Huang Rong heard Luo Wei's exclamation, and said categorically: "It's not that the chance is not great, but there is no chance, even if I am stupid, I can't choose Guo Jing, he has no hope in this life." "

Luo Wei complained: "Listening to you say this, Guo Jing is still pitiful." "

Huang Rong couldn't help but snort, "What is he pitiful, I'm pitiful." Not only half of his life working for this guy's ideals, but even the lives of his entire family have been put on the line. "

"I, I'm so pathetic."

In the end, Huang Rong was a little crying, and she was desperate.

Luo Wei knew that this guy was acting, and he didn't pay attention to her, and turned his head to look at Lin Shiyin.

After Lin Shiyin saw the amorous swordsman's ruthless sword, she didn't say a word, silently thinking about something.

However, Luo Wei found that her expression was more relaxed than in the previous days, as if she had let go of some psychological burden, and the whole person had a new feeling.

Luo Wei finally did not hold back the curiosity in his heart and asked: "Shiyin, ~ Are you okay?" "

Lin Shiyin nodded and said softly: "I was thinking, even without me, my cousin can find his own happiness, it's really - great." "

"I really hope that she can meet Miss Sun earlier, tie the knot, and grow old."

Luo Wei said: "This is about to open fate, maybe when fate comes, Li Xunhuan will meet Sun Xiaohong." "

Lin Shiyin smiled and said, "I hope so too." "

Luo Wei took a deep look at Lin Shiyin and found that Lin Shiyin seemed to have really put Li Xunhuan down after seeing the amorous swordsman's ruthless sword.

Then, he looked at the last person, Blue Phoenix, and asked, "What feelings do you have?" "

Blue Phoenix said in a crisp voice: "I don't dare to think about it, if I have to say it, it is a little worthless for Yue Buqun, I finally cultivated a disciple, but I betrayed him, it is better to raise a dog." "

"At least the dog knows gratitude."

Luo Wei was a little surprised and said, "I thought you would like Ling Hu Chong very much." "

"Why?" Blue Phoenix asked.

Luo Wei pointed to the smile in his hand, "After all, you have a good relationship in the book." "

Lan Phoenix said with a smile: "Gongzi, the reason why I have a good relationship with Ling Hu Chong in the book is because of the order of the Holy Aunt, if it were not for the order of the Holy Aunt, I would not have looked at Ling Hu Chong more in my life." "

"Especially now, after watching what Ling Hu Chong did, I am even more disgusted."

"Even the master who has raised himself for more than ten years can easily betray, this person seems to be bohemian, hearty and open-minded."

"But after all, it's just an unfamiliar white-eyed wolf."

"If such a disciple appears in my sect, I will definitely throw him into the poisonous group with three cuts and six holes, a thousand cuts, and let him survive without seeking death."

Luo Wei listened and couldn't help but snort.

It is worthy of being the leader of the Five Poisons Sect, although he is coquettish, he is actually a ruthless person.

But at the same time, Rowe's eyes lit up.

Today's diary has it.

He quickly took out his diary and began to update.

【Today, today】

[Azhu finished watching the eight parts of the Heavenly Dragon, Huang Rong finished watching the two parts of the Condor and the Divine Condor, Lin Shiyin finished watching the amorous swordsman Heartless Sword, and Blue Phoenix also finished watching the smiling rivers and lakes]

When a group of women saw this, they couldn't help but frown.

Isn't Blue Phoenix the sect leader of the Five Poisons Sect, how can he also be mixed with Luo Wei.

This Luo Wei is not refused.

The women had different expressions, some disdained, some laughed, some disagreed, and some thought it was good.

If the other party really does not refuse, they have some chance to achieve their goals.

The women continued to read the diary.

[By the way, these people all left the country in these books]

[Especially Huang Rong, is still the heroine of the Condor and the female partner of the Condor ]

[I asked them how they felt, and everyone expressed their opinions]

[Azhu feels that fate is tricky, in the book she fell in love with Qiao Feng, and finally died in the hands of Qiao Feng, which is an extremely complete tragedy]

[And Huang Rong is very dissatisfied with herself in the book, feeling that she is as smart as how she likes Guo Jing, a silly boy]

[Especially when I saw the end, I found that Guo Jing died in battle in order to resist the invasion of Dayuan, and I was even more dissatisfied]

[So in front of me, categorically say that it is impossible with Guo Jing in this life]

[This sentence is not false]

[After all, the current Huang Rong is still a teenage girl, and it is normal to be dissatisfied with her future choices]

[It's like looking back at the past now, I always feel... Lying groove, why was I so stupid in the past]

[And if your current self does something in the future, I will probably sigh]

[Lying groove, the future me is a fool]

When Huang Rong saw this, she couldn't help but cry and laugh, and glared at Luo Wei viciously.

Luo Wei smiled, unmoved, and continued to update the diary.

[This man, by and large, is such a contradictory animal]

[They will be dissatisfied with what others are doing, and they will also be dissatisfied with some of what they do]

[After all, no one is perfect]

[Sometimes, people can't wait to go back to the past and strangle their past selves]

Feng Siniang agreed with these words.

She can't wait to go back to the past now and strangle her past self directly.

Not long ago, she met Yang Kaitai and inadvertently said that she wanted to snatch the deer cutting knife, and then she was nagged all the way by Yang Kaitai.

Even now he has not gotten rid of Yang Kaitai.

This made Feng Siniang angry and hateful, and she couldn't wait to strangle her past self to death. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Xue Bing also agreed with this sentence, since she knew that she was likely to die because of Lu Xiaofeng in the future, she hurried to Li Yuan quickly, wanting to find Luo Wei and ask clearly.

As a result, it was delayed halfway because of a boring thing.

By the time she arrived at Li Yuan, Luo Wei had already left.

Therefore, Xue Bing also couldn't wait to go back to the past and directly slap his past self.

Let you see the liveliness, now it's okay, people are lost, now if you want to find Luo Wei, you have to run to Peach Blossom Island.

That's the Great Song who travels thousands of miles away.

At this time, Xue Bing had to pray to God that he could catch up with Luo Wei before leaving Daming.

At this time, Luo Wei did not know how many people agreed with what he just said.

He continued to update his diary with great interest.

[Lin Shiyin seemed relieved after watching the amorous swordsman Heartless Sword, especially after knowing that her cousin Li Xunhuan finally came together with Sun Xiaohong and lived a happy life]

[Even sent blessings to his cousin, hoping that he could meet Sun Xiaohong earlier]

[Here is Sun Xiaohong, eh... Maybe you don't know what it means]

Ask for flowers

[The so-called you can be seen as reminding someone with the flying pigeon book, but it is the online version]

[As for what is the network, don't ask, it's troublesome to explain]

[In short, if Sun Xiaohong is reading the diary, you can go to Li Yuan, maybe you can really tie the knot with Li Xunhuan and be happy]

And Sun Xiaohong, who is talking with his grandfather Tianji Old Man: ...

Good guys, is my future arranged by you?

By what.

You let me go to Li Xunhuan, I won't go, what is good about Li Xunhuan, isn't it Xiao Li flying knife, isn't it a case without vain, isn't it chivalrous heart, isn't it a literary and popular exploration flower...

Heh, if you can get together with Li Xunhuan in the future, it seems to be good.

Sun Xiaohong fell into deep thought.

[As for Blue Phoenix, he just joined our team not long ago]

[On the day I left Li Yuan, I met Ren Yingying and Lan Phoenix, and two people came to me to ask where Ren Wexing was imprisoned by Dongfang Undefeated]

[I didn't tell Ren Yingying]

[After all, this person is a typical hero, and once he comes out, he will stir up the rivers and lakes and be unpeaceful]

[So I refused]

[But what I didn't expect was that not long after Ren Yingying and Blue Phoenix arrived, the undefeated in the East followed]

[What surprised me was that the undefeated Oriental in this world is actually an Oriental girl]

[You must know that in the novel, the Oriental Undefeated is a man, and later let me do it with bad intentions and give the eunuch martial arts of the Sunflower Treasure Book to the Oriental Undefeated]

[Then the East was undefeated and attracted by the Sunflower Treasure Book, did not adhere to the bottom line of the man, led the knife from the palace, and cultivated this Sunflower Treasure Book]

[Although after cultivation, the Eastern Undefeated became the number one master in the world, and even reached the realm of the incarnation of heaven and man, and the growth of all things, but in the end, because of the self-palace, he distorted his heart]

[Not only killed his concubine with his own hands, but also liked embroidery and became a shemale who likes macho men]

[The body becomes a eunuch, but the mind is completely feminine]

[He even raised a man named Yang Lianting, pushed him to the position of the head of the Sun Moon God Sect, let Yang Lianting monopolize the power, and he retired to the background and became a little woman]

[To be honest, I called a good guy when I first read the novel]

[This sunflower treasure book is also too evil, directly distorting people's hearts, turning such a great man as Dongfang Undefeated into a guy with a male body and a woman's heart]

[Terrifying as Si, terrifying as Si]

A certain stronghold of the Sun Moon God Sect.

Dongfang Undefeated saw today's diary, his face was livid.

Good fellow, it turns out that in the original plot, he turned out to be a eunuch who is neither male nor female, and he also likes men.

This, this, this... That's outrageous.

This is black history.

At this moment, Dongfang Undefeated couldn't wait to kill all the women who saw the diary.

Unfortunately, this is unrealistic.

After all, in this world, although her martial arts are powerful, she is far from being the first in the world, but she is just a top grandmaster who is only one step away from the great grandmaster.

And as far as she knows, there are not a few female grandmasters in the rivers and lakes, and there are even some peerless powerhouses.

It is likely that some of this group have copies of diaries.

For a time, the undefeated nose of the East was crooked.

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