Hearing Luo Wei's inquiry, Mu Wanqing said: "Daddy is no longer in the mansion now, he left early in the morning, and I don't know where he went?" "

Luo Wei snorted, cast a clairvoyance, and sure enough, he did not find Duan Zhengchun in the Zhennan Royal Mansion.

"In this way, you take me to his room, and I can naturally find him."

Mu Wan nodded, opened the door and walked out, followed by Luo Wei.

The two of them walked around the Zhennan Royal Mansion for a while, and then came to a delicate house.

Mu Wanqing said: "This is my father's room. "

Luo Wei snorted, pushed open the door and walked in, Mu Wanqing was a little curious, and followed in.

Luo Wei walked into Duan Zhengchun's room, his eyes wandered, this room was luxuriously decorated, divided into two rooms, the inner room was a place to rest, and the outer room was a place for meeting guests.

In addition to a soft bed, there is also a desk.

Rowe walked to the desk, picked up a pen and said, "This should be what your father often uses." "

Mu Wan nodded.

Rowe placed the brush on the table, he raised his right hand, stretched out a finger, urged mana, the fingertip traveled in the air, and in an instant he drew a spell in the air.

After the spell was formed, it got into the brush in a blink of an eye.

The brush turned into a sparrow with a bang, flew around the room three times, and flew out towards the outside.

Mu Wanqing was stunned, "This is..."

"Tracking charms, talismans specifically for tracking others."

Luo Wei explained, and then said to Mu Wanqing: "I'll go find him, you go back to your room first, and wait for me to come back." "

As soon as the words fell, Luo Wei cast an instantaneous teleportation method and disappeared in front of Mu Wanqing.

The sparrow flew all the way and soon left the Zhennan Royal Mansion.

Rovisch exhibited the Teleportation Dafa and followed suit.

Led by Sparrow, Rowe walked almost half the city to a luxurious mansion.

Although this mansion is not as good as the Zhennan King Mansion, it is also a rich family.

The sparrow flew straight in.

Luo Wei knew that Duan Zhengchun was among them, and he immediately cast an invisibility technique, concealed his figure, and walked in.

Entering the mansion, the sparrow flew all the way to the backyard and finally stopped under a roof.

Standing in the doorway, Rowe could hear the obscene sound coming from the room.

Rovisch exhibited his see-through eyes, swept across the room, and immediately knew the situation inside.

There were two men and one woman in this room.

One of the men was none other than Duan Zhengchun.

The other man, Luo Wei, did not know, but he was trapped, watching Duan Zhengchun playing with his wife, his eyes were red and full of killing intent.

Seeing this scene, Luo Wei was basically sure that Duan Zhengchun was indeed possessed by the Five Links God.

If he hadn't been possessed by the Five Links God, Duan Zhengchun wouldn't have done such a shameless thing.

Seeing this, Luo Wei couldn't bear it anymore, kicked open the door and walked in.

The three people in the room were shocked when they saw an uninvited guest break in.

Duan Zhengchun's Yaxing was interrupted, and he was immediately annoyed, and his gaze towards Luo Wei was full of murderous aura.

"Find death."

I saw that he let go of the woman in his arms, and the whole person rushed to Luo Wei's front like a shooting star, a pair of hands grabbed Luo Wei's chest, and his five fingers were entangled in black mist.


Suddenly, Luo Wei snorted coldly, this move was nothing else, it was the humming technique obtained not long ago.

A cold snort slammed into Duan Zhengchun's brain like Hong Zhong Da Lu.

Duan Zhengchun's head suddenly went blank, and the movements in his hands couldn't help but slow down for a beat, but in the next second, he recovered, his eyes became more and more fierce, and his movements became faster and faster.

This also proves Rowe's judgment once again from the side.

Duan Zhengchun was indeed possessed by the Five Links God.

Although Duan Zhengchun has good strength, he is a martial artist after all, and he should not recover in a short time after being hit by Luo Wei's snort, but he did do this.

This shows that Duan Zhengchun is indeed not the previous Duan Zhengchun.


Just as Luo Wei was thinking, Duan Zhengchun's right claw had already grabbed Luo Wei's chest, and five black misty fingers should have pierced Luo Wei's chest and dug out a red heart.

But when his right claw touched Luo Wei's skin, Duan Zhengchun realized that what he hit was not a human body at all.

It's hard steel.

Several of his fingers were twisted, broken, and shapeless.

For a while, Duan Zhengchun couldn't help but wail, his heart was shocked, and his figure retreated like lightning.

But as soon as the person retreated halfway, Luo Wei raised his hand and pointed at Duan Zhengchun and said.


In an instant, Duan Zhengchun was frozen in place, motionless.

This is exactly the technique of body-fixing in the Seventy-Two Techniques of Hell.

After Luo Wei fixed Duan Zhengchun, he grabbed the other party's neck, turned his head and left, and disappeared in an instant.

After a while, Luo Wei returned to the Zhennan Royal Mansion, Mu Wanqing's room.

Mu Wanqing has been waiting here for a long time.

Seeing Luo Wei carrying Duan Zhengchun back, Mu Wanqing couldn't help but chuckle in her heart, and suddenly stood up from her chair.

Luo Wei still put Duan Zhengchun on the ground, sighed and said: "You guessed right, he was indeed possessed by the Five Tong God, and when I found him, he was adultering his wife and daughter, and this is exactly what the Five Tong God likes to do the most." "

Mu Wanqing was suddenly stunned. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

After a while, she calmed down and said, "So what do we do now?" "

"Let's force the five gods out first."

Luo Wei said, he didn't have anything to do with me before, but since he obtained the Talisman Technique, Luo Wei had a full grasp of forcing out the five gods in Duan Zhengchun's body.

He stepped forward a few steps, brushed a hair on Duan Zhengchun's head, turned it into a brush, and then infused mana to make the pen extremely sharp.

The Luo Weiti pen pierced Duan Zhengchun's skin, soaking the brush with blood.

Then, he infused mana and wrote two spells on Duan Zhengchun's face.

One is the explicit charm and the other is the exorcism charm.

With the blessing of mana, the two spells released powerful power and penetrated deep into Duan Zhengchun's body.

A few seconds later, Duan Zhengchun's seven holes released one after another hideous black qi.

These black qi quickly gathered together in mid-air, forming a black donkey.

After the black donkey appeared, the whole person turned into a stream of light and rushed out towards the outside of the room.

Unfortunately, Luo Wei had long thought that the five gods would run, so when he entered Mu Wanqing's room, he arranged an enchantment in advance and surrounded Mu Wanqing's room.

The black donkey did not know the mystery, and hit the enchantment with a bang, but instead of running out, it was bounced back, and it fell into a dizzy... 0

Luo Wei didn't bother to talk nonsense with this black donkey, and cast a congenital grappling and dragged the black donkey on the ground.

The black donkey was shocked and opened his mouth to beg for mercy, "Shangxian Rao..."

Before the words fell, Luo Wei bent his fingers and popped out a sword qi, circled around the black donkey's head, and cut off his head, and the blood that was about to spew out was also pressed back by Luo Wei with mana.

Then, Luo Wei threw away the body of the black donkey and got another demon pill.

Mu Wanqing saw the death of the black donkey, so she ran to Duan Zhengchun's side, squatted down to check it, and her face instantly became gloomy.

Because she found that Duan Zhengchun's pulse was weak and weak, she quickly asked Luo Wei for help.

After Rowe stepped forward to check it out, he didn't sigh.

Mu Wanqing's heart tightened, although she had just met Duan Zhengchun, her feelings were not deep, but the other party was her father after all, and there were some feelings.

Now seeing Luo Wei's face, how could he not be flustered.

"What happened to my dad?"

Rowe said: "I have two news here, one good and one bad, you have to listen to it first... Forget it, I still said it directly. "

"The good news is that although Duan Zhengchun was possessed by the Five Links God and tortured by demon qi, he will not die, at least he can live for more than ten years."

"The bad news is that your father's soul is gone, and if nothing else, it was eaten by the five gods."

"In a sense, your father is dead, but his body is still alive."

"Now he is a real vegetative person."

Mu Wanqing was suddenly dumbfounded.

Luo Wei looked at Mu Wanqing's stunned and stunned look, and he didn't know how to comfort the other party for a while.

After a long time, Mu Wanqingcai asked, "Aren't you going to come back to life?" "

Rowe said: "There is no omnipotence for resurrection, at least there is no way to save a person whose soul is scattered." "

Mu Wanqing became more and more silent.

Rowe said: "You don't have to be too sad, perhaps, this is his life." "

Mu Wanqing was noncommittal about this.

Luo 3.6 Wei saw this scene, and he was a little unbearable, but there was no way, Duan Zhengchun's soul was eaten by the Five Links God, and his soul had already been scattered, and there was no way for him to resurrect it from the dead.

This was the first time that Luo Wei had encountered this kind of thing, and he couldn't help but take out his diary and complain.

[It seems that resurrection from the dead is not omnipotent]

This sentence surprised all the women and female devils who read the diary.

What happened again, why did Rowe suddenly say such a thing.

But soon, Rowe gave the answer.

[Not long ago, Mu Wanqing told me that she suspected that her father Duan Zhengchun was possessed by the Five Links God, and recently saw her eyes full of greed]

[After I listened, I immediately found Duan Zhengchun and found that this guy was adulterating his wife and daughter]

[Sure enough, he was really possessed by the Five Links God]

[Although I drove the Five Links God out of Duan Zhengchun's body and killed him]

[But Duan Zhengchun's soul has already been eaten by the Five Links God, and his soul has scattered]

[In this case, even if I come back to life, there is no way to revive it, because this person is completely out of this world]

[It can be seen that resurrection from the dead is not omnipotent, at least there is no way to save people who have lost their souls].

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