Rowe didn't know what his words in the diary had dealt to the Eastern Undefeated.

He has written hi now.

Because nothing interesting has happened in the past few days, Luo Wei's diary has always been dry, and he only received a guaranteed reward, that is, one year of pure internal strength.

This allowed Luo Wei's internal strength to quietly advance to eighteen years.

With the blessing of these internal forces, the martial art of the Divine Illumination Sutra has been completed.

Although it is not enough to resurrect the newly deceased, the general internal injuries are no longer difficult for Rowe.

But what Rowe is looking for has never been internal strength.

It's a spell.

Rowe had a hunch that the quality of today's diary was good enough to get himself a spell.

So the more Luo Wei wrote, the more hi.

[Although the Oriental Undefeated in the novel is a shemale who is neither male nor female, many people who read the novel like to ridicule the Oriental Undefeated as an Oriental girl]

[Who makes the other party like a man, and he is a macho man]

[Interestingly, after the novel was later adapted into a TV series, it was actually modified into a real woman]

[So, the undefeated in the East has become the Oriental girl]

[And this comprehensive martial arts world is obviously stitched up part of the setting of the TV series]

"Six Three Three" [So the Oriental Undefeated who appeared in front of me was a red-clothed, tall, enchanting and domineering woman]

[This point is a bit similar to the woman of the jellyfish Yinji]

[However, the personalities of the two people are completely different]

Inside the shrine.

Seeing Luo Wei's complaint, Jellyfish Yin Ji couldn't help but raise his eyebrows, "Dongfang Undefeated is a little similar to me, ridiculous, I am me, no one can be similar to me." "

[Although the East is undefeated, the attitude is quite good, and we have become friends]

[Ren Yingying and Blue Phoenix just found me on the front foot, and the East Undefeated Back Foot appeared, which is difficult to say is a coincidence]

[I estimate that this guy is likely to follow Ren Yingying and them]

[The two people wanted to rescue Ren Yingying's father, but they were captured by Dongfang Undefeated]

[This is very embarrassing]

Blue Phoenix couldn't help but complain in a low voice, "It's not just embarrassment, I was about to be scared to death." "

Rowe glanced up at her, smiled, and continued to update his diary.

[After the two of us drank a few glasses of wine, Dongfang Undefeated took Ren Yingying and left Blue Phoenix behind, so Blue Phoenix joined our team and watched the smiling rivers and lakes]

[When I finished watching the story related to myself after watching Blue Phoenix, what dared to think]

[Blue Phoenix's feelings are to feel sorry for Yue Buqun]

[Good guy, this angle is strange, I didn't expect it at all]

Lan Phoenix couldn't help but say, "Who feels sorry for Yue Buqun, I just feel unworthy for Yue Buqun." "

On Mount Hua.

Yue Lingshan looked at her mother with a confused expression, "Mother, why does this Blue Phoenix feel sorry for her father, what is the relationship between this woman and her father." "

Ning Zhong smiled very elegantly and easygoingly, "How do I know this, maybe you should ask your father what is the relationship between my good senior brother and this leader of the Five Poisons Sect." "

I don't know why, Yue Lingshan saw his mother's kind smile, and suddenly his scalp was numb.

A refreshing chill came to life from inside Yue Lingshan's spine.

It's terrible, it's terrible, such a mother is terrible.

Yue Lingshan shivered in fright, and quickly looked down at the diary, pretending to escape

[Wrong, wrong]

[Blue Phoenix is not distressed about Yue Buqun, but is not worth it for Yue Buqun]

[Actually, in my opinion, this is the same as feeling sorry for Yue Buqun, in fact, I also feel sorry for Lao Yue]

[In the original plot, in order to strengthen the Huashan faction, it was called a strenuous effort not to be annexed by the Songshan faction, and even swung his sword from the palace at the end and practiced the sword method to ward off evil]

[And his carefully cultivated apprentice Ling Hu Chong is really not useful at all]

[Lao Yue raised him as a son, Ling Hu Chong, every day debauchery, did not think about the future of the Huashan faction, not only Tian Boguang and other obscene thieves mixed together, called brothers and brothers]

[Even when Xiang Wentian was besieged by a famous and decent family, he rushed up and saved Xiang Wentian]

[The reason is actually that there are many people bullying few people, what kind of hero is a good man]

[When I first saw this, people were stupid, it was to ask the heavens, the heavenly king of the Sun and Moon God Sect, Laozi asked the heavens]

[It's the mortal enemy of your Huashan faction]

[In the original plot, the Sun Moon God Sect attacked Mount Hua more than once, and even snatched the Sunflower Treasure Book from Huashan's hands]

[As a result, you, a person from the Huashan faction, rushed up to save Xiang Wentian]

[Even followed Xiang Wentian to rescue Ren Xing, who was imprisoned by the undefeated Oriental Ren Xing]

[The rules and precepts of the Huashan Sect, he doesn't put them in his eyes at all]

[To put it nicely, this is called bohemian, hearty and open-minded, acting boldly and dashingly, and informal]

[But to put it ugly, isn't this irresponsibility]

[Yue Buqun raised you as a son, that's how you repaid Yue Buqun]

[What's even more outrageous is that once Ling Hu Chong made a mistake and was punished by Lao Yue to think about the cliff wall]

[Then encountered the only remaining master Feng Qingyang after the battle of sword qi of the Huashan faction, and was taught the Dugu Nine Sword by Feng Qingyang]

[This is a sword technique that is not inferior to the Evil Warding Sword Method, and even a few points higher than the Evil Warding Sword Method]

[After teaching the sword technique, Feng Qingyang said to Ling Hu Chong, don't tell anyone that you have seen anyone in the future]

[Okay, don't say it] (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Novel Network!) )

[The wind is clear and does not let people disturb, this is the common feeling of people]

[After all, he is from the Sword Sect, and Yue Buqun is a person from the Airbender, and it's normal not to want to see Yue Buqun]

[But you have learned a set of peerless sword techniques that are more exquisite than the Huashan sword technique, at least tell Lao Yue]

[If Ling Hu Chong taught the Dugu Nine Sword to Yue Buqun, Yue Buqun would not practice any evil sword technique]

[But Ling Hu Chong didn't mention this matter at all]

[Later, Lao Yue was surprised to see his sword technique, and with one sword, he blinded the eyes of eight masters, turning them blind, and suspected that Ling Hu Chong was practicing the sword method to ward off evil]

[Ling Hu Chong only knew how to argue, but never said where this set of sword techniques came from, nor did he hand over the sword techniques]

[Although in the original plot, Ling Hu Chong will be portrayed as flesh and blood, with feelings and righteousness, but judging by what he did, he is really not a person with feelings and righteousness]

[And the most unacceptable thing is Yue Buqun's death]

[Although on the surface he was stabbed to death by Yilin's sword, if it weren't for Ling Hu Chong controlling Yue Buqun with the Star Absorbing Great Method, Yue Buqun would not have been stabbed to death by Yilin's sword]

[Hey, raised a son, but eventually became his own talisman]

[No wonder Blue Phoenix is not worth it for Yue Buqun]

[This unlucky life is really too sad, and I feel sorry for Lao Yue for a minute]

[If Ling Hu Chong were replaced with any protagonist, Lao Yue would not have such an end]

[After all, Ling Hu Chong is too pitted]

On Mount Hua:

Yue Lingshan and Ning Zhong couldn't help but look at each other when they saw this.

Ling Hu Chong was all too familiar with them.

Because even in this world, Ling Hu Chong was still Yue Buqun's disciple, and he was also a disciple who had been raised by his side since he was a child.

For this disciple, their husband and father really treated him as a heir.

But who would have thought that this disciple turned out to be such a person.

"Mother, is Senior Brother really a white-eyed wolf?" Yue Lingshan was a little apprehensive.

She has a good impression of Ling Hu Chong, after all, the two grew up together and can be called childhood sweethearts.

She had never suspected this senior brother before.

But now after reading the diary written by Luo Wei, Yue Lingshan was rarely confused, will his father really die in the hands of his senior brother in the future?

Ning Zhong shook his head and said, "Chong Er grew up watching him, what kind of person he is, I really know too well, Chong Er is definitely not a white-eyed wolf." "

Yue Lingshan said: "But what Luo Wei said has a nose and eyes, it doesn't look like he is lying." "

Ning Zhong hesitated and said, "Maybe Luo Wei didn't lie, but he was too one-sided to leave us with such an impression." "

"If you want to know the truth of the matter, you can only draw conclusions by reading the entire book."

"Shan'er, you are cultivating well in Huashan Mountain."

"I'll go down."

Yue Lingshan was not a fool, and immediately understood Ning Zhongze's thoughts, "Mother, are you going to find Luo Wei?" "

Ning Zhong nodded, "I'm going to find him to borrow Xiaoao Jianghu, maybe only after reading this book, we will avoid some possible tragedies and reverse the fate of you and me." "

Yue Lingshan couldn't object, so she had to take Ning Zhongze's hand, "Mom, you must be careful." "

Ning Zhong nodded.

At this time, Luo Wei did not know his words, and provoked a husband with a wife.

He is estimating what kind of rewards he can get today.

After all, today's 4.0-day diary burst is still good, maybe you can get a more powerful spell.

So Rowe couldn't wait to end today's update.

[Okay, that's the end of today's diary, I'm going to collect the reward]

[If there are no surprises, we'll see you tomorrow, everyone]

After writing the last sentence, Rowe closed the diary and began to collect the reward.

The voice of the mechanical version sounded.

[Check that the host has completed today's diary, and the reward is now issued]

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining the Seventy-two Techniques of the Hellsing Array]

[Extraterrestrial Heavenly Demon will invade the world in three days]

[Ask the host to arrive at Li Garden in three days later and kill the invading Extraterritorial Heavenly Demon]

Luo Wei raised his eyebrows, and couldn't help but be taken aback, this extraterrestrial heavenly demon actually came again.

It seems that more than half a month has passed since the last time the Extraterritorial Heavenly Demon came.

As a result, the extraterrestrial Heavenly Demon appeared again, attempting to invade this world.

This extraterrestrial heavenly demon has invaded a little too often.

And this time, the place where the extraterritorial heavenly demon invaded turned out to be Li Yuan, which is a bit fucked, not long after he left Li Yuan, this is going back?

Gee, it's better to walk away for a few days if you know it earlier.

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