[I can't find the bones of the invincible monk, and I can't determine Lin Chaoying's life and death, I think about it, I can only change someone].

[But who to change, this makes me tangled].

[After all, after the death of most martial arts masters in the rivers and lakes, they will be arranged in the ancestral tombs of their own sects].

[With my current skills, it is undoubtedly difficult to sneak into the ancestral tomb].

[And where those peerless masters who did not have tickets were buried after death, I don't know].

[Good fellow, thinking about it, I don't even know who to resurrect].

[The most important thing is that I am not sure that after I resurrect this person, the other party will teach me martial arts].

[After all, not everyone is as easy to talk as Lin Chaoying].

[What if the other party takes me hostage and uses me as a tool after resurrection, isn't this a sheep in the mouth of the tiger].

[After thinking about it, I finally decided to give up the idea of resurrecting someone and wait for the second wave of rewards].

[The first wave of rewards is the resurrection of the dead in the thirty-six changes of Tiangang].

[In case the second wave of rewards is mastering the five thunders in the thirty-six changes of Tiangang, returning to the wind and fire, mediating and making, fighting the stars and shifting, calling the wind and rain, whipping mountains and moving stones, wouldn't it take off in place].

[At that time, the whole river and lake can walk sideways].

[Who the hell wants to offend me, Lao Tzu directly whips the mountain and moves stones, throwing a mountain over, who can stop it].

[I asked who could stop it].

For a time, countless women who saw the day were taken aback.

If Luo Wei really obtained such an immortal method as moving stones from the whip mountain, he threw a big mountain over during the battle... Good guy, when I think of this picture, this group of women with different styles and personalities can't help but tremble.

Can't stop it, can't stop it, can't stop it at all.

It's horrible.

[Okay, today's diary is written here, I will collect the reward, goodbye, ladies, female devils, we will see you tomorrow].

At the foot of Mount Hua, an unnamed town, there is an inn.

Luo Wei slowly closed the diary and asked himself, "The second time the diary is finished, give me the reward." "

In an instant, a mechanical voice sounded in Rowe's mind.

[Detected that the host has written a second diary, and now the reward is issued].

[Tiangang Thirty-Six Transformations of Scattering Beans into Soldiers].

[Can be used once a day, expired will be voided].

As soon as this mechanical voice disappeared, a golden light shot out from the diary in front of Luo Wei, hitting Luo Wei's eyebrows.

Luo Wei instantly mastered the thirty-six changes of Tiangang to become a soldier, as well as the conditions for casting.

Just like coming back to life, there are also conditions for the use of scattering beans into soldiers.

However, this condition is not as bumpy as coming back to life.

The word bean in the sprinkling of beans into the army is worth not tempeh such as soybeans and green beans, but a general term.

Rowe can summon armor with beans, or he can use others.

Stone, wood, and even iron beads will do.

However, the materials used are different, and the summoned armor is also completely different.

For example, if Rowe uses beads made of wood to cast beans into soldiers, then the armor he summons is a group of wooden people, and the weapons are also a pile of wood.

As for combat effectiveness, Rowe is not very clear.

However, the combat effectiveness of a group of wooden people should not be much stronger.

If Rowe used a pile of stones to cast beans to form a soldier, then the armor he summoned was a group of stone people.

The fighting power of the stone man is far more than that of the wooden man.

However, if he uses iron beads to cast beans to form soldiers, then the armor he summons is a group of iron men.

This is much more powerful than the stone man, not only the weapon has become an iron weapon, but also the knife and gun are invulnerable.

After learning about the casting conditions for scattering beans into soldiers, Luo Wei's first reaction was to get a bunch of iron beads to carry with him.

Iron armor is much more powerful than wooden armor and stone armor, and it would be a pity not to engage in a little.

Luo Wei immediately left the inn and walked around the nameless town, and found that there was no blacksmith in the nameless town.

In desperation, Luo Wei had to find the treasurer of the inn and ask the other party a wave, before asking from the mouth of the treasurer, if you want to find the blacksmith, you must go to the town ten miles away.

It is the only way to go to Huashan, and there are many guests coming and going, which is more prosperous than the nameless town.

Blacksmiths alone, there are several.

Luo Wei immediately set off, put on a cloak, and spent an hour, and the dust servant rushed to the town in the mouth of the treasurer.

Sure enough, there is a blacksmith shop here.

Rowe found a blacksmith shop and ordered hundreds of iron beads the size of mung beans.

This is not a difficult task for blacksmiths.

It took less than a cup of tea to get it, just heat the iron into molten iron, and then pour it into the abrasive to wait for cooling, one by one.

Even without secondary processing, it is very simple.

After Luo Wei got the iron bead, he paid half a tael of silver, and the flesh hurt terribly.

After all, this is half a tael of silver.

So he couldn't help but complain in his diary.

[Gee, after the other crossers are hooked up to the account, they either eat fragrant and spicy food, or there are groups of beautiful women, how did they get to me, they became so crotch-pulling].

A group of women couldn't help but be surprised when they saw this complaint.

What nerves is this guy making again.

[Not only did he become an orphan, but he didn't even have enough silver on hand, just now he spent half a tael of silver to buy weapons, and now only one or two halves of silver remained].

[What can this two halves of silver do].

[It's not enough to go back to the banquet building for a meal].

[God, earth, is there a rich woman who comes out to help me, I don't want to work hard, I want to eat soft rice].

A group of women who peeped into the days were speechless.

Murong Qiudi sighed, "If you want to be raised by a rich woman, why don't you come to me, hide your identity from beginning to end, even if there is a rich woman to support you, you can't find you." "

"Duplicitous fellow, when I find you, I have to torture you well."

Shangguan Haitang felt that with his current status and property, it was enough to support Luo Wei.

However, the premise is to find the other person.

If you can't find each other, everything is closed.

Where the hell is this damn guy?

At the same time, Rowe, who found something in the diary, did not know that his words caused many women to resent.

After some venting, refreshed, he decided to return to the nameless town to continue his nest.

But just before Luo Wei left this town, on the way back to the nameless town, he suddenly saw a group of people with swords on their backs walking towards Mount Hua and had a face with Luo Wei.

But neither side took care of the other.

At the moment of passing by, Luo Wei heard someone from this group of people in the rivers and lakes speak: "Big brother, are we really going to find trouble with the Huashan faction?" "

Luo Wei couldn't help but be startled when he heard this, and his steps couldn't help but pause.

Go to the trouble of finding the Huashan faction, just these few people, a few dishes, drink like this?

Don't you know the strength of the Huashan faction?

At this moment, Luo Wei heard someone shouting again: "The Flying Witch Sun Zhongjun is too deceitful, I should ask the head of the Huashan Sect how they teach their disciples." "

"The treasure map we worked so hard to find, why did she snatch it away without saying a word."

"Is this person a robber or a disciple of the Huashan Sect."

"If the Huashan faction doesn't give us an explanation today, we won't be able to leave the Huashan faction."

Treasure map, Sun Zhongjun?

When Luo Wei heard this, he not only suddenly realized.

The tone of this group of people was that they were looking for trouble, rather than going to Huashan to send a complaint.

Although Luo Wei didn't know what was going on with the treasure map in their mouths, he knew Sun Zhongjun.

Nicknamed the Flying Witch, she is a disciple of the invincible Gui Xin Shu of the Divine Fist of the Huashan Sect.

He is arrogant, impatient and irritable, and ruthless, and in the plot of the Blue Blood Sword, he once cut off Luo Liru's arm for no reason, so he was punished by Shizu Mu Qing.

The matter of robbing someone else's treasure map, this flying witch really did it.

However, this has nothing to do with Luo Wei, he is no longer a disciple of the Huashan Sect.

Rowe turned and left.


Suddenly, there was a rushing sound of horses' hooves coming from far and near.

There were still hundreds of meters away when the sound entered the ears, but in the blink of an eye, the horses were already approaching Rowe's side.

Luo Wei looked up and saw a tall and thin woman in her twenties riding a horse, galloping wildly, the tall and thin woman looked quite beautiful, her eyebrows were slightly frowned, and her apricot eyes were threatening.

However, in a few breaths, the woman rode past Luo Wei's side, caught up with the few people who were carrying swords and swords just now, and stopped them.

Someone shouted angrily: "Sun Zhongjun, what do you want to do? "

Luo Wei reacted to this, it turned out that the tall and thin woman riding a horse was the flying witch Sun Zhongjun.

Sun Zhongjun rode on his horse, looked at a few people condescendingly, his face was full of anger, and he scolded: "Okay, grandma, I let you go, you dare to stop me Huashan to make trouble, it is really impossible to find death." "

"Think I, Sun Zhongjun, don't dare to kill you?"

As soon as the words fell, Sun Zhongjun jumped down from his horse and flew over like a bird, holding a long sword in his right hand and slashing at several people in the rivers and lakes.

The man at the head was taken aback, but he did not expect that Sun Zhongjun would dare to attack him under Mount Hua, and quickly retreated.

But his strength was far inferior to Sun Zhongjun, but he was chased by Sun Zhongjun in the blink of an eye.

Sun Zhongjun pierced the man's throat with a single sword, killing him on the spot.

Seeing this, several other people in the rivers and lakes were stunned one by one, looking at the boss who fell to the ground, and their legs trembled with fear.

Those who are a little more spiritual, turn around and run.

But Sun Zhongjun showed no mercy, took three steps and made two steps, chased after him, raised his sword and fell, and killed all these people.

When Rowe saw this scene, he was shocked.

He didn't expect Sun Zhongjun to be so ferocious, killing these people without saying a word.

Jianghu, jianghu, it turns out that this is the rivers and lakes that kill without blinking.

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