"Good evening, guys, I'm Rowe."

[Now allow me to introduce to you my current location... Elysium].

Rowe took a photo casually and uploaded it to his diary.

[Yes, that's right, guys, you read that right, after a few days of travel, I finally arrived at the Elysium Building and entered the Elysium Building smoothly

[Speaking of this Bliss Building, it reminds me of Lu Xiaofeng].

[Eh, to be precise, it is the legend of Lu Xiaofeng].

[After all, this Bliss Building appeared in the legend of Lu Xiaofeng, and it was a gambling house established in Andy Loma among the six doors of the fast flying dragon iron horse].

[In the Elysium Building, everyone gambles with masks].

[Gambling must be real money].

[The reason why real money is used to gamble is ostensibly the wailing of the boss, so such a special rule is set in the Elysium Building, but it is actually because it is to prevent receiving fake silver tickets].

When Shangguan Haitang saw this, his eyebrows couldn't help but pick, "Fake silver ticket? "

These three words immediately touched her sensitive nerves.

[In the legend of Lu Xiaofeng, Daming's silver ticket template is the descendant of Lu Ban's Divine Axe Gate, and the world's first skillful hand made by Zhu Shu


[And after Zhu stopped making this template, he gave the template to the Daming official office].

[The tools for making templates were completely destroyed by Zhu Stop].

[But a few years later, a large number of identical Daming treasure banknotes appeared on the market].

[So the flying dragon iron horse of the six doors suspected that these disguised Daming treasure banknotes were concocted by Zhu Su and arrested Zhu Su].

[Zhu stopped helplessly, and finally found Lu Xiaofeng to help him clear his grievances].

[At the same time, Zhu Su also told Lu Xiaofeng that in the world today, there is another person who can create exactly the same template, in addition to himself, that is, his senior brother, Yue Qing, another descendant of the Luban Divine Axe Gate

[But Loma told Lu Xiaofeng that Yue Qing had contracted the plague and died seven years ago, and his body was sparked into ashes and enshrined in the Yunjian Temple outside the city].

[But in fact, this is a lie, the real Yue Qing is not dead].

[Instead, he was captured by Loma and imprisoned in the Temple of Clouds].

[In addition to Yue Qing, Yue Qing's daughter is also imprisoned in Yunjian Temple, and all the monks in Yunjian Temple are from Loma].

[The reason why Loma wanted to do this was to force Yue Qing to create a new Daming Treasure Banknote template].

[Then he forced Yue Qing to create this bliss building full of organs].

[The reason why this Bliss Building was made was to release the fake silver tickets].

[A large number of jianghu heroes, dignitaries and dignitaries came to this Elysium Building, bet with real money, and when they finally left, they were unwilling to bring so much real money and silver, and the Elysium Building used fake silver tickets to exchange].

[Because the fake silver ticket is exactly the same as the real one, even this group of heroes has no way to tell the real from the fake].

[So, Bliss Tower used this method to turn fake silver tickets into real money].

[And fake silver tickets appeared on the market through the hands of this group of people].

[Because it was exactly the same as the real thing, even the people of the dead Chase Money Estate had no way to identify it, so they exchanged the silver ticket for silver].

[It wasn't until they started counting the silver tickets that they found that some of the silver tickets had exactly the same number].

[Only then did I understand that there were fake silver tickets on the market

[Later, the case of fake silver tickets made a fuss, which aroused the idea of the imperial court].

[Loma saw that his money was almost the same, so he caught Zhu Stop in an attempt to make Zhu Stop back the pot].

[But who knew that Zhu Su found Lu Xiaofeng to help him, and in desperation, Loma had to make a plan, trying to use Lu Xiaofeng's hand to plant the culprit of making fake silver tickets on Boss Qian].

[By the way, Boss Qian is the chief treasurer of Chase Money Estate].

[The fake silver ticket case was concocted by him and Loma].

[Unfortunately, Loma still underestimated Lu Xiaofeng in the end and was discovered by Lu Xiaofeng

[It can be seen that Lu Xiaofeng has two brushes].

[is too fond of making friends, but also too much trust of his friends, as a result, in vain buried his confidant Xue Bing].

Divine needle Xue family.

Xue Bing, who had finished washing and was lying on the bed reading the diary, suddenly saw his name appear in the diary, and he couldn't help but be stunned.

Good fellow, he himself will die in the future.

And he was killed by Lu Xiaofeng's bastard?

For a while, Xue Bing, who was still a little sleepy, suddenly jumped up from the bed, and there was no more sleep.

The whole person was awake, a pair of eyes wide, staring at the diary, wanting to see what Luo Wei planned to say next.

And yet....

[Well, it seems to be a little far-fetched, Lu Xiaofeng and Xue Bing's affairs will be put aside first, and we will talk about returning to the Elysium Building first].

Seeing these words, Xue Bingqi did not hit a place.

What is called putting it aside, this is related to my life.

Can you guy not talk and always talk halfway, believe it or not, I'll hack you to death with that sword right now."

Xue Bing was incompetent and furious.

And Luo Wei, who was far away in the Elysium Building, naturally did not know what he had just written, and had already collapsed Xue Bing's mentality.

He continued to update his diary

[What I just said is the Elysium Building in the 'Legend of Lu Xiaofeng', and the Elysium Building in this comprehensive martial arts world in front of me has undergone tremendous changes].

[Except that the way to enter the Elysium Building is to lie in a coffin, and you have to wear a mask after entering the Elysium Building, the two points have not changed].

[The Elysium Building in this world is more extravagant than the Elysium Building in 'Lu Xiaofeng's Legend's].

[Especially in the Elysium Building, there is an extra group of dancing beauties].

[This point is not available in the original Elysium Building].

[In addition, the biggest change is that Elysium Tower can now be bet with silver tickets].

[What does this mean, has the fake silver ticket case not happened yet?] 】

[Or maybe it won't happen].

As soon as Luo Wei finished writing this sentence, Shangguan Haitang said, "No, the fake silver ticket case has happened, and now there are some fake silver tickets on the market in the capital, but there are not many of them. "

Luo Wei couldn't help but be stunned, and turned his head to glance at Shangguan Haitang, "Are you sure?" "

Shangguan Haitang said: "I am sure that this matter has attracted the attention of the Dragon Guarding Villa, and Duan Tianya, the number one secret agent of Tianzi, is tracking down this matter. "

"But I didn't expect that this matter was related to the Elysium Tower."

[Guys, I just said something wrong].

[Just now, Miss Shangguan Haitang, who was standing next to me, told me that the fake silver ticket case had happened

[Yes, you are not mistaken, Miss Shangguan Haitang is by my side].

[She came to Bliss House specifically to find me].

[Because Shangguan Haitang found a big customer with hidden diseases and asked me to treat it].

[This big customer is really generous, it is 100,000 taels as soon as he shoots, and he does not use money as money at all].

[I have to admit, there are really many rich people in the world].

[When I complained about the fake silver ticket case just now, Shangguan Haitang told me that there are now some fake silver tickets in the capital, although the number is not much, but it has aroused the idea of Dragon Guarding Villa].

[Now Agent No. 1 of Tianzi of Dragon Guarding Villa is tracking down this matter].

[If it is in the world of 'Lu Xiaofeng's Legend', I can basically be sure that this matter was done by Loma in the Flying Dragon Iron Horse].

[But in this comprehensive martial arts, such nonsensical things as Guan Gong fighting Qin Qiong can happen].

[The Elysium Building has also undergone such a big change].

[So I'm really not sure if this thing was done by Loma].

[Maybe it was done by some people who read my diary, after all, in this comprehensive martial arts world, there are not a few women with extraordinary skills and amazing ambitions].

[They used facts to prove that women do not allow beard eyebrows, who said that women are inferior to men].

[But I hope it's best not to involve the general public in this matter].

[After all, the life of the people at the bottom is already very difficult].

[Every speck of dust of the times is a mountain when it falls on a person].

[Erm... If you think about it, if the fake silver ticket case breaks out and is not broken, it will eventually be the imperial court of Daming

[And once the imperial court of Daming collapses, it will still be the common people and ordinary people who will suffer].

[This is fucking fucked].

[Hey, wait, I seem to be thinking too much].

[If you think about it, this is Daming].

[Daming is the most powerful dynasty in the 5,000-year history of China].

[Discord, no tribute, no courtiers, and no land is the ancestral motto of Daming].

[The Son of Heaven guards the gate of the country, and the death of the king is a portrayal of the king of the Ming Dynasty].

[Especially the emperor who is now reigning is Zhu Yuanzhang, who is the most righteous emperor in history, from a beggar to the king of a country].

[Never to be taken lightly].

[Not to mention that Zhu Yuanzhang's subordinates still have Jinyiwei, an all-pervasive institution that monitors the world].

[In addition, Zhuge Liang, who is known as the three-point world, and the sincere uncle who dominates the rivers and mountains Liu Bowen is not dead].

[And the ghost king is Zhu Yuanzhang's right hand, this talent is amazing, proficient in ghosts and gods, architecture, gardens, and the art of people].

[With them, Daming is solid


[The fake silver ticket case should not turn over any waves].

[So I don't have to worry about salty turnips].

[Just have fun, just have fun].

[It just so happened that when I treated the guests brought by Shangguan Haitang just now, I got the treatment fee of 50,000 taels of silver tickets].

[Tonight, I want to enjoy the VIP service of the Elysium Building].

[Guys, today's diary is written here, I went to play].

After writing the last sentence, Rowe closed the diary and received today's reward.

Probably because the quality of today's update is not bad, with the small explosive point of the fake silver ticket case, the reward is no longer the previous one-year force.

Instead, it became a spell.

Of course, it is not the thirty-six changes of Tiangang, nor the seventy-two techniques of earth, it is an ordinary spell.

But it's very easy to use.

Feilu's 18th anniversary brand upgrade to give back to readers! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive(Event Period: August 10th to August 20th)

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