After Luo Wei and the false Empress Dowager returned to the Qianqing Palace, they received today's reward.

Although the number of words he wrote today is far less than the number of days ago, the content is indeed a little shocking.

Cutting dragon veins is not something that ordinary people can do.

So Luo Wei naturally obtained another spell, and it was still the Seventy-Two Spells of Earth... Fu ~ Water!

That is, the spell can summon gods to impeach ghosts, lower demons and demons, cure diseases and eliminate disasters, and the magic is endless.

After accepting this spell, Luo Wei knew how to draw talismans, how to use talismans to cure diseases, and to put it bluntly, if Luo Wei went to impersonate the Great Sage now...

One hundred percent can pull up a team that is not inferior to the Yellow Turban Army, or even more terrifying than the Yellow Turban Army.

After all, Luo Wei can really use the talisman to arm his army to the teeth.

It's just that Rowe didn't have this idea.

With this effort, it is better to cultivate more Hun Tian Baojian, clairvoyance, and shunfeng ears.

Then after King Jingnan arrived in Jingshi, he gave the other party an unexpected surprise.

However, what Luo Weiwan never expected was that he waited for a few days, but instead of waiting for the arrival of King Jingnan's army, he waited for a news that caught him off guard.

During the march, King Jingnan suddenly fell ill and is still unconscious.

Three days later, the morning is facing up.

When Ao Bai's men danced and said the news in public, the entire hall fell silent.

Everyone was in disbelief.

Just a few days ago, King Jingnan defeated Ao Bai's men, and the army continued to grow like a snowball, and discerning people could see that the end of Ao Bai was coming.

But...... But it was only a few days before King Jingnan suddenly fell ill and fell unconscious.

This is a bit too fast.

Many ministers looked at Luo Wei's gaze, full of surprise and panic.

First, the emperor was struck by lightning, then the governor of the Nine Gates, Hongli, was struck by lightning, and now King Jingnan is unconscious again.

It's a coincidence.

Could it be that all this is the ghost of Ao Bai, but when did Ao Bai have such a mysterious and vicious method, people in Jingshi can curse King Jingnan through the air.

That's pretty weird.

Someone immediately asked, "King Jingnan is unconscious, what about his heirs?" "

Ao Bai's subordinates replied: "According to the information we have received, King Jingnan is unconscious, and several of his sons have also suffered varying degrees of trauma and are unable to preside over the army. Now that the enemy's military spirit has been shaken, as long as we raise an army to attack it, we can definitely defeat the other side. "

To be honest, when he received the news, he also looked incredulous.

Because it's so weird.

At this moment, an outrageous thought collapsed from his mind.

Could it be that his boss worships him, and it is really the destiny of heaven.

In fact, he is not the only one who has similar ideas, and even other ministers have more or less similar ideas.

Otherwise, I really can't explain what happened to the emperor, Hongli, and King Jingnan.

Weird, so weird.

At the same time, even Luo Wei, who was sitting on the dragon chair, was a little surprised, "When did King Jingnan suddenly have a bad illness?" "

His subordinates immediately replied, "It was the morning three days ago." "

When Luo Wei heard this answer, his heart suddenly clicked.

He finally reacted, three days ago, in the morning, wasn't it the time when he took the false Empress Dowager Long'er to behead the Qing Court Dragon Vein.

Feeling Jing Nanwang suddenly fell ill and fell unconscious, it was actually his own pot.

He beheaded the dragon vein of the Qing court, causing King Jingnan to be implicated, so he fell into a coma.

Good guy, there was actually a windfall.

This was something Luo Wei never expected, it seems that the dragon vein of the Qing court and the involvement of the royal family are not ordinarily deep.

Luo Wei couldn't help but sigh, he originally thought of waiting for King Jingnan to lead his army to surround the capital, and give the other party a big surprise.

Who would have thought that King Jingnan actually stopped halfway down the road.

If that's the case, then don't blame yourself for being unkind.

Luo Wei immediately stood up, laughed a few times, and said: "Good, good, good, it is really a gift from heaven to me, since this is the case, I want to drive the royal family." "

As soon as these words came out, the civil and military officials were close to an uproar.

Even Ao Bai's group of subordinates couldn't help but stand up and persuade Luo Wei that he was absolutely impossible.

But Rowe waved his hand and vetoed their proposal, playing with a willfulness.

"Now that King Jingnan is unconscious and his heirs are overwhelmed, it is precisely when the army is distracted, as long as it appears, the enemy army will definitely collapse without a fight, and it will be easy to wipe out the rebellion when the time comes."

"Whoever dares to stop it will be punished as rebellion."

In this way, no one dared to stop Rowe again.

Luo Wei immediately ordered his subordinates, mobilized all his soldiers who could fight, and rushed to the front line the next morning.

As for how this group of soldiers was recruited and how supplies were mobilized, Luo Wei completely ignored it.

What he wanted was to eliminate the living forces of the Qing court in the shortest possible time and accelerate the demise of the Qing court.

Therefore, the life and death of these Eight Flags disciples were not put in the eyes of Luo Wei at all.

The army marched all the way towards the front line, and it was important to reach the front line in the shortest possible time.

And on the road of the rapid driving of the army, Luo Wei did not forget a few diaries of water and obtained some guaranteed rewards.

A few days later, the army finally reached the front.

And the side of King Jingnan had already received the information, closed the city gates, cleared the fields, wanted to hold the city, and was unwilling to fight Luo Wei at this time.

Luo Wei naturally did not get used to the other party and gave an order.

Besiege! (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

And this order was unanimously opposed by his subordinates, after all, the army arrived here exhausted, if the order was ordered to attack the city, it would undoubtedly let the soldiers die.

Some people even said alarmistly: "The soldiers hurried all the way, they were already full of resentment, if the emperor was inconsiderate to the soldiers, I am afraid it would cause a mutiny." "

Rowe scoffed at this, he was really not afraid of the so-called mutiny.

But considering that it was really impossible for the current soldiers to take the place, they still allowed the other side to rest for a day.

At noon the next day, Rowe officially gave the order to storm the city.

The Eight Banners disciples attacked the city where King Jingnan was located, and the battle became extremely fierce from the beginning.

In order to attack, countless people did not care about life and death, and the corpses fell on the city wall like dumplings.

After spending some effort on King Jingnan's side, it repelled the enemy's attack.

After this exchange, Rowe was wanted for at least a few thousand soldiers.

But Rowe was unmoved.

He can pity the common people and the common people, but he will not pity these Eight Flags disciples.

0 ask for flowers

The next day, Rowe again ordered the siege of the city.

After several hours of fierce fighting between the two sides, the city gate was still unable to be attacked for a long time, and both sides suffered heavy losses.

That night, no one had a good night's sleep.

On the third day, the battle continued, even more fierce than the previous two, both sides had already killed red eyes, except for Luo Wei, a cultivator who was a good cultivator.

As if things outside have nothing to do with each other at all.

On this day, the siege still failed.

At night, Ao Bai's henchman came to Luo Wei's tent and told Luo Wei, "Emperor, there are too many people dying these days, and the food and grass we brought with us are no longer enough, and the soldiers are likely to mutiny if they continue like this." "

Luo Wei smiled and said, "In this way, you tell the soldiers that tomorrow the city gate will be broken, and let them attack." "

When his subordinates heard Luo Wei's words, they left with a half-hearted belief.

The next morning.

Rowe gave the order to attack again, and at the same time performed a control technique, controlling a boulder on the stone throwing cart and smashing it on the city gate.

The city gate was suddenly smashed into pieces by a boulder.

The soldiers cheered and rushed towards the shattered gates.

A fierce battle began.

But at this moment, Rowe's diary shook and suddenly received a message.

The message was sent by Mu Wanqing.

[Mu Wanqing: Brother-in-law, I seem to have found the five gods]

When Luo Wei saw this sentence, he couldn't help but be stunned, the five links actually found it, so what are you waiting for, Luo Wei immediately used the diary's teleportation function to teleport himself to Mu Wanqing's side.

As for the war that was being sent, as well as King Jingnan and so on, they were all forgotten by Luo Wei.

None of these things mattered to Rowe.

At least not as important as the five gods.

After all, under Luo Wei's toss, the Qing court had already fallen into the twilight, and its demise was only a matter of time.

He can come back and toss at any time.

And Wutong God, if you miss this village, you may not have this store.

So Luo Wei immediately teleported himself to Mu Wanqing's side and appeared in the boudoir of his daughter's house.

Mu Wanqing's face is white and greasy, her skin is as clear as jade, white as snow, and she is even more delicate under the background of a black dress.

After seeing Rowe appear, she immediately got up to greet her.


Luo Wei snorted and asked, "What about the Five Links God, where is he?" How did you find him? "

Mu Wanqing said, "I suspect that this five-way god is now possessed by my father Duan Zhengchun. "

Luo Wei couldn't help but be stunned.

Mu Wanqing continued: "These days, Duan Zhengchun has been trying to approach me under the pretext of practicing martial arts, and I found that his eyes looking at me were full of greed, exactly the same as those men outside looking at me. "

"You know, I'm his daughter."

When Luo Wei heard Mu Wanqing say this, his expression couldn't help but become solemn.

Duan Zhengchun is indeed a little merry, but as the Zhennan King of Dali, he is still a little frugal, and it is impossible to make a move on his daughter.

But now he has a greedy heart for Mu Wanqing, which is obviously not in line with Duan Zhengchun's personality.

"Listening to you say this, Duan Zhengchun is really likely to be possessed by the Five Links God, you don't make a noise first, wait for me to take a look at Duan Zhengchun, I am making a decision, where is he big now?"

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