For Ren Yingying's harassment, Luo Wei was unimpressed, and said with a smile: "We are going to Peach Blossom Island, no matter what the purpose of the two of you is, if you don't dislike it, it's better to get in the car and talk." "

Ren Yingying and Blue Phoenix looked at each other and agreed.

The two people stepped forward, got into the carriage, and entered Rowe's luxurious villa.

Lan Phoenix was surprised, "I didn't expect that inside a carriage, there was a cave in the sky, Luo Gongzi is indeed a fairy man." "

Ren Yingying's heart couldn't help but flash a touch of surprise, but it was well concealed.

Luo Wei said modestly: "The immortal people are not yet counted, they can only be said to be barely able to use two-handed spells. "

As he spoke, he invited the two women to stay.

Seeing this, Huang Rong took the initiative to put down the book in her hand, brewed tea for a while and brought it over.

Luo Wei smiled at Huang Rong, took out two cups from the cupboard, and poured a cup of tea for each of the two women.

At this moment, Rem outside the door drove the carriage and continued to drive.

Luo Wei asked, "I don't know if Saint Gu and Sect Master Lan are looking for me, what's the matter?" "

Ren Yingying took the water cup and took a sip of tea, it was not as sweet and clear as imagined, and the aftertaste was endless, it was a very ordinary tea leaf, and she couldn't help frowning.

Seeing this, Luo Wei said: "I don't pay much attention to tea, so I haven't prepared any good tea, don't be surprised by the two." "

Ren Yingying laughed, "Luo Gongzi is serious, in fact, Luo Gongzi was able to invite the two of us to the car, which has surprised us." "

Lan Phoenix said with a smile: "I do have some good tea over there, if Luo Gongzi needs it, I can send someone to send it to Luo Gongzi." "

Luo Wei smiled and shook his head, "That's not necessary, I don't pay much attention to tea, no matter how good the tea leaves are in my hands, it's just a cow chewing peony, it's too wasteful." "

"The two of you are not so cautious, if there is really any difficulty, you can say it bluntly."

"I have already said in the diary before, I will definitely help if I can, and I will never shirk"

When Ren Yingying heard this, she pondered for a moment and said: "Since Luo Gongzi is so calm, the little woman is not hiding, I am looking for Luo Gongzi this time, in fact, I want to know my father's whereabouts." "

Luo Wei sighed and said, "Ren I can do it or was imprisoned by the Eastern Undefeated? "

Ren Yingying nodded and said, "Yes, Gongzi knows where my father is imprisoned." "

Luo Wei said: "I do know where your father is imprisoned, but that is just laughing at the world of rivers and lakes, in this comprehensive martial arts world, maybe the location where your father was imprisoned has changed places." "

Ren Yingying said: "Even so, I still want to know, at least a clue. "

Luo Wei was silent for a moment and shook his head, "I'm sorry, I can't tell you where Ren Xing is imprisoned. "

Ren Yingying couldn't help but be stunned.

Lan Phoenix asked curiously, "Why isn't Gongzi willing to tell us.?" "

Luo Wei said: "I say this, maybe Miss Ren doesn't like to hear it, but your father is a powerful character." "

"Although he is arrogant and arrogant, he is not only blindly arrogant, he has high martial arts, ruthless means, far-sightedness, and deep power and trickery, which is impossible to prevent."

"He may be a good father to you."

"But for Jianghu, he is a brutal hero."

"When such a hero is imprisoned, I applaud it with both hands."

"So I can't tell you where he's being imprisoned, because I know that once I tell you, you'll find a way to rescue him."

"Maybe I can get out of trouble one day, but at least not because of me."

"So I'm sorry, Miss Ren, I can't tell you where Ren is imprisoned."

Luo Wei's rejection did not surprise Ren Yingying, she was a smart woman who knew before she came that she was likely to be rejected by Luo Wei.

Now the speculation has come true, although Ren Yingying is disappointed, but did not give up.

"Luo Gongzi, I know that you are a good person and do not want to see the turmoil in the rivers and lakes."

"I can let you promise that as long as you tell me my father's place of imprisonment, after I rescue my father, I will definitely take him back to the mountains and forests, and I will never come out to set off a bloody storm in the rivers and lakes."

"Also ask Luo Gongzi to fulfill the filial piety of a daughter, please, Luo Gongzi."

Ren Yingying played the emotional card and looked at Luo Wei with a pleading face, "I'm already very old and haven't seen my father, is it wrong for a daughter to want to see her father?" "


Before Luo Wei could answer, he heard a domineering voice with a bit of coquettishness coming in from outside the carriage.

"Yingying, if you really want to know where Ren Yixing is imprisoned, you might as well ask me directly, why do you have to embarrass Luo Gongzi."

With this sound, the curtain of the carriage was lifted, and a coquettish woman dressed in red broke in from outside.

Seeing this woman in red, Ren Yingying and Blue Phoenix's faces changed instantly.

Ren Yingying's face became ugly.

The blue phoenix, on the other hand, looked as if the sky had fallen, and his face was dead gray.

Luo Wei immediately guessed the identity of this woman, and he got up and asked: "Dare to ask the woman, but the East is undefeated?" "

Although in the midst of the smiling rivers and lakes, Dongfang Undefeated is a shemale who is neither male nor female.

But in some worlds, the East is undefeated but a woman.

So when Luo Wei saw the woman in red in front of him, he didn't feel surprised.

The woman in red laughed loudly, "Luo Gongzi has good eyesight, this seat is undefeated in the east, and I have seen Luo Gongzi." "

Luo Wei snorted and said, "Welcome to the Eastern Sect Leader, the Eastern Sect Leader please sit down." "

Dongfang Undefeated is tall, with black hair and shawls, and his skin is a little more beautiful than Ren Yingying.

Although she is a woman, she walks with great momentum.

I saw her slowly walked over, pulled out a chair, and sat next to Ren Yingying, opposite Luo Wei. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

As soon as she sat down, neither Ren Yingying nor Blue Phoenix dared to come out.

It can be seen that the suppression of the two women by the undefeated in the East is completely crushing level.

Dongfang Undefeated did not look at the two women, and said to Luo Wei with a smile: "Today this seat is not invited, and I ask Luo Gongzi for forgiveness." "

Rowe said: "As long as there is no hostility, they are all friends. "

Dongfang Undefeated snorted and said: "This seat is a big devil that everyone shouts at in the rivers and lakes, even so, Luo Gongzi will regard this seat as a friend?" "

Luo Wei said: "As long as the Eastern Sect Master does not kill indiscriminately, we are friends. "

"What if this seat kills indiscriminately."

"Then we are not friends, I Luo Wei is also born under the red flag, and the young man of the new era who grew up under the red flag will naturally not be friends with a murderous maniac who kills indiscriminately."

Luo Wei said with a smile, not caring at all about the undefeated face of the East.

He is such a person.

Dongfang Undefeated thought thoughtfully, "It seems that if you want to be your friend of Luo Gongzi, you can be a devil, but you can't be a demon who kills innocents, right?" "

Luo Wei bowed his head and said, "Yes, this is the most basic requirement. "

Dongfang Undefeated laughed again, "It just so happens that this seat has no interest in killing innocents and bullying the weak, I wonder if I can become your friend?" "

“.. Of course. Luo Wei said: "From now on, we are friends, since we are friends, I want to advise the Eastern Sect Leader a few words, since you are the leader of the Sun Moon God Sect, can you restrain the members of the Sun Moon God Sect." "

"Don't let them kill indiscriminately, at least not ordinary people."

"Don't be so cruel."

Luo Weike did not forget how cruel the followers of the Sun Moon God Sect acted in the midst of the smiling rivers and lakes.

The use of the Three Corpse Brain Divine Pill to control the disciples is not to be mentioned.

In addition, they also killed twenty-three members of Jiangxi Yu Lao's family, and the methods were heinous.

The head of the dragon and phoenix knife in Jinan Prefecture married his daughter-in-law, and the newlyweds were given the first rank as a gift.

Hanyang Hao Old Hero made his seventieth birthday, but was annihilated by the people of the Demon Sect in one fell swoop.

This pile is cruel one by one.

Therefore, Luo Wei hoped that the Eastern Undefeated could restrain the followers of the Sun Moon God Sect.

After hearing this, Dongfang Undefeated glanced at Luo Wei with a smile, "What if I'm not willing to do this?" "

Luo Wei couldn't help but roll his eyes and complained: "Talking to someone like you is tired, whether you want to do this or not is your freedom, as a friend, I can only give you a wake-up call, but I can't interfere with your behavior." "

"Of course, I would be happy if you were willing to do so."

"If you don't want to do it, I won't be too disappointed."

"That's all."

Dongfang Undefeated said: "If I don't (Wang Li's) do this, will we still be friends." "

"Sort of." Luo Wei thought for a while and said: "If you have something, I will help you, but it is limited to your personal affairs, it has nothing to do with the Sun Moon God Sect, if it is related to the Sun Moon God Sect, I will not interfere." "

Dongfang Undefeated chuckled, "Luo Gongzi, Luo Gongzi, you are really an interesting person. "

Luo Wei said unceremoniously: "I think so too. "

Dongfang Undefeated was stunned, and then laughed, and the branches of laughter trembled.

"Well, from now on, I will recognize you as a friend, and if you encounter any trouble in the future, you can also come to me."

"In addition, I will agree to your request and restrain the members of the Sun Moon God Sect."

When Luo Wei heard this, he couldn't help but laugh happily, "Thank you Oriental Sect Master." "

This sect leader is really giving face, and others are still strange.

Dongfang Undefeated asked, "Is there any wine?" Did you meet an interesting friend today, of course, you have to drink a little? "

Luo Wei smiled bitterly and said, "I really don't have any wine prepared here." "

Dongfang Undefeated said: "Blue Phoenix." "

Blue Phoenix struck a clever and quickly stood up and said, "The subordinate is here." "

Dongfang said undefeatedly: "Go get some good wine, I want to drink with my new friends." "

Blue Phoenix naturally did not dare to shirk, and retreated after answering.

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