Before Rowe crossed over, he was in a peaceful era and had never seen a dead person.

After crossing over, at the foot of the Huashan faction, he still did not see the dead.

It was the first time Rowe had seen someone killed with his own eyes.

The originally splendid life, under Sun Zhongjun's sword, was like a weed on the side of the road, which was not worth mentioning.

Luo Wei even noticed that when Sun Zhongjun killed people, his eyes did not blink, as if he killed not people at all, but cats and dogs.

Moreover, the means of this flying witch Sun Zhongjun seemed to be more ferocious and ruthless than those in the Blue Blood Sword.

Could it be that because the Huashan Sect of this world is so powerful, it gives the Flying Witch Sun Zhongjun a more powerful confidence?

Luo Wei didn't quite understand, but at this moment, Sun Zhongjun, who had killed several people, suddenly shifted his gaze to Luo Wei's body.

"What are you?" Sun Zhongjun asked unceremoniously.

Luo Wei thought for a moment and said, "Passers-by. "

"Passers-by?" Sun Zhongjun sneered a few times, "I don't believe it, you must have been with them, coming here to slander the reputation of my Huashan faction and die." "

As soon as the words fell, Sun Zhongjun rushed up.

Seeing her murderous look, Rowe reacted, this guy wants to kill people.

He immediately went deep into his pocket, grabbed a handful of freshly cast iron beans, and threw it at Sun Zhongjun.

Tiangang changed thirty-six, scattering beans into soldiers.

In the next second, I saw that the group of iron beans spilled by Luo Wei released a brilliant light, and in an instant, they turned into two meters tall, wearing iron armor and holding blades.

Luo Wei's iron beans brushed out were dozens of them.

Dozens of iron-armored warriors appeared out of thin air and wrapped Sun Zhongjun.

Sun Zhongjun's face changed, he was shocked, and he immediately realized the danger, performed a light skill, turned his head and ran.


But at this moment, a sharp sound of breaking the air came.

An iron-armored warrior saw Sun Zhongjun fleeing, clenched the long sword in his hand, aimed at Sun Zhongjun and threw it hard, and the long sword ran through Sun Zhongjun's calf like a streamer.

Sun Zhongjun couldn't help but scream, like a butterfly with broken wings, plopping down on the ground.

Several ironclad warriors stepped forward, grabbed Sun Zhongjun's calf, and dragged her in front of Luo Wei.

Sun Zhongjun cursed all the way, "Let me go, let me go, do you know who my aunt is?" "

Luo Wei said: "Of course I know, you are the Flying Witch Sun Zhongjun, a disciple of the invincible Huashan Divine Fist Gui Xin Shu. "

Sun Zhongjun said: "Since you know my name as a master, you dare to do this to me?" "

Luo Wei felt funny, "You shouldn't think that the name of your master can calm everyone in the world, this world is as strong as a cloud, heroes are born, and what is it to return to Xin Shu." "

"I'm even curious how he hasn't been killed by anyone until now with the name of invincible Divine Fist."

Sun Zhongjun was suddenly stunned, and said with a hard mouth: "I am a disciple of the Huashan Sect, if you kill me, you will have a vendetta against my Huashan Sect, do you really want to fight with my Huashan Sect?" "

Luo Wei snorted coldly in disdain, "Just because you are not qualified to represent the Huashan Sect, but for the sake of you being a disciple of the Huashan Sect, I will not kill you." "

Luo Wei had also learned the martial arts of the Huashan Sect, so he was embarrassed to kill Sun Zhongjun like this.

When Sun Zhongjun heard this, he knew that this person in front of him was afraid that the Huashan Sect would not dare to kill him, and he was immediately relieved.

But there were vicious thoughts in her heart, thinking that after she got out of trouble, she must tell the master and let the master avenge herself.

It is best to snatch the ability that this person has just displayed.

Scattering a handful of iron beans can turn into soldiers, which is simply the legendary immortal method of scattering beans into soldiers.

If he learns this immortal method, who else in the entire rivers and lakes will dare to offend himself.

Thinking of this, Sun Zhongjun became excited.

But the next second, she was stupid.

Because she heard Luo Wei say: "Although I will not kill you, I will not let you go easily and abolish her martial arts." "

Sun Zhongjun was shocked and roared, "You dare." "

"Of course I dare." Luo Wei said coldly.

In the next second, an iron-armored warrior raised his foot and kicked heavily at Sun Zhongjun's dantian, breaking Sun Zhongjun's dantian and nullifying the opponent's internal strength.

Without this internal strength, Sun Zhongjun would be a wasted person.

In an instant, Sun Zhongjun screamed, opened his mouth to spit out a mouthful of blood, and roared angrily: "The Huashan faction will not let you go, and it will definitely not let you go." "

Luo Wei sneered and slapped Sun Zhongjun on the face, Sun Zhongjun became more and more angry, and under the anger, he actually fainted.

Seeing this, Luo Wei asked the ironclad Lux to throw Sun Zhongjun to the side of the road like a dead dog, and turned to leave.

But after walking a few steps, Rowe returned.

He suddenly thought of something.

I have no money, I only have one or two halves of silver on my body, and I can't support it for long.

Therefore, he ordered the iron-armored warriors to search Sun Zhongjun's body and collected all the silver on Sun Zhongjun's body.

In addition to Sun Zhongjun, the few people in the rivers and lakes who were killed by Sun Zhongjun did not let go.

Search your body one by one.

After searching, Luo Wei found twenty or thirty taels of silver on the bodies of several people in the rivers and lakes, and found several dozen taels of silver on Sun Zhongjun's body.

and three silver tickets for one hundred taels.

Luo Wei had to sigh that this group of quacks and lakes really had money.

With this windfall, Rowe doesn't have to worry about money for the time being and can live a better life.

In addition to the silver ticket, Ironclad Lux also found a treasure map made of animal leather from Sun Zhongjun's body.

This should be the treasure map that the people in the rivers and lakes said just now.

Luo Wei carefully looked at the treasure map a few times and found that this treasure map was very rough, and it was incomparable with the elaborate map of the modern world, one in the sky and one in the ground.

So Luo Wei couldn't help but complain in his diary.

[I just got a treasure map from the flying witch Sun Zhongjun, and found that the treasure map is called a rough ah, which is completely incomparable with the map of the modern world].

[Where is this treasure hiding place, I can't understand anything, it's just that].

[How did this ancient man understand the map?]

The women who opened the diary were speechless when they saw this complaint.

I can't even understand the treasure map, and this traverser is too wasteful.

Only Ning Zhongze, Yue Lingshan, and Gao Yanan's hearts moved, the flying witch Sun Zhongjun? It shouldn't be the disciple who Gui Xin Shu was.

Luo Wei actually had a conflict with the disciples of the Huashan Sect, how could this be good.

The next second, I saw that the diary continued to write.

[Speaking of this Sun Zhongjun, he was really ruthless and snatched this treasure map from the hands of several people in the rivers and lakes].

[He also stopped these people who tried to go to Huashan to file a complaint at the foot of Mount Hua, and killed each other].

[This style is worthy of being a flying witch].

[For this operation, I am not surprised at all, after all, in the original work of the Blue Blood Sword, the flying witch Sun Zhongjun is not a good person].

[Fighting that he is the master is the invincible return to Xin Shu, and the master is the Divine Sword Immortal Ape Mu Renqing, making trouble outside].

[Break someone's arm if they don't agree with each other].

[And Mu Renqing, after knowing about this matter, he just broke a finger as punishment].

[What she lost was her arm, but what she lost was her fingers].

[This punishment is really double standard].

[No wonder some people say that Mu Renqing has a strange personality].

[Of course, the flying witch Sun Zhongjun was originally going to kill people, and it has nothing to do with me].

[But I never thought that I just witnessed the other party killing, and Sun Zhongjun wanted to kill me and kill me].

[This mind is too narrow].

[If it weren't for the reward for writing a diary in the morning, I would have planted it now].

[But now, with the immortal art of spreading beans into soldiers, let alone Sun Zhongjun, even if his master returns to Xin Shu, he is not my opponent... Bar].

[The main reason is that Sun Zhongjun lost too quickly, so I don't know at all how powerful the iron-armored warriors created by scattering beans into soldiers are].

[Although Sun Zhongjun wanted to kill me, for the sake of me being a disciple of the Huashan Sect, he spared her life].

[But the death penalty can be avoided, the living crime is inevitable, the other party is going to kill me, if I let her go back with all the tails, it is inevitable that her mood will not be smooth, and she will run into the rivers and lakes, playing is a happy revenge].

[I thought about it and abolished Sun Zhongjun's martial arts as a punishment].

[The above is by no means the slightest falsehood].

[Ning Zhong, if you see it, persuade the people of the Huashan faction not to come to me to trouble, everyone should gather and disperse, right].

Ning Zhong couldn't help sighing when he saw this.

Junior Brother Gui Xinshu is such an apprentice, you have abolished Sun Zhongjun's martial arts, how can he easily let you go.

But scattering beans into soldiers is also an immortal law, is Junior Brother Gui Xin Shu really Luo Wei's opponent?

Ning Zhong felt that this possibility was very low.

If Junior Brother Gui Xin Shu was defeated, the Huashan Sect would definitely not give up.

Otherwise, outsiders will definitely look down on the Huashan faction.

In any case, the Huashan faction will not let Luo Wei go easily.

Thinking of this, Ning Zhong couldn't help but have a headache.

You asked me to persuade the Huashan faction, but I can't help but think too highly of me, and now I am not the lady in charge you think, but an ordinary Huashan disciple.

Hey, how can this be good? It was clear that everyone was a disciple of the Huashan Sect, why did they make such a fuss?

For a while, Ning Zhong couldn't help but fall into deep thought.

On the other hand, Murong Qiudi, Shangguan Haitang, Zhaoyue, Huang Rong and others saw Luo Wei's words, and their eyes lit up.

Luo Wei actually met Sun Zhongjun at the foot of Mount Hua.

It turned out that Luo Wei had never left the realm of the Huashan Sect.

On the sixth day after leaving the Huashan Sect, he wrote a diary, making everyone think that he had left the Huashan Sect, but as a result, people were stunned and did not leave in the Huashan Realm.

This guy is a good trick.

For a while, everyone quickened their pace to Huashan and wanted to find Luo Wei and protect him before he left the Huashan Sect Realm.

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