Luo Wei signaled the women around him to be vigilant, and was about to order the ironclad warriors hidden in the shadows to move.

But at this moment, the mysterious woman suddenly raised her head and locked her gaze on the location of Luo Wei's group of people.

When this mysterious woman saw several people around Luo Wei, her eyes suddenly showed a greedy gaze, but this gaze flashed away and was quickly covered up by the woman.

Fortunately, Luo Wei kept staring at this mysterious woman, so he didn't miss it.

This made him more sure that this mysterious woman was not a simple character.

"Several, can you come down and talk?" The mysterious woman asked.

Rowe hesitated, let the women stay on the roof, jumped off the roof himself, and landed in the yard.

The mysterious woman saw Luo Wei come down and asked, "What is this place?" "

Luo Wei also happened to want to find out the origin of this mysterious woman, so he answered honestly: "This is Li Yuan, who are you, why are you here." "

The mysterious woman said with a sad face: "I'm just a pitiful person. "

"Poor man?" Rowe didn't believe it.

The mysterious woman said: "My parents were greedy for money and sold me to a rich family, and my eldest wife was very jealous of me, and I was either scolded or beaten all day, I really couldn't bear this humiliation, so I planned to go far." "

"However, not long after I left home, a strange wind blew in, and by the time I came to my senses, I was already here."

The mysterious woman said at the end, and sadly left a few tears, pear blossoms with rain, lovely.

She originally thought that her remarks could impress Rowe, but when she looked at Rowe again, she found that Rowe looked strange.

And the reason why Luo Wei has a strange face is mainly because this woman's words are too familiar.

It seems to have been heard somewhere.

"You really escaped from the other party's house because you were beaten and scolded by your eldest wife 673?" Rowe asked.

The mysterious woman bowed her head and said, "Please also ask Gongzi Mingjian, everything I say is the truth." "

Luo Wei sighed, his figure jerked back, and said in his mouth: "Kill!" "

In the next second, the iron-armored warrior hidden in the shadows rushed out from all directions, brandishing his sword and killing the mysterious woman.

The mysterious woman's face changed, and her originally weak face instantly became hideous.

"I want you to die!"

She roared, her voice was not as soft and sweet as before, but rough and scary.

At this moment, three or five iron-armored warriors had already rushed in front of the mysterious woman and slashed through with their swords.

The air was cut open by a sharp long knife, making a mournful whistling sound.

The mysterious woman grabbed the long knife that slashed over with her bare hands, and the flesh and blood body was not afraid of the blade of the iron-armored warrior, and collided with the sharp blade.

Just listen to a crisp sound coming from the ding.

The blade of the ironclad warrior slashed into the mysterious woman's hand, but it made a sound like a steel clash.

The mysterious woman grabbed the long knife and swung it hard, directly throwing the ironclad Lux holding the knife up, and crashed into the bodies of other ironclad Lux, knocking out several ironclad Lux who rushed to the front.

But more ironclad warriors rushed forward fearlessly.

One after another, the former servants rushed towards the mysterious woman.

The mysterious woman snorted coldly, opened her hand, and released black winds, knocking out all the approaching iron-armored warriors.

However, the ironclad quickly got up from the ground and continued to besiege the mysterious woman.

Seeing this, the mysterious woman realized the extraordinary nature of Ironclad Lux, so she did not entangle with Ironclad Lux, but walked around Ironclad Lux.

Her figure was soft, and her steps were like electricity, but in an instant, she passed through the encirclement of the iron-armored Lux, and squeezed out from the layers of encirclement, her eyes were fierce, fierce, and she looked at Luo Wei proudly.

I saw that the mysterious woman was like a ghost, quickly approaching Luo Wei.

Xue Bing, who was standing on the roof, saw this scene and couldn't help but roar, "How daring." "

She raised her hand and flicked it, and thin needles had already flown out, making a sharp sound of breaking the air.

The Divine Needle Xue family, the most skilled kung fu is naturally the flying needle.

Their family's fine needles can not only embroider, but also hurt people, even if they are not as good as Xiao Li's flying knife, but looking at the rivers and lakes is also a first-class secret weapon technique.

However, the fine needle that Xue Bingfei shot out hit the mysterious woman, as if it was shot on steel, without causing the mysterious woman the slightest damage.

However, in the blink of an eye, the mysterious woman had already rushed in front of Rowe.

The distance between the two sides is less than a meter.

As long as the mysterious woman raised her hand, she could tear open Luo Wei's chest and take out Luo Wei's heart.

However, at this moment, Luo Wei raised his hand and aimed his palm at the mysterious woman.


In an instant, a thunder light burst out from Luo Wei's palm, which was the reward palm thunder that Luo Wei had obtained before.

The distance between the mysterious woman and Luo Wei was too close, and she couldn't dodge Luo Wei's palm thunder at this distance.

The piercing thunder bombarded the mysterious woman's chest with a thunderous momentum, and exploded, and the power of the thunder was vividly displayed at this moment.

No matter what kind of demon and monster the mysterious woman is, in the face of the power of thunder, she will be hit hard.

After all, Thunder is the nemesis of demons and monsters.

Sure enough.

After the mysterious woman was blasted out, she couldn't help but let out a hysterical scream, the scream was like a man's voice.

Immediately afterwards, the clothes and skin on the mysterious woman's body were destroyed in large areas under the bombardment of thunder, revealing cyan skin.

The mysterious woman saw the destruction of the human skin on her body and simply tore off the remaining human skin. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

A demon with a green face and jagged teeth appeared in front of Luo Wei, Huang Rong, Lin Shiyin, Blue Phoenix, A Zhu, and Xue Bing and others.

When the women saw this hideous ghost, their hearts trembled with fear.

Only Luo Wei looked clear, "It's really you Pigeon." "(bbfc)

The painted skin ghost comes from the story of painting the skin in the chat.

It tells the story of a hideous-faced evil ghost, wearing human skin painted with colored brushes, dressing up as a beloved beauty, and playing various deceptive means to achieve the purpose of splitting people's stomachs and taking out people's hearts.

Later, the evil ghost was recognized by a Taoist priest, and under the blow of the wooden sword, he was forced to finally take off the "painted skin" and reveal his true appearance, and was eliminated by a sword.

The moral of this novel is deep and intriguing, and it is supposed to warn men not to be seduced by beauty, lest they be killed by demons in human skin.

The protagonist of this story is called Wang Sheng, a scholar from Taiyuan Prefecture.

This Wang Sheng went out early in the morning and met a woman on the road, holding the burden in her arms, running alone, and her steps were very difficult.

Wang Sheng quickened his pace to catch up with her, and saw that she was fifteen or six years old and very beautiful, so he became fond of her.

He asked the woman, "Why walk alone early in the morning?" "

The woman said: "People who are in a hurry, can't be a companion to relieve their worries, why bother to ask more?" "

Wang Sheng said again: "If you have any worries, just say it, maybe I can serve and will not shirk." "

Then the woman said with a bleak expression: "My parents were greedy for money and sold me to a rich family, and my eldest wife was very jealous of me, and I was either scolded or beaten all day, I really couldn't bear this humiliation, so I planned to go far." "

Listen, is this the same as the words that the mysterious woman fooled Luo Wei just now.

However, Wang Sheng did not know that the woman was an evil ghost, and happily put the woman in his home.

And because Luo Wei saw the story of the painted skin, he recognized the identity of the woman.

It's just that at first, Luo Wei was not sure, so he let the ironclad warriors he summoned temptation.

After some fighting, it was discovered that this mysterious woman was a painted ghost.

After the Peeves' disguise was exposed, he forcibly endured the pain and attacked Rowe.

But before the painted ghost could make a move, the iron-armored warrior summoned by Luo Wei chased after him, surrounded the painted ghost again, brandished the iron knife, and slashed it with a solemn look.

The painted ghost was just hit by Luo Wei with palm lightning, the injury was not light, and his figure was no longer as flexible as before, and he could only fight hard in the face of the fierce iron-armored Lux.

But the last thing that the ironclad warriors are afraid of is to fight hard, because they are not living people at all, but the warriors summoned by Rowe.

The attack of the painted ghost hit the body of the Iron Armored Lux, knocking the Iron Armored Lux out.

But before he could retract his hand, another ironclad warrior stepped forward and filled the vacancy just now.

Under the siege of a group of ironclad warriors, the painted ghosts began to stand left and right, regardless of their heads.

Ironclad Lux slashed at the body of the painted ghost one after another.

Originally, I thought that the iron armored Lux was in hand, but soon found that although the iron armored Lux was fierce, the iron knife in his hand was too ordinary, even if it was split on the body of the painted ghost, it could only rub a series of sparks.

There's simply no way to hurt the painters.

If it weren't for the fact that the Painted Ghost had been injured by the palm lightning just now, he would have now been killed.

Seeing this, Rowe remembered the reward he received today.

I saw that with a wave of his big hand, a cloud of golden light flew out and merged into the blade of the iron-armored warrior.

The blade of the iron-armored warrior suddenly appeared a faint layer of golden light.

Seeing these golden lights, the painting ghosts were creepy, and a strong crisis suddenly arose.

It roared suddenly, and an invisible black air stream erupted from its body, shaking all the surrounding iron-armored Lux out.

Then, the painted ghosts flew into the sky and wanted to escape from Li Yuan.

However, when he flew to an altitude of more than ten meters, he suddenly hit an invisible obstacle, only to hear a muffled sound coming from mid-air, and the whole person of Peeves' body was like an out-of-control plane, falling from a high altitude.

Then plopped, fell into the yard.

This was exactly the formation that Luo Wei had arranged in Li Yuan before it came, using the art of arraying.

The entire Li Garden has long been guarded by this formation, and without Luo Wei's permission, not a single fly can fly in, and thousands of troops and horses cannot be killed.

Unless Rowe is killed, Peeers can't escape at all.

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