Xue Bing gritted his teeth and said: "You guessed right, I am indeed one of them, I am Xue Bing." "

Luo Wei suddenly realized, "It turns out that you are Xue Bing." "

Xue Bing nodded and said hatefully: "Luo Gongzi, you honestly tell me that these people you said are really Lu Xiaofeng's confidantes. "

"Still, you already know my identity, so you amuse me."

Luo Wei looked at Xue Bing's gaze like he was about to eat people, and knew that the string of names he had just read had angered this tigress.

He hesitated, but decided to tell the truth.

"No lie, these are Lu Xiaofeng's confidantes, and there are not a few who have slept with Lu Xiaofeng."

"But don't worry, among this group of confidantes, Lu Xiaofeng's favorite is you and Shaman."

Huang Rong couldn't help but cover her face, my brother Vigo, you did it on purpose.

It's better not to say this.

Xue Bing couldn't help but ask, "Who is Shaman?" "

Luo Wei said: "Shaman has a bizarre background, she is the daughter of Zhong Wubone, the first celebrity among the lay disciples of the Wudang Sect in Lu Xiaofeng's legendary world, and the sister of Fang Yufei, the flying jade tiger. "

"This girl was sold into a brothel by her brother Fang Yufei since she was a child, and lived a very acceptable and painful life, and was later favored by Gong Jiu, ransomed for her, and brought her back to the secret island and became Gong Jiu's lover."

Although Gong Jiu loves him very much, Sharman does not have the slightest affection for Gong Jiu, plus Gong Jiu's temperament is strange and extreme. It makes Sharman lonely and arrogant, cold as frost, and even tired of the worldly world and life. "

"But after meeting Lu Xiaofeng, he was gradually infected by Lu Xiaofeng, followed him to life and death, and finally helped Lu Xiaofeng kill Sword Evil Palace Nine."

"Because of this, Sharman has become one of Lu Xiaofeng's favorite confidantes."

"Status is not below you."

"So you don't have to worry too much, Sharman is just comparable to you, can't surpass you, after all, you were dead at that time, leaving indelible scars in Lu Xiaofeng's heart."

Xue Bing was speechless, and after a long time, he gritted his teeth and said, "Then I really thank you." "

"You're welcome." Rowe smiled softly.

Xue Bingqi's nose was crooked, couldn't this person even understand the opposite.

Seeing this, Lin Shiyin smiled slightly, and said softly: "Okay, don't tease Miss Xue." "

Rowe smiled.

Xue Bing knew that Luo Wei was angry with himself just now, and he couldn't help but be even more angry, this man is also too doggy.

Luo Wei knew that Xue Bing was really angry, and quickly comforted: "I mainly saw that your expression was too serious just now, so I want to relax, don't be angry, don't be angry." "

"Tell me, what are you coming to me for?"

Xue Bing gave Luo Wei a blank look, and said hatefully: "You said before that I would die because of Lu Xiaofeng, what is going on?" "

Luo Wei suddenly realized and said: "It turns out that this is the case, this starts with Jin Jiuling~." "

Xue Bing asked, "Are you talking about Jin Jiuling, the chief catcher of the six doors?" "

Luo Wei nodded and said, "Yes, Jin Jiuling has been catching thieves for many years, so he feels that this group of thieves is too stupid, they are all a group of waste, and over time a thought arises." "

"If I were a thief, I would not be caught after committing a crime."

"He wanted to commit a perfect crime."

"So one day, Jin Jiuling turned into an embroidery thief and made several major cases that caused a sensation in the world."

"Every time I commit a crime, I leave an embroidered handkerchief in place, so I am called the embroidery thief."

"Later, Jin Jiuling designed to lure Lu Xiaofeng into the urn, just to use Lu Xiaofeng to complete his plan."

"Lu Xiaofeng is Jin Jiuling's friend, naturally he will not suspect Jin Jiuling, so he accepted this case and became Jin Jiuling's puppet step by step."

"Because the embroidery thief will leave a handkerchief every time, Lu Xiaofeng went to consult Mrs. Xue."

"After you heard about this matter, you wanted to judge the case with Lu Xiaofeng."

"During this period, I met another friend of Lu Xiaofeng, the Snake King."

"The Snake King is the head snake of the capital, and he has a wide network of people."

"Lu Xiaofeng wants to check someone, naturally he can't bypass the snake king."

"He regards the Snake King as a friend, but unfortunately he doesn't know that the Snake King has long been subject to Jin Jiuling."

"The snake king is a thief, and Jin Jiuling is an official, as long as Jin Jiuling is willing, he can easily sweep away all the efforts of the snake king, so the snake king has to obey Jin Jiuling."

"Once you had a little conflict with Lu Xiaofeng and returned to the snake king's mansion to drink."

"The snake king drugged you in the wine and gave you unconscious to Jin Jiuling."

Although later Lu Xiaofeng used his ingenuity to expose Jin Jiuling's disguise, and even killed Jin Jiuling with his own hands. But you haven't been there since. "

"Anyone who has read the book knows that you were killed by Jin Jiuling."

"And before he died, he must have been played with by Jin Jiuling hatefully."

"After all, Jin Jiuling is a normal man, and you are a beautiful woman..."

"Don't say it!!"

Before Luo Wei finished speaking, Xue Bing roared and interrupted Luo Wei's words.

Luo Wei saw that his face was pale and trembling, and he knew that what he had just said had scared this beauty.

Although Xue Bing is called one of the four tigresses in the original plot, she is still a woman, and when she hears about her death, she will inevitably be a little afraid.

Luo Wei thought for a while and decided to comfort Xue Bing, "But you don't have to worry too much, this world is completely different from Lu Xiaofeng's legendary world, it is a comprehensive martial arts world, and various characters are intertwined. "

"The original plot has long been unrecognizable."

"Even if there is still a little bit of destiny, but you already know your future, there is always a way to avoid it." (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

"If there is really no way to avoid it, you will commit suicide, and then I promise to revive you, what do you think?"

When Huang Rong heard this, she couldn't help but look at Luo Wei with a stunned face, and she was so comforting.

Ah Zhu was angry and funny, and couldn't help complaining: "Gongzi, how can you be so comforting." "

Rowe said: "I don't talk about those false things, there is a resurrection of the dead, even if you really encounter danger in the future, don't be afraid, I will definitely resurrect you." "

When the women heard this, although they felt funny, they unconsciously felt an unprecedented sense of security in their hearts.

Dead can be resurrected.

This sense of security is simply bursting.

When Xue Bing heard Luo Wei say this, he suddenly didn't have so much fear of the future, and turned his head to look at Luo Wei, "I am not related to you, are you really willing to resurrect me?" "

Luo Wei said: "Since we are here, everyone is friends, and it is my duty to resurrect my friends." "

Xue Bing is not the kind of little woman who twists and pinches, and she smiled heartily when she heard this, "Okay, then you are a friend I Xue Bing has made, from today onwards, you will be my good friend for life." "

"If you encounter any trouble in the future, just come to me, I will definitely handle it for you."

Luo Wei got up and poured a cup of tea for Xue Bing, "Soon there will be extraterrestrial heavenly demons coming, and we should not drink alcohol, so now I will replace wine with tea and toast a good friend." "

Xue Bing readily agreed, picked up the water cup and touched Luo Wei, and drank it all.

“.. When we kill the extraterrestrial heavenly demon tonight, we will drink and drink happily, not drunk and not returning. "

"Yes." Rowe also answered cheerfully.

In this way, Xue Bing smoothly integrated into Luo Wei's small group.

After the evening banquet, Rowe and the others cleaned up the table, and then silently waited for midnight.

Before midnight, Luo Wei set up a formation in Li Yuan to protect Li Yuan, and when he fought with the Extraterrestrial Heavenly Demon, he destroyed Li Yuan's buildings.

With the protection of this formation, Li Yuan could be spared.

With a minute to go before midnight, Rowe pulled out a handful of iron beans and threw them out.

Tiangang changed thirty-six, scattering beans into soldiers.

In an instant, the iron beans in the sky turned into an iron-armored warrior holding a sword, gun and halberd, each iron-armored warrior was two meters tall, his attitude was majestic, and his body was full of murderous aura.

Luo Wei let these ironclad warriors hide in the formation and wait for the rabbit.

When Luo Weibu was busy, he had already arranged the entire Li Yuan solidly.

At the same time, a mechanical voice sounded in Rowe's mind.

[Extraterrestrial Heavenly Demon is about to invade, countdown, ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one! ] 】

The last number falls.

In the void, suddenly a thunder fell from the sky.

It landed in Li Yuan's backyard.

After the thunder disappeared, the extraterrestrial heavenly demon officially came.

Luo Wei, A Zhu, Lin Shiyin, Huang Rong, Lan Phoenix, and Xue (Nuo Zhao Hao) Bing were sitting on the roof of Li Yuan, condescendingly scanning the entire Li Garden.

The appearance of the extraterrestrial heavenly demon did not escape the eyes of several people.

Luo Wei fixed his eyes and couldn't help but gasp.

The last time he invaded this world, the extraterrestrial heavenly demon was the centipede spirit of the Huluwa world.

Therefore, Luo Wei took it for granted that the extraterritorial heavenly demon that invaded this time was likely to be a monster in this world.

For example, toad spirit, bat spirit, or scorpion king.

Even the snake essence that held Jade Ruyi, Luo Wei had thought about it.

However, when Luo Wei saw this newly emerged extraterrestrial heavenly demon clearly, he found that he had missed it.

This extraterritorial heavenly demon who invaded the comprehensive martial arts world was not a monster in the gourd world at all.

It's a woman.

A woman with a soft complexion, black hair hanging down her waist, and an enchanting posture.

No matter how this woman looks at it, she has nothing to do with toad essence, bat essence, and even snake essence.

No matter how you look at it, she is a normal woman.

However, Rowe was not careless, but raised his vigilance.

If this woman is really a youkai, it must be a very powerful youkai.

Because only powerful monsters can completely turn into human form.

Although the previous centipede essence was powerful, it had not been able to completely transform into a human form, and the road was far behind.

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