Hearing Luo Wei's question, Lin Shiyin smiled bitterly and said, "I asked my cousin." "

"Since you saved him and separated from him, my cousin encountered another enemy attack on the road, and then this time it was Long Xiaoyun who appeared and saved him."

"As soon as the two saw each other, they became brothers of the opposite sex."

When Luo Wei heard this, he couldn't help but slap his forehead and said: "I remembered that Li Xunhuan said that he was poisoned, and when I parted with him, I thought that Li Xunhuan had solved the poison." "

"Now it seems that this poison is very difficult, and he has not solved the poison."

"So when you encounter an attack, you will be saved by Long Xiaoyun."

Speaking of this, Luo Wei couldn't help but sigh, "If I had Shennong Ruler at that time, maybe not so many things happened later, and this fate is really wonderful." "

Lin Shiyin smiled bitterly.

Luo Wei asked, "So you came to me this time because you wanted me to help you deal with Long Xiaoyun?" "

Lin Shiyin shook her head and said, "I just want to ask Luo Gongzi to help me think of a way to prevent my cousin from giving me to Long Xiaoyun." "

Rowe said: "The best thing to do is to kill him. "

Lin Shiyin frowned, shook her head and said: "No, my cousin and Long Xiaoyun are friends of eight worship, if I kill Long Xiaoyun, with my cousin's character, I may hate me for the rest of my life." "

Luo Wei said: "But with Li Xunhuan's personality, once Long Xiaoyun speaks, it will be difficult for Li Xunhuan to refuse." So I think the best way is to kill Long Xiaoyun in 11. "

Anyway, Luo Wei is very unhappy with Long Xiaoyun, and in the original plot, this guy has done a lot of broken things.

Rowe killed him without the slightest mental obstacle.

Lin Shiyin still didn't quite agree with this idea, and begged: "Luo Gongzi, isn't there a better way?" "

Luo Wei rubbed his temples and said, "You make me think." "

That being said, for a while, Rowe couldn't think of any good ideas.

According to his thoughts, as long as Long Xiaoyun is solved, everything can be happy.

But Lin Shiyin was unwilling to do this, for fear that one day Li Xunhuan would hate him for the rest of his life after he knew the truth.

But in this way, Rowe is gone.

At this moment, Azhu said: "Gongzi, I do have a good idea. "

Luo Wei and Lin Shiyin looked at her at the same time, and Luo Wei said happily: "Good Azhu, you quickly talk, what is the method?" "

Lin Shiyin looked expectant.

Azhu said: "Gongzi can go to Li Xunhuan with Miss Lin, and then tell Li Xunhuan that Gongzi likes Miss Lin and let Li Xunhuan give Girl Lin to himself." "

Luo Wei looked confused, "What kind of good idea is this?" "

Azhu smiled slightly and said, "Don't worry, Gongzi, listen to me finish speaking." "

Rowe snorted, "You continue. "

A Zhu continued: "Gongzi is Li Xunhuan's lifesaver, with Li Xunhuan's character, naturally he will not refuse Gongzi, and when the time comes, Gongzi and Miss Lin will make a play for Li Xunhuan to see." "

"When the acting was over, Gongzi found an excuse to return Miss Lin to Li Xunhuan."

"This person, all the same, never cherish what is easily gained, only regret when you lose it."

"And when this thing is lost and recovered, it will be cherished even more."

"I believe that at that time, Li Xunhuan will definitely not give up Miss Lin to that Long Xiaoyun."

Luo Wei's eyes lit up, and he stroked his palm and said: "You have a good idea, in the original plot, after Li Xunhuan gave Lin Shiyin to Long Xiaoyun, he left the Central Plains and went away. "

"But ten years later, Li Xunhuan couldn't bear to miss Lin Shiyin, and ran back from outside the customs in ashes."

"And in the past ten years, Li Xunhuan likes to take a log and carve Lin Shiyin's sculpture with a knife when he has nothing to do."

"It can be seen that he has regretted the choice he made ten years ago."

"So as long as we preempt Long Xiaoyun and act in such a play, so that Li Xunhuan realizes that Miss Lin is precious, I believe that Li Xunhuan will definitely not give you to Long Xiaoyun."

"Miss Lin, what do you think?"

When Lin Shiyin heard this, her expression stiffened a little.

Luo Wei also thought that Lin Shiyin was worried about eating her tofu, and quickly said: "Don't worry, Miss Lin, this is just acting, don't worry, I will definitely not touch Miss Lin without a single hair." "

Lin Shiyin shook her head and said, "I'm not doubting Luo Gongzi, it's just, it's just... Isn't there a better idea? "

If she could, she really didn't want to accompany Rowe in this play, because it would hurt her cousin.

Luo Wei's mind flashed and said: "Actually, it is not without a better idea, I just thought of a better idea. "

Lin Shiyin's eyes lit up, and she asked eagerly, "What idea?" "

Luo Wei said: "Miss Lin, you can return to Li Yuan, when nothing happened. If Long Xiaoyun really wants Li Xunhuan to give you to him. "

"You went up and slapped him twice, and reprimanded: Li Xunhuan is your sworn righteous brother, but you covet his younger brother and sister, what is the difference between you and a beast, even if I Lin Shiyin marries a beggar, I will not marry a beast."

"Then you go up and slap Li Xunhuan twice and tell him that I, Lin Shiyin, your cousin, is your fiancée, but not your personal belongings."

"I am a woman, a living woman."

"I want to marry my beloved, not the choice you made for me."

"Don't say that you are just my cousin now, even if you are my husband, you can't give me to someone else against my will."

"You're not qualified to do that."

"Li Xunhuan, if you do this, it will only make me look down on you."

Lin Shiyin, who heard Luo Wei's words, was stunned and stunned.

Aju felt overwhelmed when he heard it.

"Trust me, Miss Lin." Luo Wei looked at Lin Shiyin sincerely, "As long as you dare to say this in front of them, I guarantee that Long Xiaoyun will be ashen and ashamed." (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!) )

"Whenever he wants a little face, he will take the initiative to leave, leave Li Yuan, and never dare to see you again."

"As for Li Xunhuan, I estimate that he will definitely kneel down and beg your forgiveness."

"In this way, won't everything be settled happily?"

"Miss Lin, what do you think?"

Before Lin Shiyin could speak, Ah Zhu clapped his hands and said, "Gongzi, this idea is good, this idea is a hundred times better than the idea I just thought." "

"Miss Lin, you should do this and express your thoughts to everyone in a dignified manner."

Lin Shiyin also wants to ah, but the question is can she really do it?

She asked herself, can she really express these words in a dignified manner?

"I... Can I really? Lin Shiyin was a little unsure.

Luo Wei knew that what Lin Shiyin needed now was encouragement, and grabbed her hand and said: "Don't worry, you can, think about your future, are you really willing to marry Long Xiaoyun?" "

Lin Shiyin shook her head.

Rowe said: "Then you must be able to, I have seen too many people, for myself, for the future can be desperate, I also believe that you are such a person." "

Lin Shiyin was encouraged by Luo Wei, and her expression gradually became confident.

She looked at Luo Wei gratefully, "Luo Gongzi, thank you for your encouragement, I will return to Li Yuan now and tell my cousin my thoughts, I will not marry Long Xiaoyun." "

Luo Wei let go of Lin Shiyin's hand and nodded with satisfaction, "Come on, Miss Lin, you will definitely be able to." "

Lin Shiyin snorted, bid farewell to Luo Wei, turned his head and left, and disappeared in front of Luo Wei.

Azhu looked at Lin Shiyin's fading back, and asked softly, "Gongzi, can she really do it?" "

Rowe said: "Don't underestimate a woman who longs for love and freedom, sometimes for love, women can do far more than you think. "

Azhu snorted and said with a smile: "The slave believes in Gongzi." "

Luo Wei smiled and reached out to scratch Azhu's nose, "Little clever ghost." "

Just when Luo Wei thought that Lin Shiyin would leave the 737th floor of Bliss and return to Li Yuan, tell Li Xunhuan his thoughts and strive to pursue his own happiness.

The sound of rubbing footsteps came again.

Luo Wei looked up and found that Lin Shiyin had gone and returned, "Luo Gongzi..."

Luo Wei couldn't help but be stunned and asked, "Miss Lin, is there anything else?" "

Lin Shiyin glanced at Luo Wei timidly, and said embarrassedly: "I am still a little afraid in my heart, can Luo Gongzi return to Li Yuan with me?" "

Azhu couldn't help but glance at Luo Wei, although he didn't speak, Luo Wei saw the meaning in her eyes... That's what you say she can do.

Luo Wei couldn't help but cover his face, this slap in the face came too quickly.

It really caught people off guard.

But in the end, Luo Wei decided to return to Li Yuan with Lin Shiyin.

Help others to the end, send Buddha to Xima.

It's not bad either.

So Rowe found a subordinate and expressed his desire to leave.

The next person lowered Luo Wei back to the golden side hall just now.

In the center of the side hall is a fine coffin.

After Luo Wei and Azhu lay down, Lin Shiyin hesitated and also lay in.

This coffin was originally small, lying two people was already very crowded, and now three people are lying in at once, it is even more crowded.

The three of them were lying in the coffin, which was called a closeness.

Rowe can now be called painful and happy.

The pain is because it is too crowded and the breathing becomes rapid.

Happy because Luo Wei was lying at the bottom, and Azhu and Lin Shiyin were lying on Luo Wei's body, their soft bodies clinging to Luo Wei's body.

Two completely different fragrances drilled into Luo Wei's brain along his nostrils, which lifted Luo Wei's spirits.

Especially the delicate bodies of the two women made Luo Wei linger.

Ah, is this the joy of hugging left and right?

It's a little too cool.

If it weren't for the fact that something wasn't right, Rowe would almost burst out laughing.

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