After Blue Phoenix exited the carriage, he returned to the city with light skills, bought a few bottles of good wine, and carried the good wine to perform light skills and catch up with the carriage.

When she returned, half an hour had passed since she left, and her whole body was tired and panting, covered in sweat.

After all, along the way, she was running to the death.

Seeing this, Luo Wei shouted, "Azhu, you take the blue girl up to wash up and change into clean clothes." "

Ah Zhu replied abruptly and took the blue phoenix to the bedroom on the second floor.

Dongfang Undefeated was noncommittal about this, raised his hand and grabbed it, sucked a wine altar placed on the ground, and put it in front of Luo Wei, "Come, have a drink." "

Luo Wei got up and took out two bowls from the cupboard, opened the wine altar, one person arrived at the bowl, and said with a smile: "I have a small amount of alcohol, don't be surprised." "

Dongfang Undefeated laughed and said, "Since the amount of alcohol is not good, then practice more." "

Luo Wei shook his head and said: "It's not that I don't want to practice, the main thing is that the winemaking process in this world is average, and it is not comparable to the wine before I crossed over." "

"Oh, so before you crossed over, you drank all good wine." The East Undefeated is interested in this.

Luo Wei smiled, pointed to the bowl of wine in front of him with a bit of turbidity and said, "What do you think of this bowl of wine?" "

Dongfang Undefeated looked down, "Looking at the color and aroma, it should be the superior daughter red." "

Rowe said: "Our wine over there is not so cloudy, it is crystal clear, like spring water, and it is even more fragrant. "

When Dongfang Undefeated heard this, he was very interested, "There is such a good wine in the world." "

"Yes." Rowe nodded.

Dongfang Undefeated said for a long time, "It's a pity, it's a pity that I can't taste it." 903 Luo Weihaha smiled and said: "How difficult is this, if you want to drink this good wine, you must build a set of distillation equipment, and some simple distillation equipment, I still know." "

He asked Azhu to get a few pieces of paper, drew a few rudimentary drawings on the paper, and handed them to the East Undefeated.

"After you go back, order someone to build such a device, and then distill and purify the wine, I guarantee that the taste and color will be three points better than today."

Dongfang was undefeated and unceremonious, folded the drawings and collected them, and drank wine with Rowe.

Whether it was before or after the crossing, Rowe didn't drink much.

However, the East is undefeated and willing to drink, and Luo Wei does not want to be discouraged.

The last time I drank with Li Xunhuan, I used a cup.

And this time with Dongfang Undefeated drinking, using a bowl, a few bowls of wine under the stomach, Luo Wei was overwhelmed by the strength of the drink, his face was red, and he practiced and deferred: "I can't do it, I can't drink anymore." "

Dongfang Undefeated pouted and said: "Drinking with you is really unpleasant." "

She is exciting, but Rowe can't, which is really disappointing.

Luo Wei was also not used to her, "I didn't drink much in the first place, isn't it normal to drink lightly?" Do you think everyone is like you, an alcoholic? "

Dongfang Undefeated sneered a few times, stood up and said: "Swallowing, it's really too unhappy, forget it, let's stop here today, you should practice more in the future, the next time I look for you to drink, I hope it won't be so discouraged again." "

Luo Wei rolled his eyes and said, "Don't worry, the next time you ask me for a drink, I will drink so much." "

Dongfang Undefeated took this guy with a dead face and didn't have a problem, snorted and turned his head and left.

When he walked to the door of the carriage, (BBCB) suddenly stopped and turned his head to glance at Ren Yingying and Blue Phoenix, who had just finished washing.

"You two go back with me, don't disturb the guy to rest."

Ren Yingying's eyes flickered, and finally got up and followed.

Blue Phoenix naturally followed step by step, his face full of apprehension.

This time, she came with Ren Yingying to Luo Wei to ask where Ren Wexing was detained, but she was arrested by Dongfang Undefeated, and God knows what kind of punishment she will receive after she goes back.

In addition to apprehension, I was even more panicked.

Seeing this, Luo Wei shouted, "Oriental." "

Dongfang Undefeated stopped and glanced back at Luo Wei, "Why, are you still in trouble?" "

Luo Wei said: "Don't be too harsh on Blue Phoenix, she is a subordinate of you and Ren Yingying, and there will always be some things that you can't help yourself when you are a subordinate." "

Blue Phoenix couldn't help but be surprised, and glanced at Luo Wei in disbelief, not expecting that Luo Wei would intercede for himself.

For a while, Lan Feng's heart was full of gratitude.

When Dongfang Undefeated heard this, he couldn't help but laugh, "You have pity on Xiang Xiang and cherish jade." "

Luo Wei laughed loudly, "It's good that I'm also the one who wants to open a harem, what's wrong with pity Xiang Xiang Yu, isn't it a normal thing to pity Xiang Xiang Xi Yu?" "

Dongfang Undefeated snorted coldly, "Since you have such pity for Xiang Xiang Yu, I will fulfill you, Blue Phoenix." "

Lan Phoenix was shocked and quickly said, "The subordinates are here." "

Dongfang Undefeated said: "From now on, you will stay here to serve Luo Gongzi." "

Blue Phoenix couldn't help but be stunned.

Luo Wei was shocked and said, "The Blue Phoenix is also the sect leader of the Five Immortals Sect, you actually let him be my maid?" This is also too extravagant, and too wronged. "

Dongfang Undefeated looked at Blue Phoenix with a smile and asked, "Blue Phoenix, do you feel aggrieved?" "

Lan Phoenix lowered his head and said, "Being able to serve Luo Gongzi is a blessing under the world, how can you feel wronged." "

Dongfang Undefeated laughed, "Did you hear it, Blue Phoenix didn't feel aggrieved at all." "

Luo Wei couldn't help but complain: "Are you stupid, even if people really feel wronged, they won't tell you." "

Dongfang Undefeated didn't care at all, "Then I don't care, since she said not to be aggrieved, I will treat her as if she really is not aggrieved, from now on, Blue Phoenix is your maid." "

"If you don't want it, just get her away."

Saying that, the undefeated in the east did not give Luo Wei a chance to repent, his figure flashed, and he left the carriage.

Ren Yingying was helpless, so she had to give Blue Phoenix a caring look, and then left. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

After Blue Phoenix watched Dongfang Undefeated and Ren Yingying leave, he let out a long sigh of relief and turned to salute Luo Wei.

"Blue Phoenix has seen Gongzi."

Luo Wei scratched his hair and said helplessly: "I'm sorry, I didn't expect Dongfang Undefeated to do this, but if you want to leave, you can do it at any time, and I won't stop it." "

Lan Phoenix shook his head and said, "Gongzi is also a kind intention, I naturally know it, and I beg Gongzi not to drive me away." "

Luo Wei asked curiously, "You don't want to go?" "

Blue Phoenix said: "This is the order of the sect leader, if I leave, it will be against the order of the sect leader, and everyone in the Sun Moon God Sect will kill me quickly." "

Luo Wei couldn't help but sigh, Blue Phoenix said so, how could he be embarrassed to drive the other party away.

Isn't this fatal.

In the end, Rowe compromised, "Okay, from today onwards, you will be by my side." The next time I see the East, I will intercede for you. "

Blue Phoenix hurriedly stopped it, this time Luo Wei begged, and she was sent to Luo Wei's side as a maid.

The next intercession, God knows what will happen.

So Blue Phoenix tried his best to stop it.

Seeing this, Luo Wei didn't have much to say, so he could only agree.

Since then, Blue Phoenix, like Azhu, has become Luo Wei's maid and found a room on the second floor to live in.

For the next few days, no one stood in the way.

Everyone rode in a carriage all the way to Da Song and Peach Blossom Island.

During this period, Huang Rong finished watching the Legend of the Condor Heroes and the Condor Heroes, Azhu finished watching the Dragon Babu, Lin Shiyin saw the amorous swordsman Heartless Sword, and Blue Phoenix also finished watching the smiling rivers and lakes.

Azhu said with an incredulous look: "I didn't expect that my final ending would actually die in the hands of Qiao Fengqiao." "

For Qiao Feng, she naturally heard something.

This is the gang leader of the Great Song Gang, and his status is still above Hong Qigong, the backup gang leader of the Gang.

He is a real hero.

However, it was such a big hero who not only liked himself, but also killed himself in the end.

It's a real creation.

I have to say that Kang Min is really a slut, no wonder Gongzi will say that Kang Min's love is twisted and crazy, she is indeed a crazy woman.

Luo Wei said calmly: "These are all stories that happened in the original plot, in this comprehensive martial arts world, most of the plots have long been out of order, so don't get too entangled." "

A Zhu snorted, she was asked by Murong Qiudi since she was a child, stayed by Murong Qiudi's side, and even joined the Tianzun Organization and became one of them.

If you want to continue the frontier with Qiao Feng, it is simply difficult and basically impossible.

So naturally she won't be too entangled.

On the contrary, after Huang Rong finished watching the condor and the condor, she was angry, "I'm angry, it's really angry with me, how can I fancy Guo Jing, this silly boy." "

After watching these two parts, she was really not satisfied with Guo Jing anywhere.

Luo Wei glanced at her obliquely and said: "Although Guo Jing is a little stupid, he is at least a big hero for the country and the people, and his future achievements are still above Qiao Feng." "

"Is it a real hero, you are not satisfied with this?"

Huang Rong said: "Of course I am not satisfied, why should I be satisfied, what does the Great Song decay have to do with me, why should I let my children and my children give everything for his ideals." "

Ah this...

Luo Wei reacted to this, and now Huang Rong is not the Huang Rong who fell in love, but the daughter of the Eastern Evil, a deviant little demon girl.

In the eyes of this little witch, it doesn't matter what big Song and what ideals are.

The important thing is yourself and your family.

Looking at the condor and the condor from her perspective, she was naturally very dissatisfied.

After all, the current Huang Rong is still only a teenage girl, not the Huang Rong in the original book who has been married, has children, and has been with Guo Jing for half her life.

So she is naturally dissatisfied with her choice, with the future Guo Jing and herself.

Luo Wei sighed and said: "If you are not satisfied, forget it, anyway, in this comprehensive martial arts world, the chances of you walking with Guo Jing are not great." "。

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