangguan Haitang with a smile.

Unexpectedly, Shangguan Haitang really listened to his words and found a rich man to earn the difference.

This person's shot is 100,000 taels, which is really generous.

Luo Wei walked around the man's back, took out the Shennong ruler from the cloth pocket space in his arms, put it against the man's back, and scolded, "Don't look back." "

The man suddenly sat down and did not dare to turn back.

The power of Shennong Ruler continued to enter the man's body, making the man's body full of qi and blood flowing, and the limbs and bones were even more comfortable, even every pore on the body was commanding him to breathe.

Everything is comfortable all over the body.

Although Luo Wei did not know that the man's hidden illness was himself, under the power of Shennongruler, any hidden disease was not a problem.

After ten minutes, Luo Wei withdrew the Shennong ruler and said calmly: "Hello." "

The man couldn't help but be stunned, stood up and checked, and said with great joy: "I'm okay, I'm okay, I'm really well." "

Shangguan Haitang arched his hand and said, "Boss Zhang, congratulations." "

Boss Zhang happily took out a hundred thousand taels of silver tickets from his pocket and stuffed them into Shangguan Haitang's hand, "Lord Shangguan, this is your money, please click it." "

Shangguan Haitang shook his head and said, "No need, my new boss Zhang." "

Boss Zhang gave a thumbs up and said: "Lord Shangguan, in addition, what you want, come to my house tomorrow to take it." "

Shangguan Haitang said: "Then I will not be polite, I will definitely arrive tomorrow." "

Boss Zhang said: "Then I will wait in the mansion tomorrow for Lord Shangguan to come, I still have business, so I will leave first." "

Without waiting for Shangguan Haitang to respond, Boss Zhang opened the door and hurriedly left.

Luo Wei stepped forward a few steps and raised his hand to grab the silver ticket in Shangguan Haitang's hand.

Shangguan Haitang quietly took a step back and avoided Luo Wei's hand, "What do you want to do?" "

"What to do, of course, I should take it." Luo Wei said bluntly.

Shangguan Haitang said: "What do you call what you should take, the cost of treatment, I should have paid you in advance." "

Luo Wei bowed his head and said: "Yes, you have indeed paid me the cost of treatment, fifty taels for one person, you gave me five thousand taels, and I will treat you with one hundred people." "

"But this, are you sure you want to count among these hundred?"

As long as Shangguan Haitang said a word, Luo Wei turned his head and left.

One hundred people, Luo Wei will also treat Shangguan Begonia.

After all, Luo Wei has already taken the money, so naturally he has to do something.

But after treating these hundred people, Luo Wei will part ways with Guan Haitang, and he will not interact with each other.

In the future, no matter what happened to Shangguan Haitang, Luo Wei would not pay attention to his Luo Wei's head.

After all, the idea of the big pit was thought of by Rowe.

Shangguan Haitang took Luo Wei's idea, but wanted to send Luo Wei at a cheap price.

This kind of stingy person should not have deep friendship and understand it as soon as possible.

But fortunately, Shangguan Haitang was not a fool, and when he heard the meaning of Luo Wei's words, he let out a pleasant chuckle.

"Of course not, give it to you, this is Luo Gongzi's fee today."

She counted the fifty thousand taels of silver tickets and stuffed them into Luo Wei's hand, "I am out, you contribute, the cost is one and a half, what do you think, Luo Gongzi." "

"Makes sense." Luo Wei put away the 50,000 taels of silver ticket with a smile, and then asked, "Who is this boss, he is so generous." "

Shangguan Haitang said: "This person is called Zhang Da Whale, he is a famous rich man in the capital, although he is not as rich as Shen Wansan at the beginning, but in the capital, there are richer people than Zhang Da Whale, and there are no more than five fingers." "

When Luo Wei heard the name Zhang Dawhale, he thought of a movie and couldn't help but narrow his eyes.

Shangguan Haitang happened to notice this scene, and an idea couldn't help but appear in his mind.

"You know this Zhang Da whale? Is he also a character in some novel? "

Luo Wei nodded and said: "Not bad, but this Zhang Da Whale is not a novel, but a movie." "


"It's about the same as a TV series."

Shangguan Haitang couldn't help but snort.

Luo Wei glanced at her obliquely and asked, "What is the thing you go to Zhang Da Whale's house tomorrow, it should not be Rama's body?" "

Shangguan Haitang was taken aback, "You even know this." "

When Luo Wei heard this, he was basically sure that Zhang Dawhale was the richest man in the capital in the movie Sword Rain.

However, in this comprehensive martial arts world, rich people abound.

Zhang Dawhale is not yet the richest man in the capital.

But even so, he is still a rich man.

Didn't Shangguan Haitang say just now that in the entire capital, there are no more than five fingers of people who are richer than Zhang Dawhale.

No wonder this guy is so happy when he gives money.

Perhaps a hundred thousand taels of silver tickets are like a dozen dollars in the eyes of people, and they are not called money at all.

Thinking of this, Rowe took out his diary and began to update.

He didn't update during the day today, just waiting for the evening to start updating when he arrived at the Elysium Tower.

In this way, the quality of the diary can be improved and better rewards can be obtained.

[The sun is shining red, the flowers are smiling at me, the birds say early, why are you carrying an explosive bag].

[Ahem, mistaken, everyone, please ignore my nerves just now].

[Let's do it again].

Feilu's 18th anniversary brand upgrade to give back to readers! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive(Event Period: August 10th to August 20th)

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