That's enough? What is enough?

Luo Wei looked at Lin Shiyin in surprise, not understanding why Lin Shiyin stopped herself, if she didn't make her words clear and didn't wake up Li Xunhuan, a thorn would be buried between her and Li Xunhuan.

In the future, even if two people come together, they will not be happy.

"Long Xiaoyun was killed by me."

However, at this moment, Lin Shiyin suddenly opened her mouth and dropped a bombshell.

Luo Wei was blown up with a confused look, "No, when did Long Xiaoyun become your kill." "

What the hell is going on with this girl?

Rowe has seen people who actively throw pots, but they have not seen people who actively back pots, and this lady knows what she is talking about.

Luo Wei hurriedly said: "Don't listen to her nonsense, Long Xiaoyun was killed by me." "

"Yes, Long Xiaoyun was indeed killed by him." I saw Lin Shiyin continue: "But it was me who let him kill, otherwise Luo Gongzi and Long Xiaoyun have no grievances and no enmity, why should they kill Long Xiaoyun." "

Good guy, Rowe called good guy.

He finally reacted, Lin Shiyin was going to turn his face with Li Xunhuan.

Luo Wei turned his head to look at Li Xunhuan and found that Li Xunhuan's face changed wildly.


"What's wrong with me." Lin Shiyin looked at Li Xunhuan coldly, "Long Xiaoyun has a bad heart for me, is it wrong for me to let people kill him, or because he is your sworn big brother, I can't let people kill him." "

Li Xunhuan's face twitched.

Lin Shiyin continued: "If you want to kill me and make me pay for Long Xiaoyun's life, I will never resist, come, take out your throwing knife and shoot through my throat, aren't you a Xiao Li flying knife?" "


Li Xunhuan finally couldn't bear it, roared angrily, slapped a slap on the table, and the powerful true qi instantly slapped the table in front of him into powder 633 pieces.

"There you go!" Li Xunhuan pointed to the door and said to Lin Shiyin: "You go, I will never see you again." "

Lin Shiyin glanced at Li Xunhuan coldly, turned his head and left.

Luo Wei looked confused, and quickly gave Azhu a look, asking Azhu to catch up.

He stayed in place and said to Li Xunhuan, who was facing away from him: "There is one thing I must make clear to you, what Miss Lin said just now is false. "

"When Miss Lin found me, I did say that I would kill Long Xiaoyun and solve all the troubles. Because in my opinion, as long as Long Xiaoyun is solved, you can go smoothly between you. "

"But Miss Lin is afraid that you will misunderstand, so she tries her best to prevent me from doing this."

"What happened yesterday was also my own decision."

"Miss Lin really didn't mean to harm Long Xiaoyun."

"I killed Dragon Xiaoyun, just to see that Dragon Xiaoyun was unpleasant."

Li Xunhuan's body shook slightly.

For a long time, he sighed faintly and said: "I don't know that what my cousin just said is angry words, she is such a gentle person, she is not even willing to hurt an ant, how can she hurt Big Brother Long." "

Luo Wei couldn't help but raise his eyebrows, "You know, then you still..."

"Because I let her down." Li Xunhuan interrupted Luo Wei's words and said to himself: "When I came to her this morning and asked where Brother Long was, I clearly saw the disbelief in her eyes. "

"From that moment on, I knew I broke her heart."

"That's why she said that angry thing to me."

"If I am wrong, she may stay and continue to be by my side."

"But I know that the two of us can't go back to the past, and even if we walk together, we won't be happy."

"Only when I drive her away and leave her completely can she pursue her own happiness."

"Brother Luo."

Li Xunhuan suddenly turned around, red eyes, grabbed Luo Wei's shoulder, slender and powerful fingers almost crushed Luo Wei's shoulder, "I believe you, you will definitely be able to take care of her and make her happy." "

"I believe you, Brother Luo."

Luo Wei smiled bitterly, "I don't believe in myself, why do you believe me." "

"Because you're a good guy." Li Xunhuan said categorically: "So I believe that you will definitely be able to bring happiness to my cousin and Shiyin." "

Rowe continued to smile bitterly, "Even if you say so. "

"Please, Brother Luo."

Luo Wei was silent for a long time before saying, "Okay, I'll try it." "

Li Xunhuan laughed, released Luo Wei's shoulders with both hands, waved his hand again and said, "Let's go." "

Luo Wei sighed and turned away from Leng Xiang Xiaozhu.

He walked to the gate of Li Yuan, saw Lin Shiyin and Azhu standing at the door, and walked over in three steps and two steps.

"Sorry, I didn't expect that killing Long Xiaoyun would bring you such a big crack, in fact, I can resurrect Long Xiaoyun, as long as Long Xiaoyun is alive, the misunderstanding between you will be solved."

Lin Shiyin said: "Do you know why I didn't go to you after I knew yesterday that you killed Long Xiaoyun? "

Rowe shook his head.

Lin Shiyin said: "Because I want to give him a chance. "

Although Lin Shiyin did not say his name, Luo Wei and Azhu knew who he was.

Lin Shiyin continued: "After listening to your words yesterday, I realized that my behavior was indeed a bit self-defeating, and I shouldn't stimulate my cousin like that. "

"Night, I know that after you killed Long Xiaoyun, you hesitated for a long time."

"In the end I didn't go to you."

"I want to give me a chance, and I want to give my cousin a chance."

"I want to know that if Long Xiaoyun disappears, my cousin will do it."

"If he hadn't doubted me and trusted me, I would have stayed with him."

"I will beg you to resurrect Long Xiaoyun and heal him."

"I want to have children with him." (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

"So I sent someone to inform him this morning."

(bbej) It's just that the next situation, you know, he doubted me, he doubted me, for the sake of a dragon roaring cloud, he doubted me. "

Rowe said: "Perhaps, he was just carried away by a momentary anger. "

Lin Shiyin said expressionlessly: "Whether it's a mind that is carried away by anger or something else, when he came to question me, I knew that there was an extra rift between the two of us. "

"This rift was caused by Long Xiaoyun."

"Even if you resurrect Long Xiaoyun today, this rift will not disappear."

Luo Wei was silent, and after a while, he said: "Long Xiaoyun really deserves to die." "

Lin Shiyin smiled when she heard this, "Isn't he already dead." "

"Ah, there are no bones." Rowe affirmed.

When Lin Shiyin heard this, she finally laughed and said softly: "Thank you, Luo Gongzi." "

Luo Wei shook his head, "I'm actually very optimistic about you and Li Xunhuan, childhood sweethearts, two little guesses, this is the purest relationship." "

Although Luo Wei is a person who wants to open a harem, this does not prevent him from being a pure love god of war.

"I know." Lin Shiyin nodded and said: "But the emotional thing is just like what you said, you can't force it, maybe I just have a relationship with him." "

Rowe asked, "So what are you going to do next?" "

Lin Shiyin said without hesitation: "Of course, follow Gongzi to the ends of the earth." "

"Are you sure?" Rowe was a little surprised.

Lin Shiyin nodded and said, "I'm sure that I have been living to marry my cousin for more than twenty years, but now, I want to live for myself." "

"Immortality, youth lasts forever, try to ask which woman doesn't like it."

"I just don't know if Luo Gongzi is willing to give the little girl a chance."

In the end, Lin Shiyin looked at Luo Wei with a look of anticipation.

Luo Wei patted his chest and assured: "If you are willing to follow me, I will naturally not wronged you, if I have the ability in the future, I will definitely make you immortal and youthful." "

When Lin Shiyin heard this, she couldn't help but smile slightly and saluted Luo Wei.

"For the rest of your life, please advise more, Luo Gongzi."

"Just call me Rowe, or Avi." Rowe said.

"Then you can also call me Shiyin."

"Yes, Shiyin." Luo Wei and Lin Shiyin looked at each other, looked at each other and smiled.


After a while, Azhu drove the carriage and stopped in front of the two people.

"Gongzi, madam, please get in the car." Azhu said with a smile, and when talking about Madame, he also deliberately emphasized the pronunciation.

Lin Shiyin's face couldn't help but flash a crimson.

Luo Weihaha smiled, threw Azhu an approving look, and stretched out his hand to support Lin Shiyin.

"Madam, please first."

Lin Shiyin's face turned even redder, and she said with a sip of anger: "Dengzi, I haven't married you yet, if you want to call me Madame, why do you have to marry me with three mediators and six jobs, and eight palanquins to marry me." "

"Until then, you are not allowed to call me Madame."

Luo Wei smiled and said from the goodness: "Then Shiyin is good, Shiyin, you please first." "

This time, Lin Shiyin did not object, got into the carriage with Luo Wei's help, and got in.

Luo Wei followed closely and said to Aju: "Aju, let's go." "

Ah Zhu nodded, just about to leave Li Yuan, when he suddenly heard a crisp and pleasant voice coming from behind him.

"Wait a minute, Luo Gongzi, wait a minute."

Ah Zhu was stunned and said, "Gongzi, it seems that someone is calling you." "

"Call me?" Luo Wei was stunned, lifted the curtain and listened, and really heard someone calling his name.

He looked back and saw a beautiful girl about fifteen or sixteen years old with beautiful skin and snowy skin performing light skills, approaching him at an extremely fast speed.

The girl is beautiful and unpressed, with long hair and a shawl, white clothes, a gold belt tied on her hair, and the snow is shining.

This look is a little more gorgeous than Azhu and Lin Shiyin.

Luo Wei couldn't help but think that this was probably the heroine in that novel, or the supporting actress knew that she was in Li Yuan, so she specifically came to block herself.

So Luo Wei said to Aju: "Wait a minute, wait for her to come and talk." "。

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