Luo Wei felt that there was nothing wrong with Lin Shiyin's words.

Long Xiaoyun can't bear it, can Lin Shiyin withstand it?

Li Xunhuan thought about Long Xiaoyun and never wanted to think about Lin Shiyin, which was undoubtedly a sad thing.

Loving friends as oneself is not loving one's wife as oneself after all.

Lin Shiyin said hatefully: "Let go, I will personally go and tell him about this, I promise your cousin, I will not stimulate him, I will tactfully explain everything to him." "

Luo Wei was upset and complained in the diary.

[What a tactfulness, that guy knows that you are Li Xunhuan's fiancée, but he still says this to Li Xunhuan, obviously it is not a good thing, this kind of person should slap him twice]

[No need to be tactful at all]

Luo Wei was very angry, but what made Luo Wei even more angry was that Lin Shiyin had already spoken to this, and Li Xunhuan was still unwilling to let go of Lin Shiyin.

"Sorry, Shiyin, I can't let you hurt big brother, he really can't withstand such a blow."

Lin Shiyin really collapsed this time and looked at Li Xunhuan stunned.

Li Xunhuan did not dare to look at Lin Shiyin.

He is sorry for Lin Shiyin, and even more sorry for his eldest brother.

For a long time, Lin Shiyin said softly: "Let go, Li Xunhuan, I won't go to Long Xiaoyun." "

Li Xunhuan originally thought that Lin Shiyin would be angry and hysterical, but he did not expect that Lin Shiyin suddenly calmed down again.

She spoke in exactly the same tone as before.

But I don't know why, Li Xunhuan's heart was angry with a chill.

He couldn't help but let go of his hand.

I saw Lin Shiyin walking to Luo Wei's side with a smile, and in the surprised eyes of Luo Wei and Li Xunhuan, she sat in Luo Wei's arms11.

Lloyd:...... Huh?

[What the is the situation, Lin Shiyin, what are you crazy about]

This sentence tickled the women who read the diary more and more itchy, what happened in Li Yuan.

"You..." Li Xunhuan looked at Lin Shiyin, speechless.

Lin Shiyin said gently: "Don't you like to give me to others, I promise you, but I won't marry Long Xiaoyun, but I will marry Luo Wei." "

"Long Xiaoyun is your lifesaver, and so is Luo Wei."

"Rowe is not only your lifesaver, but also my lifesaver."

"If I want to marry, I will only marry him."

"To tell you the truth, Li Xunhuan, as early as on the way back, I made a private lifelong agreement with Luo Wei, and this time when I come back, I will come to withdraw from the marriage."

"From today onwards, you Li Xunhuan and I Lin Shiyin have nothing to do with each other."

"We are not fiancées."

"There is only one person in my husband, and that is Rowe."

[Good guy, you and Li Xunhuan have a conflict, why did you involve me, didn't you let me sit on wax]

After hearing this, Luo Wei complained wildly in the diary, looking embarrassed.

Of course, Li Xunhuan knew that what Lin Shiyin said was angry words, but he knew better that what he had just done had deeply hurt Lin Shiyin, so he didn't have the face to harshly criticize Lin Shiyin here.

He looked at Lin Shiyin with a pale face, and said word by word: "If this is Shiyin's choice, I will respect you, and I wish you a good relationship with the Luo brothers for a hundred years." "

After saying that, Li Xunhuan could no longer stay in the restaurant, so he turned around and left.

In an instant, there were only three people left on the scene: Luo Wei, Azhu, and Lin Shiyin.

Luo Wei looked at Lin Shiyin, who was sitting in his arms stunned, still motionless, and looked at Lin Shiyin, who was gradually leaving Li Xunhuan, and couldn't help sighing.

"Why is this suffering? Lin girl. "

"By doing this, you are not only torturing Li Xunhuan, but also torturing yourself."

"In this way, I will go and kill Long Xiaoyun, to ensure that he died without knowing it, and not letting anyone know."

"You go to Li Xunhuan and say a few soft words, I believe that with your feelings, you will definitely return to the past and start anew."

"Why should I go to him."

At this moment, Lin Shiyin came back to her senses and turned her head to look at Luo Wei, "Do you think what I just said was angry words?" "

"Yes." Luo Wei looked calm.

Lin Shiyin: ...

Well, she admitted that what she had just said was indeed angry.

However, Li Xunhuan's final reaction made her completely disappointed.

"Since Li Xunhuan is willing to give everything for Long Xiaoyun, then why can't I pursue my own happiness, Luo Gongzi, please give more advice for the rest of my life."

"Are you sure?" Rowe said, "I don't believe it. "

Lin Shiyin couldn't help but be angry when she saw Luo Wei pushing and blocking like this, "Luo Gongzi, am I not a beauty?" Don't you want to have me? "

Luo Wei nodded and said: "Of course you are a beauty, a beauty like you I can't wait to find a rope to tie to me, but I can't do this, because I know that you are now beating yourself up." "

"Feelings can't be forced."

"In the original plot, you gave up because of Li Xunhuan's self-defeat, and finally paid Long Xiaoyun, and even had a child."

"But are you happy, no, you are happy at all."

"Now you chose me because of Li Xunhuan, even if you are with me, you don't like me, you are still beating yourself up, and you are torturing yourself."

"If we are together, after you calm down, you will regret it."

"At that time, we will not get along with each other, but will torture each other, so why bother."

"More importantly, I am a very careful, and now besides you, there is already Aju."

"And besides Aju, there will be other women in the future."

"When the time comes, how do you deal with yourself." (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Luo Wei's words can be said to be serious.

Doesn't he want to accept Lin Shiyin?

Of course not.

Lin Shiyin is undoubtedly a big beauty, and he can't wait to directly storm Lin Shiyin into the cave room now.

But the question is, cool now, what to do later.

Lin Shiyin can't let go of Li Xunhuan after all, even if she is really with him, her heart is about another person, and she regrets it in the future, can she still be happy?

As he said, people who don't like it forcibly get together are just torturing each other.

For this, even though Luo Wei has not experienced it, he knows it after watching countless movies and TV series.

Lin Shiyin was silent by Luo Wei's words.

She didn't even know what to say for a moment.

In the end, she stood up from Luo Wei's body and saluted Luo Weiying, "It's embarrassing for you, Luo Gongzi, I'm sorry, my brain is messed up right now and I want to take a break." "

Saying that, Lin Shiyin walked away without looking back.

In the entire restaurant, there were suddenly only two people, Luo Wei and Azhu.

Azhu did not dare to breathe the whole time, after watching this scene, after Li Xunhuan and Lin Shiyin left, he asked Luo Wei, "Gongzi, what should we do now?" "

"Of course it's eating." Rowe pointed to the table full of food and said, "Aren't you hungry?" "

Aju touched his stomach, and he was really a little hungry.

But what made her cry and laugh was Luo Wei's reaction, "So many things have happened, Gongzi, you still have the mind to eat." "

"Why not, people are iron rice is steel, and they are hungry and panic if they don't eat." Luo Wei patted his stomach and said, "The sky and the earth are big, and the belly is the biggest." "

"Without enough to eat, even the peasants will revolt, let alone anything else."

"So eating is the most important thing."

Luo Wei said as he picked up his chopsticks and grabbed a chicken leg and ate it happily.

Azhu completely obeyed, seeing Luo Wei so happy, he also picked up the chopsticks and ate.

After eating for a while, Azhu asked curiously: "Gongzi, when Miss Lin was sitting in your arms just now, did you feel moved." "

Rowe glanced at her obliquely, "You say." "

Ah Zhu smiled and said, "I guess Gongzi, you must be moved." "

"Know and ask." Luo Wei said angrily: "Then a big beauty is sitting in my arms, it is a eunuch who is not moved, no, the eunuch must also be moved." "

Ah Zhu asked in amazement, "In that case, why did Gongzi refuse?" "

Luo Wei glared at her angrily, "Didn't I say it all 143 for the reason, Lin Shiyin is just beating herself up now, and she doesn't really like me, and people who don't like it will only torture each other together." "

"It's cool now, and the two will be disgusted with each other in the future, so why bother."

"Especially for people like me who open a harem, there is more than one woman, and if Lin Shiyin jumps in, it is equivalent to jumping into a fire pit."

"In the fire pit, can she be comfortable, can she be happy?"

Azhu said with a smile: "Who describes himself as a fire pit, Gongzi said so, can you still open a harem?" "

Rowe said: "Don't worry, there will always be a group of people who know that I am a fire pit and will jump down. "

"After all, I give a lot, immortality, eternal youth, resurrection from the dead, which woman can refuse?"

Aju: ... Ah this.

This really can't be refused, at least in Azhu's opinion, the vast majority of women can't refuse.

Including yourself.

After lunch, Luo Wei and Azhu called Li Yuan's servants to clean up the table.

Luo Wei took the opportunity to whisper to Ah Zhu, "You find an opportunity to inquire where Long Xiaoyun lives in Li Yuan." "

Azhu was shocked in his heart, and asked in a low voice: "Gongzi is planning..."

Luo Wei nodded slightly, "I ate Lin Shiyin's tofu, and I always have to solve this trouble for her." "

A bright smile appeared on Azhu's pretty face, "Don't worry, Gongzi, this matter will be held on me, I will definitely do it beautifully." "

"You do things, I don't worry."

When Azhu heard this, he smiled very happily.

Soon after, when the two returned to the guest room, Aju took out a sachet, took out a large number of bottles and jars, and applied it to his face.

This sachet is naturally the Qiankun bag that Luo Wei gave to Azhu, which contains Azhu's transfiguration supplies.

Yes, even in the comprehensive martial arts world, becoming Murong Qiudi's subordinate, Azhu will still have a superb transfiguration technique.

After a while, Ah Zhu changed into a subordinate of Li Yuan, nodded at Luo Wei, pushed open the door and walked out.

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