Although Luo Wei's face was full of unhappiness, considering the danger of extraterrestrial heavenly demons, he still decided to go back to Li Yuan.

So he told the news to everyone present.

For the extraterritorial heavenly devil, although everyone has not seen it, they also know, after all, Luo Wei has mentioned the extraterritorial heavenly demon more than once in his diary before.

I heard that the Extraterrestrial Heavenly Demon appeared again, and the place where it appeared was Li Yuan.

Lin Shiyin's first reaction was to go back.

Although she has already let go and no longer cherishes Li Xunhuan, Li Xunhuan is her cousin in the end, and she can't watch Li Xunhuan die in the hands of the extraterrestrial heavenly demon.

Huang Rong and others also agreed.

Her mother had been dead for years and didn't care about this moment.

So everyone turned the carriage and returned all the way to Li Yuan.


Rowe mentions this message in his diary.

[Dying, the extraterrestrial heavenly demon has appeared again]

[The purpose this time is not somewhere else, but Li Yuan]

[I've been leaving Li Yuan for a few days, and now I have to go back, it's really fucking]

[Can't the body size of the diary be a few days in advance, if it is a few days in advance, I won't have to run back]

[Really, I have to run back now, fortunately this time I didn't run far, if I ran a little farther, the carriage wouldn't be able to go back in three days]

When Xue Bing saw this message, he also couldn't help but scold.

Can't you have said it earlier.

In order to chase Luo Wei, who left Li Yuan these days, she was about to wear her thighs and farts on a fast horse, and she had already left Li Yuan behind and disappeared. 11

Now Luo Wei actually returned to Li Yuan.

She really had nothing to say.

This Nima is also too pitted.

But there is no way, in order to know her future and avoid death, she must find Rowe.

In desperation, Xue Bing had to turn his horse's head and gallop all the way towards Li Yuan.

[The last time the extraterritorial heavenly demon appeared was a centipede essence, and the extraterritorial heavenly demon that appeared this time does not know what it is, it will not really be the king in the mouth of the centipede essence]

[If it's really that scorpion spirit, with my current strength, I may really not be able to beat it]

[Don't be in the plot of Huluwa, the teacher is deflated when the scorpion spirit faces the Hulu brothers]

[But no matter what, people are also a monster who has lived for hundreds of years, and his strength is far beyond the ordinary innate grandmaster]

[I estimate that even the Grand Master may not be the opponent of the Scorpion Spirit]

[Maybe only those peerless powerhouses can deal with this scorpion spirit]

[I don't have anything on my hands to deal with...] etc.]

[I seem to have Tianjing and Shennong ruler in my hand]

[That's all right]

[If I really can't beat this scorpion essence, I will take out the Shennong ruler and collide with the Heavenly Crystal, and directly draw out the power of the two Heavenly God Soldiers, and there should be no problem dealing with a scorpion spirit]

[After all, no matter how strong the scorpion essence is, it is not the opponent of Tianjing and Shennongjiu]

[Of course, the above may be my worries, in case the extraterritorial heavenly demon who comes is not a scorpion essence but a toad essence or a bat spirit, it will be much easier to deal with]

[After all, the scorpion essence, this toad essence and bat essence are small minions, not worth mentioning]

[When I think about it this way, I am much more relieved]

[In short, let's go back and take a look first, if I really can't fight, I'll trap him with the formation first, and then make plans]

[Just yesterday, after I finished writing my diary, I obtained the Formation Technique in the Seventy-Two Techniques of Hellfire]

[This spell can set up formations, enchantments, and prohibitions, and it can be said that it is infinitely useful]

[After obtaining this spell, I will become a formation master, and setting up a formation to bind a monster should not be a problem]

[To put it bluntly, if you give me a little time, set up a large formation to bind hundreds of thousands of troops]

[It's not impossible]

[Can spell, it's so great, just can do whatever you want, haha]

[Okay, so much for today, I still have to hurry, goodbye, everyone]

After finishing today's diary, Luo Wei successfully received the reward.

Because there is an extraterrestrial heavenly demon descending on this flashpoint, the reward Luo Wei received this time is still a spell.

It is also the art of slaying demons in the seventy-two arts of hell.

This spell can be blessed with weapons, can ward off demons, and destroy disembodied monsters.

After Luo Wei obtained this spell, he called the good guy, this is because he is afraid that he will not be able to kill the extraterrestrial heavenly demon who descended, so he will hand over the demon slaying technique to himself.

This time, the diary system is not installed.

It is bluntly revealed that Rowe is a migrant worker.

In this regard, Luo Wei can only choose to forgive him, otherwise what else can he do, pick and choose?

How can it be.

After all, the diary gives too much.

After another two days, the carriage galloped all the way and finally returned to Li Yuan.

In the past two days, the two horses pulling the cart did not stop for a moment, and then they hurriedly ran back to Li Yuan.

If you had changed to other horses, you would have been tired and panting now, and even foaming at the mouth.

But Rowe's horses were nothing at all, even in high spirits.

All thanks to the help of Shennong Ru. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Without Shennong's help, the two horses would have been paralyzed halfway, but with the assistance of Shennong, the two horses were full of energy.

Once tired, Luo Wei would take out the Shennong ruler and put it on the back of the horse.

Shennong's power continued to enter the horse's body, helping the horse recover its injuries and energy.

That's why these two horses were able to run for two days without stopping.

In the past two days, Luo Wei wrote his diary without any breaking points, so he only received a guaranteed reward and pushed his internal strength to the second year.

This is no worse than the average second-rate master, and even close to a first-class master.

But Rowe didn't care.

After he returned to Li Yuan, he asked Azhu to put the carriage in the backyard, and he went to find Li Xunhuan.

The extraterrestrial Heavenly Demon is about to invade this world and land in Li Yuan.

How could he also inform Li Xunhuan, the owner of Li Yuan, and let him make preparations.

As a result, he learned from the mouth of Li Yuanxia that Li Xunhuan had gone to the Qinglou to release the wave-shaped remains since he took Lin Shiyin away, lingering and not returning for several days.

Therefore, Li Xunhuan is not in Li Yuan at all.

Luo Wei couldn't help but be speechless, good guy, is this already letting go of himself?

At this moment, Li Yuan's subordinate asked, "Gongzi, do you need me to inform the young master and let him come back?" "

Luo Wei thought about it, since Li Xunhuan was not there, there was no need to notify.

He shook his head and said, "No thanks. "

At this moment, Lin Shiyin walked in and said to Li Yuan's subordinates: "Li Yuan is on holiday today, you subordinates leave Li Yuan first, after today's evening, tomorrow will be back." "

Under Li Yuan, people looked at each other one by one.

Lin Shiyin's face was average, and she snorted coldly: "Why, don't you even listen to my words now?" "

Li Yuan's subordinates were taken aback, and said one after another: "The small ones don't dare." "

Lin Shiyin nodded with satisfaction, "Let's leave, I'm coming back tomorrow." "

Today is the last day, and after midnight, the extraterrestrial heavenly demon will invade this world and descend on Li Yuan.

In order not to involve these subordinates, Lin Shiyin had to drive them out temporarily.

Soon after, at Lin Shiyin's urging, Li Yuan's subordinates walked cleanly.

Nuoda's Li Garden suddenly became empty.

Luo Wei, Lin Shiyin, Huang Rong, A Zhu, and Lan Phoenix waited in Li Yuan, waiting for midnight.

At dusk, the lights are on.

Luo Wei and a group of people were dining in the hall of Li Yuan, when a sound of footsteps suddenly came, breaking the harmonious atmosphere of everyone.

Everyone turned their heads and saw a woman in snow-white clothes breaking in.

Rowe found that girls liked to wear white.

Huang Rong is like this, and so is the woman who broke in.

It seems that only snow-white clothes can set off their flowers and moons.

The woman 240 who broke in was naturally a beauty, like a daffodil, and she could pinch the water with a pinch.

The uninvited guest breathed a sigh of relief when he saw Luo Wei's group.

Luo Wei knew at a glance that this one, like Huang Rong, was not the protagonist of a novel or a supporting role, and Luo Wei had long been accustomed to this kind of uninvited beauty.

He said with a smile: "Have you eaten?" "

The girl who broke in was slightly stunned, and then shook her head.

Luo Wei said again: "Since you haven't eaten, it's better to come and eat together." "

The girl was also not polite, nodded cheerfully, said yes, and then walked over and sat opposite Luo Wei, between Huang Rong and Lin Shiyin.

She grinned, "I'm here to find you this time." "

Luo Wei snorted, "I know, I don't know the girl's high surname?" "

The beautiful woman in white smiled slightly, "You guess." "

Luo Wei rolled his eyes and said: "How can I guess this, after all, in this comprehensive martial arts world, there may not be many beautiful women like girls, but there are definitely many." "

"You can count a whole bunch of them just by counting, so I can't guess at all."

"If the girl really wants me to guess, how about giving me a hint?"

The woman in white said, "Hint? Okay, I'll give you a hint, and my tip is four eyebrows. "

Luo Wei raised his eyebrows, "Four eyebrows? Lu Xiaofeng? The girl is related to Lu Xiaofeng, could it be Lu Xiaofeng's confidant, if this is the case, then I guess the girl must be Xue Bing..."

The woman in white was overjoyed, and when she nodded and told Luo Wei that she was Xue Bing, she suddenly heard Luo Wei say:

"Xiangxiang, Ouyang Qing, Ye Xue, Wuyan, Princess Peacock, Shangguan Feiyan, Beef Soup, Gong Susu, Shaman, Aunt Lilac, Chen Jingjing, one of the flower widows."

Xue Bing: ...


Luo Wei looked at the other party in surprise, "Why didn't the girl speak, could it be that I guessed wrong?" "。

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