Luo Wei had to admit that Aju's transfiguration had a hand.

In less than half an hour, Azhu returned to the guest room, removed his makeup, changed into his original clothes, and said to Luo Wei with a smile: "Gongzi, I have already inquired clearly, Long Xiaoyun is in the third room on the east side of the backyard. "

Rowe snorted, indicating that he knew.

Azhu asked, "When does Gongzi plan to start?" "

Luo Wei thought for a moment and said, "Let's go to the end of the day today." "

As the saying goes, the night is dark and the wind is high and the night is murderous, and it is at least convenient to start at night.


Night sleep.

When it was time for dinner, Li Yuan's servants called Luo Wei and Azhu Jia's main hall to eat, and Luo Wei arrived at the main hall and found that the main hall was empty.

Li Xunhuan and Lin Shiyin were not there.

"What about your young master?" Rowe asked.

The servant replied, "If you return to your distinguished guest, the young master left Li Yuan this afternoon and has not returned so far. "

"What about Miss Lin?"

"Miss Lin hid in her room and didn't come out, saying that she had no appetite."

Luo Wei snorted and pulled Azhu to sit down, "Okay, let's eat both." "

The servant nodded and retreated.

Luo Wei and Aju had good appetites, and after eating, they called two servants to clean up and returned to the guest room by themselves.

Time goes into the middle of the night.

Luo Wei began to act, he performed the earth movement technique in front of Azhu, and the whole person sneaked into the soil, swimming all the way, and in less than a minute, he came to Long Xiaoyun's room.

Luo Wei exposed half of his body from the soil and found Long Xiaoyun lying on the bed, seemingly asleep.

He glanced Long Xiaoyun up and down, then took out his diary, took a photo, and uploaded it to the diary.

[In order to get Lin Shiyin, this guy is ruthless to himself]

[Look, look, what Long Xiaoyun looks like now]

[Before, I thought that the description of Gu Long was a bit exaggerated, but now it seems that it is really not exaggerated at all]

[The shape pin is erect, it is too fitted]

[The whole person is skinny and boneless, no wonder Li Xunhuan is embarrassed to be like that]

[Ruthless, really too ruthless]

[This guy really dares to kill himself]

Luo Wei couldn't help but sigh.

When the women saw Long Xiaoyun's photo, they couldn't help but be surprised, Long Xiaoyun's body was very big, but now he was hungry and yellow, and his skin was covered with bones, as if he was about to die.

From the point of view of unknown people, they thought that Long Xiaoyun was a person who fled the desert.

No wonder Li Xunhuan couldn't play him.

This man is really acting with his life.

Some women felt that such people were too terrifying, but some female devils had a little appreciation for Long Xiaoyun.

Those who make big things are not small.

Long Xiaoyun dares to gamble with his own life, obviously a hero, and such a person will often become the ultimate winner.

However, he meets a crosser, an unreasonable crosser.

What a shame.

Luo Wei swam all the way to Long Xiaoyun, grabbed Long Xiaoyun, took him off the bed, and sneaked into the ground with Long Xiaoyun.

Ten meters, twenty meters, thirty meters...

Long Xiaoyun had already woken up when he was dragged into the ground by Luo Wei, but he was already thin and out of shape, and he was unable to break free from Luo Wei's pull.

After Luo Wei took Long Xiaoyun to dive into the ground for more than a hundred meters, he let go of Long Xiaoyun's hand.

Without the blessing of the Earth Traveling Technique, the pressure of a hundred meters underground instantly crushed Long Xiaoyun into meat sauce.

Those who die cannot die again.

Even if someone dug the ground from above and dug all the way to a hundred meters below, it was impossible to encounter Long Xiaoyun's corpse.

Because he has been squeezed into a meat sauce by the dirt.

After solving Long Xiaoyun, Luo Wei returned all the way to his room from the ground.

Seeing Luo Wei returning, Azhu asked in a low voice: "Gongzi, have you succeeded~?" "

Luo Wei snorted, "From now on, there will be no such person as Long Xiaoyun under the sky. "

Ah Zhu asked again, "Gongzi has not been discovered." "


Rowe is quite proud, he uses dirt walking all the way, and he moves underground, and unless someone can see through the eyes, it is impossible to find Rowe.

Aju breathed a sigh of relief and looked at Luo Wei, and found that Luo Wei was also looking at her.

The two couldn't help but smile at each other.


The next day, early in the morning.

Rowe was sleeping soundly when he suddenly heard a sharp knock on the door.

Azhu's voice came from outside the door, "Gongzi, it's not good, it's not good, you get up quickly." "

After Luo Wei was woken up, he got up and opened the door, and found Azhu standing at the door with an anxious face, "Gongzi, it's not good, Li Xunhuan and Miss Lin quarreled." "

Luo Wei looked confused, "What are the two of them arguing about?" "

Azhu said: "This matter will not be clear for a while, Gongzi, you should go over and take a look at it quickly." (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Luo Wei saw that Azhu was anxious, so he changed his clothes and ran with Azhu.

When the two of them arrived at Li Yuan's Leng Xiang Xiaozhu, they heard Li Xunhuan's suppressed and painful voice.

"You tell me, where the hell did Big Brother Long go!"

"I don't know." Then, it was Lin Shiyin's cold voice.

Luo Wei and Ah Zhu looked at each other, broke into Leng Xiang Xiaozhu, and found that Li Xunhuan was confronting Lin Shiyin across a table.

Lin Shiyin sat on the chair.

And Li Xunhuan stood at the table.

Luo Wei glanced at the two silently and said, "What happened?" What happened to you two? "

Lin Shiyin sneered a few times, stared at Li Xunhuan and said word by word: "His righteous brother disappeared yesterday, so he thought it was my handiwork." "

"He thought that I had said something to the righteous brother who had sworn and provoked his righteous brother and drove away his righteous brother."

"So he wanted to come to me and ask me for clarification."

Li Xunhuan didn't say a word, his expression was tangled and painful, "I don't want to believe that this matter is related to Shiyin, but the next person told me that yesterday Shiyin went to her eldest brother's room, and after she left, her eldest brother disappeared." "

Luo Wei couldn't help but sigh and turned his head to look at Lin Shiyin, "You went to Long Xiaoyun's room?" "

Lin Shiyin nodded.

Luo Wei couldn't help but sigh, when he went to kill Dragon Xiaoyun yesterday, he uploaded a photo in his diary.

After Lin Shiyin saw it, she probably wanted to stop herself, but she went too late.

When she ran to Long Xiaoyun's room, Long Xiaoyun had already been killed by Luo Wei.

And this scene was seen by Li Yuan's servants.

So Li Xunhuan began to doubt what Lin Shiyin said to Long Xiaoyun, and the excited Long Xiaoyun did not say goodbye.

This misunderstanding has made a big mistake.

Luo Wei naturally couldn't see Lin Shiyin carrying the pot for himself, so he took the initiative to say to Li Xunhuan: "I think you probably misunderstood something, this matter was not done by Miss Lin." "

Li Xunhuan was shocked and looked at Luo Wei in disbelief.

Luo Wei said: "You may not believe it, but I did this thing, and I didn't know what I wanted to do, and I didn't expect that Miss Lin carried the pot for me." "

“.. So I must explain to you that I did this matter of Long Xiaoyun. "

"I killed him."

Li Xunhuan didn't believe it, in his opinion, Luo Wei and Long Xiaoyun had no grievances or hatred, and there was no reason to kill Long Xiaoyun at all.

Seeing this, Luo Wei sighed and said: "Since the matter has developed to this point, there is nothing to hide, let me make it clear." "

"A few days ago, when Miss Lin brought Long Xiaoyun back to Li Yuan, she noticed that Long Xiaoyun's gaze at her was a little wrong."

"So she went out and hid for a few days under the pretext of getting to know me."

"After I saved her, Miss Lin told me her troubles."

"When I heard about it, I was furious."

"Miss Lin is your fiancée, but this person looks at her with evil eyes, obviously Long Xiaoyun is not right."

"Brother Long..."

Li Xunhuan was about to say something, but Luo Wei raised his hand to stop him, "You don't have to speak first, listen to me finish speaking." "

Li Xunhuan fell silent.

Luo Wei said: "Although I think that Long Xiaoyun's mind is not correct, but he will not easily make a judgment, so he followed Lin Shiyin back, wanting to test whether this Long Xiaoyun had bad intentions for Miss Lin." "

"As a result, before I could tempt, this man showed his horse's feet."

"He knows that Miss Lin is your fiancée, and he wants you to give Miss Lin to him, which is really (Zhao Nuo Zhao) is extremely hateful, obviously a person with a gloomy mind. It is not a pity for this kind of covetous person to die. "

"So yesterday at night, I sneaked into Long Xiaoyun's house and killed him."

"Miss Lin probably sensed my killing intent and wanted to rush over to stop me."

"It turned out that she went too late and was misunderstood by you."

"I did this and has nothing to do with Miss Lin."

Li Xunhuan couldn't believe it, and said, "Big Brother Long is my sworn big brother." "

Luo Wei asked rhetorically: "Are you sure he regards you as a righteous brother, if so, why did he tell you that he likes Miss Lin, doesn't he know what your relationship with Miss Lin is?" "

Li Xunhuan said: "The eldest brother naturally doesn't know, I have never told him about this. "

Luo Wei sneered: "Are you sure he doesn't know, the entire Li Garden up and down the water people don't know what the relationship between you and Lin Shiyin is, don't Long Xiaoyun have a mouth, won't he ask?" "

Li Xunhuan couldn't help but be dumbfounded.

Luo Wei continued: "You treat him as a big brother, and does he take you as a righteous brother? "

Li Xunhuan was silent and speechless.

Luo Wei said calmly: "I..."

"Enough, don't say any more."

Just when Luo Wei wanted to say something, Lin Shiyin suddenly shouted angrily and interrupted Luo Wei.

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