A new day has arrived.

The first thing Yue Lingshan did when she got up was to take out her exclusive diary and flip through it.

One day yesterday, she found that this diary is very magical, no matter how she throws it to her place, as long as she calls in her heart, the diary will appear in her hand out of thin air.

It's as magical as a spell.

If it were not for the ordinary material of this diary, it could not hurt people, and sometimes it could even be used as a dark weapon.

After she opened the diary, she found that the diary was not updated, and she couldn't help but pout.

Didn't this guy say to write a diary once a day, why don't you update it now.

Wouldn't you be fooling people.

What a dog man who likes to cheat people.

Yue Lingshan slandered a few words, casually threw the diary aside, rolled over and got up, dressed up, and went out with his sword.

I'm going to practice my sword today.

On the other hand, Yue Buqun had just dressed and planned to go out to practice swords.

"Senior Brother."

Suddenly, Junior Sister Ning Zhong stopped him.

Yue Buqun stopped, turned his head and asked, "What's wrong, junior sister, is there something wrong?" "

Although the two are already old husbands and wives, they have always been called senior brothers and sisters.

This habit began on the day he entered the master's gate, and decades have passed since then, and he can't change it if he wants to.

Ning Zhong looked at Yue Buqun's familiar face, and after tangling for a night, she decided to tell Yue Buqun about the diary.

Between husband and wife, these should not be hidden.

After all, the contents of the diary also involved her husband.

Ning Zhong said: "Yesterday I got a diary, which was written in..."

Speaking of this, Ning Zhong suddenly felt a panic in his heart, and in his depths, it seemed that an invisible force descended on his body.

At this moment, an realization appeared in Ning Zhongze's mind.

Once she said what was in the diary, she would die violently.

When Yue Buqun saw that Ning Zhong was half of what he said, he suddenly closed his mouth and couldn't help but ask, "Junior sister, what do you want to say, what diary?" "

Ning Zhong was weak-hearted, and quickly changed his words: "I mean I got a diary yesterday, I want to write about the Huashan Sect, I don't know what you think, senior brother." "

Yue Buqun scratched his head, "Write a diary, it's good, why does Junior Sister want to keep a diary." "

Ning Zhong said: "It's just a whim, senior brother doesn't need to care." "

Yue Buqun always felt that something was wrong, and asked, "Junior sister is really fine." "

"It's okay." Ning Zhong shook his head and said softly, "Senior brother, go to sword practice." "

Yue Buqun observed again and again, and after making sure that Junior Sister really had nothing wrong, he turned and left.

Not long after Yue Buqun left, a diary suddenly appeared in Ning Zhongze's hand, shaking slightly.

Ning Zhong picked up the diary and found that it was updated.

She opened her diary, and her eyes instantly opened like a copper bell, "This, how is this possible!" "

[Woohoo, take off].

[Yesterday's reward has arrived, all the women who read the diary, the female devil, you must not think about what the reward I got yesterday is].

[Say it, scare you to death].

Seeing this sentence, many people are curious, and many people are disdainful, feeling that they are high, what the world has not seen, and what is surprising about a reward.

But the next second, everyone was shocked.

I saw that it was clearly written in the diary

[Resurrection from the dead, the reward I got yesterday is the resurrection of the dead in the thirty-six changes of Tiangang].

[It doesn't matter if you have been dead for hundreds of years or thousands of years, as long as there is a bone left, I can bring the dead back to life through this immortal art].

[You say, isn't that amazing].


Inside the Shifting Flower Palace, Invite Moon Mercy Star suddenly stood up, looking at each other, and they all saw a thick shock in each other's eyes.


In Murong Shi's house, Murong Qiudi casually slashed out a sword, splitting the table in front of him in two, and his eyes became unprecedentedly fiery, "Come back to life, good one to come back to life." "


Da Song, Peach Blossom Island.

Seeing this scene, Huang Rong jumped three feet tall, shouting while running: "Daddy, daddy, I'm going to Huashan." "

As long as she finds this Luo Wei, her mother can come back.


Beijing, Dragon Guarding Villa.

Shangguan Haitang got up and said to his subordinates as he walked: "Back the horse, I will go to Huashan now." "


For a time, I don't know how many people were turbulent because of this sentence, and the Huashan faction rose again.

[To be honest, at the beginning, I was a little hesitant to write about the reward I received].

[But after some thought, I finally decided to write the reward and tell you].

[The purpose is simple].

[If I don't believe it falls into someone's hands, I can write a diary and ask the person who saw the diary for help, I believe that you will come to my rescue when you see this ability].

[Of course, if I don't believe it fell into the hands of some woman who has a copy of the diary, or a female devil].

[I believe that for the sake of this ability, you will not abuse me].

[You will definitely take care of me with good food and drink."

When Murong Qiudi saw this scene, he was about to laugh angrily, and he couldn't wait to reply now, "If you turn to me now, I can not only take care of you with good food and drink, but even make you the son-in-law of Murong Villa." "

In fact, Murong Qiudi was not the only one who had such thoughts.

Other women have more or less this idea.

Unfortunately, no matter what they think, Rowe will not know.

[To be honest, when I first acquired this ability, my first thought was to resurrect a martial arts master and let him teach me a martial art].

[For example, the invincible monk, this person is a character who appeared in the history of martial arts, but in fact, it is not an appearance].

[It's just a mouthful].

[The great villain of martial arts, Happy King Chai Yuguan, released the news that the invincible monk fought a hundred years ago and hid at the peak of Hengshan Huiyan Peak with the "Invincible Treasure Book of Seventy-two Internal and External Skills" under Megatron

[That invincible treasure is really too moving, it is a martial arts hero, he would rather believe in it, he is not willing to believe in nothing, no one is willing to let go of this opportunity, after hearing the news, he will put aside everything at hand for the time being, and immediately rush to Hengshan].

[Hearing rumors in the rivers and lakes, on the Hengshan Road, there are at least more than a hundred horses that run to death every day, and the martial arts are walking on the road, as long as they hear that someone goes to Hengshan, they immediately draw their swords, just because there is one less person going to Hengshan, there is one less opponent who robs the invincible treasure, and the most regrettable thing is that some travelers to Hengshan are also innocently poisoned].

[In order to rush to Hengshan first, even if he saw the corpse of his loved ones and friends on the road, no one dismounted and buried it, leaving the body buried in snowflakes].

[Only afterwards did I know that there were more than 180 martial arts masters who died on the road before they reached Hengshan, and three of them were already the sect masters of a faction].

[This situation has caused Chai Yuguan's heroic name, only because Chai Yuguan is willing to sacrifice such precious time to bury the road corpses one by one].

[But who would have thought that all this was Chai Yuguan's conspiracy].

[Chai Yuguan did this to collect Luo Wugong cheats].

[These people admire Chai Yuguan's heroic name, knowing that it is difficult to survive after going up the mountain, lest their martial arts skills be lost from now on, and they must hand over their martial arts secrets and some relics].

[But to whom is a question].

[And the heroic name of Chai Yuguan came, and this group of people chose Chai Yuguan].

[In the end, Chai Yuguan relied on this conspiracy to obtain a large number of martial arts cheats, and then found a place to integrate these martial arts cheats and became the happy king who dominated the world].

[The above is the history of the great villain Happy King Chai Yuguan in the history of martial arts].

[But in this world, how the happy king Chai Yuguan made his fortune, I know, and even I don't even know if Chai Yuguan made a fortune].

[After all, I crossed over, and the memory of martial arts in the original master's mind is really pitiful].

[On the contrary, the memory of Hua Shan is very clear].

[I also know that this is a comprehensive martial arts world through some people and things in Huashan, but I estimate that the invincible monk should exist].

[But where exactly, I don't know, even if you want to resurrect this person, you can't find the other party's bones].

[In desperation, I will absolutely give up the invincible monk and change to a resurrected object].

[For example, the ancestor of the ancient tomb school, Lin Chaoying, is very good].

[Not only a big beauty, but also a master].

[I don't understand the Jade Heart Sutra, squeeze the gold content of the whole truth, and Lin Chaoying is a decent person, not a female devil, if I resurrect her, it should not be a problem for her to call me martial arts].

[But the question is, Lin Chaoying is dead].

[In the world of the Condor Heroes, Lin Chaoying is dead, but in this comprehensive martial arts world, I dare not be sure].

At the same time, the Great Song, the Ultimate South Mountain, the Ancient Tomb School.

Lin Chaoying, who was dressed in red, held an exclusive diary in his hand and looked at it with relish, and when he saw the latest text, he couldn't help but take a sip, and couldn't help scolding: "You just died, I won't die if you die old lady." "

"But I didn't expect that I, Lin Chaoying, was so powerful in another world, and a Jade Heart Sutra actually squeezed Quanzhen."

"It's a pity, I can't do it in this world, after all, the dog man of Wang Chongyang in this world is too powerful."

"A jade woman's heart sutra can't suppress the other party at all."

"If you want to suppress the other party Wang Chongyang, you must create a more powerful martial art."

"Unfortunately, I can't do that now."

Lin Chaoying said while looking down.

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