Bang Bang Bon...

With a banging sound, the lid of the coffin was nailed.

Several people carried the coffin and sent it all the way out of the Elysium Building.

This group of people was light and ran in time, so Luo Wei lay in the coffin, and inevitably felt a little bumpy.

Every time it bumps, the bodies of the three people collide slightly.

At this moment, Ah Zhu suddenly snorted, "Gongzi, you..."

Luo Wei's face was red, a little embarrassed, because just when the collision just now, his sleeping instinct woke up.

For a while, Luo Wei had no way to suppress his instincts, so he had to bite the bullet and say: "No way, everyone will take a break." "

Ah Zhu blushed and snorted.

Lin Shiyin didn't make any sound the whole time, but Luo Wei didn't need to look at it to know that her face at this time must be the same as Azhu's, red and about to drip blood.

Half an hour later, several coffin bearers from the Elysium Tower delivered the coffin to the cemetery, turned around and left.

After waiting for the group to leave, Luo Wei raised his hand and slammed a palm towards the coffin lid.

This palm directly knocked the coffin lid out.

The fresh air poured in like a tide, and Luo Wei couldn't help but take a deep breath, feeling that he was alive again.

Lin Shiyin and Azhu hurriedly ran out of the coffin and stood on both sides of the cemetery.

Luo Wei smiled helplessly, and after running out of the coffin, he found the carriage tied to the tree.

After Lin Shiyin got into the carriage, she unexpectedly found that the space in the carriage was very large.

And this kind of big is not the kind of big that looks small on the outside, but quite big on the inside.

It's already beyond common sense.

Simply put, the space inside the carriage is even comparable to a house, and the appearance does not match at all.

"What the hell is this..." Lin Shiyin was stunned, unable to say a complete sentence.

Luo Wei said: "I obtained the Kettle Heaven Art before, which is the kind of Kettle Heaven Art that is the sun and moon in the pot and the sleeve is dry, so I expanded the space inside the carriage. "

"How, isn't it big."

Lin Shiyin nodded and said in surprise: "It's unimaginable." "

Luo Wei smiled slightly, after he had expanded the internal space of the carriage, Azhu also had this expression.

It's really interesting.

At this moment, Azhu walked in from outside and said, "Gongzi, are we going back to Li Yuan now?" "

Luo Wei waved his hand and said: "No hurry, it's too late today, let's sleep in the car first, and tomorrow we are on the road." Miss Lin, what do you think? "

Lin Shiyin was really not in a hurry for this time and a half, looked at the sky outside and said: "Today is indeed very late, and it is not too late to leave tomorrow." "

Seeing Lin Shiyin so good, Luo Wei nodded with satisfaction and let Azhu sleep with Lin Shiyin.

I found a bed to lie down, and after a while, I fell asleep.


The next day, when Rowe got up, the carriage was already on its way.

He looked around and found that there was no one around.

I opened the curtain of the car and took a look, and found that Azhu and Lin Shiyin were working side by side, driving the carriage to hurry.

Azhu felt the gaze coming from behind and glanced back, "Gongzi, you can do it... "

Rowe asked, "When did you get up?" "

Azhu said with a smile: "We also just got up and were planning to find a place to have breakfast. "

Rowe snorted, yawned and said, "Find a place to call me." "

Azhu nodded, "Good son." "

Rowe lowered the curtain, returned to the carriage, took out his diary and began to update today's diary.

[Good morning, ladies and devils]

[I don't know how you slept yesterday]

[No matter how you sleep, I sleep well anyway]

[Now I have left the Bliss Building and am on the way to Li Yuan]

[Li Yuan is Li Xunhuan's home, the Li Yuan of the Seven Scholars, father and son three explorers]

[The reason why I want to go to Li Garden is because I met someone in the Bliss Tower yesterday evening]

[Li Xunhuan's cousin, Lin Shiyin]

[Of course, this is not an accident, in fact, Lin Shiyin specifically went to the Bliss Building to find me, the purpose is to ask me to help]

[I thought Lin Shiyin was poisoned or injured, so he asked me for help, but it turned out to be nothing]

[It's that Li Xunhuan, a fool, actually met Long Xiaoyun, and he died and became a brother of the opposite sex with Long Xiaoyun]

[Family, who understands]

[After I saved Li Xunhuan last time, I thought that the plot had changed, I replaced Long Xiaoyun, and called out to sit up in the dying shock of illness, and save my life]

[It seems that it seems that I think too much now]

[After going around in circles, the plot actually went back again]

[Is fate so outrageous?] 】

[Can't hide anymore, right]

The women who were originally observing the diary were stunned one by one, and after Luo Wei saved Li Xunhuan, Li Xunhuan actually met Long Xiaoyun again.

Ah this... That's pretty bizarre.

For a while, I don't know how many people became short of breath.

Huashan Pie. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Not long after getting up, Ning Zhong, who was eating breakfast, suddenly had a sense of foreboding in his heart.

If she remembered correctly, her husband Yue Buqun seemed to have practiced the sword technique that must ward off evil spirits in the smiling rivers and lakes.

Originally, she thought that in the comprehensive martial arts world, after the Huashan Sect was not in danger of being annexed, her husband Yue Buqun would no longer need to practice this evil sword technique.

But now it seems that fate cannot be avoided.

His husband should not be practicing some kind of sword technique to ward off evil spirits for another reason.

No, absolutely not.

If Yue Buqun practiced this evil martial art, what could he do.

She is the age of maturity, is it possible to be a widow in this life?

For a while, Ning Zhong couldn't help but get anxious, and decided to pay attention to his husband's every move from today onwards, and definitely not let him have the opportunity to practice the Evil Sword Technique.

Meanwhile, the Xue family.

After Xue Bing got dressed, he hurried out.

She must ask Luo Wei clearly that she will die because of Lu Xiaofeng, and if this matter is not solved, she is uneasy in her heart.

So she must find Rowe.

"Li Yuan, don't worry, I will definitely be able to find you."

And after entering Daming, Huang Rong couldn't help but smile when she saw this.

After entering Daming for so many days, she has never found the whereabouts of the Bliss Tower.

After all, she is not a person from Daming at all, and she is not familiar with Bliss Tower at all.

Now I finally know where Rowe is going.

"Li Yuan, don't worry, I will definitely go to Li Yuan to block you."

For a time, all the people and horses set off towards Li Yuan.

Luo Wei didn't know what Li Yuan would be waiting for him at this time, and continued to complain in his diary.

[After Lin Shiyin saw Long Xiaoyun appear in Li Yuan, she hurriedly came to Bliss Building to find me, wanting me to come up with an idea to avoid being given away by my cousin]

[To be honest, in my opinion, the simplest and most rude way is to directly kill Long Xiaoyun]

[There is a good saying, if I can't solve the problem, then solve the person who raised the problem, so that the problem is not solved]


Feng Siniang couldn't help but spit out the wine she had just drunk and spit out the face of the person on the other side.

Yang Kaitai couldn't help but look confused, he had just walked out of his family's Yuanji ticket number branch this morning, and he saw Feng Siniang sitting in the opposite restaurant drinking.

So he hurriedly ran over to say hello.

As a result, before he could speak, he was spit out by Feng Siniang.

For a while, Yang Kaitai's gaze couldn't help but become resentful, ".. Siniang, if you really don't wait to see me, can't I leave now?" "

Feng Siniang hurriedly said: "No, no, no, I didn't mean it, don't misunderstand, I just heard a funny joke." "

"Joke, what joke?" Yang Kaitai looked surprised.

Feng Siniang asked, "If you encounter a problem that there is no way to solve it, what will you do?" "

Yang Kaitai thought that Feng Siniang was testing herself, and her spirits lifted, and she said, "Of course, I want to find a way to solve the problem." "

Feng Siniang slapped the table and said: "Wrong, what you have to do is to solve the person who raised the problem, so that the problem will not be solved?" "

Yang Kaitai looked confused, "How can there be such a thing." "

Feng Siniang bowed her head, "It's true (okay) that there is no such person, that's why I said that this joke is funny, isn't it funny?" "

Yang Kaitai was helpless, because he was unable to understand this joke.

However, Feng Siniang's face could not be refused, so she laughed a few times and said: "It's really funny, it's really funny, hahahahaha..."

Feng Siniang snorted, "Forget it, don't laugh if you can't laugh, my goosebumps are getting up when I laugh." "

After speaking, she ignored Yang Kaitai and continued to look at the diary in her hand.

[I think that this method I proposed is very good, but unfortunately Lin Shiyin is unwilling]

[Because she was afraid that the matter would be exposed that day, Li Xunhuan would hate her for the rest of her life, after all, this was his dearest cousin]

[So I can only do it in another way]

Murong family.

Murong Qiudi raised her eyebrows, in her opinion, killing Long Xiaoyun was definitely the best way to be fast.

As Rowe said, you can't solve the problem, just solve the person who raised the problem.

This method is exactly what she wants.

In fact, Murong Qiudi did many things.

Unfortunately, Lin Shiyin, this woman, was too weak to use this method.

Obviously fast and good.

But she was curious what the other way Rowe was talking about.

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